
mupBug #1871827 opened: git ubuntu submit fails on focal <snap> <submit> <Snappy:New> <usd-importer:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1871827>03:33
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8581/checks?check_run_id=631328561 <- persistent journal failed05:58
mupPR #8581: tests: port pulseaudio test to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8581>05:58
mupPR snapd#8582 opened: github: register matchers before running spread <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8582>06:08
mvohey pstolowski07:24
pstolowskimvo: hi! how is the sprint going?07:24
zygahey guys07:30
zygaI'm doing some test fixes07:30
zygapstolowski: do you have backscroll?07:30
zygapstolowski: can you see my message at 7:58?07:30
pstolowskizyga: i don't have it07:31
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8581/checks?check_run_id=631328561 <- persistent journal failed07:31
mupPR #8581: tests: port pulseaudio test to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8581>07:31
zygathe failure is silly but wonder why07:31
pstolowskizyga: yeah it consistent with the previous failures, no idea. looks like snapd gets restarted (or crashes) during configure hook. i will think about a debug section for this test. thanks07:38
zygais there something in the logs?07:38
pstolowskizyga: nothing obvious, "Running task 84 on Do: Run configure hook of "core" snap" is the last task run, and snap set fails with 'error: cannot communicate with server: Put http://localhost/v2/snaps/core/conf: EOF'07:42
zygawhat ran before?07:42
pstolowskiit's just snap set with true/false in this test07:43
zygacan you report a bug with the failure fragment, the list of tests that ran before and any additional insight07:43
zygaI mean tests that ran on this machine before this one07:43
pstolowskiah, that07:43
pstolowskiyep, good idea07:43
pstolowskimain/cgroup-devices is right before it07:43
zygaadd the complete list07:45
zygamaybe next time we07:45
zygamaybe next time we'll know more07:45
* zyga -> breakfast07:46
pstolowskidone, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/187605307:54
mupBug #1876053: occasional spread test failure on core-persistent-journal <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876053>07:54
zygaone day we'll learn and understand :)07:55
pstolowskiin the initial version of this code i was restarting journal service which had an undesired effect of restarting snapd during configure hook, but now it's misterious as there is no direct interaction with systemd, just removing/creating journal dir07:56
zygado you know why restarting journal restarts snapd?07:59
zygais it just snapd that is being restarted in that case?07:59
zygapstolowski: hmm, perhaps we can do a small experiment with a simple service and see what happens08:11
zygamaybe it's documented08:11
zygaI think we ought to know, feels wrong to ship this to devices with potential for failure08:11
zygaofftopic: https://thepihut.com/products/raspberry-pi-high-quality-camera-lens !!! :)08:11
zygai'm so getting this08:12
zygaand setting up a monitoring with a pi :)08:12
zygaand botland has it08:12
zygamborzecki: hey08:23
mvopstolowski: when you have a couple of minutes, could you please double check trello doing? just making sure it's a bit more up-to-date08:35
pstolowskimvo: sure08:35
mvopstolowski: fwiw, the current trello has a bit too many lanes, this will get cleaned in the following days, so don't worry if it's a bit crowded :)08:36
zygaI need reviews for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/782509:12
mupPR #7825: many: use transient scope for tracking apps and hooks <Security-High> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7825>09:12
zygait's super close and I'd love to land it this week09:12
mborzeckizyga: can yuo remind me whether the session-tool stops the session after the command exits?09:20
zygano, because --prepare enables linger and --restore disables linger09:21
zygawhat are you seeing?09:21
mborzeckiso `session-tool -u test --restore` will kill the session then in restore right?09:22
zygait would be good to focus on making master less red09:29
zygasomething broke in debian-sid now, we cannot compile our golang+C tests09:29
zygawould be worth taking a look,09:29
zygaI can in ~3-4 hours09:29
zygabut perhaps someone can fix it faster09:29
mborzeckizyga: got log?09:30
zygamborzecki: plenty, check any of my latest PRs09:30
zygamborzecki: asm/geneeric.h is missing or something like that09:30
zygamborzecki: it fails each time09:30
zygamborzecki: on tests/unit/go09:30
mborzeckimaster seems to be green09:30
zygamborzecki: nope, it's red red red here :)09:30
zygamborzecki: or did it magically go away just as it showed up?09:30
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commits/master looks green09:31
zygamborzecki: try debian-sid-64:tests/unit/go09:31
zygathe tick is confusing09:31
zygait's just travis09:31
mborzeckiw8, what's that tick?09:31
zygawe don't run spread there09:31
mborzeckiso, the gh actions only runs on PRs09:32
zygawe configured that deliberately09:32
mborzeckiok, so we do not run spread on master then09:32
zygaotherwise everything costs x2 more09:32
zygawe said we should extend that to run on all landings to release branches09:32
zygaas we land things regularly it's a reasonable tradeoff09:33
mupPR snapd#8583 opened: tests: add debug to core-persistent-journal test <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8583>09:33
