[14:26] wonder when I got kicked out... [15:18] probably don't have rejoin set up [16:28] i do, but this channel requires to be auth'd with services [16:28] and i am too lazy to run teh 2 commands to enable sasl [16:29] your loss. :) [22:13] I have SASL enabled and it works great. I have everything in my weechat configs. The only password I have is a login one and one for bitlbee since it wants to be difficult. [22:22] The discount code is a lie. [22:42] See, that makes me want to try "a lie" for the discount code. [22:43] heh [22:43] InformIT's not impressing me very much right now. [22:44] ... or rather, they are, but it's a bad impression.