
sorcererso I upgraded to 20.04 and now the characters in my terminal are showing as block instead of username@computer01:54
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
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steve86how long does it take to install xubuntu 18.04.4?05:04
steve86i'm currently installing and it seemed stuck on getting the time from a network time server05:04
steve86currently using firefox through pre install screen05:05
diogenes_steve86, depends on the hardware, the average would be 15 min.05:06
steve86Thanks diogenes05:21
steve86maybe i'm missing a codec of some sort? i was getting an error that the usb downloaded the media too fast05:23
steve86i plan on returning in about 5 minutes to see05:23
steve86i'm back... still not installed...05:34
diogenes_steve86, is the progress bar moving?05:38
steve86no progress bar05:39
steve86shows 2 happy faced ppl05:40
steve86happy faced ppl05:40
steve86Join the community is the page05:40
steve86i tried installing the grub just to see if it would do something05:41
steve86it seems it did05:41
steve86i can't paste the screenshot somewhere here in forum?05:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:46
coconutIs there any window resize tool like "Spectacle"(macOS) ?08:57
gnrpcoconut: xfce can do that by default09:51
gnrpsettings -> window management -> tile windows left/right/etc.09:52
gnrp(exact wording might differ, I am not on English here)09:52
coconutgnrp, can it make a 50% width windowed window wider for a small amount too?(some websites in firefox need this)09:55
* coconut need to go to the kitchen. brb09:56
gnrpcoconut: Not that I know of. I thought there is something to resize a window just by a certain bit, but don'T find it10:00
diogenes_coconut, you can use wmctrl + xdotool and make scripts for different applications to obey the given size and position, there also devilspie and kpie.10:04
pongalhi there10:22
coconutgood to know there are techniques for that!10:30
diogenes_!hi | pongal10:31
ubottupongal: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:31
pongalhi diogenes_ I remember you from 2 years ago10:31
pongalWere you a regular here ?10:31
diogenes_pongal, yes i've been here for a long time.10:32
pongalI installed ubuntu on my system again, and I would like to use Ubuntu full time10:33
pongalBut it's not so convinient for someone who got spoiled on windows machines10:33
pongalfor eg, there is no easy way to disable webcam and microphone10:33
diogenes_and how you do it in windows?10:35
pongalin windows 10, there is a setting in control panel to enable/disable webcam system wide10:36
pongalI dont know how to do that in ubuntu10:36
pongalanyway, i am looking for some courses or youtube channels to learn linux indepth10:36
diogenes_there are plenty.10:37
=== Lorenzo is now known as Guest78450
Guest78450Qualcuno gentilmente mi spiega cosa è successo con Snapstore?12:15
Guest78450Ho capito bene che l'aggiornamento ha sostituito Gnome Software con Snap Store?12:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:20
Guest78450Could somebody confirm Snap Store automatically replaced Gnome Software on Xubuntu?12:21
xu-help77wPlease, I am trying to understand what happened with last system update on Xubuntu. It seems Snap Store was installed automatically in the "System" menu and previous software-management-application was removed.12:48
xu-help77wBefore the update "snap list" showed nothing installed, now it shows:12:51
xu-help77wcore18             20200311            1705  latest/stable    canonical✓  basegnome-3-34-1804    0+git.2c86692       27    latest/stable    canonical✓  -gtk-common-themes  0.1-36-gc75f853     1506  latest/stable    canonical✓  -snap-store         3.36.0-74-ga164ec9  433   latest/stable/…  canonical✓  -snapd              2.44.312:51
xu-help77w7264  latest/stable    canonical✓  snapd12:51
diogenes_xu-help77w, that's intended.13:04
xu-help77wthat WHAT?13:07
xu-help77wreplacing software without asking???13:08
diogenes_Snap Store was installed automatically and  previous software-management-application was removed.13:08
