
=== Rick is now known as Guest82550
xubuntu90iissues detected with xubuntu and ryzen 3900x on a Aorus X470 Gaming 7 Wifi ???01:49
xubuntu90iI've been using gnome 20.04 but having issues with the x system01:49
xubuntu90imy gpu is a Radeon RX 5700 xt01:50
xubuntu90ixubuntu90i20:49:00issues detected with xubuntu and ryzen 3900x on a Aorus X470 Gaming 7 Wifi ???I've been using gnome 20.04 but having issues with the x systemmy gpu is a Radeon RX 5700 xt01:50
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
pongalHello guys, Could someone help me why I am not able to join the ubuntu channel. Whenever I try, I get autojoined to ubuntu-unregged room02:59
Unit193pongal: You must be registered and identified with services to join #ubuntu.03:01
pongal@Unit193, I registered to freenode03:02
pongalI am pretty new to IRC and linux in general03:02
pongaland I am using hexchat03:02
Unit193pongal has NOT COMPLETED registration verification  Check your email.03:02
pongaloh ok, will check. thank you.03:03
Unit193Sure thing.03:03
pongalalso, do you guys use vim ? I would like to learn it, but I am worried that I may not be able to switch between vim and normal typing when I am on a different computer03:03
Unit193'vi' should always be avilable.03:03
pongal@Unit193, I meant on windows machine at work03:04
pongalor on some one else's computer03:04
pongal@Unit193, I verified it. thank you.03:04
pongal@Unit193, Are there any easy ways to lower cpu temperature. Mine hovers at around 51C. I know that running only essential programs is good, but any tips?03:06
Unit193Power save mode or somesuch?03:06
pongalis there a power save mode ?03:07
pongal@Unit193, Can I switch from ubuntu to Xubuntu easily?03:08
Unit193Might be easier to re-install so you don't have a bunch of cruft, but you can `sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop^`03:09
pongal@Unit193, will there be considerable difference in performance between ubuntu and xubuntu? I am on a relatively good system i7 8th gen, 16 gb ram, 4gb graphics card.03:10
Unit193I'd imagine a bit, but I haven't used Ubuntu since 6.04. :)03:12
pongalI am just looking at a youtube video to learn vim03:13
pongalI want to switch to Ubuntu/xubuntu from my windows permanantly03:13
xu-irc46wcurrently i am using xubuntu 18.04 lte , can i upgrade to latest ubuntu without formating and keeping my old data05:33
xu-irc46wlatest xubuntu version 20.0405:34
xubuntu87iHi guys. I'm trying to install Xubuntu on an old macbook pro but it keeps saying "Failed to create a file system" The ext4 file system creation in partition 2 failed05:35
diogenes_xu-irc46w, if you have a separate /homa partition then you can install from a usb drive but the upgrade won't be available until july.05:36
xu-irc46wthat means we have to freshly installed if we want now05:37
xu-irc46wone more question pls05:37
xu-irc46wi have checked and see there are partition for home and xubuntu, now if i freshly installed on this, does my home folder will be safe05:41
diogenes_xu-irc46w, run: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999905:43
diogenes_share the link05:43
xu-irc46wNAME   MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTloop0    7:0    0    55M  1 loop /snap/core18/1705loop1    7:1    0  27.1M  1 loop /snap/snapd/7264loop2    7:2    0   8.6M  1 loop /snap/nmap/823loop3    7:3    0    27M  1 loop /snap/snapd/6953loop4    7:4    0  62.1M  1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1506loop5    7:5    0  93.8M  1 loop05:44
xu-irc46w/snap/core/8935loop6    7:6    0   1.8M  1 loop /snap/modem-manager/414loop7    7:7    0  54.8M  1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1502loop8    7:8    0  93.9M  1 loop /snap/core/9066sda      8:0    0 298.1G  0 disk ├─sda1   8:1    0   500M  0 part ├─sda2   8:2    0    21G  0 part ├─sda3   8:3    0  20.5G  0 part05:44
xu-irc46w/media/sumit/26961B80961B4FA3├─sda4   8:4    0     1K  0 part ├─sda5   8:5    0  13.9G  0 part /├─sda6   8:6    0   7.7G  0 part [SWAP]└─sda7   8:7    0 228.3G  0 part /homesr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom05:44
xu-irc46wwhat is this05:45
diogenes_xu-irc46w, you didn't do what i asked (05:45
xu-irc46wsorry i didnot get . i run the command and see that there are partiions which i pasted05:47
diogenes_what command you ran?05:48
xu-irc46wlsblk | nc termbin.com 999905:48
