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kunjiHey everyone, In Ubuntu 20.04 I seem to have clobbered my php/apache setup.  I can't get a2enmod to find modules I install.  I see them fine with php -m and with phpenmod.  I have tried using libapache2-mod-php7.4 and with php-fpm (separately).  I'm missing the link between a2enmod and the modules and didn't get back even when stripping out everything I could find  and reinstalling (apt-get remove --purge php*, and likewise for libapache2-mod*, apache2*, and ph00:23
sarnoldkunji: irc has line length limits; you were cut off at "and ph"00:23
sarnoldkunji: what does php -m output?00:24
sarnoldkunji: my guess would be php modules, not apache modules00:24
kunjiphp -m shows all my installed modules as expected00:24
sarnoldkunji: and I expect a2enmod to work on apache modules, not php modules00:24
kunjiThere are separate packages now?00:24
sarnoldhaven't they always been separate? apache has hundreds of modules, php has hundreds of modules, they do different things..00:26
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kunji... they probably have been... and I'm feeling pretty dumb right now... too long since I messed with php00:27
sarnoldor, not long enough :) hehe00:28
kunjiCool, I'll see if I get all my prereqs showing with php -m, if the program work.  ^_^00:28
kunjiAny time with php is too much for me :P00:28
sarnoldthe manpage I found suggested php -m is "compiled in modules"00:29
kunjiThey're all in apt compiled, they show up as I install them00:29
sarnoldcool, thanks00:29
ezioI just install 20.04.  Programs are slow to launch.  In Windows, HexChat opens in a snap.  Here it takes 20 seconds.00:40
ezioI have a 32 core thread ripper.  64 gigs ram00:41
ezioPCI-E x4 storage00:41
eziowhom can I blame?00:41
sarnoldezio: try running a perf top when starting something, that might give a quick idea of what the cpu is doing00:42
sarnold(sadly, only the cpu, but still, it's something)00:42
kostkonezio, all apps?00:43
ezioWell not launching I guess, but loading pages in Chromium or Firefox.00:44
ezioSearching packages in Ubuntu Software.00:45
ezioMaybe it doesn't like my wireless card.00:45
kostkonezio, smells like slow graphics to me00:45
ezioI actually looked at GPU acceleration.  That was the first thing I did.00:46
ezioLiterally.  After installation.  Open Firefox.  config about.00:46
ezioBut it is Nvidia.00:46
ezioAlso there's no stuttering issues like I had in Gentoo.00:47
ezioBut, I'll sit on it for now.00:47
ezioI did have another question, though.  Anyway to unlock with a pin?00:47
ezioGnome.  Vanilla install.00:47
sarnoldezio: hmm, nothing I can think of00:50
lotuspsychjeezio: i had a hexchat lag like that in early stage of 20.04 but thats solved now00:51
eziolotuspsychje, good to know.  Maybe it is just HexChat.00:51
lotuspsychjeezio: it did that a few times, after that i could not reproduce it anymore00:52
lotuspsychjeezio: system up to date?00:52
ezioI know this is going to fall on deaf ears, but I have a theory, with only anecdotal evidence (as a white hat for 14 years) and conjectures that pin+password is better than just a password.00:52
cyverisToo bad it isn't. Two knowledge factors is just one factor.01:04
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ezioMaking the person sign in with a password first, and then using pins is.  Plus it lessens password exposure.  Obviously you can't allow remote logins by remote pin, but you can allow remote logins by local pin after password authentication, thus again lessening the exposure of the password.01:06
ezioIf I had my way, we wouldn't have passwords anymore.  Yubikey all the things.01:07
cgiezio, are you using yubi for your gmail account?01:07
cyverisTwo knowledge factors is one factor. Say it with me. If you can steal a password, you can steal a pin, and as a white hat for the same amount of time, people that write down one will write down the other.01:08
eziocgi, yup.01:08
cyverisBut yeah. Yubikey.01:08
ezioYou can steal a pin, but you can't use the pin unless you have physical access to the machine.01:09
cyverisSo you're talking about Windows Hello, essentially.01:09
ezioYes.  Windows Hello does it almost perfectly.01:10
cyverisStill single factor, though.01:10
ezioThat's fine.  I'm not talking about 2FA.01:10
ezio2FA for remote access would be nice.  Like RDP ... You wouldn't believe all the people I write reports about RDP access is exposed, and they just will never do anything about it.01:11
ecovHey everyone, I just set up Ubuntu 20.04 in an LXC container and am wanting to a) create a user account to administer the machine and b)disable root access01:11
ezioEvery year.  Year after year.  The same people.01:11
ecovcan someone guide me on the proper procecures01:11
ecovdefault for ubuntu server is root01:11
ezioecov, just get rid of the root password01:12
ezioMake sure you setup sudo though.01:12
ecovezio: https://www.debian.wayoflinux.com/installing/post-install/configure-root-access/enable-sudo-lock-root01:14
ecovdoes that look right to you?01:14
ezioecov, if you wanna get real spicy, learn sudo01:14
ezioBut yeah01:15
ezioThat looks like it should help01:15
ecovwhat do you mean by "learn sudo"01:15
eziosudo is pretty complex with lots of options and user management.01:15
ecovit appears I need to create a user first?01:16
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ezioDo you already have a user?01:17
ecovnope, this is a fresh lxc install01:18
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sarnoldezio: if you just want physical presence, you could probably do that with libpam-fprintd01:19
sarnoldezio: a friend mentinoed his company epoxied a bunch of yubikeys to their desks and turned them into presence detectors too01:19
ezioI heard them talking abut that on Linux Unplugged.  I guess I know why now.01:21
eziosarnold, so you can use Yubikey with fprint?01:21
ezioguess not01:22
sarnoldezio: no01:22
sarnoldezio: it's just another option for you01:22
ezioYeah.  I would need a fingerprint reader.01:22
ezioThat's a possibility.  We should sell fingerprint readers.01:22
ezioBut I'm just having a bit of fun here.01:23
sarnoldI thought we had something for the ubuphone days for logging in with password but screenlock via pin, but I don't think that went through the PAM stack01:24
ezioYeah.  I was reading some of the stuff about that, and I thought, surely it can't just be a hard no.01:25
ezioWhich brought me here.01:25
rud0lfhow can i quickly see (by command line) that certain apt package is/is not installed?01:43
sarnolddpkg -l packagename01:44
rud0lfthank you01:48
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Synx_hmAny nvidia driver experts around, ive got an optimus laptop and for the life of me i cannot get the damn nvidia driver to activate even with blacklisted the module in grub and modules folder it still loads the opensource driver02:12
Jordan_USynx_hm: How did you install the proprietary nvidia drivers? How did you blacklist nouveau?02:15
Synx_hmJordan_U, installed via PPA and then 'sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall'02:16
Jordan_USynx_hm: What ppa?02:16
Synx_hmJordan_U, blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf; blacklist nouveau02:17
Synx_hmoptions nouveau modeset=002:17
Synx_hmJordan_U, PPA: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu focal main02:17
Synx_hmthanks for the help btw02:17
Synx_hmalso for the record it looks like my grub blacklist command never set since /proc/cmdline doesn't have it02:18
Jordan_USynx_hm: Please pastebin your /etc/default/grub .02:19
Synx_hmJordan_U, https://pastebin.com/9DvYHVJi02:20
Synx_hmnote that the blacklist command didn't take this boot (i did a update-grub, do i need to update initramfs too?) for some reason02:20
Jordan_USynx_hm: Your initramfs doesn't change your kernel parameters. Can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? Do you possibly have more than one install of grub somehow?02:22
Synx_hmi cant see how i would, standby on the cfg02:23
Jordan_USynx_hm: That's not to say that updating your initramfs wouldn't solve your problem, it likely would by syncing your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouvea.conf to your initramfs, but then you'd still be left with the mystery of why your change to kernel parameters didn't take.02:24
sarnoldbtw why the ppa? I thought the nvidia drivers were just part of the distro? eg http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-440/02:24
Synx_hmdo i by chance need /boot/efi mounted when i update-grub?02:26
Jordan_USynx_hm: Is it possible that grub itself is reading from an old zfs snapshot?02:26
Synx_hmit shouldn't be i have two snapshots but i dont know how grub would be using one of them02:27
Synx_hmi can nuke them if it would help02:27
Jordan_USynx_hm: What is the output of "sudo grub-mkrelpath /boot/grub/grub.cfg"?02:28
kernelpanicHi all! I have to use ubuntu16.04, and need to use the new, native exfat driver (min kernel 5.4). Starting with kernels >4.16, there are libssl dependency issues on ubuntu 16.04, and when I get past that, booting the kernel just hangs at the second line (extracting initrd i think). I couldn't find documentation from someone who's done this before, have you?02:31
Jordan_USynx_hm: Note that all of the paths within your grub.cfg are starting at /BOOT/ rather than /ROOT/. My guess is that you started without a separate /boot/ subvolume, then added one, mounted it over your still populated /boot/, re-ran update-grub, but didn't re-run grub-install. Does that sound plausible?02:31
sarnoldkernelpanic: could you install 20.04 to get the exfat driver, and then run the 16.04 userspace in an lxd container instead?02:32
kernelpanicsarnold, wow, thats creative! But this is an embedded atom with realtime-ish constraints, I don't really want to even try that02:33
sarnoldkernelpanic: cripes02:34
Synx_hmJordan_U, i created the bootpool at the same time i did the zfs root pool, but something for sure has just gone wonky, i can no longer mount /boot/efi and my /dev/ is no longer populated with udev links02:34
sarnoldkernelpanic: that probably is a bit limited on ram then02:34
Jordan_USynx_hm: Indeed, it seems like you've got bigger problems than nvidia drivers, and those problems were just brought to light by your attempt to install nvidia drivers.02:35
Synx_hmJordan_U, indeed lol, well i have no idea where the hell my /boot zfs pool went but zfs mount lists nothing regarding my bpool DOH02:36
Jordan_USynx_hm: Try unmounting /boot/ and see if you're left with a directory that is still populated with (old) kernels, initramfs images, and grub.02:36
kernelpanicsarnold, 4gb, that may not even be the issue, but there's a whole set of software-ci/production/build/documentation/support dependencies in this, so upgrading the kernel is about the most I can do. And Up until now, my impression that the kernel is really quite backwards-compatible, so I was hoping this can work.02:36
Synx_hmJordan_U, thats exactly whats going on, the bpool zfs /boot isn't even mounted, im looking at /boot as a directory on the rpool02:36
Synx_hmJordan_U, if i do get this part sorted out, am i correct in assuming that this damn driver should be blacklisted02:37
Jordan_USynx_hm: I haven't messed with proprietary nvidia drivers for years. I think, with the rest of your system configured correctly, ubuntu-drivers will successfully install the nvidia drivers without any futher manual configuration from you.02:38
Synx_hmJordan_U, so ive been following the zfsonlinux wiki page for zfs root on 18.04 any thoughts on that guide being the most up to date (already found the update-initramfs command not working but resolved that)02:39
Jordan_USynx_hm: It might be a little interesting making sure that you get everything sorted out so that you end up with the system you would have had if your /boot/ (and maybe other) pools hadn't stopped being mounted properly.02:39
Synx_hmya this zfsonlinux wiki guide does some extra systemd steps to mount the boot pool wonder if its not working with 20.04 or simply i did it wrong02:40
Jordan_USynx_hm: Did you install Ubuntu 20.04 fresh? Did you use the built in zfs support in the installer?02:41
Synx_hmim using the 20.04 live cd but using debootstrap since im doing zfs encrypted root02:41
sarnoldkernelpanic: are you trying the signed or the -unsigned kernels?02:41
sarnoldkernelpanic: I'm 99% sure the -unsigned kernel packages aren't intended for user consumption but you may be the odd user who can benefit from it02:42
Synx_hmJordan_U, perhaps i should just try a generic install first to make sure any of this actually works lol02:42
Synx_hmJordan_U, actually now that i think about it that /boot issue has to be it. If /boot never mounted correctly after install all the attempts to install nvidia drivers would have never ended up in the actual initramfs since /boot was never actually mounted, so the module was never there and i guess the kernel is smart enough to not blacklist the only02:45
Synx_hm driver it has02:45
DarkTrickhm... if `killall` cannot kill an app, who is this bug to be reported to? linux kernel?03:30
AndrioAre you root?03:30
Andriohttps://www.dropbox.com/s/vbu4czml2m4xqwe/annotation%202020-04-30%20132918.png?raw=1 - how come I can't configure partitions on two of the hard disks here?03:30
DarkTrickAndrio, if that was supposed to be for me: it's a user process. But sudo also doesn't work03:31
AndrioMaybe try `killall -KILL`03:32
DarkTrickAndrio, that's interesting03:33
DarkTrick"One bullet doesn't kill"-logic?03:33
AndrioBy default, the kill command sends SIGTERM. That signal may be ignored.03:35
badbodhit does if it hits the brain03:35
AndrioSIGKILL is insta-kill with no chance at cleaning anything up03:35
AndrioThere's no counter-curse. There's no blocking it.03:35
badbodhdoes sigterm clean up anything?03:35
kunjikill -9 when you really really have to kill something03:36
AndrioSIGTERM is similar to pressing Ctrl+C (which is actually SIGINT)03:36
Andrioit can if the process in question handes it, yes03:36
sarnoldsigterm and sigint give the application a chance to clean up; sigkill just kills it dead, and leaves a mess all over the place03:36
kunjiYep, last resort03:37
badbodhi wondered why sigterm didn't work on zombies. good to know03:37
sarnoldsigkill won't kill zomies either03:38