diogenes_this ^^^^13:08
diogenes_xu-help77w, more than that, the replace xfce version without asking )13:09
xu-help77wwhat xfce version?13:11
diogenes_i mean when you upgrade 18.04 to 20.04 your xfce version will change from 4.12 to 4.14.13:13
xu-help77wthat is clearly stated13:13
xu-help77wthe system update is for updating installed software13:14
xu-help77wnot for removing and replacing13:14
xu-help77wplus snap store does not work with xubuntu!!13:14
diogenes_xu-help77w, in any case your question is for canonical.13:14
xu-help77wwell yes, and all xubuntu users13:15
xu-help77wwho will update and find snap store installed13:15
diogenes_i use synaptic.13:15
xu-help77wme too13:17
xu-help77wone more reason to not have snap store enforced on me13:17
xu-help77wI would say https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231094/why-do-i-have-the-gnome-3-34-1804-snap-package-installed-on-ubuntu-20-04-after13:29
xu-help77wthis is really disconcerning13:30
xu-help4wI am a new linux user and I have installed xubuntu.Unfortunately my brightness changing doesn't work of notification panel,can you help me?13:38
coconutdoes xubuntu has the same nvidia optimus sys-tray like ubuntu-mate when "nvidia optimus" installed? ( https://ubuntu-mate.org/images/blog/eoan/mate-optimus-19.10.1.png )14:01
coconutwith "the same" i mean that one can select for intel or nvidia card14:03
pmjdebruijndoes xfce not use graphical-session.target.wants ?14:36
pmjdebruijnis /etc/xdg/autostart still the way to go for xfce?14:37
brainwashpmjdebruijn: why would it use that?15:05
=== Celso is now known as Celso_Saiu
coconutDoes xubuntu has the same nvidia optimus sys-tray like thing as ubuntu-mate has when "nvidia optimus" is installed? ( https://ubuntu-mate.org/images/blog/eoan/mate-optimus-19.10.1.png )15:16
xu-help99wI have a problem with Xubuntu 20.04 and my Fujitsu lifebook P702 laptop15:17
xu-help99wWhere can I get support?15:17
geniiThe best thing is just to describe the problem in here, and maybe a helper will know how to assist15:19
xu-help99wNamely, it does not have a separate numeric keyboard only through the "FN" key is obtained. In Xubuntu it is natively active and I do not know how to turn it off.15:20
xu-help99wCzyli chcę wpisać literę i, ale wpisuje się 5, chcę wpisać literę K, ale wpisuje się 2. I tak dalej.15:21
diogenes_xu-help99w, try hitting padlock key.15:21
xu-help99wWhen I install Kubuntu there are no problems. The keyboard works normally15:22
xu-help99wAnd why is that so? Can anything be done to make the keyboard work normally like in Kubuntu? In Xubuntu 19.10 there was the same problem.15:28
diogenes_<diogenes_> xu-help99w, try hitting padlock key.15:29
diogenes_<diogenes_> rozumijesz?15:29
diogenes_ma i invisible guys? test15:31
coconutdiogenes_, no you're visible15:32
diogenes_coconut, thanks )15:32
xu-help99wOnly it does nothing. Only pressing the FN key helps. But after releasing it, the problem returns.15:33
diogenes_xu-help99w, Ty widziales co ja napisalem?15:34
xu-help99wYes. I saw - only used Polish translator.15:35
diogenes_xu-help99w, are you polish?15:36
xu-help99wTak. Jestem z Polski.15:37
xu-help99wTak nie znam dobrze angielskiego, więc używam translatora google.15:37
xu-help99wYes. I'm from Poland.15:39
diogenes_xu-help99w, napisz szczegolna model komputera.15:39
* linuxnt los saluda desde Pesquería, México.15:40
xu-help99wFujitsu P70215:40
xu-help99wtylko wersja z procesorem i3 237015:40
diogenes_ok czekaj.15:41
xu-help99wale mostej północny jest 3 generacji15:41
xu-help99w HM76 Chipset15:41
diogenes_xu-help99w, zobacz na zdjecju: https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/numlock_keys_highlit.png15:45
diogenes_nacisnij na Numlk.15:45
xu-help99wTak to jest dokładnie taki układ.15:45
diogenes_<diogenes_> nacisnij na Numlk.15:46
diogenes_<diogenes_> nacisnij na Numlk.15:46
xu-help99wjednak wciskanie tego przycisku numlock nic nie daje.15:46
xu-help99wpomaga tylko wciśnięcie klawisza funkcyjnego do15:46
linuxntLa komputilio sur la tablo!15:46
xu-help99wZa to gdy Kubuntu instaluję takich problemów nie ma15:47