well_laid_lawnthat comman would have returned a url05:48
xu-irc46wclick open the url, will get driver details05:49
diogenes_and i asked for the url link itself.05:49
diogenes_xu-irc46w, sda7   8:7    0 228.3G  0 part /home >>>>>> which means you have a separate home partition and in case you re-install, your data will remain intact BUT you need to do manual partitioning and assign sda7 as /home, be careful, not formag but just set the mountpoint of sda7 as /home.05:54
diogenes_not format*05:55
Krishna87 Hi05:56
diogenes_!hi | Krishna8705:57
ubottuKrishna87: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!05:57
xu-irc46wok thanks a lot for your kind help05:57
diogenes_xu-irc46w, you're welcome.05:57
Krishna87Xubuntu 20.04 has been amazing OOTB.05:57
Krishna87But on FDE, I don't see the password field at all. There is a Xubuntu logo in a black screen.05:58
Krishna87When I start typing though, I see the characters are being registered but without the usual field borders around them.05:59
Krishna87Was that intentional?05:59
diogenes_Krishna87, if you log out do you see the usual password/login dialog?06:04
xu-irc46wdiogenes_ one more favour, i just wanted to install sound card installation software , is it possible. actually when using windows10 it was amazing sound control from that interface. Link is given below.06:04
diogenes_Krishna87, this is how it should look: https://i.imgur.com/JjoKdX5.png06:06
xu-irc46wi  want to know how to install in xubuntu    https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/pc-audio-codecs-high-definition-audio-codecs-software06:06
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b06:08
xu-irc46wubottu this is for wifi but i want for sound card of realtek make06:18
xu-irc46wany graphical user installation is available other than terminal installation!!06:19
diogenes_xu-irc46w, you use pavucontrol for audio stuff.06:20
xu-irc46wjust one question, will my sound experience be improved upon intallation of realtek software06:21
xu-irc46wdiogenes_ i have already that pavucontrol in the name of pulse audio volume control but it is not upto the mark06:23
xu-irc7wwill my sound experience be improved upon intallation of realtek software in xubuntu06:56
pmjdebruijnbrainwash: because it's the "new" way of starting stuff in session, but that does assume using ssytemd in a first place08:33
pmjdebruijnas much as I have mixed feelings about many aspects of systemd08:34
pmjdebruijnit's rather nice to have able to query status of some user session daemon though08:34
pmjdebruijnand have logging in a standardized way08:34
pmjdebruijnbut /etc/xdg/autostart works08:34
StabingtonGlitchy desktop on amdgpu still a thing 20.04?11:40
abtmfyi, the existing help bug found in libreoffice on 20.04, extends even after upgrading to the newest version of libreoffice from the ppa.11:47
abtmthat is true even if I first fully uninstall libreoffice and help and then reinstall it11:47
StabingtonStill no super key to open whisker menu D:12:18
xu-help71wcan u pls support me for installing wireless wifi adapter model RTL8188FTV12:50
diogenes_xu-help71w, look in driver manager.12:51
xu-help71wok thank u so much12:52
diogenes_is there available driver?12:53
xu-help71wim checking12:53
lightero1lguess not12:58
movahhedhi how to find MAC address14:15
coconutDoes xfce dekstop come with the same sys-tray circumstances as mate? ( https://ubuntu-mate.org/images/blog/eoan/mate-optimus-19.10.1.png )14:26
coconutfor the optimus package i believe it is?14:27
coconutor is there another way of configuring this from the terminal ?14:29
brainwashcoconut: out-of-the-box?14:30
coconutbrainwash, yeah14:30
brainwashno idea14:32
brainwashyou should be able to install it though14:32
brainwashthe package repository is shared across all Ubuntu variants14:33
coconuti was thinking like that too...14:33
=== sorcerer_ is now known as sorcerer
brainwashand that is only a screenshot14:33
brainwashwith no details about what exactly this tray icon is14:34
brainwashpackage name is "mate-optimus"14:37
brainwash!info mate-optimus14:37
ubottumate-optimus (source: mate-optimus): MATE Desktop applet for controlling NVIDIA Optimus graphics cards. In component universe, is optional. Version 19.10.4-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 9 kB, installed size 46 kB14:37
