
mupBug #1876478 opened: Automatic snap refreshes changes state of service from stopped to running <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876478>16:07
mupBug #1876482 opened: There is no way to trace the upgrade history of a snap <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876482>16:19
klaasvakieHi, I have recently started playing with various snap packages in preparation for rolling out some select systems on 20.04. I have read https://snapcraft.io/docs/keeping-snaps-up-to-date and I think the hold timers are sufficient for my use cases. One thing I can't find in the docs is how do I get notified when a new snap is available? Looks like "snap changes" and friends only  help you after the update19:41
bdxkyrofa: https://github.com/omnivector-solutions/snap-slurm/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L20123:05
bdx^ thank you23:05
bdxthe mysql part from the nextcloud snap has been extremely useful in our project23:06

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