xu-help99wklawiatura działa normalnie - czyli jest poprawnie przez system wykrywana15:47
xu-help99wdlaczego tak - jest? System - jądro ma w sobie wiecej sterowników?15:48
xu-help99wTeraz z tego samego problemu zainstalowałem Kubuntu 20.0415:49
diogenes_xu-help99w, zmien typ klawiatury tutaj: https://i.imgur.com/AEa7sQy.png15:49
xu-help99wBo przy Xubuntu nie byłem w stanie normalnie hasła do WiFi włączyć.15:49
xu-help99wDobrze. Odpalę instalację Xubuntu raz jeszcze i zobaczę czy to coś pomoże.15:50
diogenes_takze sprobuj ctrl+numlk albo fn+numlk.15:51
xu-help99wodpalam ładowanie z płyty i zaraz będzie wszystko wiadomo.15:52
xu-irc4whi Xubuntu 20.0415:52
xu-irc4wLTS 2023 or 2025/15:52
diogenes_ 202315:53
xu-irc4wSo only the main GNOME desktop 2025? or xubuntu may get kernel support?15:54
xu-help99wWięc porobiłem teraz testy.16:03
xu-help99wi jeżeli wcisnę FN + Numlock + literę16:04
xu-help99wi puszczę to jest dobrze. Można pisać normalnie16:05
xu-help99wale czasami jak wskoczy układ stary16:05
xu-help99wto na powrót nie zawsze zaskakuje16:06
xu-help99wi trzeba kilka razy wciskać tę kombinację żeby zaskoczyło.16:06
xu-help99wW kubuntu działa to z marszu16:10
dispospeak english16:10
xu-help99wI. No. Only through the translator can I speak.16:11
dispothis is an english channel16:13
dispoenglish speaking only16:13
xu-help99wThat's why I use google translator for conversations.16:14
=== Celso_Saiu is now known as Celso
wrhow do i change the keyboard layout permanently on the xubuntu?17:11
diogenes_wr, you mean to set a default language?17:12
wrdiogenes_, yes17:13
wrsetxkbmap en17:13
wrdiogenes_, i used the setxknmap but now the user says that on typing keys are typing other letters17:14
diogenes_wr, https://i.imgur.com/n4EUM2G.png17:14
wrdiogenes_, yes i used that one too17:14
diogenes_wr, what language?17:15
wrdiogenes_, when user types keyboard ain't still making it right, when i used the setxkbmap it putted it typing correct, but now user said to me keys are changed again, what could the issue?17:16
wrdiogenes_, i'm gonna rephrase this cause my english today is awful17:18
wrdiogenes_, when the user types on keyboard it ain't still making it right, when i used the setxkbmap it putted it typing correctly, but now the user said to me the keys are changed again, what could the issue?17:19
wrafter a reboot things went back to same situation17:20
wri read this https://askubuntu.com/questions/342066/how-to-permanently-configure-keyboard17:20
diogenes_wr, i'm not too experienced in keyboard stuff sorry, maybe you have 'save session' enable.17:22
pgpfoxHi, anyone knows how i can change the fontsize and visability of my window description? Its a little blurry and ugly right now and i dont know how to change this. https://imgur.com/GGbQxuj.png << printscreen of issue.17:29
diogenes_pgpfox, change window decoration theme.17:32
pgpfox@diogenes_ where can i find this17:34
diogenes_settind > window manager17:34
pgpfoxdiogenes_:  thank you, you are a hero. :)17:42
diogenes_pgpfox, you're welcome and thanks :)17:43
pgpfoxi cant change desktop even though my keyboard shortcuts says ctrl + alt + arrowUP / arrowDOWN shall switch between desktops?17:53
pgpfoxnothing happens..17:54
wrdiogenes_, has that, will that change any KB setting?17:55
diogenes_pgpfox, you mean virtual desktops?17:56
pgpfoxdiogenes_:  yes17:58
diogenes_pgpfox, settings > window manager > keyboard there is where you define the shotcuts for that stuff.17:59
pgpfoxdiogenes_:  yes, thats were im at17:59
pgpfoxdefault it says ctrl + alt + up shall take me to upper desktop17:59
pgpfoxctrl + alt + down = lower desktop18:00
diogenes_wr, i mean if you have 'save session' enabled it might cause issues.18:00
pgpfoxbut it doesnt do shit when i press these keys18:00
wrdiogenes_, can you elaborate more why? i thought the save would keep settings18:00
diogenes_wr, because 'save session' option is the achiles's heel of xfce, it's the buggies thing in the DE and you can't imagine how many trouble it causes to the users, sometimes it screws up the entire desktop so you can't even login, sometimes it doesn't remember correctly the settings and can start your desktop without some core components, other times it won't allow you to save your changes and will revert the older ones after the reboot and many many18:03