coconuti checked and there is no "xfce-mate" or anything like it in the repo. But there is "bumblebee-nvidia" package.14:41
coconutso probably i can still do so14:41
brainwashno, you install mate-optimus14:42
brainwashit does no seem to depend on MATE14:42
coconuti guess i get lucky14:45
coconutthnx brainwas14:46
xu-help4wHi hope someone can throw some light on a font issue I'm having after upgrading xubuntu to 20.04, ie my system fonts are just blocks15:28
sorcereru get the same problem when opening terminal?15:36
sorcereri got that problem as well15:36
v1adimirxu-help4w: maybe (?!) update-locale, or what's that other CMD..15:36
xu-help4wnothing in terminal, or open applications etc, just system wide font rendering, I can't seem to adjust them from a terminal either15:37
coconutxu-help4w, hi. i cannot help, but are you using a high-dpi screen perhaps?15:38
xu-help4wnot hi dpi all icons are normal, it's just the font15:39
coconuti see15:39
v1adimirperhaps gnome-tweak-tool can fix it, when just configuring Font settings from there? unless it's just in "screen" like coconut says15:39
xu-help4wdoes gnome tweak even work in xfce4?15:40
v1adimir.. after an update, so maybe just True Type got messed up??15:40
v1adimirfont-manager is unable to repair nothing, right?..15:41
xu-help4wI can't use font manager, as it's using the system fonts, I can't use Thunar either to reset the font cache as I can't read the font!15:42
v1adimiroh, wow, ok.. hm. :f15:43
v1adimirxu-help4w: was your locale something other than (the default) en_US, or en_GB is that how come it's a mess now?15:45
xu-help4wmy locale was en-gb before upgrading15:46
v1adimirthis page https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/how-to-reset-fonts-to-defaults/5920 says that we could "reset all system fonts", by: sudo apt-get install --reinstall --purge fontconfig fontconfig-config15:48
v1adimirsome more (@https://askubuntu.com/questions/609515/what-is-the-default-font-for-xubuntu-terminals), "factory defaults" can be restored by removing the corresponding config file: rm ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc15:50
xu-help4wI tried something similar a little earlier, but that was for the gnome desktop, will try though15:50
xu-help4wI found the Factory defaults one, it didn't do anything15:51
v1adimiror @https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=10074 "to reset terminal settings you have to remove .config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc"15:51
v1adimirbt that's prolly not what you need, blah15:51
xu-help4wJust had a look at the photo in the last link & it's not what I've got, forgot to say thanks for helping v1adimir, appreciate it15:57
v1adimirall good!..:) hope we (all :)) can solve it, though!15:58
xu-help4wMe too,  I've just done the suggestion from the ubuntu mate link you sent me, I'm going to log out & back in to see if it works, back in a min16:01
millzok v1adimir I'm back it didn't work16:03
v1adimiryea! :( thought so, dang.16:04
v1adimirerr, did you log-out session.. I mean, it probably has been logged out (default behavior, right)16:04
millzI'd already tried most of the things I knew of and other's I have found before coming on the channel, yes logged out and back in, tried rebooting not any help.16:06
xu-help0wHello from Austria! I am new to the Linux World and i have a question...how can i connect my Printer. There are some errors like "libtiff4" is not installed but libtiff5 is installed16:35
millzPrinters usually get detected in Xubuntu for me by first plugging them in and then switching them on, a dialog will open up offering to configure the printer, I haven't had problems with printer in Linux for ages, if it's a canon you may get issues.16:40
xu-irc40wDoes upgrade work for 19.10 -> 20.04?  Been a week since release and still not prompting for update.  Do I need to do a fresh install?16:52
millzI did an upgrade myself, I wasn't prompted for one, and now I'm having system font rendering issues which I just can't cure, I may have to do a fresh install for the first time in four years.16:54
coconutxu-irc40w, yes it does work, but the upgrade path is not officially rolled out yet. See here for details: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/04/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-20-0416:54
coconutpersonally i would wait with upgrading (although i do have 20.04 here myself)16:56