mborzecki2020-04-29T17:55:01.8596162Z + su -l -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/12345" DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="" test-snapd-desktop.cmd xdg-open http://www.example.org' test09:33
mborzecki2020-04-29T17:55:01.8596782Z user-open error: exec: "dbus-launch": executable file not found in $PATH09:33
mborzeckiheh, on sid09:33
zygamborzecki: I really want to burn user.sh and the hacks with fire09:33
zygaall those XDGD_RUNTIME_DIR=... things are so bogus09:33
zygamborzecki: I have a patch that moves one more tests over09:33
zygamaybe I can remove all of them today09:34
zygaI'm stuck on "serious" reviews anway09:34
mborzeckiok, let me see what i can do about that snap-seccomp unit test failing on sid09:34
zygaone by one09:34
zygaand we can ask mvo to merge despite other failures09:34
zygaI'd love to end the week with totally green master09:34
zygaso that next week is not like a torture :/09:34
mborzeckizyga: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8580 ? or even try it out if you have zsh installed09:38
mupPR #8580: data/completion: add `snap` command completion for zsh <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8580>09:39
zygamborzecki: sure09:39
mborzeckijust dropping _snap file into /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/ should do the trick09:39
mborzeckior site-functions on other non deb distros09:39
mborzeckinow that it works locally i see i've been missing out on some goodies :P09:40
mborzeckibtw the zsh documentation is awful09:42
zyga  that doesn't seem to work09:42
zygaI installed that on my system09:44
zygainvoked zsh09:44
zygaand nothing09:44
zygain comparison other completers work ok09:44
zygaalso packaging seems to be broken09:47
zyga(check the various error logs)09:47
mborzeckiheh, forgot to list the file for opensuse09:50
zygacheck the suse error09:51
zygait says something is listed twice09:52
zygamaybe a drive-by09:52
mborzeckizyga: https://asciinema.org/a/wXGEu1Ky2To2osTCJ8Wl1rD8b09:53
zygathat's not what I'm seeing09:53
zygaI'll recheck09:54
mborzeckizyga: on ubuntu you need to move it to /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completins/_snap (with _)09:54
zygathat's where I put it09:54
zygaI naively tried to debug it by sourcing09:55
zygafyke% source _snap09:56
zyga_setup:37: compstate: assignment to invalid subscript range09:56
mborzeckino, it won't work that way :)09:56
zygaI don't know how to debug it09:59
mborzeckizyga: that's on opensuse?10:00
zygano, focal10:00
zygaweird, right10:00
zygabut I didn't set shell to zsh10:01
zygajust execed zsh10:01
zygamaybe that's why?10:01
mborzeckiidk, maybe you need to enable completion? try `autoload -Uz compinit ; compinit` ?10:02
zygait works for everything else in that directory10:02
zygaall the other commands generate completios10:02
mborzeckizyga: did you wget/curl the file or pasted it?10:03
zygais that relevant?10:03
zygaOmg :D10:03
mborzeckicheck whether the first line is `#compdef snap`10:04
zygait is10:04
mborzeckiidk, wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snapcore/snapd/060556f7adcf748546cd7c3c97f3254f0bd58644/data/completion/_snap ? :)10:04
zygasame result10:05
mborzeckipfff idk then10:06
zygacan you try?10:06
mborzeckiyou could try an wipe ~/.zshrc if you're not to used to it and start over10:06
zygaI mean, just spawn focal (multipass) and put that file10:06
zygamborzecki: my zshrc is empty10:07
mborzeckizyga: that asciinema is on 20.0410:07
zygamborzecki: yes but from spread10:07
zygamborzecki: maybe there's a more magic button somewhere10:07
mborzeckiah, ok10:07
mborzeckizyga: yup, works10:10
zygalet's ship it then ;D10:10
zygaI tried setting the GO_... variable for completions and that does print stuff10:11
zygadid you exec zsh or did you do something more elaborate?10:11
mborzeckizyga: rm ~/.zshrc and run zsh again, that should suggest using the default config10:11
zygadoesn't fix this issue :)10:12
zygazyga@fyke ~ % snap inst10:12
zygaCompleting `file' or `corrections'10:12
zygaI hit <tab> at inst<tab>10:12
mborzeckizyga: gcc-multilib isn't installed in sid images10:14
mborzeckizyga: that's why the unit test fails10:14
zygacool, ping me for a patch10:14
mborzeckibtw. i don't understand why test/unit build and install the snapd package10:16
zygamborzecki: weird10:17
zygaprobably for no reason at all?10:17
mborzeckithat's a huge waste of time10:17
zygaI also wonder where we waste time10:17
zygarun 10 tests on a single machine10:17
zygawith -repeat 1010:17
zygathat does "true"10:17
mborzeckialso, building the package runs unit tests /o\10:17
zygait's incredibly slow10:17
zygawe are probably wasting loads of time doing something silly somewhere10:17
mborzeckiuff, at least we pass nocheck to deb-bp10:20
mupPR core#113 opened: Makefile: conditionally use the "edge" PPA in live-build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/113>10:39
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/858410:47
mupPR #8584: packaging/debian-sid: add gcc-multilib to build deps <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8584>10:48
mupPR snapd#8584 opened: packaging/debian-sid: add gcc-multilib to build deps <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8584>10:48
zygamborzecki: are we running tests on debian?10:48
zygaas in, unit tests while building the debian sid package?10:48
mborzeckizyga: it was the one that failed in this test10:54
pstolowski#8537 needs 2nd review10:54