wrmaybe i should start disabling it18:04
diogenes_disable it and after that run: rm ~/.cache/sessions/* and reboot and see if your problem still persists.18:05
abtmhas anyone else noticed the funky re-install of the snap store snap?18:08
diogenes_there have been complains.18:09
abtmon some of my vms it just seems to hang....18:11
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest72900
=== Guest72900 is now known as pgpfox
xu-help14wdoes anybody have problems to install an canon mg5250???19:35
xu-help42wHelp me :(19:56
xu-help42wDriver E2-3200 with Radeon™ HD 6370D for Xubuntu 20 ? :(  :(19:57
xu-help42wgrazie a tutti19:58
turbokittyfor some reason these icons "file system root" and "efi" appeared on my desktop for no real reason. When i try to open the efi icon it says "permission denied" having these show up all of the sudden today seems really weird.20:02
turbokittyIm running xubuntu 20.04.20:05
brainwashturbokitty: did you maybe uninstall gvfs?20:24
brainwashturbokitty: or change /etc/fstab ?20:24
turbokittyno i didnt unstall gvfs or change /etc/fstab20:31
brainwashturbokitty: are those entries listed in thunar's side pane also?20:35
brainwashturbokitty: is the env var DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set?20:51
brainwashecho $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS20:52
brainwashin a terminal window20:52
turbokittyis what it says when i run that command20:54
brainwashthat's okay I guess20:54
brainwash"file system root" and other hidden partitions can appear in thunar (and xfdesktop) when that variable is not set20:57
brainwashbecause that disables gvfs20:57
brainwashbut in your case, it is set20:57
brainwashand you confirmed that you have "gvfs" related processes running?20:58
brainwashgvfsd and gvfs-*20:59
turbokittyi never uninstalled it but i can check21:02
turbokittyya it's running21:02
turbokittythere's a whole bunch21:02
turbokittyone of them is http which is kind of odd21:03
turbokittythis is what shows up when i look if this helps https://pastebin.com/8Efuf1bm21:06
Vata0is it possible to hide all system tray icons like windows does with the little arror21:07
brainwashturbokitty: well.. at this point I would check if the problem occurs with a second user account too21:10
turbokittyso another account with sudo like the one i am on or just a regular user?21:11
brainwashturbokitty: regular user21:11
turbokittyThough what do you mean, the icons, or the strange proccesses when I looked for gvfs?21:12
brainwashnot sure if I understand that question21:13
brainwashgvfs is a backend which helps to mount various things21:14
turbokittythe icons i mentioned in the screen shot and or the what i thought was weird proccesses21:14
brainwashcheck if a fresh user account displays those unnecessary icons also21:19
brainwashthe gvfs processes are expected to be there21:19
davidwhi - am I missing something for do-release-upgrade to upgrade to focal? I have Prompt=normal, and not lts21:24
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | davidw21:26
ubottudavidw: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d21:26
lighterowloh wow, there's a canned response for this now. will keep that in mind.21:27
davidwI'm on 19.10 though21:27
davidwguess -d still works though21:28
lighterowldavidw: I did that last Friday and it kind-of-sort-of-mostly worked, but do-release-upgrade choked on some python packages and finally gave up. had to do apt-get --fix-broken to actually upgrade everything.21:29
davidwyikes... fingers crossed21:29
lighterowlyeah, well, the system works fine after all that, so don't worry more than you need to.21:29
turbokittybrainwash, i tried logging into a regular user account but all it did was open a blank desktop with no icons or anything, I had to press alt + ctrl + del to get out of there.21:35
brainwashturbokitty: more trouble =S21:38

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