sarnoldthey are already dead03:38
sarnoldif you want zombies cleaned up you have to kill their parent03:38
cluelessperson_Is there a way to make it so when ubuntu wakes up it does NOT goto the clock screen?04:00
cluelessperson_or disable the clock screen04:00
kunjiUgh, well, I got it to work, numerous small configuration issues taking NextCloud from version 15 to 18 and Ubuntu from 16.04 to 20.04.  PHP packages were mostly not the issue (I was missing memcached for a bit there :P )  Thanks for the help sarnold, saved me from going much further on that goose chase.04:01
kunjicluelessperson_: So you don't want to enter a password on wake?04:03
kunjicluelessperson_: Not sure of your version, but try looking in the Brightness & Lock settings and turn off lock, see if that is what you want.  Less secure of course, up to you though.04:05
Jordan_USynx_hm: It's not that the kernel is "smart enough" to not blacklist the driver, it's that 1: The kernel parameter to blacklist the driver was never actually added and 2: nouveau was loaded from the initramfs before any configuration on your root fs could blacklist it. Just because it's blacklisting the module, doesn't it mean that it's going to remove it after it's already loaded.04:13
georged4sHi,I am trying to understand how does Linux memory works. In my scenario, the sum of RSS doesn't add up to the amount of non-available memory in "free".Hardware: Lenovo Thinkpad E495Distro: Ubuntu 20.04 File System: ZFS* Use `free -h` to find how much memory is available. It shows 19Gi, which means that there are roughly 10Gi of memory is in used.$04:40
georged4sfree -h              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   availableMem:           29Gi       9.4Gi        17Gi       193Mi       2.4Gi        19GiSwap:         2.0Gi          0B       2.0Gi* Then I run `ps aux | awk '{sum+=$6} END {print sum / 1024}'` to give me the sum of RSS utilisation, which is 5.6Gi.$ ps aux | awk '{sum+=$6}04:40
georged4sEND {print sum / 1024}'5609Is there a way to see what is using that the other 4.4Gi of memory?Thanks,George04:40
plenohCould somebody help me?04:42
plenohHow should I automatically unmount a sshfs storage at logout in Ubuntu? I've tried this. https://askubuntu.com/questions/263788/unmount-fuse-mountpoints-on-logout04:43
georged4ssorry, just my previous msg is not readable.04:48
georged4sin used.04:48
georged4saux | awk '{sum+=$6} END {print sum / 1024}'04:49
bluefox83plenoh: did you happen to mess with your ss config file for KeepAlive interval?04:49
bluefox83the line is ServerAliveInterval04:49
plenohWould I need it?04:50
plenohbtw, thank you for responding to my question.04:50
bluefox83no, infact, if you log out and you didn't mess with it, then the ssh connection should disconnect after an interval04:50
plenohIf I log back in without doing a reboot, I can still see my04:51
plenohmounted drives04:51
bluefox83how long are you staying logged out?04:52
plenohless than a min04:52
bluefox83take a peek in ~/,ssh/config of /etc/ss/ssh_config and see if there's a line called ServerAliveInterval04:53
bluefox83on the client, not the server04:54
plenohoh ok04:54
Jordan_Uplenoh: Are you wanting it to unmount on logout for security reasons?04:55
plenohbluefox83: there is no such line in my conf file.04:55
plenohJordan_U: I just like the idea of a clean exit.04:55
plenohWhere may I see the logs04:56
plenohI might be able to debug/troubleshoot this issue im facing.04:56
bluefox83i dunno04:57
bluefox83ya know, i'm really not that knowledgable about this. i've never set remote storage to disconnect on logout before because i've never really thought about it04:59
bluefox83i don't log my laptop out, so i don't really have a reason to04:59
plenohah ok I see. Thanks for helping me though.05:00
bluefox83plenoh: what WM are you using?05:05
bluefox83some of them use something called session-cleanup-script05:06
bluefox83which runs when you log out05:06
plenohah I'm looking at the log05:06
plenohI use lightdm and Ubuntu MATE05:07
bluefox83whats the log going to tell you?05:07
bluefox83ok, lightdm uses that, session-cleanup-script05:07
bluefox83you might just add umount to it05:07
plenohmy script might be incorrect05:08
bluefox83i haven't run lightdm in a while, so i don't really have any experience with it, and i've never run MATE05:10
bluefox83i'm not seeing a lot of difference between MATE and regular ubuntu...05:14
Jordan_Uplenoh: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/258434/how-can-i-have-a-filesystem-mounted-during-user-login05:22
bluefox83so i noticed after i upgraded to 20.04 that my laptop started up in like, 30 seconds flat...which is a whole 5 minutes fater than usual, i'm pretty stoked about that05:25
bluefox83sorry, i'm fatter, my laptop is FASTER05:25
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bluefox83wow, accidentally launched libreoffice and it started in like 4 seconds, this laptop has *Never* been that fast...05:32
Jordan_Ubluefox83: Do you by any chance have a hybrid SSD/HDD?05:33
bluefox83no, it's just a regular ssd05:34
bluefox83it was like $35 and it's maybe 500gb05:34
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bluefox83even so, it's had that on it for about 5 months, and it wasn't that fast before05:35
bluefox83i just updated to 20.04 this morning05:35
Jordan_Ubluefox83: I was wondering if maybe the upgrade had made a hybrid ssd/hdd put all of the executables that had just been written in the hot ssd cache, which would not have been an indication of a real performance increase. But thankfully that's not it :)05:39
lotuspsychjebluefox83: did you come from 18.04?05:39
bluefox83lotuspsychje: 19.1005:40
lotuspsychjethats odd05:40
bluefox83yeah, i think it's the new kernel05:40
bluefox83i think it ships with 5.23 or something05:40
bluefox83and it's supposed to be much faster05:41
lotuspsychjei know systemd has slow issues/booting on 18.04 with kernel 4.15 and improved a lot on HWE05:41
lotuspsychjebut on 19.10 that should been solved so..05:41
bluefox83well, i have an old samsung laptop, and used to be, i would restart the laptop and i'd see the samsung screen, then it would take about 10 seconds and load grub, then after i selected ubuntu it would take a couple minutes to get to teh login screen05:47
bluefox83and now, i see the samsung screen that also has the ubuntu logo05:48
bluefox83and then after about 4 or 5 seconds it goes straight to the login screen05:48
lotuspsychjebluefox83: hard to say to compare in this stage, you should compare the systemd-analyze to see whats going on05:48
bluefox83lotuspsychje: everything seems to be running a lot faster now. opening applications like libre office, chrome, terminal...everything is way faster05:49
oerheks.. amazing05:49
bluefox83and i upgraded, i didn't fresh install05:50
lotuspsychjebluefox83: try installing preload & haveged and stacer to make it a rocket :p05:50
bluefox83pretty sure i already have preload05:50
bluefox83i've never heard of haveged or stacer05:51
lotuspsychje!info haveged05:52
ubottuhaveged (source: haveged): Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-6ubuntu1 (eoan), package size 27 kB, installed size 77 kB (Only available for linux-any)05:52
lotuspsychje!info stacer05:52
ubottuPackage stacer does not exist in eoan05:52
lotuspsychjeah yeah stacer is added on 20.04 and higher05:52
bluefox83i..already ran searches in apt..05:52
bluefox83it says linux system optimizer and monitoring05:53
lotuspsychjebluefox83: lets continue in #ubuntu-discuss perhaps05:53
TheBeastBoyI waana access ubuntu terminal from my android both are on same wifi network (i want to give commands to ubuntu using android)06:00
TheBeastBoyHow can i do?06:00
TheBeastBoyLike we can use tmate06:01
TheBeastBoyBut i dont want to connect to third party06:01
Andriohm, installer crashed trying to set up a md RAID06:11
bluefox83TheBeastBoy: run openssh on your ubuntu system, and use juicessh on android06:12
TheBeastBoybluefox83: ?06:12
TheBeastBoyIs there any tutorial i am completely new to ubuntu06:13
bluefox83what do you mean, how?06:13
bluefox83sudo apt install openssh06:13
TheBeastBoyI mean06:13
TheBeastBoyAfter installing?06:14
bluefox83it should auto-start after you install it06:14
TheBeastBoyWhat to enter in jiucessh06:14
bluefox83then run ifconfig to get your local ip address06:14
bluefox83and then add that address to juice ssh06:14
bluefox83the default port is 2020, long as you are on the same network you don't need to worry about ports06:15
bluefox83er, default port is 2006:15
TheBeastBoy20 or 2020?06:17
bluefox83just leave it for whatever is there06:18
bluefox83once you tell juicessh to connect it should show you a cli login06:18
bluefox83there's another app you might be interested in, it's called fing06:19
bluefox83it'll show you the IP address and show you all running services and ports06:20
bluefox83TheBeastBoy: so, is it working?06:23
TheBeastBoybluefox83:  identity in juicessh?06:23
bluefox83that's asking your login info06:24
bluefox83don't worry about it06:24
bluefox83just hit connect06:24
bluefox83and it'll bring you to the prompt06:24
TheBeastBoyIt need a. Identity06:24
bluefox83no, just click on the connections page, and hit the +06:26
bluefox83fill in the address, and that's it06:26
bluefox83hit the checkmark06:26
bluefox83and then select it from the list06:27
max123123hello everyone. I am facing an issue with a system upgraded from 20.04 beta. I can not open attachments from thunderbird due to wrong permissions in /tmp/06:27
max123123my system is running on LVM2 on an encrypted volume06:27
max123123the only pointer I found was this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1173947/ubuntu-19-04-thunderbird-and-firefox-cannot-open-attachment-nor-downloaded-file06:28
TheBeastBoybluefox83:  no06:29
TheBeastBoyIt still need identity06:29
TheBeastBoyWhat should i select in type?06:30
max123123thunderbird creates files in /tmp/mozilla_USERNAME/FILENAME with permissions like this: -r--------  1 testuser testuser 777734 Apr 30 06:43 5527588_f201911034.pdf06:30
bluefox83TheBeastBoy: the ssh package you actually need is openssh-server06:30
bluefox83which is the real reason why it is trying to make you think you need the identity06:31
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nomiconAnyone experienced that /etc/aliases is ignored in default installation of Postfix in focal fossa ?07:09
ducassenomicon: did you run newaliases?07:11
nomiconducasse: Ah it was a config mistake/mismatch between hostname and mydestination07:15
wasanzyI have a script that runs as a process and upload images. I didn't set any queue but I kept getting this error and the process stops unless I restart the script again:   background queue is full07:20
wasanzydoes this have to do with memory?07:20
StyXmanhow is unattended-upgrades run in a systemd system? I don't see anthing as a systemd timer unit or anythin in cron.d07:27
StyXmanI don't see any cron file in dpkg -L's output07:29
feisaroh, sorry, you mentioned cron, it is is I think07:29
StyXmannot a pertinent file in /etc/cron.*07:29
oerheksin /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades07:30
feisarbut how is that executed?07:31
oerheksTo modify your update schedule:07:31
oerheks$ sudo systemctl edit apt-daily.timer07:31
StyXmanah, it realies on an apt timer07:36
StyXmanok, and where can I read about the behaviour when a kernel is upgraded?07:38
bluefox83what behavior?07:39
oerheksif /var/run/reboot-required exists, you know what to do07:41
bluefox83i think they want to see how ubuntu finds out if there's a new kernel to dl07:42
StyXmanno, I want to control what happend then07:42
StyXmani don't want my customer's server to reboot without human intervention07:42
bluefox83StyXman: likr, blacklist specific kernel related packages?07:42
turneralexhey there - banging my head against a wall with casper and squashfs goodness. I have a script that mounts the 18.04.1 iso in busybox as well as the filesystem.squashfs to copy files to a new partition and update grub from a chroot. This doesnt work with 18.04.4 as vmlinuz and initrc aren't in that casper/filesystem.squashfs file - why did this change and how can i make that chroot bootable?07:42
bluefox83StyXman: it wont, ever07:43
bluefox83it wont install without human intervention, and it wont restart on it's own07:43
bluefox83it will DOWNLOAD new kernels, but it wont install them07:43
StyXmanbluefox83: it won't install?07:43
StyXmanbut there's also this:07:44
StyXman/ Automatically reboot *WITHOUT CONFIRMATION* if a07:44
StyXman/ the file /var/run/reboot-required is found after the upgrade07:44
StyXman/Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "false";07:44
bluefox83yeah, that literally says it doesn't want unattended reboots07:44
StyXmanbluefox83: I could set it to true and it would reboot07:45
bluefox83StyXman: i guess. there are likely other things in place to prevent it though. you have to enter your password to INSTALL packages, and if you can't install then it wont have call to reboot07:46
StyXmanbluefox83: do you understand to use of unattended-upgrade?07:46
StyXmanthe use*07:46
bluefox83yeah, it will automatically download and install the latest packages, if the system calls for it, it'll also restart, this is a BAD thing, you should never do it07:47
bluefox83you could break grub and not know it, you could break your WM07:47
bluefox83which you can fix both of those easily, but i doubt your client knows how to do that07:48
bluefox83StyXman: i didn't really notice, are you installing ubuntu for someone else, or running it in your own VM?07:49
StyXmanit's one server per client, it could be run on a VM or not07:50
StyXmanwell, I'm only in charge of the VM07:50
bluefox83so you're running ubuntu server?07:51
StyXmandoes it matter? it's an OVA based on a cloud-ready image07:52
StyXmandunno if it's ubuntu-server or what lineage it has07:53
bluefox83if you get it started and you get a desktop login, it's not ubuntu server07:53
bluefox83i've not messed with cloud based stuff yet, i lack access07:54
bluefox83alright, i'm going to bed.07:58
KOPRajsHi guys, fresh installation of Kubuntu 20.04, "sudo apt-get install mariadb-server" hangs upon starting the mysqld. After shutting down the server with "systemctl stop mariadb" the installation finished fine, but everytime I try to run "systemctl start mariadb" it hangs. The mysqld is running in the background and there are no errors in log but the08:06