xu-help0w@millz yes it's an canon mg5250...17:00
xu-irc40winteresting, didn't know of -c option to do-releasy-upgrade17:06
xu-irc40woddly -c isn't in the man pages17:07
coconutoh, that is a bug i guess!17:09
coconutxu-irc40w, i don't know if you're willing, but -> https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/reporting_bugs.html17:11
coconutoh... do-release is not part if the linux pages there17:16
xu-irc83wHi, my scroll speed sensitivity are way to high -- where do I change?18:01
xu-irc83wOn my trackpad18:02
diogenes_xu-irc83w, here: https://i.imgur.com/47NzUUc.png18:05
xu-irc68whello im having a big problem, my mouse keeps disconnecting for like half a second every minute or so. I disabled auto suspend with the powertools programm as well as manually (when i check it it is set to -1) but it still keeps on disconnecting, making everything hassle.18:21
xu-irc68wits a wired g9x so i cant install the logitech gaming software, because its not supported by linux18:22
xu-irc68wits really annoying and the lights go out and on again every time too, when the mouse isnt in use its even as often as every 10 seconds or so...18:22
xu-irc68wany ideas?18:22
diogenes_xu-irc68w, you could try xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.18:24
xu-irc68wwhats that?18:24
diogenes_another driver but wait sorry i missunderstood, that's for touchpad.18:26
xu-irc68wits a wired logitech g9x gaming mouse18:27
xu-irc68wis there another way of checking if auto suspend is really turned off? i only found a "cat" command that returns -118:27
diogenes_if it's a new mouse you might try a newer kernel.18:28
xu-irc68wits an incredibly old mouse18:29
xu-irc68wlike, a decade old18:29
xu-irc68wlike i said, i cant even install the driver software since it doesnt run under linux18:29
xu-irc68wnever had problems with it and under windows it ran perfectly18:29
xu-irc68wany help is appreciated, i really cant game with this nonsense18:38
sdsdi have downloaded xubuntu 20.04, want to varify iso , pls help20:14
=== sdsd is now known as sumitroyssss
sumitroyssssany one pls help how to varify downloaded iso of xubuntu20:18
geniisumitroyssss: In a console, cd to the directory where the iso image is, and issue: sha256sum -b *.iso         ... and then compare the result to what is found here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/20.04/release/SHA256SUMS         ( this assumes you got the default 64bit iso and not some other file instead)20:23
sumitroysssspls elobarete i am novic here20:29
xu-irc78wcan you please name software to create bootable usb for xubuntu20:46
v1adimirRufus 3.10 Changelog lists: "Improve support for Ubuntu 20.04" (Neat!..:)); https://rufus.ie/20:52
v1adimirxu-irc78w: LOL, I didn't read that you need it ^^ Rufus 3.10, https://rufus.ie/20:53
v1adimir.. talk about coincidence! xD20:54
xu-irc78wand how to check downloaded iso20:56
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:59
v1adimiryeah, MD5 is usually enough (it's built into Windows 10 Explorer, btw.)21:03
xu-irc78wubottu could you please and expected data consumption for varifying the iso as i have to under download some files21:03
ubottuxu-irc78w: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:03
xu-irc78wexpected data consumption for varifying iso file21:04
well_laid_lawnno data will be consumed verifying the iso21:05
xu-irc41w ho appena installato xubuntu e sono praticamente nuovo...22:19
sapientlionHello! I need some help with 20.04 release. I would like to upgrade to that version, but every time i run "do-release-upgrade" it returns "No new releases found". What's the issue here?22:42
well_laid_lawnfor 18.04lts the 20.04lts shouuld be available in une I believe22:44
well_laid_lawnfor 18.04lts the 20.04lts shouuld be available in June I believe22:44
sapientlionSorry, i didn't say which version i'm currently using: it's 19.10. Is it universal? Like 18.04 -> 20.04.1 and 19.10 -> 20.04.1?22:46
housecat19.10 -> 20.04 upgrades should be enabled rather sooner22:48
housecatin the meantime, sudo do-release-upgrade -d would work22:48
housecatit'll go on about it being a development version but it's not22:49
housecatbut yeah, they tend to wait a bit after release before doing upgrade enablement to shake out any bugs22:49
sapientlionInteresting. Thank you for your help!22:51

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