mupPR #8537: store: handle error-list in fetch-assertions results  <Bulk assert refresh :scroll::scroll::scroll:> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8537>10:54
mborzeckipstolowski: trying to review that since morning10:54
mborzeckizyga: there's only a bunch of systems we don't run unit tests on: [-ubuntu-core-*, -fedora-*, -opensuse-*, -arch-*, -amazon-*, -centos-*]10:55
zygamborzecki: my question was different, we had a missing dependency, how come it didn't come up when building snapd in a pristine environment of a buidd?10:55
zygamborzecki: are we running unit tests on package build on debian?10:55
mborzeckizyga: perhaps gcc-multilib is one of base dependencies already included?10:56
mborzeckizyga: which test runs buildd? i don't see one10:57
zygamborzecki: perhaps :)10:57
zygamborzecki: I mean "make check" style10:57
zygago test ./...10:57
mupPR snapd#8585 opened: release: 2.44.5 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8585>10:57
mborzeckizyga: prepare sets nocheck in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, there's a nightly test that runs sbuild, but nobody looks at the result?10:59
zygathanks for fixing htis10:59
mborzeckizyga: where are the nightly test results?11:01
zygareplied to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/858111:01
mupPR #8581: tests: port pulseaudio test to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8581>11:01
zygaI have no idea11:01
zygaprobably nowhere11:01
zygajust read the travis runs11:01
mborzeckicachio probably knows11:01
mborzeckizyga: so mvo pointed me to where the nightly tests are and as suspected sbuild test was failing, but even before it reached the package build step /o\11:08
zygawhere are the results?11:09
* pstolowski lunch + errand11:18
mborzeckizyga: https://travis-ci.org/github/snapcore/spread-cron/branches and look for nightly11:19
mborzeckihm, we don't install sbuild and then run sbuild in the test11:20
mborzeckiperhaps sbuild is no longer in the sid image?11:20
zygaIIRC we did but perhaps we stopped11:20
zygafor efficiency?11:20
mborzeckiidk, let me check that test11:22
mborzeckihm sbuild is installed, wth?11:22
dokonext chromium issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/187608311:28
mupBug #1876083: chromium snap from focal fails DNS lookups, or delays them <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876083>11:28
zygadoko: in your report you said "that is using IPv6 only" - what do you mean by that?11:32
mborzeckihm idk, looks like sbuild-createchroot is broken11:33
dokozyga: my provider is doing IPv6 by default11:33
zygaI see11:33
zygadoko: what are the consequences of that, that you don't have an ipv4 address? that you cannot resolve ipv4 domains?11:33
dokono, I have an ipv4 address11:34
zygamborzecki: we should nuke fedora 28, 2911:37
zygaand perhaps 3011:37
zygaand just have 31 and 3211:37
mborzecki30 is eol in a mongth?11:37
zygaI will look after I wrap up this task11:37
zygamborzecki: yeah, they go very quickly11:37
zygathe nature of fedora community is to move on11:37
mborzeckizyga: fwiw, the examples in sbuild-createchroot manpage don't work either, pfff11:37
zygamborzecki: haha11:37
zygaI was in that same boat11:37
zygamborzecki: with my recent debian maintainer hat11:38
zygamborzecki: the wiki is broken11:38
zygamborzecki: but also all of the tools behave different if they detect debian vs ubuntu11:38
zygawhich is enormously confusing11:38
mborzeckieh, a wall of perl code :*11:39
zygaif that helps I have a magic line that gives you a working cowbuilder11:39
zygait's really really great11:39
zygaand I use it for git-buildpackage11:39
zygabut most of the documentation is broken11:39
zygaand there is some overlap between those tools that doesn't help11:40
zygabtw, I need to thank stgraber and the team11:40
zygalxd is really amazing11:40
zygait's revolutionized how I think about systems11:40
zygaand the container registry is fantastic11:40
zygaI would love to have a vagrant-like tool for lxd11:41
zygathat bridges a project directory to the container ootb11:41
cachiozyga, hey11:56
cachioI was trying to merge the no recommends branch11:56
cachiozyga, but I see these errors https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BhXjghQ6Nh/11:56
cachioboth in the same test11:56
cachiozyga, I already tried with other dependencies11:57
cachioany idea what could be the cause?11:57
zygalack of /lib/systemd/user/dbus.socket11:57
zygaI rewrote this test (though I haven't pushed it as I'm working on a prerequisite)11:58
zygais that the only failure?11:58
cachiozyga, yes11:58
zygado you have a debug shell?11:58
cachiono, let me create it11:59
zygais dbus-user-session installed?11:59
cachiobut it pass in other systems where it is not installed11:59
zygaah, I missed that there are two test failures12:00
cachiozyga, yes, different12:00
zygadbus-launch is a separate problem12:00
zygathe tests are really written in a way that won't work12:00
zygaI'm working on porting them over12:00
cachiozyga, I can disable it for those systems12:01
cachioand then we fix it12:02
cachiozyga, does it make sense?12:02
zygacan you add a comment like "TODO:session-tool: port and re-enable"12:02
zygacachio: do you know if we are using different instances by any chance?12:02
zygawe've noticed that tests are much slower today12:02
cachiozyga, no12:03
cachiozyga, I'll check12:05
zygamborzecki: ^^ what do you think about the comments to disable the two tests sergio mentioned12:05