KOPRajs"systemctl start mariadb" hangs until pressing of Ctrl+C. Any ideas what goes wrong here?08:06
KOPRajsThe "ps ax" shows "systemd-tty-ask-password" process which seems to be related to running "systemctl start mariadb".08:08
KOPRajsAnd the mysqld is being shutdown after about 30 minutes from being started this way.08:08
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KOPRajsThis very old bug seems similar to what I am seeing with Kubuntu 20.04 and MariaDB: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/145678908:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1456789 in systemd (Ubuntu) "restarting services hangs on systemd-tty-ask-password-agent" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:24
Aliekezhihi, is ubuntu 20.04 a TLS yet ? Is it already possible (recommanded ?) to upgrade from 18.04 ?08:48
KOPRajsJust in case it matters. I originally installed "mysql-server", then I removed it with "apt-get remove mysql-server", then I did "apt-get autoremove" to remove dependencies as well and then I've installed MariaDB with "apt-get install mariadb-server" and get to the current point where "systemctl start mariadb-server" hangs/08:48
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d08:49
oerhekswait for the pointrelease08:50
sanavI am a research scholar and i have to research papers in .doc format and then upload them to Onedrive. Previously i use linux (ubuntu, solus, elementary...) and i love the management and free apps. But when i tried libre office, it break my .doc file very badly. WPS office work good but still sometimes it fails (even after installing fonts). Tell09:00
sanavme some suggestion, how can migrate from windows to linux.09:00
sanavI hate Microsoft... i use MS just because i have to write in .doc file so that i can submit them to journalsl09:01
sanavalmost all journals want me to write in .doc format instead of latex/pdf..09:02
KOPRajsYou can use MS Office in Linux even if it is not 100% perfect solution.09:03
oerhekssure all offices accept ODF09:03
sanavwine/cross-over not work for me09:04
sanavi tried, they able to run software, but when i open file in other system, it still breaks the structure09:04
sanavODF is solution, but still not working that much good09:05
CrazySamThen don't leave Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office?09:05
CrazySamVirtualize it.09:06
CrazySamIn GNU/Linux.09:06
sanaveven web-version of office don't have complete features...09:06
CrazySamThat's probably true. I don't use the online version. But I do have Microsoft 365 Family which includes the online versions of all the apps.09:07
sanavHow do u manage ur files?09:07
KOPRajsBtw. Properly formated document doesn't break on other systems. Not even in .doc format.09:07
sanavBelieve me, it breaks09:07
oerheksssst, he is researching09:08
sanavi am die hard user of MS09:08
CrazySamI don't know how to answer your question Sanav, as I don't know what exactly you mean by that.09:08
CrazySamBut I tend to keep things separated. Meaning what happens in Windows stays in Windows.09:09
CrazySamWhat happens in Linux stays in Linux.09:09
sanavhmm... i think, i don't have any other option then09:10
sanavThanks bro!09:10
CrazySamIf I were to zig zag between different systems, Windows vs. GNU/Linux, or Libre Office vs. Microsoft Office, I would make sure to use a cross-compatible file format, and make sure to run some test to ensure everything works as planned.09:11
CrazySamI don't know about DOC files, I haven't touched those in years, but I do have some. However ODF and DOCX will likely work well as an exchange format.09:12
CrazySamAnd for portability you probably want to use PDF anyway, not DOC/DOCX/ODF. Now that it's an open standard.09:13
Deano59can I install Chromium WITHOUT snap? I'm getting a few seconds lag with snap. I don't get this on 18.04. I am with 20.04.......09:14
CrazySamLaTeX... well... I don't know about that. Unless I'm typesetting the journal article myself I would probably still go for DOCX/ODF.09:14
CrazySamBut then again what do I know... I am not a research scholar.09:15
CrazySamAnd he left...09:15
CrazySamHe missed the most important part! :)09:15
CrazySamToo much hate toward Microsoft, and un-founded arguments against their DOC format... and this guy is a research scholar?09:16
CrazySamThen I'm a rocket scientist! Just hanging out here in the darker corners of the Internet, on my coffee break. :P09:17
CrazySamDeano59: have you considered this command?09:22
CrazySamsudo apt install -y chromium-browser09:22
KOPRajs@CrazySam: Research scholar can mean a lot of very different things and definitely is not a warranty of a computer skills.09:23
Deano59CrazySam, that installs the snap version I'm afraid.09:23
CrazySamKOPRajs: agree09:24
CrazySamDeano59: did you try it?09:25
Deano59yes. again; it installs the snap version.09:25
CrazySamMaybe that's the way they distribute it now. I don't know.09:25
Deano59yeah which sucks.09:25
CrazySamsudo snap install chromium09:26
CrazySamIsn't this the snap install command?09:26
CrazySamsudo snap remove chromium09:27
CrazySamAnd this is to remove it?09:27
CrazySamBye bye Deano5909:28
CrazySamTo Snap or not to Snap... ? Difficult choice here. I certainly wouldn't know the difference.09:31
CrazySamI understand that snapping it is the new way of distributing software for many GNU/Linux systems. That's about all I know. Have not read much about it.09:31
CrazySamBut would change of delivery mechanism make "a few seconds" difference in performance of said software? I don't know...09:32
wadkarCrazySam: The only thing I know about snap is that it obnoxiously creates ~/snaps dir in my $HOME and for a tool born in "modern times" has no respect for XDG_* vars09:33
wadkarI am not a big fan of snaps autoupdating and polluting my $PATH - I wish I didn't have to manually remove it on every ubuntu installatino09:34
nagyghi, can you guide me where to look at differencies between the default Ubuntu and the Wayland session please? I'd like to understand why an application gui is not visible in the standard session but displayed in the Wayland one. I am using Ubuntu 20.04.09:34
oerhekswhat application gui is that?09:36
CrazySamwadkar: I see... doesn't sound right. Too many chefs I guess. :shrug: By the time you get to make a decision for each and every aspect of how a particular system operates, you are actually building your own system without even realizing it. I have learned to just go with the flow, follow the shepherd. :)09:40
CrazySamTrust the shepherd I should say. :)09:41
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CrazySamWhen everything is said and done it all comes back to trust and intuition.09:41
lotuspsychjeCrazySam wadkar please use ubuntu-discuss for discussions09:42
RattleBattle79is it just me or are snap packages slow as f***?09:42
lotuspsychjeits very easy, you type /join #ubuntu-discuss and you can chat all day long09:43
kostkonRattleBattle79, please rephrase it to something with more meaning and less profanities09:43
CrazySamGood idea lotuspsychje, thanks for pointing out. I'll be right there. :)09:43
RattleBattle79OK. snap install spoify -> startup time 5-10 second. apt install spotify -> startup time less than one second09:44
RattleBattle79and I feel that the same for other apps installed with snap09:45
kostkonRattleBattle79, yes it seems slow startup times still plague many snap apps despite the optimisations.09:45
kostkonRattleBattle79, things will improve over time even more09:45
nagygoerheks, it is a global protect vpn application09:46
lotuspsychjeRattleBattle79: their support is here if you want to report that: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/bd-p/desktop_linux09:46
giacomy laptop keeps losing static ip connection on eth09:46
giaconmcli shows that connection is active, but interface doesn't have any ip address09:46
giacoI can down/up connection to get ip back for some minutes, then again and again09:47
nagygRattleBattle79, interesting .. I just installed spotify using snap 1 minute ago09:48
nagygRattleBattle79, only the startup is slow?09:48
lotuspsychjenagyg: support for spotify snap, see the link above^not here please09:49
AhmedAmericanI'm using Ubuntu server 20.04, i keep losing internet connection within the server daily. and noticed `ip a` is shown `ipv6` address instead of `ipv4`09:49
AhmedAmericanit's happens for the second day today. if i rebooted the server, the issue will be fixed as yesterday but i don't want to reboot to catch the main issue. from where i should start?09:50
lotuspsychjeAhmedAmerican: try #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers09:51
nagyglotuspsychje, sorry, I was just interested in his problem, I myself do not have any with it09:51
lesshaste how do I select my microphone? It is card 2: Lync [Sennheiser SC60 for Lync], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]09:53
lesshastecurrently it isn't working as it is not selected properly09:53
mgedminlesshaste: gnome-control-center (aka System Preferences) -> Sound -> there should be a dropdown with input sources09:56
IarlaUbuntu has just stopped booting to the graphical display. I get the fsck success message and can use CTRL+ALT+Fn to get terminals. Is there a log file I can check that might show me where the problem is? I have no nVidia packages installed.09:59
mgedminjournalctl should show all log messages10:04
Iarlathanks mgedmin10:07
zvrklesshaste run alsamixer in terminal and check F410:08
zvrklesshaste: you can install 'pavucontrol' gui for sound & mic10:10
zvrklesshaste: 'pavucontrol'got more options10:12
realieshow can you update grub without having to go through the interactive menu?10:20
realiesis export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive going to work in ubuntu?10:21
ikoniawhat do you mean update grub without the front end ?10:21
ikoniagrub is just config files10:22
ikoniaupdate the config files10:22
IarlaLooks like my disk is mounted read-only on boot ...10:22
realieswhen you install a new kernel there's an interactive menu10:22
ikoniahow are you installing a kernel ?10:22
realiessudo apt-get install -y linux-aws10:22
ikoniaand that's prompting an interactive menu ??10:23
realiesdo I have to say it for the third time?10:23
ikoniagood luck, I'm just asking for information to clarify, so no, don't bother saying it a 3rd time10:24
realiesand it seems that environment variable fixes it10:25
lenny_lemonwhen my laptop freeze, how and where in dmesg or so I can find the cause of issue?10:26
garsholIarla: probably a mistake in your grub cfg, or you have some issues in your root fs10:26
IarlaCould anyone tell me what mount options the Disks application shows for their root partition? I have Automatic Mout Options disabled.10:26
Iarlathanks garshol. I haven't changed grub, but I was using Disks application to work with an external disk.10:26
garsholIarla: then probably fstab.10:27
garsholhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/876510/booting-into-read-only-file-system Iarla10:27
mgedminrealies: yes, DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive works in ubuntu (as you've discovered), and I've never seen interactive menus on kernel updates, but I guess you've multiple kernel variants installed?10:30
mgedminmight be simpler to remove the ones you don't want (e.g. linux-generic)10:31
mgedminbecause when the prompt is skipped, the scripts will pick _some_ kernel to use by default, but you can't be sure which one10:31
IarlaHere's my fstab garshol https://pastebin.com/D3nCkUZM10:32
IarlaWould you mind taking a look?10:32
IarlaActually ... that last line, the /mnt/... location doesn't exist when I do ls on it.10:33
Iarlanvm, I fixed the boot options in disks (and as a result fstab). Thanks for the pointer.10:45
doomlist3there was some cmd like xset dmps force-off suspend?10:48
doomlist3which cmd was it?10:48
doomlist3to switch off the monitor but not cpu10:49
Gokturk-AwayCan someone help me about ipv6 configuration on Ubuntu 18.04?10:49
doomlist3xset dmps force off is not10:51
garsholGokturk-Away: what's up?10:52
BluesKaj'Morning all10:55
Not_White_RabbitHi. On 20.04 why do I get "/usr/bin/python: No module named pip"?10:56
Gokturk-Awaygarshol: Hello. I have a VPS Server from OVH and trying to ipv6 configuraton on my server from OVH guide here: https://docs.ovh.com/gb/en/vps/configuring-ipv6/#persistent-application-on-debian-and-its-derivatives-ubuntu-crunchbang-steamos but it didnt worked10:56
WoetGokturk-Away: "it didnt worked" is not useful information10:57
WoetGokturk-Away: what did you do, what happened, what do the log files say?10:57
garsholGokturk-Away: Waht in that guide did not work?10:57
garsholNot_White_Rabbit: Install pip?10:57
garshol# apt install python3-pip10:57
Gokturk-AwayI'll screenshot, wait10:58
mgedminif it's /usr/bin/python, then you probably want python-pip11:00
garsholcorrect mgedmin11:00
garsholmy bad11:00
garsholGokturk-Away: a pastebin of terminal output will suffice.11:01
mgedminnow I'm curious when we're going to have /usr/bin/python pointing to python311:01
mgedminhttps://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/#for-python-runtime-distributors allows it already11:01
garsholin 20.04?11:01
mgedminlet me rephrase: I wonder what ubuntu version will create a /usr/bin/python symlink pointing to python311:02
garsholdidn't they do that in 20.04?11:02
mgedmin(or I wonder what version will ship a package that, when installed, makes python -> python3)11:02
mgedminI don't rememeber, which is why I'm wondering11:02
mgedminI _think_ there's a package, that, if installed, makes /usr/bin/python -> python211:03
garsholthey did. Python3 is default.11:03
mgedminah!  ubuntu 20.04 has python-is-python2 and python-is-python3 packages, both of which provide /usr/bin/python11:04
Gokturk-AwayI just edited '51-cloud-init-ipv6.yaml' here like so: https://imagebin.ca/v/5KtmzTH7OCyy and typed 'netplan try' 'netplan apply' and when i typed 'ping6 myipv6'11:04
Gokturk-Awayit says: connect: Network is unreachable11:04
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mgedminso it's sysadmin's choice already11:04
Gokturk-AwayI am not expert on ssh, if you could help me by command that would be better.11:04
