
jammorning. just finished the town hall08:44
Chipacamoin moin moin09:06
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!09:10
niemeyerMoring jam, Chipaca, facubatista09:10
facubatistahola niemeyer. jam, Chipaca09:11
ChipacaI just heard back from the person that owns 'ops'09:13
Chipacawe'll see how it goes09:13
niemeyerAh, nice!09:14
niemeyerjam: Can you respond Casey's question on the Q&A?12:56
niemeyerjam: With a link to your doc12:56
niemeyerjam: Or a point about it12:57
facubatistajam, this is the bug regarding "we need exec for k8s, not ssh", right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/187542213:33
facubatistamthaddon, ^13:33
* mthaddon waits with interest :)13:34
jammthaddon, facubatista : that is the bug for ssh, we probably want a slightly different one for debug-hooks/debug-code since they "don't have an easy workaround via kubectl exec"13:34
mthaddonwould love to be able to use the code debugging stuff on k8s13:34
mthaddonI'd be happy to file one if you like?13:35
jammthaddon, if it super important, we might be able to work with you to get a hack together with a custom bash + kubectl exec script13:35
niemeyerWe'll be significantly improving the kid support in the near future.. that will be easier to do when we're finished with that13:35
niemeyerKid support will take a bit longer13:35
jammthaddon, I haven't tried it, but the juju agent looks for special files to decide to run in debug mode, so we should be able to inject those via kubectl, I think.13:36
mthaddonIs it worth filing the bug now, and seeing how long it'll take to implement on the juju side, as that'd be needed either way, right? (even if you're planning improvements to support k8s)13:37
niemeyerBeing able to track it certainly won't hurt.. I suggest just pointing out the note above with it, and mentioning it's for tracking for when the time comes13:38
* mthaddon nods13:38
niemeyerThanks! Complemented it with the note mentioned.13:48
mthaddonoh sorry, I must have misunderstood which note you meant :(13:49
niemeyerNo worries13:49
* facubatista -> lunch14:52
mup_Issue operator#247 opened: Circular dependency error after pulling in latest version of framework <Created by gnuoy> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/247>16:46
* facubatista bb~30'17:32
* facubatista is back18:27
mup_PR operator#248 opened: Import internal modules in a controlled way. Fixes #247 <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/248>19:37
jamfacubatista, thanks for the pr, reviewed19:56
jamand I'm heading to bed. night all19:56
facubatistajam, thank you20:04
* facubatista eods too20:10

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