zygacachio: today I'm going through failing tests and porting to session-tool, to unbreak from random annoying failures12:05
zygaso at some point I'll go through all the user.sh users and make them more robust12:05
cachiozyga, it caused several issues already12:07
cachiozyga, pushed the change nad added the comment in both tests disabled12:10
cachiojust disabled the failinf systems12:11
cachionot the test12:11
zygado you need a review for the test changes?12:11
zygacachio: uh, that's a bit heavy, I think we should not disable debian-sid12:11
cachioit is already  apporoved12:11
zyga19.10 is a different story and I would not mind dropping it TBH12:11
zygacachio: oh? where is it?12:11
cachiozyga #846812:12
mupPR #8468: tests: adding option --no-install-recommends option also when install all the deps <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8468>12:12
zygacachio: ah, ok,12:13
zygaI misunderstood what you said12:13
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8468#pullrequestreview-40346079512:13
mupPR #8468: tests: adding option --no-install-recommends option also when install all the deps <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8468>12:14
mborzeckizyga: yay, Chipaca is presenting ;)12:34
zygawatching :)12:35
mborzeckizyga: thanks for spotting, i left a comment there12:35
dokojdstrand: thanks, but now I'm facing LP: #187608312:37
mupBug #1876083: chromium snap from focal fails DNS lookups, or delays them <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876083>12:37
dokooops, wrong channel12:37
mborzeckimvo: can we merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8584 ? we'll need another PR for the xdg-desktop-portal test12:40
mupPR #8584: packaging/debian-sid: add gcc-multilib to build deps <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8584>12:40
mborzecki(needs your superpowers)12:40
mupPR snapd#8584 closed: packaging/debian-sid: add gcc-multilib to build deps <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8584>12:43
mborzeckimvo: thank you!12:43
zygasmall improvement to session-tool, will replace some hand-crafted checks elsewhere: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/858613:46
mupPR #8586: tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586>13:46
mupPR snapd#8585 closed: release: 2.44.5 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8585>13:46
mupPR snapd#8586 opened: tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586>13:46
zygacurrently a draft, running one more pass of the full set, will open shortly13:46
mborzeckigoogle:debian-sid-64:tests/main/xdg-open-portal fails in a weird way13:47
mborzeckiuser-open error: exec: "dbus-launch": executable file not found in $PATH13:47
zygamborzecki: yeah, we looked at this13:49
zygamborzecki: cachio disabled this test, it's on my list to port next13:49
mborzeckizyga: i replaced some bits with session tool, but i tlooks like the user dbus is not started13:49
zygayeah, I know13:49
zygamy test actually shows that :)13:49
mborzeckii'm probably doing something wrong here13:49
zygadbus-session-bus is not preinstalled13:50
zygapresumably --no-install-recommends13:55
cachiocmatsuoka, using new snapd still getting stuck https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gScx3yH59y/13:55
cachiocmatsuoka, line 135313:55
cachiois the last I see13:55
cmatsuokalet me see...13:56
cmatsuokacachio: this is happening in graham's image as well13:57
cachiocmatsuoka, ahh13:57
cmatsuokacachio: did you inject snap-bootstrap into the initramfs?13:58
cachiocmatsuoka, yes13:58
cmatsuokaI'm investigating here to see what could be happening13:58
mborzeckizyga: ok, fixed the portal-open test, but other portal tests need fixing too now13:59
cachiocmatsuoka, I am running repack_snapd_snap_with_deb_content_and_run_mode_firstboot_tweaks13:59
zygamborzecki: ok13:59
cachiofor the image13:59
cmatsuokamborzecki: I moved the TPM-related stuff from initramfs-mounts to secboot in PR #8577, could you have a look when you have time? It's trying to not expose TPM to initramfs-mounts so it could work later with a TrustZone-based solution as well14:02
mupPR #8577: [RFC] secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: move initramfs-mounts tpm access to secboot <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8577>14:02
mborzeckicmatsuoka: sure14:09
mborzeckizyga: i think i've ported the portal tests now14:09
zygamborzecki: to session-tool? :-)14:09
zygapush that!14:09
zygaI'm looking at the user-env test14:09
zygaI mean, I ported it but I'm adding some more bits before that can be proposed14:10
zygaI have a working branch that removes user.sh14:10
zygaand just fixes stuff that breaks14:10
zygamborzecki: did you port all of the portal tests?14:10
mborzeckizyga: xdg-open-portal and desktop-portal-{filechooser,screenshot,open-file,open-uri}14:11
zygaijohnson: I pushed to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586 and opened it normally now14:12
mupPR #8586: tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586>14:13
zygaijohnson: I made a small change to move the test to a new task14:13
zygaijohnson: and I highlighted that https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586/files#diff-e14795fd89d2bab1c7f6486851d463c0R15 sid has no session support somehow14:13
zygathis test is nice because it will show us changes in the distros14:13
mborzeckicmatsuoka: i think you added some standup notes under friday (tomorrow)14:13