mgedminpython-is-python2 is installed by default on upgrades if you had python2 installed before11:04
garsholThat is true.11:05
Not_White_Rabbitthere is no python-pip package11:05
Not_White_Rabbitonly python-pip-whl which looks useless11:05
mgedminhm, you're right!  interesting11:05
Not_White_RabbitI'm interested in pip for python211:06
Not_White_RabbitOf course I could use get-pip.py but I expected the distro to provide it.11:06
garsholGokturk-Away: what exactly did you type when you typed ping6 xxxxx11:06
garsholdid you input an ip?11:06
mgedminI suppose you could apt install virtualenv, and then virtualenv -p python2 /tmp/env, and it would install /tmp/env/bin/pip for you11:07
garsholmgedmin: would be a viable workaround, but not a solution.11:07
Gokturk-AwayI did all things what OVH says here: https://docs.ovh.com/gb/en/vps/configuring-ipv6/#persistent-application-on-debian-and-its-derivatives-ubuntu-crunchbang-steamos11:07
Gokturk-Awayvia the Netplan function11:08
mgedminI don't suppose using python3 is an acceptable solution for you, garshol?11:08
garsholGokturk-Away: ping6 proof.ovh.net11:08
Gokturk-Awaygarshol: connect: Network is unreachable11:08
garsholGokturk-Away: then ipv6 is not enabled.11:09
garsholEnable it first, and restart your network services.11:09
WoetGokturk-Away: share a screenshot of your IPv6 settings from your panel.11:09
Gokturk-AwayHow do I enable it?  :)11:09
garsholmgedmin: sure it is, but not what requested by Not_White_Rabbit11:09
mgedminah, sorry, forgot who had the problem11:10
Gokturk-AwayIPV6: 2001:41d0:801:2000:0:0:0:9fd Gateway: 2001:41d0:0801:2000:0000:0000:0000:000111:11
Deano59CrazySam, the "sudo apt install chromium-browser" installs the snap version, not the .deb version. I HATE the snap version, it makes chromium slow.11:11
Deano59why it was changed I don't know. firefox installs the .deb version plus other browsers too.11:11
Deano59Also, another question.. I have added a PPA, say the PPA is 2.x of an app and the repos of ubuntu are 3.x - why does it default from the repos? how can I default it to the PPA?11:12
Deano59two things stopping me from enjoying ubuntu 20.04.11:13
mgedminapt always installs the package with the greatest version number, unless you tell it to do otherwise by creating an /etc/apt/preferences file11:13
mgedminthe syntax is very obscure and I hated it every time I tried to use it11:14
Deano59how would I go about that?11:14
mgedminre: chromium snap, what do you mean by slow?  startup time, or everyday usage as well?11:14
Deano59google doesn't like me xD11:14
Deano59startup time mgedmin there's lag every open time.11:15
SiecjeAfter reboot I couldn't connect to postgres with `psql -U postgres -h localhost`. I uninstalled and re-installed it using apt o nUbuntu 20.04 and I can connect.11:15
Deano59I'll take a look :) thank you. ;P11:15
Deano59last question before I head off.... what's the best way to add "text" to a service file?11:16
garsholDeano59: what do you mean by "text"?11:16
Deano59I need several different lines of text.11:16
Deano59garshol, say I want to edit; /etc/samba/smb.conf but there's nothing there. run a command and it puts my "text" into it.11:17
Deano59yes what?11:17
garsholopen the file, and add what you need/want, and save it.11:17
Deano59not what I want... lol11:17
EriC^add a comment to systemd unit file https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.syntax.html11:18
garsholThen i'm not sure what you mean.11:18
Deano59garshol, see above. thanks.11:18
garsholOh. Ok11:19
mgedminare you looking for echo text >> file.txt or what?11:19
Deano59mgedmin, yes, something like that but there's different lines of text.11:20
mgedmin{ echo line 1; echo line 2; echo line 3; } >> file.txt ?11:21
Deano59line being the text?11:21
Deano59I'll try. :)11:21
Deano59mgedmin, you're a legend! it worked! :D11:23
lotuspsychje!cookie | mgedmin11:24
ubottumgedmin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:24
promilleHi. I'm trying to shrink my win10 partition to free up more space for my ext4/ubuntu-partition. Using gparted. In this answer it's stated that "ONLY shrink from the right side of the partition. You also should not expand the partition on the left side as again you're actually moving it to the left, and then expanding off the end; ONLY expand from the right side of the paritition." Does this mean that11:27
promillefree space should be at "Free space following" or "free space preceding" in gparted? Thanks!11:27
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Deano59be back soon, thanksa again! XD11:34
s10gopalAfter installing BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0a0a tx timeout and Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch command 0a0a failed (-110)11:50
Deano59mgedmin, how do I add a line of spacE?11:56
Deano59so it'll be "1, 2, 3 then a space then carrying on... ?11:57
Deano59like how we're talking on here but twice11:57
Deano59see what I mean?11:57
ossejust a single echo, if I understand you correctly11:58
mgedminecho "line with extra spaces: [                  ]"11:58
mgedminand maybe get a book on bash programming if you've the time?11:58
mgedminor google for an online tutorial?11:58
Guest_82hello, why do I not see focal fossa in the meta-release-lts? http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts11:58
Deano59mgedmin, ^ osse ^11:59
mgedminGuest_82: because upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be offered only after 20.04.1 LTS is out in a few months, after early adopters have shaken out all the bugs12:00
mgedminthis is the usual policy for LTS-to-LTS upgrades, and IIRC it was mentioned in the release announcement12:00
osse{ echo "Like this"; echo; echo "Like this"; } > file.txt12:00
mgedminDeano59: ah, an empty line?  just echo with no arguments12:00
osseprintf '%s\n\n%s\n' "Like this" "Like this" > file.txt12:01
Guest_82Thank you mgedmin!12:02
lenny_lemonwhen my laptop freeze, how and where in dmesg or so I can find the cause of issue?12:04
jeremy31lenny_lemon: you could leave a terminal open while running this command> tail -f /var/log/syslog12:07
mgedminor journalctl -f12:11
lenny_lemonjeremy31, like now? what does it do?12:11
lenny_lemoni have screen locked laptop, and after while I came back to it and it was it...12:12
jeremy31lenny_lemon: it will show the log in real time, hopefully you will see what causes the freeze12:12
lenny_lemoncan I search for it now, right?12:13
jeremy31lenny_lemon: yes12:15
jeremy31lenny_lemon: if you know what time it happened you could open /var/log/syslog in text editor and scroll to the time and see what occurred then12:16
lenny_lemonI have syslog and syslog1 ...12:18
[Simon] Hi there, i am currently trying to boot ubuntu server from CD on a very old desktop system, i get the following error with many operating systems which i have tried to boot, apart from live operating systems and a very old version of linux mint, the wrror is as follows, "end kernel panic - not syncing: 10-APIC + timer doesn't work, booth with apic=debug and send report. then try booting with the12:19
[Simon]no apic"12:19
lenny_lemondns crypt proxy12:22
lenny_lemonso I need it to run?12:22
lenny_lemontoo many msg in syslog12:22
lenny_lemonunable to retrieve server certificates... refetching... over and over again...12:23
lenny_lemonrestarting service... majority msg in syslog12:26
lenny_lemonor how can i fix to make it work?12:26
jeremy31lenny_lemon: using dnscrypt?12:28
lenny_lemonI remember something about it but not using it... what is it for?12:29
lenny_lemonit stopped exactly after one of million msg "unable to retrieve server certificates" with line all of \00\00\00 and Apr on the end of line.... but is pretty long12:31
lenny_lemonin red highlight12:31
jeremy31lenny_lemon: It was something I found on google searching for "ubuntu unable to retrieve server certificates... refetching"12:33
mgedminoooh \0\0\0\0, I've seen those12:33
mgedminmachine crashes -> bunch of nulls in syslog and you don't actually see the latest messages because they weren't flushed to disk before the crash12:33
mgedminunfortunately I don't know what's a good way to debug such crashes12:34
mgedminit might involve setting up uefi crash dumps?  or netconsole?  above my skill in either case12:34
lenny_lemonbut I believe it will do something with DNSCrypt12:34
mgedminsuch crashes are either a hardware problem, or a kernel/driver bug12:34
mgedminuserspace shouldn't' be able12:34
mgedminto crash a machine12:34
lenny_lemoncan be any, laptop is 8 years old12:35
mgedminwell, a root process writing to /dev/mem randomly might12:35
lenny_lemonbut I think from time to time I have message after update u running old kernel12:35
mgedmin(I forgot to include firmware bug as a possibility)12:35
lenny_lemonother issue could be that I'm not able to access bios12:38
lenny_lemonor boot order12:38
lenny_lemonI installed ubuntu 16.04 and upgraded to 18.0412:38
lenny_lemonfrom usb, because ubuntu has signed keys from microsoft to go through secure boot enabled...12:39
lenny_lemonI did mistake that I resize partition on 1st day I got laptop and later try to install ubuntu along win8 without turning off wecure boot enable12:41
lenny_lemonI think my issue is more complex than someone would think... :)12:41
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jeremy31lenny_lemon: Many computers work fine with Secure Boot enabled.  Win 10's hybrid shutdown can cause issues12:44
lenny_lemonhmmm, what about win8?12:45
lenny_lemonlaptop came with win8 preinstalled12:46
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lenny_lemon2nd freeze what I had after restart has the same line of \00\00\00\0012:47
jeremy31lenny_lemon: lines with \00\00\00\00 are those seen in terminal or text editor?12:49
lenny_lemontext editor12:49
jeremy31lenny_lemon: check Disks program see if SMART tests show any problems12:50
lenny_lemonwill you guide me plz?12:50
lenny_lemonis there any book or something how can I learn the most about ubuntu system, kernel and so? or is it only experience and lot of work around?12:51
lotuspsychje!manual | lenny_lemon12:54
ubottulenny_lemon: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:54
lenny_lemonubottu, is there ubuntu 18.04 also?12:56
ubottulenny_lemon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:56
tarelerulzI have ps4 controllers , they did connect and work via Bluetooth. I don't even know , how I might fix this. any ideas12:56
lotuspsychjelenny_lemon: https://help.ubuntu.com/12:58
tarelerulzIs Bluetooth like if on Ubuntu 20.04?12:59
jeremy31tarelerulz: post URL from terminal for> lsusb | nc termbin.com 999913:00
s10gopalAfter installing BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd, Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0a0a tx timeout and Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch command 0a0a failed (-110)13:02
tarelerulzWhat does that mean?13:03
tarelerulzWhy time out?13:03
tarelerulzMy phone does not connect either13:05
tarelerulzcan I use maybe older drivers?13:05
lotuspsychjetarelerulz: patience please, give the volunteers some time to think also13:05
jeremy31tarelerulz: That should work as I have used that model before unless it needs firmware13:06
jeremy31tarelerulz: in terminal>  cd /lib/firmware/brcm && sudo wget https://github.com/winterheart/broadcom-bt-firmware/raw/master/brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd13:07
tarelerulzmy keyboard is usb , it has some kind of wireless ,but it not bluetooth13:07
s10gopaltarelerulz, dmesg | grep -i blue*13:07
jeremy31s10gopal: bluetooth hci1: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd failed with error -213:08
jeremy31tarelerulz: Is it logitech?13:09
tarelerulzyes I think so13:09
tarelerulzIt odd , the fact I don't use bluetooth for it13:09
jeremy31tarelerulz: some of them are hard paired to a USB dongle13:09
tarelerulzit some kind of usb / device that transmits something13:10
s10gopaljeremy31, are you getting this error even after using correct hdc file?13:10
jeremy31s10gopal: I don't think it will happen after getting the hcd file.  On older versions it did work for keyboard/mouse without firmware13:10
jeremy31tarelerulz: If the keyboard/mouse doesn't work, replace batteries13:11
s10gopaljeremy31, mine is not working even after getting correct hdc file13:11
tarelerulzMy mouse and keyboard , I don't think it bluetooth , I connect via usb.  My phone and the ps4 controllers are the only thing I know that are bluetooth13:12
tarelerulzIts this usb drive that transmits something13:12
s10gopaltarelerulz, i think that is a bt tx/rx13:12
jeremy31s10gopal: I saw those errors on the Linux Mint chat yesterday, not sure why it fails now even with the newest kernels13:12
s10gopaljeremy31, get correct hcd file and reboot , it might fix it13:13
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tarelerulzI'm dumb , the keyboard and mouse work get.  It just Bluetooth my phone or ps4 controller don't13:13
tarelerulzThat say connect and that all that happens13:14
jeremy31tarelerulz: does the phone show when in discover mode in terminal with command>  bluetoothctl13:14
tarelerulz68:F3:67:10:B9:18 RSSI: -8713:16
tarelerulz[CHG] Device 68:F3:67:10:B9:18 RSSI: -8813:17
jeremy31tarelerulz: I don't expect it to stay connected full time, only when doing a file transfer, try sending a file to the phone from Ubuntu13:18
tarelerulzcan I use the gui Bluetooth thing13:18
jeremy31tarelerulz: That should work13:19
s10gopaljeremy31, i was getting fw load failed. But after placing correct hcd. Now bt tx timeout and patch failed. Any suggestion?13:19
jeremy31s10gopal: Not at this time13:21
s10gopaljeremy31, ok13:21
tarelerulznot just me13:22
tarelerulzI sure wish I could get what ever version of retroarch they have13:22
tarelerulzIts the bomb13:23
tarelerulzI swear it worked earlyer13:23
tarelerulzI was on my couch playing games13:23
tarelerulzso it odd that now it does not work13:24
jeremy31tarelerulz: I was able to send a picture from Ubuntu to my phone using the same bluetooth device13:27
echoSMILEHi. I have ubuntu is two laptops with the same version, but one can be run the updates from GUI the other one, the GUI always fail (the window just close without updating nothing) and that need to be updated by terminal. Any way to fix this ?13:28
