
bluesabreThat xfwm4 release looks like a good SRU candidate.00:06
jphilipsbluesabre: this youtube mentioned some problem with the mouse cursor in snaps here https://youtu.be/xYnzqtPiK7s?t=33700:09
bluesabreI'll have to experiment with that.00:10
jphilipswhen he moves his mouse into the chromium or vlc windows, the mouse cursor turns black, strange that it would only effect xubuntu and not other flavors00:12
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Unit193bluesabre: Not really sure if I should go poking in here or -ot, but do you ever play with stuff like x2go?03:39
ochosibluesabre: +1 on xfwm405:56
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jphilipsfor all those that want to join, we are having a docs meeting today at 3pm UTC on zoom or jitsi09:41
jphilipsif you have any suggestions to improvements to docs, please put them in here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oGNc4nDmUkhk67-S07VKhOQ7tSWXUW6ureG8N7SVM_o/edit#09:42
bluesabreUnit193: first time I've ever heard of x2go11:03
Unit193OK, nevermind then! :D11:03
jphilipsi heard about x2go from wimpy, he was always talking about it with mate11:03
Unit193I tried that and nomachine a looong time ago but always got the default Xfce desktop (and usually corrupted Xubuntu), I decided to take a look into it again and set it up so it'd start the Xubuntu desktop.  Buuut...moot.11:05
Unit193ochosi: You mentioned keepassxc, fwiw I packaged up the latest version if you wanted it.12:26
ochosiyes, i wanna work in the timed copy support for keepassxc12:28
ochosito clipman12:28
ochosiit was "almost finished" (tm)12:28
Unit193Sooo, I'm guessing it's not needed.  Anyway, screw it.  I popped up the shiny xfconf to https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+packages12:39
jphilipsbluesabre: its time now for the meeting15:00
bluesabreIf anybody wants to join us to talk docs...15:14
bluesabrePassword is 5qFKzT15:14
Unit193jphilips: You asked about thunar-shares-plugin, did I respond to that?23:15
jphilipsUnit193: don't think so. did you know why its not shipped by default23:18
Unit193I mean samba isn't really shipped by default either, it's not in the repos because it's just yet another thing to maintain.  It's not in Debian because there's already a lot of packages and few maintainers, with logs of bug reports to handle.  We already have a few packages more than Debian, with questionable benefit.23:19
Unit193Nobody has really pushed for it, so it's in a handy PPA and that's it.23:20
Unit193xfdashboard is another we have over Debian, but I've heard from nobody that actually uses it.  Nobody in the team does.23:20
jphilipsi was thinking to suggest we ship samba by default or is there an alternative linux file sharing that is easy to configure and use23:21
jphilipsxfdashboard is used in voyager, xubuntu derivative23:21
Unit193Err, no we don't really need samba.  A fair number of people don't really need it, those that do can install, and it does expose your system much more too.23:22
Unit193Voyager != Xubuntu. :P23:22
Unit193(Though good to know, I didn't know that they did.)23:22
jphilipsso what is the linux way to share files across the network?23:23
Unit193Depends on the person, there's NFS and I use sshfs.23:23
jphilipsare these shipped by default and is there a means to enable the sharing of folders using these mechanisms through thunar23:24
jphilipsi was going through our docs looking for a means to do so, but nothing was on the internet/networks page https://docs.xubuntu.org/2004/user/C/internet-networks.html23:26
Unit193That's because nobody ever wrote anything up, there's plenty of docs already for file sharing.  I believe there's a couple different in the Ubuntu docs.  The more docs we have, the more we have to maintain.  The goal is to keep the duplication down.23:27
Unit193As, clearly, we're not great about writing docs. :D23:27
Unit193!info xubuntu-docs23:27
ubottuxubuntu-docs (source: xubuntu-docs): Xubuntu documentation. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.04.1 (disco), package size 4340 kB, installed size 11786 kB23:27
Unit193> 18.0423:27
jphilipswell atleast we should link to the ubuntu docs from our docs23:28
jphilipswell we had a docs meeting today and hopefully that will all change23:28
Unit193*hopefully* ;)23:28
jphilipswell i'm committed to it and so is bluesabre, and we have till the next release to fix it, so i'm quite sure its gonna happen :D23:30
jphilipsyour help would also be appreciated23:30
Unit193I have the translations and some local fixes, but most of those have been sitting there for quite some time.23:31
jphilipsmain help for now is to identify what needs to be added, removed or fixed23:32
jphilipsthis is the main doc we are working from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oGNc4nDmUkhk67-S07VKhOQ7tSWXUW6ureG8N7SVM_o/edit#23:32
jphilipsso if you read a docs page, just make a brief note of your thoughts23:33
jphilipsbluesabre: is looking into us possibly moving to some other infra like maybe wiki or github/gitlab23:34
jphilipssorry that shouldnt have been a ping :D23:34
Unit193Launchpad is the code hosting site for the rest of Ubuntu, it doesn't really make sense to move that. :/23:39
jphilipsi suggested that we make github the main and launchpad the mirror23:40
jphilipssean will look into the various possibilities23:40
Unit193Unfortunate, but alright then.23:41
Unit193I guess I can just start pasting git format-patch into the channel if it doesn't work out :P23:41
jphilipsso i guess you dont have push rights then :D23:42
Unit193On LP yeah, because I'm an xubuntu-dev member.23:44
jphilipsoh, so you mean you dont use gitlab/github, now i get you ;D23:45
Unit193For the past release I didn't touch x-d-s much anyway though, mainly did the Xfce packaging.23:45
jphilipsdo you do work also on the debian side as well?23:48

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