ijohnsonthat's awesome very nice14:13
zygaI was thinking to move tumbleweed, sid and arch to unstable14:13
ijohnsonis arch unstable ?14:14
zygaso that they reflect the unstable nature of the distributions they are14:14
ijohnsonarch seems to be relatively stable for us recently I think14:14
ijohnsonmaybe I'm wrong though14:14
zygaso that we can get a heads up in case it affects the rest of the stack over time14:14
zygaijohnson: yeah, it's relatively stable14:14
zygabut the point is not the measure our feeling about snapd in that distribution14:14
zygabut to measure the stability of the distribution - in the sense of debian stable14:14
zyganot sure if this makes sense to you14:14
zygasince those distributions move rapidly they can change like the wind at a seaside town :)14:15
mupPR core18#152 opened: Make .disk/info visible on the root partition <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/152>14:15
cmatsuokamborzecki: I'm starting my annotations for the next day after the current SU to be in sync with people that have SU at the end of the day14:15
cmatsuoka(so the activities between SUs can be reviewed in the next SU)14:16
zygaijohnson: one more small improvement, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/858714:20
mupPR #8587: tests: session-tool allows preparing/restoring for many users <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8587>14:20
zygathis will be used by changed user-env test14:20
mupPR snapd#8587 opened: tests: session-tool allows preparing/restoring for many users <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8587>14:20
zygathat has test and test-zsh users14:20
mupPR snapd#8588 opened: tests: port portals test to session-tool, fix portal tests on sid <Test Robustness> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588>14:25
mborzeckizyga: ^^14:25
zygamborzecki: the pkg change is tricky, I would rather depend on it in snapd14:26
zygamborzecki: otherwise we are testing something and users are running something else14:26
zygamborzecki: wdyt?14:26
mborzeckizyga: suggests/reccomends?14:26
zygasuggests seems ok14:26
zygaor recommends14:26
zygathough we no-install-recommends14:26
zygaheh :)14:26
zyganot sure14:26
mborzeckiaren't we suggsting/recommending portals already?14:26
zygajust don't want to let it slip like that14:26
zygaif we do we should bundle dbus in the same set14:27
mborzeckii would expect that to pull in relevant dbus packages14:27
om26erpopey ping! I believe this will need your "blessings" https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-request-for-easy-installer/1706314:27
zygathe portal teardown should happen beore --restore14:27
zygainside the portals you can probably remove loads of redudancy as well14:27
popeyom26er bless you14:27
zygait still calls start_user_session14:27
zygaand uses as_user14:27
zygamborzecki: ^ review here :)14:28
cmatsuokadegville, cachio: something changed between gadget 96 and 98 that's causing the problem14:28
mborzeckizyga: portals teardown removes files and so on, it should probably be done after we know that session is stopped14:28
zygamborzecki: look closer14:29
zygait does more14:29
zygaand stop_user_session14:29
zygaI think those two must go14:29
degvillecmatsuoka: ah, thanks for the update.14:29
cmatsuokadegville: I'll diff them to see what changed14:29
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: could it be https://github.com/snapcore/pc-amd64-gadget/pull/45 ?14:30
mupPR pc-amd64-gadget#45: Use UC20 signed grub <Created by xnox> <Merged by xnox> <https://github.com/snapcore/pc-amd64-gadget/pull/45>14:30
popeyom26er I'll take a look14:30
cmatsuokaijohnson: it looks very suspicious14:31
zygamborzecki: reviewed but it's the same as I said here14:31
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: indeed14:31
om26erpopey thanks. I am in touch with the upstream, I was asked to help with snap packaging. After quite a few iterations we came to the point of pushing it to store.14:31
zygamborzecki: thank you so much for pushing this :)14:31
mborzeckizyga: hmm not sure which portal helpers, there's only 2 of those, and they no longer start or stop session14:33
cachiocmatsuoka, ahhh14:33
* zyga looks14:33
cmatsuokaijohnson: this looks suspicious too:14:34
zygamborzecki: doh!14:34
zygaI'm blind14:34
zygathis is so weird14:34
cmatsuoka-    - shim-signed=1.41+15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu114:34
cmatsuoka-    - shim=15+1552672080.a4a1fbe-0ubuntu114:34
cmatsuoka+    - shim-signed=1.40.3+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu114:34
cmatsuoka+    - shim=15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu114:34
zygaI didn't see this file before :)14:34
cachiocmatsuoka, I'll try in that case by using the pc snap from stable14:34
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: so the version of shim was reverted to an older one?14:34
zygamborzecki: +114:34
popeyom26er it's a really nice looking app!14:35
cmatsuokaijohnson: it seems so, and if this older one is the one without chris coulson's patches, it would fail like that14:35
zygamborzecki: can you remove . user.sh in desktop-portal.sh?14:35
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: yeah makes sense probably needs a comment from Dmitri14:36
cmatsuokaijohnson: I pinged him about that14:38
cmatsuokadegville, cachio: bad shim in recent gadgets, dimitri is fixing it14:43
zygamborzecki: superb14:43
zygamborzecki: we will have much fewer users of user.sh14:43