wedrQuestion:  on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, did they fix the issue where if you launch a favorited app from Gnome dock, it will sometimes show 2 of the same app icons in the dock? I hoped they fixed the issue so that it's always 1 app icon after launching the favorited app.13:30
s10gopalwedr, i am also using 20.04LTS and not getting this bug13:41
codedmartCan I resize an exfat partition? I just want to expand it to take up the remaining diskspace.13:41
s10gopalcodedmart, have a look at it, https://askubuntu.com/questions/656871/how-to-resize-create-exfat-partitions-on-sdcard13:42
codedmarts10gopal: Thanks, that is less then ideal. I don't have another hard drive large enough to back up the data to :|.13:43
CrazySamIs 18.04 the last 32 bit release?13:44
wedrI've been getting annoyed at this bug.13:46
wedrHad to manually fix each and every desktop file I can find that has this issue using xprop13:46
s10gopalwedr, Can you please elaborate?13:48
wedrs10gopal, It's a bug in bamf in Ubuntu since 14.04 or earlier. It sometimes exists in 18.04.   This is the fix I used:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/975178/duplicate-applications-icons-in-ubuntu-dock13:49
mfilipe[m]i see that the official docker repository doesn't support ubuntu focal yet: https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/ . in this case, canonical is going to keep updated the docker.io package like they do with firefox?13:51
jpleaumfilipe[m]: it will support focal at some point (probably next release). I've been using the eoan repo in the mean time with no issues. Same thing happened with bionic.13:52
mfilipe[m]jpleau: good to know13:52
mfilipe[m]thanks dude13:52
jpleau(If you want to use the docker repo instead of ubuntu's, not sure if ubuntu keeps docker updated in official repos.)13:52
mfilipe[m]i will move to the docker repo when they release the support for 20.0413:53
mfilipe[m]docker.io package is working good13:53
s10gopalCrazySam, from 18.04 onward 32bit is depreciated13:54
CrazySam17.04 is the last desktop to support it13:55
CrazySam17.10 is the last server to support it13:55
CrazySamSo yes s10gopal, from 18.04 onward it's completely gone.13:56
wedrs10gopal, Actually, the solution I posted worked for anything with Gnome launcher   https://askubuntu.com/questions/403766/duplicate-icons-for-manually-created-gnome-launcher-items14:00
leftyfbCrazySam: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/  18.04 32bit installer iso14:02
leftyfbCrazySam: 20.04 has 32bit packages, just no installer for the OS14:02
CrazySamSo only net installer is 32 bit on 81.04?14:04
leftyfbCrazySam: correct14:06
CrazySam81.04? Doh! That's a bit of a stretch. Maybe in year 2038. :) I mean 18.04 ofc.14:07
leftyfb"Ubuntu will no longer be producing a __desktop__ i386 ISO"14:08
CrazySamRight, so the net installer is the only image that has remained unchanged till this day?14:09
CrazySamI mean still 32 bit.14:09
leftyfbCrazySam: what is your goal exactly?14:09
CrazySamSorry to bother you leftyfb. This conversation probably suits better in ubuntu-discuss. I was just curious to see when the 32 bit computing support was dropped in Ubuntu. I have not found any one article stating that clearly, so I am putting the puzzle together myself. Apparently it has been done in stages.14:13
CrazySamI got carried away. :P14:14
CrazySamNever mind me.14:14
CrazySamI can't say I miss the 32 bit age...14:14
dmnzHey, what's the best way to make a full restore point in ubuntu? sorry if this is a silly q, id like to try pop shell on ubuntu but dont want to break my entire env right now14:16
ducassedmnz: with something like zfs or btrfs probably14:17
dmnzThanks @ducasse, ill look into those14:20
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tarelerulzMy blueth does the whole pin thing ,  It says connected but when I try to see and file from the other or the computer nothing happens14:44
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max3i have 3 machines: mine, gateway, host. host is only accessible with a 2 hop ssh through gateway. how do i port forward so that i can ssh directly to host? i know about ProxyJump but i need to do port forwarding so that i ssh directly14:52
max3i can't figure out if it's ssh -L or ssh -R14:52
max3i think i want ssh -L 2222: to something14:52
grawitythat's exactly what ProxyJump does though14:57
max3grawity the problem is both servers ask for a pw15:00
max3the api i need is the standard ssh api - 1 pw15:00
grawityso you want the connection to gateway to be long-lived?15:01
max3i figured it out15:02
max3ssh -L 2222:host:22 gateway15:02
max3i knew it was something simple15:02
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kuanyui_What is the most recommended simplest way now to install ubuntu 20.04 via USB, and keep existing encrypted /home partition (LUKS?) untouched & mounted? I googled but found some solutions asked a decade ago.15:09
kuanyui_I found I cannot assign the existing encrypted partition in Ubuntu installer without formatting it...15:11
leftyfbkuanyui_: install fresh and restore from backup. That is the easiest and safest way15:25
ezioVanilla 20.04. High-performance desktop PC. The first time Chromium loads, it takes a really long time.  HexChat always takes a long time.  Should I file a bug.15:26
leftyfbezio: it's a known issue with some applications installed from snap15:27
ezioVanilla 20.04.  Swapped monitors in the config.  Reboot. The sign-in page, the monitors are swapped back, but when you finish logging in, it swaps back to the right config.  Should I file a bug.15:27
ezioleftyfb, I found one discussion about it from October 19.  Snap apps slow to start.  But it was closed same day.  Do you have a link for the ticket on that one?15:30
leftyfbI do not15:30
eelstrebori guess i'm gonna need to roll back my dns changes. since installing unbound and dnscrypt i'm having having an issue where some websites don't render with a message saying that the site can't be found - happens a lot after doing this stuff - maybe buggy apps? or is it a problem with 20.04? not a big deal for me but other users might squawk15:31
ezioSo this is probably just the way life is.15:31
eelstrebornot sure if i want to spend the time to find out what the problem is.15:32
ezioI'm putting in a bug.15:32
eelstrebori just got done fixing a LOT of file permissions and ownership issues on the server box after doing an upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 - i had the same problem upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 - fun, fun, fun15:33
* eelstrebor was considering implementing unbound and dnscrypt system wide by installing them on the router be he's rethinking that......15:40
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p1l0tI'm having trouble with one of my servers. apt upgrade freezes, apt autoremove freezes, dpkg --configure -a freezes15:55
kuanyui_leftyfb: Now seems work. I just 1. install ubuntu with  / partition mounted only 2. reboot, install cryptsetup 3. cryptsetup luksOpen 4. edit /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab 5. reboot16:05
hailhydraHello, is there any way to install chromium without snap? I find that snap packages are adding a lot of bloat16:05
kuanyui_I just install ubuntu 20.04, with a USB wired ethernet network card & Internet connected while installing, NEVERTHELESS my rtl8821ce wireless card STILL BROKEN...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh////16:06
tieinvapt install chromium-browser ??16:06
kuanyui_Is there anyone know how to solve this...16:07
leftyfbhailhydra: bo16:07
leftyfbhailhydra: no16:07
p1l0tI'm having trouble with one of my servers. apt upgrade freezes, apt autoremove freezes, dpkg --configure -a freezes16:08
leftyfb!repeat | p1l0t16:08
ubottup1l0t: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:08
p1l0tI've been searching but they all say to do things that just freeze16:09
p1l0tlsof freezes16:09
p1l0tapt auto-remove freezes16:09
p1l0tapt upgrade freezes16:09
leftyfbp1l0t: what version of ubuntu?16:09
p1l0tdpkg --configure -a freezes16:09
p1l0tUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS16:10
leftyfbp1l0t: was this not-freezing at one point in time?16:11
p1l0tEverything was fine up until yesterday16:11
leftyfbp1l0t: did anything change? Looked through dmesg for possible hardware issues? Run any memory or hardware tests?16:12
p1l0tINFO: task usb-storage:238 blocked for more than 120 seconds.16:14
p1l0t[2358673.665764]       Tainted: G        W        4.15.0-91-generic #92-Ubuntu16:14
p1l0t[2358673.665832] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.16:14
leftyfb!paste | p1l0t16:14
ubottup1l0t: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:14
kuanyui_kuanyui_: Don't know what happened, enabled DKMS driver in DriverManager UI then reoot, now seems work...16:14
leftyfbp1l0t: got anything plugged into the usb ports on the server?16:15
p1l0tYes a backup drive16:15
leftyfbp1l0t: unmount and remove it16:15
kuanyui_I've curious for a long time: why that when my laptop is running the Ubuntu Live USB, all hardware works smoothly; after installing (with Internet connection & proprietary driver checked) and rebooting, wifi or sound will break... Now my laptop no sound again....16:22
p1l0tlshw freezes16:24
treehug88p1l0t that sounds like it could be HD failure, or yes, bad USB device16:24
treehug88check the error logs and SMART status if you can16:25
p1l0tThe main HD seems OK the backup USB drive is frozen16:25
leftyfbp1l0t: shut down the server and then unplug the drive16:27
p1l0tI would have to drive in to the office for that :)16:27
p1l0tmount works it's sdb116:29
leftyfbp1l0t: ok, good luck16:29
p1l0tI'll see if I can umount it16:29
leftyfbp1l0t: you'll probably need to physically unplug it as well if it's a hardware issue16:29
leftyfbp1l0t: I did tell you to unmount and unplug it 15 minutes ago16:30
p1l0tyes well I'm in another town16:30
pigetahi evrybody16:31
leftyfbp1l0t: ok, if unmounting doesn't work, then your next step will be to unplug it.16:31
pigetahave a problem with my monitor resolution in windows is 1440x900 in ubuntu 1024x768 how can i fix it?maybe the driver16:32
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 1024 could not be found16:32
StevenJayCohenChromium without the snap? Not without removing snap completely. The apt package now points to the snap. The team supporting Chromium decided (rightly so) that by distributing as a snap, they'd be able to support a single version that would work on all supported versions of Ubuntu. I see Chromium packages upstream in Debian, but I haven't tried them and such a set up wouldn't be supported. Alternatively, you could16:34
StevenJayCoheninstall Chrome, which of course is updated by Google and is not a snap.16:34
pigetacan anyone have idea how to solve the problem thanks16:34
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StevenJayCohen<pigeta "have a problem with my monitor r"> pigeta: See link https://www.tecmint.com/set-display-screen-resolution-in-ubuntu/16:36
pigetabut xrandr output max resolution is 1024x76816:38
pigetahow it possible16:38
StevenJayCohenAnd, hailhydra, I just checked. No, disabling snap then trying to apt install Chromium results in snap being reinstalled by apt and thus re-directs to the snap. So, either use a flatpak or Chrome -- sorry16:38
StevenJayCohenpigeta: Just set the custom resolution that you know to be supported in windows16:39
StevenJayCohenpigeta: isnore the other data for now16:39
StevenJayCohen * pigeta: ignore the other data for now16:39
pigetaok im reading how16:40
pigetacan i post here the output16:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:43
pigetawhat is wrong?16:45
clarkkwhat is the best way of running a shell script on login, after X Windows / Gnome has started?16:47
clarkkI want to run it as the logged in user, not via cron16:47
StevenJayCohenclarkk: add it to .profile16:48
leftyfbStevenJayCohen: that will cause it to run when logging in on the console or ssh16:48
StevenJayCohen<pigeta "https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dNMvk"> pigeta: did you skip the cvt step?16:49
clarkk@StevenJayCohen, I don't want to have to open a terminal16:49
michelemaybe a stupid question but why do we need to pass -d (development) to do-release-upgrade? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_18.04_LTS_or_19.1016:49
StevenJayCohenleftyfb: You use a conditional statement detecting the type of session16:50
leftyfbmichele: because the upgrade path hasn't been rolled out yet. It's typically released when the 20.04.1 is out16:50
pigetaafter xrandr command i type cvt 1440 90016:50
pigetaso i think no16:50
StevenJayCohenclarkk: So, you want to run a shell script without opening a terminal? Is that right?16:50
StevenJayCohenpigeta: then wy is your xrandr so much shorter than the example?16:51
micheleleftyfb: yes, i remember something about .04.1 (or .04.3), can you please point me to the url where it says that the upgrade path is only from .04.* onward?16:51
StevenJayCohen * pigeta: then why is your xrandr so much shorter than the example?16:51
clarkk@StevenJayCohen, yes16:51
pigetaok wait i will follow step by step16:51
StevenJayCohenmichele: 20.04.1 isn't due for more than a month16:52
micheleStevenJayCohen: i guess that is a common question though, for every lts "why -d"16:52
micheleanother unrelated question: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes#Upgrades_on_i386 vs https://ubuntu.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts <- the second link just says that "there will be *some* i386 packages for 20.04", but how are we supposed to run them if there is no 20.04 i386? Am I16:54
michelemisunderstanding anything?16:54
StevenJayCohen<michele "another unrelated question: http"> agood example of this can be seen at WINE HQ which enables those i386 packages for wine to use.16:57
StevenJayCohenmichele: their Ubuntu instruction --16:57
StevenJayCohenIf your system is 64 bit, enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already):16:57
StevenJayCohensudo dpkg --add-architecture i38616:57
rootkeahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu says that Main contains free and open source software only then how come intel-microcode is in Main? 20.04 here.16:59
micheleno, I just have x86/i38616:59
