
tewardE:IsTired and E:IsTakingDayOff00:04
Eickmeyerteward: No worries.00:32
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I know why I didn't touch it. Ross updated it in Debian and it sync'd. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hexter00:32
EickmeyerI had updated it in Fedora and it works there.00:33
EickmeyerSo, something isn't right.00:33
OvenWerksActually hexter does not show up as a plugin in Carla00:37
OvenWerksMaybe it is just the desktop file is still in there00:37
EickmeyerInterestingly enough, the desktop file was the part that Ross supposedly fixed. :P00:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer: as I recall we added a desktop file as part of our default-settings?00:39
* Eickmeyer is looking00:39
EickmeyerNope, that hdspmixer.desktop00:40
OvenWerksThere is no hexter in /usr/bin/ or /usr/lib/dssi/00:40
EickmeyerNo. The icon launches jack-dssi. That might be what's going wrong.00:40
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer [<Eickmeyer> teward: No worries.], yeah i've got a few things ahead of this00:41
studiobot<teward001> including a total redesign of the nginx packaging00:41
studiobot<teward001> so I mean00:41
studiobot<teward001> :P00:41
Eickmeyeryikes. I don't envy that.00:41
studiobot<teward001> yeah well i already have it prototyped00:42
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It launches jack-dssi-host. I think that's what is buggy. Maybe it doesn't exist?00:42
EickmeyerNope, it exists.00:42
OvenWerksit is hexter that doesn't exist00:43
EickmeyerOvenWerks: it's in /usr/lib/x86_674-linux-gnu/dssi/hexter00:44
EickmeyerSeems as though it's not being called correctly.00:45
OvenWerksthat is not a valid dssi directory00:45
OvenWerksit is the same as all other plugins, there should be arch in the path name00:46
OvenWerksI can get Carla to load it... after linking it to /usr/lib/dssi00:51
OvenWerksbut no gui00:51
EickmeyerI got it working on Fedora, so I don't know what's different there.01:34
OvenWerksdexed is still actively developed, but it not clear to me what it puts out... https://github.com/asb2m10/dexed04:29
OvenWerksThere are two file Dexed and Dexed.so. Running Dexed gives a jack client but Dexed.so I have no idea. It seems no matter where in the path I put it Carla does not see it as a plugin (I suspect vst3)04:42
OvenWerksOh wonderful, I just discovered that the hexters I tried to start... are still running, just no gui to control them.04:48
OvenWerksEickmeyer: now that I have played with Dexed for more than 2 minutes... I realize it is pretty much no use.04:54
EickmeyerThat's what I ran into when trying to build it for Fedora.04:55
OvenWerksI can run it, I can get sound out from it... but I can not see it as a jack client. It shows up in pulse.04:56
OvenWerksalso while it does have a setting to put midi out rather than audio... there appears no way to send midi in so I am guessing it is using raw midi and possibly blocking midi from jack... or maybe not getting midi in because a2jmidid already has it.04:58
OvenWerksIt does look for the vst3 sdk headers but does not seem to put out a vst3 (or does our version of Carla not deal with those yet?)04:59
EickmeyerSo, Steinberg were jerks about this and made vst3 non-redistributable or something like that.05:00
OvenWerksI just found the "options" button05:00
OvenWerksI can get a jack client05:02
OvenWerksIt can be made to work :/05:04
EickmeyerI should probably explore it more then.05:05
OvenWerksDexed will take in either a hw midi port or MIDI through05:05
OvenWerksso I can set jackkeyboard to midi through in a2jmidid and set Dexed to midi through as a midi input and jack keyboard will play Dexed05:06
EickmeyerThat sounds overcomplicated.05:07
OvenWerksDexed provides it's own theme... and it's own title bar05:08
OvenWerks which is where the Options button is.05:08
OvenWerksIt is over complicated. It does have Falktx' fingerprint on it at some point... probably to make work in Linux at all05:09
OvenWerksPerhaps when Carla does vst3, Dexed will work as a plugin05:09
OvenWerks(like maybe Falktx will make lxvst3 work)05:10
OvenWerksEickmeyer: Dexed has a lot of commits since the last release. It may become worth while in the future.05:21
EickmeyerI noticed that too. Worth keeping an eye on.05:22
OvenWerkshexter_gtk -test fails even.06:01
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
OvenWerksEickmeyer: just for reference sake. It is possible to save a bit of screen space with Ardour 5.12 by detaching both the editor and the mixer. The main window can then be shrunk to just the transport bar size and both the editor and mixer will also be smaller16:09
OvenWerksOf course the down side is that you now have three windows to place instead of two :)16:10
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Never done that, but good to know.16:10
OvenWerksin Ardour 6 the mani window can be shurnk whatever is attached, but detached mixer windows are actually limited to a larger size than 5.1216:12
StevenJayCohenOvenWerks: when you have a chance, could I send you a description of my Reaper workflow to see if you think it would be easily adapted to Ardour? 17:54
OvenWerksEickmeyer: does the plasma seed pull in the generic kernel?20:17
EickmeyerIt shouldn't. The problem we're having (in groovy) was a conflict with appmenu-gtk3-module. In Focal? Nothing should've changed.20:18
EickmeyerI suspect something in livecd-rootfs went haywire and the release team is looking at it (RE: generic kernel)20:20
OvenWerksI thought the focal iso was released, why are we still building it?20:21
OvenWerks I thought the next build would be .120:21
OvenWerks(or close like beta)20:22
housecatLTS releases that still have upcoming point releases still get daily ISOs20:32
housecatfor much the same reason that unreleased versions get them20:32
OvenWerksright ... so they can fail, before the beta22:11

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