cachiocmatsuoka, awesome14:44
degvillecmatsuoka: thank you!14:44
cachiocmatsuoka, the fun part is that I tried with older snapd snap, pckernel snap and core20 snap14:44
cachiocmatsuoka, but didnt try with older pc snap14:44
cmatsuokawhen unlock fails, the prime suspects are the command line and shim, and they're both from gadget14:46
zygamborzecki: once your branch lands this will be fixed, right?14:46
mupPR #8586: tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586>14:46
zygadebian-sid-*/test exception will disappear14:46
pstolowskihow do i restart github actions if they seem to be stuck? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/858314:53
mupPR #8583: tests: add debug to core-persistent-journal test <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8583>14:53
zygapstolowski: looking14:57
zygaclose and reopen14:57
zygaI saw that once before14:57
zygaseems like event got lost14:57
zygaqueued :)14:57
zygaand in progress14:58
zygaI'll break now14:59
zygaback hurts14:59
zygamagic? :)15:00
zygacould you ask mvo to merge the two session-tool improvements once they are green enough15:00
zygaI have more follow ups that this enables15:00
zygamborzecki: I approved https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8580#pullrequestreview-40361608615:10
mupPR #8580: data/completion: add `snap` command completion for zsh <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8580>15:10
zygabut there's a conflict now15:10
zygamborzecki: maybe move pkgver next to pgkname15:12
zygaso that it conflicts less frequently15:12
zygaijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8576#pullrequestreview-40361862115:17
mupPR #8576: tests/main/lxd: add test for snaps inside nested lxd containers not working <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8576>15:17
pstolowskianyone up for #8583? needs 2nd review, it's a simple test change15:18
mupPR #8583: tests: add debug to core-persistent-journal test <Simple 😃> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8583>15:18
zygapstolowski: perhaps just ask mvo, master is broken now so you will nedd an override anyway15:19
morphiszyga, mvo: have you guys seen any problems with snapd in lxd with focal images? running into https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/SkdNKHCyNy/15:20
morphissnapd seems to fail to initialize the system15:20
zygamorphis: can you do snap tasks 1 or [345]15:21
zygaI don't think we've seen this15:21
morphisdidn't knew `snap tasks` gives you that level of details15:21
morphisthis is a LXD container with: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/fQJHJq5R6t/15:22
morphiswhich works fine for bionic15:22
zygamorphis: so the preinstall hook fails15:23
zygaer, install hook15:23
zyga2020-04-30T14:58:46Z ERROR run hook "install": cannot perform operation: mount --rbind /var/lib/dhcp /tmp/snap.rootfs_hzQTBP//var/lib/dhcp: Permission denied15:23
zygathat's new!15:23
zygathis is surprising15:23
zygamorphis: do you have denials?15:23
zygaon the host container15:23
zygacontainer host15:23
zygajdstrand: ^ remember this?15:24
zygaI wonder if there's a regression that the lxd profile doesn't allow snapd to perform this15:24
morphiszyga: let me check15:25
zygamorphis: does it go away if you rmdir /var/lib/dhcp in the machine that you "snap install lxd" on?15:25
zygawe won't try it then15:25
morphiszyga: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/NHKWyxpwQj/15:25
morphislet me check15:26
zyga[ 1113.914649] audit: type=1400 audit(1588259357.291:359): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed srcname match" error=-13 profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/tmp/snap.rootfs_de7sTW/var/lib/dhcp/" pid=61879 comm="snap-confine" srcname="/var/lib/dhcp/" flags="rw, rbind"15:26
morphisthat looks like it15:26
jdstrandwhat's up with locking /dev/null?15:26
morphisbut the container has lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined so I wouldn't expect that15:26
zygais that supported for snapd?15:26
zygaI'm never sure what the various lxd configuration options do15:27
zygaand which disable nested apparmor15:27
zygajdstrand: maybe libc?15:27
morphiswe have a lxd-profile.yaml in our lxd charm which adjusts the container config, k8s does the same AFAIK15:27
jdstrandI've never seen that before15:28
zygawe have this rule:15:28
zyga    mount options=(rw rbind) /var/lib/dhcp/ -> /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/var/lib/dhcp/,15:28
zyga    mount options=(rw rslave) -> /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/var/lib/dhcp/,15:28
zygawhich should cover the dhcp directory you had15:28
zygaI wonder what's wrong there15:28
zygamorphis: can you file a bug with repro instructions,15:29
jdstrandI'm going into a meeting, but if you set lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined, I'm not sure the profile stacking is going to work correctly15:29
morphiszyga: rmdir /var/lib/dhcp doesn't seem to help15:29
jdstrandthat is a stgraber question15:29
morphisnow it runs into: 2020-04-30T15:28:45Z ERROR run hook "install": cannot open file /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/snap.lxd/cgroup.procs: Permission denied15:29
zygamorphis: it's late today and I wanted to focus on some more bits but I will try to look either later today or on Monday (I'm off tomorrow)15:29
morphiszyga: sounds good!15:29
zygamorphis: I'm suspecting this is an unsupported config, please make sure to loop in stgraber15:29