StevenJayCohen<michele "no, I just have x86/i386"> Yes, you are misunderstanding. You need a 64 bit system to run 20.04. In cases where  64 bit system uses 32 bit code to complete a job (like using WINE) there are 32 bit binaries for that purpose only. You cannot boot into a 32 bit 20.0417:02
pigetai follow all the guide17:02
pigetabut always the same resolution17:02
michelethanks StevenJayCohen17:03
StevenJayCohenno idea on that17:07
StevenJayCohenStart again, and stop at any error17:07
StevenJayCohen<pigeta "https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jD97b"> looks like your problem is here: X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)17:07
StevenJayCohenDon't barrel through assuming errors don't matter17:08
GumaHello, I considering moving from MATE to Official 20.04. I am looking for Ubuntu 20.04 based distro that support compz (Since what I am reading it was removed in later MATE). Specifically I am looking for a Mac OS X like Expose work spaces (grid) that also can be enabled with extra mouse button? Any suggestions?17:12
micheleStevenJayCohen: i guess https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch02s01.html is wrong then?17:13
StevenJayCohenSo, yes, you can install the previous 18.04 LTS on 386 and still have support17:15
micheleand https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/pr01.html17:15
StevenJayCohenThat's not specifying the new 20.04, there is an older LTS that still has 386 support.17:15
micheleStevenJayCohen: i think that you're referring to with 18.04 is this page https://help.ubuntu.com/18.04/installation-guide/i386/ch02s01.html17:16
michelenot the /lts/installation-guide that refers to 20.0417:16
micheleI think the manual is wrong but I'm not sure at this point17:16
ioriahe is right : https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apa.html17:16
coconutwhere do bug about the "do-release-upgrade" upgrade apply?17:18
coconutabout the man pages?17:19
ioriamichele, probably a little confusion with debian (that still has 32bit images)17:19
StevenJayCohen<michele "I think the manual is wrong but "> Looks like you're right. File a bug?17:20
ioriathat's not a bug17:20
StevenJayCohenThe Installation instructions are in effect a "program" (series of steps) to be executed by a human (food-powered task completion device). If the program is in error (telling computer to run on an unsupported architecture), it is indeed a bug.17:21
CrazySamDoes Ubuntu have its own command line paste tool?17:32
* fastfresh Every time I ssh into my ubuntu desktop it shows 17:32
fastfreshEvery time I ssh into my ubuntu desktop it shows17:32
fastfresh`Your Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is supported until April 2025.`17:32
fastfreshBut I'm using regular ubuntu kernel, not HWE17:33
fastfreshSo, what does this message mean then?17:33
coconutCrazySam, ctrl+shift+v ?17:34
leftyfb!hwe | fastfresh17:34
ubottufastfresh: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:34
leftyfbCrazySam: pastebinit  is a package that will take stdin and send it to ubuntu's pastebin service and give you the generated link17:35
james_castrelloopinions on ubuntu 20?17:37
james_castrellohaven't looked much into it. how stable is it?17:37
CrazySamcoconut: what does that do?17:37
cyverisjames_castrello: Is there a specific question that can be answered? That's entirely too broad to allow for a useful answer.17:38
coconutCrazySam, that pastes from clipboard, but you probably want what leftyfb told you.17:38
CrazySamcoconut: sorry, I thought I saw ctrl + alt + v17:39
CrazySamand yes, probably17:39
james_castrellocyveris yes sorry It was just that I tried to do the upgrade via command line from 18.04.04. it said that there where no upgrade but the website has 20 right on there.. found it a little strange17:40
cyverisjames_castrello: That's normal behavior. do-release-upgrade will not present the option to upgrade until 20.04.1 is released.17:40
james_castrellocyveris so it isn't "released" yet?17:41
cyveris20.04 is released.17:41
cyveris20.04.1 is the first point release; probably six months away.17:41
ioria!ltsupgrade | james_castrello17:43
ubottujames_castrello: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:43
luna_cyveris: just 2-317:43
cyverisAh, good to know. Thanks.17:43
james_castrelloaaahhhh, thanks guys!17:44
clarkkI have the following .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/, but it's not running my script on startup.  Could anyone suggest some solutions, please? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7TH9MG2XjD/17:46
leftyfbclarkk: this looks like something that should be a systemd service. Aslo maybe also change what it does to blocking inbound VNC connections instead of killing the application17:49
ioriaclarkk, maybe the contest of the script would help; btw, prepend bash -c :   Exec=bash -c "/usr/local/bin/scripts/common/remmina-kill.sh"17:51
peter22222why is trezor-bridge not in official repo?17:54
leftyfbpeter22222: contact the developer and ask them to work on getting it into Debian's repo's. That is step #118:01
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
yolanHello, I broke my sudo18:07
yolanI don't have any root access now18:07
leftyfbyolan: how did you break sudo?18:08
yolanI needed to modify my sudoers file, but apparently I made a typo18:08
mbeierlyolan: uh oh.18:08
yolanso now I can't sudo18:08
leftyfbyolan: boot with a live cd/usb18:08
mbeierlyolan: future note: use "visudo" instead of direct edit.  It checks for errors for you18:08
Sven_vBI'm trying to debug why the Xubuntu focal live DVD ignored casper-rw. what files should I examine in addition to /proc/cmdline and /var/log/casper*?18:08
yolanmbeierl, or really ?18:08
yolanoh *18:08
yolanI didn't know this18:09
yolanthere is no root under ubuntu ?18:09
leftyfbyolan: boot with a live cd/usb to fix your sudoers file18:09
yolanLike I can't login as root and modify it ?18:09
Sven_vBwell syslog and kern log won't hurt to copy probably18:09
mbeierlyolan: :)  Ya, not everyone does, so it's helpful to mention.  Doesn't help you now, though :(18:09
yolanmmmh :-(18:09
mbeierlyolan: unless you explicitly set a root password, no, it does not have a password and therefore cannot be logged into18:10
mbeierlyolan: the best option is to edit the filesystem from another copy of Ubuntu.  That is why leftyfb is suggesting to boot a live cd/usb and that can mount your filesystem and fix the /etc/sudoers file18:11
yolanthanks, I did not want to do this but heck ... thanks !18:11
peter22222leftyfb done ;-)18:15
p1l0tleftyfb: Unplugging that drive did solve the problem. It's not even the drive the kernel was installed on but everything is back to normal now, thank you.18:15
clarkkioria, the script runs as expected from a terminal, but doesn't run even if I change the line to Exec=bash -c "/usr/local/bin/scripts/common/remmina-kill.sh"18:38
clarkkleftleg_, does systemd run after gnome has started?18:41
kyle__systemd is always running.18:41
clarkkthe script needs to be able to access the user's X environment18:42
leftyfbclarkk: again, why not just block inbound VNC (default is port 5900) instead of worrying about the application itself?18:42
clarkkif it's possible to run a bash script via Ubuntu's startup applications, then I'd prefer to do that18:42
clarkkleftyfb, I think that's another subject.  However, I'm connecting to a remote RDP server.  I'd just like to shut down the remmina client. I'm happy to completely kill it18:43
leftyfbclarkk: ok, you can still do that without needing access to users X environment18:44
clarkkleftyfb, I realise that.  I just would like to know how to run a bash script from ubuntu's startup applications. Are you saying it isn't possible?18:45
leftyfbclarkk: nope, just saying it's not necessarily the right way18:45
ioriaclarkk, try to delay the execution with sleep18:45
clarkkthank you - ioria I'll try that18:45
ioriaclarkk, and just to be sure, mv the script in your home directory18:46
karHello all, I'm trying to use the following custom keyboard shortcut in Ubuntu 20.04: firefox https://duckduckgo.com/?q="`xclip -o`"18:49
karWhen I use it from the terminal, it works as expected searching for the search string in my clipboard. However, using the custom keyboard shortcut, it searches for `xclip -o`. What am I missing?18:49
clarkkioria, I can run the script from a terminal as the user.  Are you sure it needs to be in the home directory?18:49
clarkkioria, does Startup Apps have some restriction on where it will run scripts from?18:49
ioriaclarkk, for testing purpose, yes (no big deal)18:49
tomreynkar: apparently that you can't use backticks this way in the shell the custom keyboard sortcut is executed in. you may need to pipi all of this into bash -c or something.18:53
Jordan_Ukar: Whatever you're using for keyboard shortcuts doesn't pass the string to a shell like bash.18:53
Jordan_Ukar: The cleanest way to solve this would be to make a quick two line bash script that does this, and execute it from your keyboard shortcut.18:55
gazeguitarguyWhew...what a hassle to get registered and get here.18:55
gazeguitarguyAnyway, major problem, hope I can get some help. I am trying to install Ubuntu desktop 20.4 onto my HP i5, and I want to do it so I can have it run alongside of my Windows 10. Problem. When I start the install from the usb flashdrive, it gets to the page where it is to detect another OS so I can NOT delete my Wins 10 when I install Ubuntu. It is18:57
gazeguitarguyNOT detecting any OS. What do I do?18:57
ioriakar, or put the command in a script and call it via the shortucut18:59
tomreyngazeguitarguy: make sure you boot the ubuntu installe rin the same boot mode (UEFI vs. legacy BIOS) as you do windows 10. windows 10 usually boots in uefi mode by default.18:59
karJordan_U: I will try that. Thanks!19:00
OERIASHi i need help with upgrading Ubuntu 19.10 to to the latest version19:02
OERIAShow do you force an upgrade?19:02
gazeguitarguyI am doing the Ubuntu install from the download of it, that is on my flashdrive and in a usb port. When Ubuntu starts up, I am choosing to do the 'install' process. When it gets to the page where the installation is to detect another OS, it is not.19:02
kartomreyn: Thanks, I will look into that as well.19:03
gazeguitarguyI do NOT want to screw up and accidently have it delete my Windows!19:03
karioria: Thanks.19:03
ioriagazeguitarguy, you mean you're using the mini.iso ?19:03
howarthOERIAS, did you follow the instruction in https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-to-20-04-lts-focal-fossa ?19:03
ioriakar, ok19:03
gazeguitarguyI have no idea19:04
howarthWorked fine for my 19.10 install back at the Beta release19:04
gazeguitarguyI downloaded the latest ubuntu from the site and put it on a USB flashdrive.19:04
ioriagazeguitarguy, regular desktop 64bit iso ?19:05
gazeguitarguyWhen I start my PC, it then boots the Ubuntu. When I am at the starting page, I click on the icon to 'start installation.'19:05
gazeguitarguy64 bit Windows19:05
gazeguitarguyI do not know what the acronym 'iso' means.19:05
brkdwhats the correct permission for a user that can download a file but can not delete it?19:07
ioriagazeguitarguy, check : 1) the sata mode in bios 2) if windows is installed in uefi or legacy (bios) mode 3) if you correctly started the installer in the same mode19:07
tomreyngazeguitarguy: ad 1): should be set to AHCI, not RAID, if you have that option.19:07
ioriagazeguitarguy, but first of all, how did you create the installer ?19:08
gazeguitarguymartian language to me.19:08
ioriagazeguitarguy, the last one is pretty simple19:08
ioriagazeguitarguy, how did you create the installer ?19:08
gazeguitarguyOk. What do I first do, when I start my PC and the Ubuntu in my flashdrive and in the USB starts up19:08
tomreynyou back up windows19:09
ioriagazeguitarguy, how did you do the usb ?19:09
gazeguitarguyI downloaded the Ubuntu 20.4 from the Ubuntu site and chose the desktop version. I then did the process to make a boot flashdrive.19:09
ioriagazeguitarguy, how ?19:10
gazeguitarguyfollowed the instructions on Ubuntu site to make a bootable usb flashdrive. OTher than that, Idk19:10
ioriagazeguitarguy, rufus, etcher.... what ?19:11
gazeguitarguyIt boots up fine from the flashdrive when I start my PC, and there are several black pages that come up when it starts, they go away so quick I have no idea what they are..then the Ubuntu desktop comes up after I 'ctrl C' to stop disc check. Then I click on the 'install Ubuntu' icon from there. I followed the instructions for install from Ubuntu19:12
gazeguitarguysite, but didn't work19:12
ulrichHi, on ubuntu 20.04 with xfce I mount a davfs to an existing mountpoint. Now I can't unmount. There is no error message, but the mountpoint keeps connected to the davfs on the server.19:12
gazeguitarguyOh...yes. I was told by Ubuntu to use Rufus, which I did19:12
gazeguitarguyI am not an IT programmer ulrich. No idea what you just said19:13
ioriagazeguitarguy, boot in 'try mode' , connect, open a terminal , type 'sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999'19:13
gazeguitarguyYea. I have booted in try mode. What do you mean, 'open a terminal?'19:14
ioriagazeguitarguy, press the Win key, and type terminal19:14
tomreynor Ctrl-Alt-T19:15
gazeguitarguyThis is AFTER I am clicked to 'try Ubuntu"19:15
ioriagazeguitarguy, well, you need the desktop to load19:15
gazeguitarguywhat does this command then do ...after I type sudo parted-I| nc termbin.com 9999 ?19:16
tomreynulrich: does     gio mount -l     still list it?19:16
ioriagazeguitarguy, prints the layout19:16
ioriagazeguitarguy, sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999    ; where -l is L19:17
tomreyngazeguitarguy: it's "parted" + space + dash + little ell, though19:17
clarkkI moved the script to my home directory, and I delayed execution by adding sleep 1m.  The script still isn't running from Startup Application :(19:17
clarkkDoes anyone have any more suggestions,please?19:17
ulrichtomreyn: yes, it does19:18
tomreynulrich: so you should be able to work around this not working on the GUI by using    gio mount -u LOCATION19:19
tomreynulrich: about why it's not working with xfce, i suggest asking in #xubuntu19:20
gazeguitarguywhat is xfce19:20
tomreynulrich: that's assuming you have the    xubuntu-desktop   package installed.19:20
ubottuXfce is a lightweight and configurable desktop environment used by !Xubuntu. Read more at http://xfce.org/19:20