morphisjdstrand: will check with him later15:29
jdstrandthis is because the policy is shared between the host and the container I think15:30
zygaand we should document this somehow15:30
jdstrandbecause there is no stacking15:30
zygayeah, I think jamie is spot on15:30
* jdstrand -> meeting15:30
morphisjust wondering as this worked well for bionic15:30
jdstrandyeah, I forget otoh the details of how lxd sets up the profile stacking15:31
jdstrandbut this sounds like what I described15:31
zygamorphis: some incorrect configurations do seem to work15:31
zygamorphis: but not by design15:31
zygaand it depends heavily by what is on the container15:31
pstolowskizyga: what's broken in master now?15:32
zygapstolowski: a few tests15:33
zygapstolowski: but those are all with PRs now I think15:33
zygapstolowski: your branch will likely fail on them15:33
zygapstolowski: watch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588 :)15:35
mupPR #8588: tests: port portals test to session-tool, fix portal tests on sid <Test Robustness> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588>15:35
zygamaybe it will be green15:35
zygathen we can just work normally again15:35
cachiocmatsuoka, I used the pc 93 and I see the same problem15:36
morphiszyga, jdstrand: dropping "lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined" fixes it15:44
zygagreat :)15:47
zygamvo: could you please override/merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/858615:49
mupPR #8586: tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586>15:49
zygait's +2 and it fails on a known debian-sid failure maciek has fixed in a separate branch15:49
mupPR snapd#8586 closed: tests: add session-tool --has-systemd-and-dbus <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8586>15:50
zygamborzecki: can you merge master into https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588 and remove the debian-sid-*/test exception from tests/main/session-tool-support15:50
mupPR #8588: tests: port portals test to session-tool, fix portal tests on sid <Test Robustness> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588>15:50
zygamborzecki: or I'll just open a follow-up as soon as this lands15:51
zygaopensuse has fails on degraded systemd unit15:51
zygaI had a look and it both looks familiar15:51
zygaand weird15:51
zyganot sure if we can just disable that service?15:51
zygait's something related to tty, let me check...15:51
cmatsuokacachio: 96 should work15:54
cachiocmatsuoka, it is not published anymore right?15:56
cmatsuokacachio: no, the current one is 9815:57
mupPR snapd#8589 opened: tests: port user-session-env to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8589>16:01
zygaijohnson: I opened one more https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8589 <- I'm somewhat worried about 14.04 test coverage thourh, not sure if this is something I should bring back with a separate test that just tests "env"16:02
mupPR #8589: tests: port user-session-env to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8589>16:02
zygaijohnson: actually, the realization that 14.04's systemd build is *not* connected to dbus was my biggest worry/surprise recently16:03
zygaijohnson: I don't think we really had this internalized before16:03
jdstrandmorphis: glad to hear16:03
zygamborzecki: I think we have only one user of user.sh left16:03
zygaonce that is gone I will update the PR from jamesh16:04
zygajamesh: ^ if you are reading backlogs, we are working on removing user.sh hacks16:04
zygajamesh: but we don't want to leave you on ice16:04
stgrabermorphis: lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined will break apparmor, don't do that16:05
stgrabermorphis: and that would indeed cause breakage for the snap16:05
morphisyeah, makes sense16:05
morphissomething we should fix at https://github.com/charmed-kubernetes/charm-kubernetes-master/blob/master/lxd-profile.yaml#L5 as well unless they use it different16:06
zygamorphis: imperfect but interesting https://github.com/search?l=&q=lxc.apparmor.profile%3Dunconfined+language%3AYAML&type=Code16:09
zygajdstrand: ^ all the unconfined lxds16:09
zygastgraber: do you know if there's a way for snapd to detect that it's running in lxd and that lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined has been set?16:12
stgraberzyga: it's doable, yeah16:29
mborzeckizyga: updated #858816:31
mupPR #8588: tests: port portals test to session-tool, fix portal tests on sid <Test Robustness> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588>16:31
mborzeckiand feel a bit dizzy, just traversed through QDesktopServices down to xdgDesktopPortalOpenFile() and omg16:32
zygamborzecki: I think you need to drop the sid fragment now16:33
zygamborzecki: because your PR adds the dbus-user-session package to sid16:33
zygaand that will be detected by tests/main/session-tool-support16:33
zygamborzecki: what did you find?16:33
stgraberzyga: if /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/.ns_level doesn't exist or is < 1 + /proc/self/attr/current is unconfined16:36
mborzeckizyga: i think there's a bug in the portal handler, https://flatpak.github.io/xdg-desktop-portal/portal-docs.html#gdbus-org.freedesktop.portal.OpenURI states that calling that with file:// fails (by design), while the QDesktopServices::openURL() calls that for file://16:36
stgraberzyga: that should indicate lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined I think16:36
zygastgraber: I'll try that, thanks!16:36
zygamborzecki: is there any remapping done?16:36
zygaI didn't check though, perhaps that's a question to jamesh/kenvandine16:36
zygamborzecki: we could also ask flatpak developers16:37
mborzeckizyga: and there's an unhappy user in the forum16:37
mborzeckizyga: i mean that's the spec, and the portal works according to the spec16:37
mborzeckizyga: suggested the user to drop file:// from the url, which triggers the path that calls OpenFile()16:38
zygamborzecki: ah, I thought the bug is in the app itself16:38
zygaand it seems you say that the problem is with the usage pattern16:38
mborzeckibut i can understand his frustration, even if he files a bug, and it gets fixed, it's probably not goiung to see the fix for the next 6 months or so16:38
zyga /snap/test-snapd-desktop/x1/bin/cmd: 4: exec: sh -c 'echo hello world': not found16:39
zygamborzecki: we could fix it in qt16:39
zygais the app using a shared qt runtime?16:39
mborzeckizyga: i could even submit a patch if i got qt building locally and signed cla, but that's like a over-the-weekend recreational activity ;)16:40
zygaI think the desktop team can help with that16:41
mborzeckihmm otoh, that app is in qt, i see a segfault starting it on arch16:51
mupPR snapd#8468 closed: tests: adding option --no-install-recommends option also when install all the deps <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8468>17:01
zygacachio: \o/17:04
zygacachio, mborzecki: make sure there's a follow-up for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8468#discussion_r417975489 please17:05
mupPR #8468: tests: adding option --no-install-recommends option also when install all the deps <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8468>17:05
zygacachio: thank you for pushing this forward :)17:05
cachiozyga, yaw17:07
* cachio lunch17:08
cjp256hello, anyone by chance have thoughts on https://travis-ci.org/github/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/681562924#L432 ?  this is the first time i've seen snap report that LXD is already installed, but `lxd` not found...17:08
cjp256fwiw, it happened on the 20.04 image17:09
zygacjp256: probably $PATH17:09
zygacan you debug with echo $PATH17:09
zygaor you can work around with "snap run ..."17:09
cjp256zyga: there's a bunch of other tests that ran fine alongside it.   Appears random.  I'll restart it and see if it repros, then I'll print PATH.17:13
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
zygacjp256: you can debug it with things like echo $PATH, snap list, find /snap/bin17:13
cjp256will do, thanks17:14
zygatype=AVC msg=audit(04/30/20 17:13:46.842:526) : avc:  denied  { write open } for  pid=27614 comm=systemd-logind path=/var/lib/systemd/linger/test dev="sda1" ino=417790 scontext=system_u:system_r:systemd_logind_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:init_var_lib_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=117:15
zygabut I think that's actually my fault17:15
zygafixing now17:15
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
mupPR snapd#8590 opened: tests: port selinux-clean to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8590>18:08
mupPR snapcraft#3100 opened: Removed ``key`` from ``progressive`` dict following changes in the server API <Created by nessita> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3100>18:21
mupPR snapcraft#3098 closed: build providers: bootstrap with dirmngr <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3098>19:06
zygaijohnson: you may want to have a 2nd look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/859019:14
mupPR #8590: tests: port selinux-clean to session-tool <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8590>19:14
zygaI added one more bugfix for session-tool on selinxu19:14
zyganamely this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8590/files#diff-a8fce2de6a6829d98f798117050b6c93R28719:14
* ijohnson should probably stop reviewing things that are drafts19:15
zygaI'm very grateful that you did19:15
zygamakes fixing those annoying failures gratifying :)19:15
ijohnsondo non selinux systems just ignore The SELinuxContext in the dbus call to StartTansientUnit ?19:16
ijohnsonzyga: ^19:16
zygasession-tool is this little thing that turns out to be a big sprawling mess19:16
zygabut I think it's better than what we had before :)19:16
ijohnsonit's at least more uniformly a big sprawling mess19:18
ijohnsonand when it's used everywhere it makes it easier for everything to be closer to the right thing19:18
zygahopefully very close to having that19:20
zygaI need to update incoming branches that use user.sh as well19:20
zygathere's one heavy use in user session services branch19:21
zyga I hope we can land all the test fixes19:24
zygawe have 73 PRs19:24
zygabut a good chunk of those are recent fixes19:24
zygaI pushed a small patch to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588 to reflect a new test in master19:27
mupPR #8588: tests: port portals test to session-tool, fix portal tests on sid <Test Robustness> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8588>19:27
zygaI think I'll EOD now19:28
zygait's almost 21:30 here19:29
zygamvo: are you going to be around tomorrow?19:29
mvozyga: yes19:39
cachiocmatsuoka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hxnGhxdH7F/19:57
cachioworks well with the pc 9619:57
cachioso, I need to wait for the new gadget20:13

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