gazeguitarguyI am not using Xubuntu19:21
tomreyngazeguitarguy: when people talk to you here, they will indicate so by starting what they say with your nickname. i was just talking to ulrich.19:21
gazeguitarguyI thought so19:21
tomreyngazeguitarguy: you're welcome19:21
gazeguitarguyioria when I have the Ubuntu desktop loaded, then I choose the 'install Ubuntu' icon all goes according to the install directions from the Ubuntu desktop install help guide, until I get to the point where the installation process is to detect that I have Windows OS on the C drive, but it isn't. Can anyone tell me so I understand, what do I do to19:23
gazeguitarguyget it to install without wiping my windows19:23
ioriagazeguitarguy, don't start the installer, just open a terminal and run the cmd above19:24
ioriagazeguitarguy, and (my personal opinion) a dual boot is not a good idea if you are not familiar with linux19:26
ulrichtomreyn: well, I installed ubuntu, then the xubuntu-desktop. I mounted with mount in a terminal. I wonder that it could be a problem with the GUI...19:26
tomreynulrich: oh you mounted on the terminal, that's info we didn't have so far (you mentioned xfce initially, making it sound like you had used the GUI)19:27
tomreynulrich: so i guess you want to    umount    on the temrinal now.19:28
ulrichtomreyn: sorry. Yes, all I did was in a terminal. I used the /etc/fstab and even the ~/.davfs/secret. The mont works, the umount doesn't.19:29
tomreynulrich: and the error message ywhat'S the output of "mount", what's the exact command you run to unmkount, what's the exact and full output that's produced by this command?19:30
tomreyn!paste | ulrich19:30
ubottuulrich: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:30
tomreyn* unmount (not "unmkount")19:31
tomreynulrich: let me try phrasing this again, with fewer typos:  what's the output of "mount"? what's the exact command you run to unmount? what's the exact and full output that's produced by the unmount command you use?19:33
ulrichtomreyn: mount just asks for user/password and ends with /sbin/mount.davfs: Warnung: der Server kann Dateien nicht sperren19:34
papachanhello. someone know why snapd is creating a compressed tar when i want to remove an app?19:35
papachanand where this tar is located?19:35
tomreynulrich: to temporarily switch your locale to english, you can do:   export LANG=C19:35
clarkkHere's a completely stripped down version of what I want to do...to run a script from Startup Applications.  This script simply logs some text to a file.  Can anyone see why it doesn't run?  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fpNRcTbp9K/19:36
ulrichtomreyn: umount /home/ulrich/ServerDateisysteme/owncloud-CG-2022 ends without any output19:36
tomreynulrich: and if you run    echo $?    right after that, what does it report?19:37
clarkkI'm going to try something. I'll be offline for 10 mins. bbs19:37
ulrichtomreyn: echo $? after the umount gives 25519:38
papachanhmm cannot even find it with locate19:38
OERIASit is not allowing me and it reports that there isn't a new version19:46
tomreynulrich: so the "umount" command you ran exited with status 255. which will ideally be documented on the mount.davfs man page19:47
howarthOERIAS, did you follow the steps of 'sudo apt update', 'sudo apt upgrade', 'sudo apt dist-upgrade', 'sudo apt autoremove', 'sudo apt install update-manager-core' and then 'sudo do-release-upgrade'? You make have to resort to 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d'.19:51
clarkkI still can't get the most simple bash script to run via Startup Applications. This is the code I'm using...  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P2PCthdz9D/19:52
howarthOERIAS, note the section of that article "As a result, your upgrade attempt may result in a message No new release found while trying to upgrade your Ubuntu system by using sudo do-release-upgrade command. In this case read the following sections."19:52
clarkkI don't suppose anyone would be willing to run it on their system?19:52
howarthOERIAS, when I did my 19.10 upgrade to 20.04 at the Beta, I used  'sudo do-release-upgrade -d'.19:52
Sven_vBI tried to delay booting of the Xubuntu focal desktop DVD using kernel option break=init-top, but it seems it was ignored. how can I delay it?19:55
OERIAShowarth downloading packages19:55
howarthOERIAS, I'm not really surprised because the ubuntu package database isn't updated to show groovy as the development release yet.19:59
tomreynSven_vB: so    cat /proc/cmdline   lists it now?19:59
howarthUbuntu just hasn't caught up with all the release housekeeping of their web servers.19:59
clarkkI'm really struggling here :(19:59
sarnoldhowarth: it's an intentional choice to let people use do-release-upgrade -d to get focal and not groovy20:01
ulrichtomreyn: unfortunately it is not documented. So I give up for today and try it again a few day later...20:04
tomreynulrich: you could also check the systemd journal for more details (use journalctl -e) or try unmounting using fusermount MOUNTPOINT instead20:14
ulrichtomreyn: fusermount -u owncloud-CG-2022 works. Thank You very much for this hint!20:20
tomreynyou're welcome.20:21
Sven_vBtomreyn, yes, it's "BOOT_IMAGE=(isoloop)/casper/vmlinuz iso-scan/filename=/boot-isos/???.iso persistent break=init-top ---"20:24
Sven_vBtomreyn, it booted straight into xfce20:24
tomreynmaybe try just "break". i couldn't find it documented anywhere but on the wiki, though20:25
tomreynSven_vB: ^20:25
Jordan_USven_vB: Try using the build in loopback.cfg, see if that works any better for you. https://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F Please also pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" with your liveUSB plugged in.20:32
Sven_vBJordan_U, my GRUB command list is based on the loopback.cfg, so I don't see what you mean. if the break= option has made it into the live session, it must have made it into the initial ramdisk, too, wouldn't it?20:41
Sven_vBtomreyn, will do, thanks20:41
Jordan_USven_vB: Yes. Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?20:44
Sven_vBtomreyn, "break" worked. how can I discover at which stage of initram I am?20:45
Sven_vBtomreyn, found it, environment has break=premount20:46
tomreynyou're welcome20:48
Sven_vBis there a way to make casper drop to a shell if it cannot find casper-rw or cannot use it?20:59
=== adam__ is now known as Guest53660
_bradki think i'm going to head back to version 19.10 - 20.04 network problems make it very unusable21:03
qid|ydl_bradk: what network problems are those? I was considering 20.04 for a home theater PC I'm setting up21:04
Sven_vBmy mainboard's cable ethernet works w/o problems on 20.0421:05
_bradkqid|ydl: i'm on a lenovo t420s and i get constant network dropouts21:05
_bradkwhether it is wifi or wired21:05
_bradksomeone in here on a t430s was having the same problems the other day21:05
qid|ydlI've been having problems in 19.10 that I'm pretty sure are caused by systemd-resolved21:05
_bradki never had any problems in 19.1021:06
qid|ydlI don't know if it's possible to remove it or replace it?21:06
_bradk(re-testing with the 19.10 live cd just to confirm)21:06
qid|ydlI'd rather go back to having the dhcp client just manage the resolv.conf file and that's it21:06
_bradkif it's stable today i'll probably roll back, which is disappointing as i was enjoying 20.0421:06
qid|ydlI assume/hope this is still valid in 19.10: https://askubuntu.com/questions/907246/how-to-disable-systemd-resolved-in-ubuntu21:08
qid|ydlI just wish there was more confirmation that that approach will ensure resolv.conf is managed by dhcp21:11
flying_sausagesHey guys, I can't find anything online for when 20.04 will be available to 19.04 desktop installs via do-release-upgrade, any pointers? thanks21:13
jeremyxwingWhich text based browser (w3m, etc) do people seem to like most these days?21:13
yolanit there a channel for popos?21:14
=== philipp64_ is now known as philipp64
tomreyn!alis | yolan: it's not here. but maybe this helps21:17
ubottuyolan: it's not here. but maybe this helps: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:17
housecati don't think one ever got off the ground21:17
tomreyn!19.04 | flying_sausages21:17
ubottuflying_sausages: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html21:17
flying_sausagessorry my bad, I meant 19.0 tomreyn21:18
tomreynthere's no such ubuntu releases21:18
tomreyndo you mean Ubuntu 19.10 ?21:18
tomreyni think the 20.04 LTS !releasenotes would tell21:19
ubottuFor release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:19
flying_sausageshmm not really21:20
tomreynyes, really21:20
flying_sausagesit doesn't say when the upgrade path opens via `do-release-upgrade`21:20
flying_sausagesI know for LTS that's with the 20.04.1 patch21:21
flying_sausagesbut I don't know when that happens for non-LTS21:21
flying_sausagesand if that upgrade path is already open then my system is not seeing it as it reports no new upgrades availble21:22
tomreynah right, you asked "when", sorry.21:22
flying_sausages> No new release found.21:22
flying_sausagesso I'm unsure if I should wait, fix something, or use do-rls-upgrd -d21:23
tomreyni read something like a semi official gues son when you'll be able to upgrade 19.10 to 20.04 LTS somewhere, but don't remember where exactly. probably on the ubuntu-announce mailing list.21:23
leftyfbflying_sausages: it's typically around the July time-frame that the .1 comes out for an LTS. But things being the way they are, it could be different21:24
tomreyngenerally, i'd expect the non LTS upgrade to become available before the LTS one21:24
flying_sausagesleftyfb: I'm speaking of non-LTS aka "normal" upgrade from 19.1021:24
tomreynbut generally it's "when it's considered the right time"21:24
flying_sausagesis that announced when that decision has been made?21:25
tomreynon said mailing list, i would think.21:25
tomreynalternatively you could keep running do-release-upgrade -c21:26
tomreynor run a cron job against https://changelogs.ubuntu.com21:26
flying_sausagesdo desktop installs notify the end user that the upgrade is available?21:26
tomreynwhen you run the graphical update utility and it reports that all updates have been installed it'll report that a new release is available, if so.21:28
flying_sausagesalright, I suppose that will let me know soon enough if I have it set to daily21:28
flying_sausageswould the an upgrade with the -d flag put me into some off-normal-release path?21:29
tomreynnot if it succeeds. but it would provide you with an unsupported upgrade path.21:30
tomreynthe second screenshot shows what the post update prompt looks like when *no* release upgrade is available: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#3-check-for-updates21:31
tomreynflying_sausages: and roughly this is what it looks like when you can upgrade: https://www.linuxbabe.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-17.10-to-ubuntu-18.04.png21:33
IarlaWhenever I run a sudo command I get this error: sudo: effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?21:33
tomreynIarla: which ubuntu version are you running?21:34
IarlaCan anyone help? The suggestions online suggest using sudo mount -n -o remount,suid / but I can't use sudo.21:34
Iarlatomreyn: 16.04 - I think I messed something up when using Disks21:34
tomreynIarla: what did you try to do using gnome disks?21:35
IarlaI thought I was working on another disk and I was just browsing the menus / options to see what was available. But I think I did something to the mount options.21:36
tomreynIarla: what's the output of     readlink -f /usr/bin/sudo21:36
flying_sausagesalright tomreyn I'll sit on it for a while and see if I do the daily upgrade or not21:37
Iarlatomreyn: output is: /usr/bin/sudo21:37
flying_sausagesthanks for the info21:37
Iarlals -l /usr/bin/sudo gives -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 136808 Jan 31 18:37 /usr/bin/sudo21:38
tomreynIarla: what's the output of    findmnt --mtab --target /usr/bin/sudo21:39
Iarlatomreyn: /      /dev/sda1 ext4   rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered21:39
tomreynIarla: so there you go, the root file system is mounted with the "nosuid" option set.21:40
Iarlatomreyn: do you know how I can change that without access to sudo? I can't edit fstab, for example.21:41
tomreynIarla: does this return the same?   findmnt --fstab --target /usr/bin/sudo21:41
Iarlatomreyn: that last command returns nothing (no output but no error either)21:41
tomreynIarla: right, my mistake. what does this return?   findmnt --fstab --target /21:42
Iarlatomreyn: no problem. Here's the output for the above: /      /dev/disk/by-uuid/5e3cd18d-1300-4570-b91b-3f241d0eb67f auto   nosuid,node21:43
tasukiso I just installed Ubuntu 20.04 and "fractional scaling" works when running of the stick but is broken after installing21:43
tomreynIarla: are you sure this is a regular ubuntu system?21:43
Iarlatomreyn: yes21:44
tomreynIarla: and it says "node" there verbatim? i'm not familiar with this option.21:44
tasuki`dmesg` shows `gnome-control-c: segfault in libgobject.so` (that's the simplified version)21:44
OERIASi just upgraded about 40 minutes ago21:44
tomreynIarla: or does it rather say "nodev"?21:45
Iarlatomreyn: yes, pure copy/paste21:45
OERIASthank you howwarth21:45
Iarlatomreyn: it's nodev. I'll repaste the correct command. Terminal window was truncating the output (I expected it to wrap)21:45
OERIASI am happy to say this version uses a lot less RAM than the previous version21:45
Iarlatomreyn: /      /dev/disk/by-uuid/5e3cd18d-1300-4570-b91b-3f241d0eb67f auto   nosuid,nodev,nofail21:46
tomreynIarla: what does this return?   pkexec whoami21:47
Iarlatomreyn: pkexec must be setuid root21:48
tomreynhmm, right, makes sense.21:48
tomreynIarla: so i guess you need to boot to recovery and fix it from there21:49
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode21:49
Iarlatomreyn: ahhh, recovery. Thank you. I bet I can repair from there.21:50
IarlaThis is my fstab line for root: /dev/disk/by-uuid/5e3cd18d-1300-4570-b91b-3f241d0eb67f / auto nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 021:51
IarlaCan I just delete the nosuid part?21:51
tomreynyou will need to     mount -o remount,rw /    and to edit (using nano or your favourite CLI ediitor) /etc/fstab from there and remove "nosuid,nodev"21:52
Iarlatomreyn: thank you. Great.21:52
tomreyn"nofail" is not normally there either, i think21:52
tomreynbut it may not matter21:52
Iarlanoted, thank you21:53
tomreynIarla: you should add those options, though: errors=remount-ro21:53
Iarlatomreyn: oh, that looks familiar actually. Will do.21:54
tomreynand "auto" might need replacing by the actual file system (which would default to ext4)21:54
Iarlathat makes sense too21:55
tomreynso i guess i'd go with this (assuming it's ext4):  UUID=5e3cd18d-1300-4570-b91b-3f241d0eb67f / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 121:55
IarlaNice, thank you :)21:57
tomreynand keep in mind that disk editing and partitioning utilities such as gnome disks are dangerous. never use those without having good (current, complete, provenly restorable) backups.21:57
IarlaGood advice. I'll certainly backup the root partition from here on in.21:58
IarlaHere I go :)22:00
tasukiwow the snap installer sucks22:04
Iarlatomreyn: all good again, thank you again22:05
tasukilike I install something, and the button next to the installed package says "Install", I click it, and it asks me "Are you sure you want to remove X?" ... it's like no one has bothered to actually test this22:05
rootkeahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu says that Main contains free and open source software only then how come intel-microcode is in Main? 20.04 here.22:12
oerheksfree software <> open source, 2 different things22:13
oerheksintel microcode is open source https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode22:14
qid|ydltasuki: snap also has a fun thing where if your home directory isn't /home/$USER, it's completely hosed and doesn't work22:16
oerheks"if your home directory isn't /home/$USER"... interesting, how many users encounter this?22:18
qid|ydllots of large organizations have network drives and things mounted in other locations22:18
qid|ydlI know it worked that way when I was in college, the CS department systems had a bunch of special paths22:19
rootkeaoerheks, But where's the source to consider it an "open source"? It's all binary blob https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode/tree/?h=ubuntu/focal22:22
rootkeaoerheks, As per Open source definition from https://opensource.org/docs/definition.php "The program must include source code"22:22
rootkeaThis makes it clear that intel-microcode is NOT an open source software22:23
qid|ydlI don't know if there's any commercially available hardware with open-source firmware22:23
qid|ydlAMD certainly does a better job than Intel/nVidia for what it's worth22:24
rootkeaqid|ydl, Oh there is.22:24
rootkeaMy only issue is when intel-microcode is NOT an open source nether free software then how come it's in Main which claims to have only free and open source software?22:25
bray90820So I am on ubuntu 20.04 and I am trying to remove a printer but when I do that it just gets added back right away22:27
jeremy31bray90820: turn the printer off22:28
bray90820But if I were to turn the printer back on it would return right?22:29
jeremy31bray90820: I haven't tried that22:29
CrazySamErr:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease22:33
CrazySamCouldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.zEUSHk for passing config to apt-key22:33
r2b2nzrootkea: There was a similar question on the Mint forum at https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=1419442#p1419442 where it was pointed out that the open source part was the Microcode Update Driver not the microcode itself so same might apply here?22:34
CrazySamI'm trying to sudo apt update.22:37
CrazySamI get a similar output to this one.22:37
qid|ydlis your /tmp full?22:38
tripelbI've had Ubuntu 20.04 cr ash or freeze twice, both times with chromium. For your information.22:38
qid|ydland the thread there suggests checking permissions as well22:38
tripelbAnd once when I copied read only information from another partition22:38
rootkear2b2nz, I like the follow-up comment. "Let's say we can simply remove "Open source". The way used to transport bytes means nothing." Restricted is there for a reason.22:39
CrazySamIt seems I don't have /tmp but I have /var/tmp.22:39
tripelbNow a question.. I love the application table and I hate the unity front end even if it's gnome. Please suggest a desktop environment for me. - I had a horrible experience with elementary so, not that one.22:40
qid|ydlCrazySam: interesting, there's supposed to be a /tmp22:40
CrazySamls -lad /var/tmp gives me drwxrwxrwt22:40
qid|ydlis there a /tmp entry in your /etc/fstab?22:41
rootkeaAs mentioned in that thread Debian has intel-microcode in non-free which totally makes sense and anyways Mint probably inherited this absurdity of calling intel-microcode "open source" from Ubuntu only22:41
qid|ydlactually wait, if /tmp literally doesn't exist that wouldn't be a factor22:42
qid|ydlyou could try just recreating it, those permissions look correct22:42
Bashing-omtripelb: The reason flavorrs exist is that no one fits all. All I can suggest is to make up some liveUSB's and see what you like.22:43
tripelbI just asked. And I don't have to use a live USB I have to do is add the DE. At least that's been my experience in the past. (EXCEPT FOR ELEMENTARY)22:43
CrazySamThis baby is broken.22:44
r2b2nzrootkea: I'm guessing that maybe its the "Canonical supported" part of the repo that is winning out perhaps? But dunno - don't know much about how the microcode stuff works and in terms of packaging I guess only Canonical might know the reason behind the madness :)22:44
tripelbWith every other DE I get a choice at login. (Elementary decided to take over and eliminate the others.)22:44
Sven_vBI'm in the Xubuntu focal live session to fix my installed Xubuntu focal. "update-initramfs -u" says "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-28-lowlatency", takes a while, then exits 0. /target/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/crypto has "export CRYPTSETUP=yes" but the newly created initrd.img doesn't contain any file named cryptsetup. inside the chroot, "which cryptsetup" says "/sbin/cryptsetup" so I assume it's installed.22:44
Sven_vBhow to debug?22:45
rootkear2b2nz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu says "Canonical-supported free and open-source software." Not just Canonical-supported22:45
rootkeaI mean "Restricted" is there for a reason22:46
rootkeaWhy to put intel-microcode in Main?22:46
sarnoldbecause it's a basic necessity for intel users to have a secure computer22:46
rootkeaDoes putting it in "restricted" (the logical place for device binary blobs) make user less secure?22:47
rootkeasarnold, ^22:47
sarnoldrootkea: not everyone has restricted configured22:48
rootkeaWell, "restricted" could be turn on by default or STOP saying Main has "Canonical-supported free and open-source software."22:49
rootkeasource: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu22:49
qid|ydlrootkea: depends on your interpretation of "and"22:52
qid|ydlyou could read that as "Canonical-supported free software as well as Canonical-supported open-source software", or as "Canonical-supported software that is both free and open-source"22:53
qid|ydlthe former would allow the intel microcode22:53
rootkeaqid|ydl, any interpretation of "and" doesn't justify putting intel-microcode in Main as it's neither open source nor free.22:54
qid|ydlfree as in speech or free as in beer?22:55
rootkeaqid|ydl, as in speech otherwise no need for "restricted"22:56
checheI have setup a brand new ubuntu system, and somehow, I am not able to see the old wiindows network.23:02
checheroot@ubuntu20:/home/usuario# nmblookup -A oficina23:02
checheLooking up status of
checheNo reply from
chechebut f I search for the ip of the *oficina* host, it works:23:02
checheroot@ubuntu20:/home/usuario# nmblookup -A
checheLooking up status of
checheOFICINA         <00> -         B <ACTIVE>23:03
checheOFICINA         <20> -         B <ACTIVE>23:03
checheSUPER           <00> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE>23:03
tomreyn!paste | cheche23:03
ubottucheche: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
sarnoldcheche: -A "Interpret name as an IP Address and do a node status query on this address"  https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/current/man-html/nmblookup.1.html23:04
chechesoory about it. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fx75bDVd5w/23:05
chechebut if you run nmblookup -A it should display the windows network. right?23:06
checheI am using debian at home, and I can run that command at home. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zRQcqJz4xf/23:07
chechemy problem is trying to connect a printer share from a old windows xp system.23:08
checheI am unable to see any windows shares.23:08
qid|ydlwindows XP is a bad idea, it's well beyond being supported or maintained23:09
checheI had already install cifs-utils and smbclient. Add "client min protocol = NT1" on /etc/samba/smb.conf23:10
chechebut it has been rugin lubuntu 14.04 for a few years just fine.23:10
=== eth01 is now known as fosshost
=== fosshost is now known as eth01
flybackcan you still serial load ubuntu server or not in 20.04lts23:24
sarnoldI haven't tried to use the bmc on my one machine that I tested, but it sure looked like it would work fine23:25
flybackok thx23:25
flybackdecided to reload my other data recovery box since it has a few crashes due to a bad molex23:26
flybacksince the other box isn't 32 bit only anymore, getting off 16.0423:26
flybackalso the only piece of sw that won't run > 16.04 can be done in a vm so that eliminated the other reason to stay with 16.0423:27
sarnoldwoo, new toys :)23:28
flybackwell no they are old c2d servers23:28
flybackbut they are rock solid for imaging 200 old ide and sata hd's23:28
flybackalong with a bunch of cd and floppies23:28
echelonflyback: go to bed23:28
flybackproblem was with the one I am reloading now, the molex plugs weren't designed to be swapped that many times23:28
flybackso they started cauing issues23:29
flybackso I bought some $10 c2g brand molex quad splitters to wear out instead of psu plugs this time23:29
flybackbut one of the 2 boxes used to be 32 bit only, gone now23:29
flybackand ddrescue-utility log and filesystem parsing tool can run fine in a vm23:30
flybacksince it does nothing but read the logfile and tell you what files are in the unread sectors23:30
Jordan_Uflyback: Looks like it's possible, but you'll have to modify the grub.cfg to add console=tty$whatever as a kernel parameter.23:37
Jordan_Uflyback: And while you're at that, you could also add "serial; terminal_input serial; terminal_output serial" to the grub.cfg so that you can interact with grub itself via serial: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/177096223:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770962 in subiquity "Support serial-port based install" [Medium,Triaged]23:38
=== fcastillo_ is now known as fcastillo
flybackyeah I can make a usb stick and mod it up23:40
Deano59not sure if this is a bug or not but I installed ubuntu server, updated everything, installed a DE etc and network manager but network manager isn't running? it doesn't detect a connection. I have enabled the service.......23:43
Jordan_UDeano59: network-manager isn't generally recommended for servers. I'd recommend using systemd-networkd instead. Is this a wired or wireless connection?23:44
Deano59Jordan_U, wired.23:44
Deano59I don't mind, was just wondering why. ;P23:45
Jordan_UDeano59: Then definitely uninstall network-manager and configure systemd-networkd instead.23:45
Deano59yeah but I need to use openvpn which I can't because of missing NM23:45
flybackworse comes to worse I will attach a monitor to it, it's just kinda crammed in a corner with foam box built around it so it doesn't freeze in the winter (in a unheated part of basement)23:45
flybackthx guys23:45
Jordan_UDeano59: Did you setup the connection as a system-wide connection?23:45
eaglgenes101I tried to upgrade to 20.04, and I got some problems with gdm that prevents it from going onto the login screen (thank goodness for recovery mode and the Timeshift utility I downloaded earlier)23:45
Deano59what do you mean?23:45
eaglgenes101Starting it manually doesn't help, and it says something about a child process already being dead in the service logs23:46
Jordan_UDeano59: When you configure a connection in network-manager you can check a box that's something like "available for all users". This does two things, 1: It keeps any credentials needed stored in plain text rather than encrypted so that it can 2: Allow the connection to be used by all users, and allow it to connect before any user enters a password to log in (which would otherwise unlock the keyring to23:47
Jordan_Udecrypt stored passwords needed for the connection).23:47
eaglgenes101Though for some reason it considers it still working even though it keeps showing a black screen23:48
eaglgenes101If it matters, the system runs graphics off the integrated gpu in an intel processor, and this OS is the only one on this system23:50
Deano59Jordan_U, didn't see that...23:53
Deano59last question, how do I add the signing key? 4096R/643FF34AF9151DC814DD3A1B2303D595EE907473 (What is this?)23:53
Deano59I want to use an app that's for bionic, I added the deb line and that's the ^ key for it...23:53
sarnoldDeano59: I'm missing context here, but that feels a lot like a PPA key; properly installing that key should be handled for you if you follow the apt-add-repository steps as described on the ppa page23:55
Jordan_UDeano59: That's not the best way to add a ppa. I would recommend that you undo your manual changes.23:55
Deano59I done it :) now I wish I could get NM working :(23:55
Jordan_UDeano59: Assuming you're installing Solaar, then "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:solaar-unifying/stable".23:56
Jordan_UDeano59: Have you made the connection "available to all users" yet?23:56
Deano59Jordan_U, the ppa is done. back to NM.... I can't set that. NM is greyed out.23:57
Jordan_UDeano59: Greyed out where? What DE are you using?23:58
Deano59LXQt and it's greyed out like I said before.23:58
Deano59it's greyed out and there's an x and two pc screens by it.23:59

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