
DelemasOk I tried that. No love. That is an interesting idea though I wonder if my headset still works.00:00
DelemasThat is interesting. I do get white noise output on the headset.00:02
DelemasSo audio playback when the headset is plugged in still works. Whatever the heck that red bulleye is about it is present when it is working so irrelevant.00:04
DelemasAs soon as I unplug headset all audio output stops...00:07
DelemasOk I added the two tabs to the snapshots here: https://imgur.com/a/C9OZ2wF01:19
DelemasSadly no matter what I do it won't audio output over HDMI...01:20
DelemasIs it possible for Linux to output audio over Bluetooth? That would circumvent the HDMI audio issue and play over Bluetooth to my DVD player. I can do that with my phone...01:24
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
DelemasI figured out how to do this but it doesn't work either.01:53
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:56
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:56
DelemasThat how to leads to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothAudio  which gives an Internal server error.01:58
DelemasNow it is fine nevermind...01:59
powermihello, just installed Xubuntu and Its great, im looking for a awy to manage backups. any recommendation ?07:58
diogenes_powermi, dejadup.08:04
diogenes_!info dejadup08:04
ubottuPackage dejadup does not exist in focal08:04
diogenes_!info deja dup08:05
ubottu'dup' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, groovy, groovy-backports, groovy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unst08:05
diogenes_!info deja-dup08:06
ubottudeja-dup (source: deja-dup): Backup utility. In component main, is optional. Version 40.6-1ubuntu2 (focal), package size 263 kB, installed size 1504 kB08:06
diogenes_finally :)08:06
powermigreat. thanks I was also thiking on do it with rsync or cronopete08:09
xu-help73wHi. How to set up wine on Xubuntu 18.04?13:39
xu-irc16wHello! Sorry to crash in here, I would like to upgrade my existing 18.04LTS install, but neither the GUI Software Updater nor the do-release-upgrade recognize availability of 20.04LTS. (I'm all up to date with the normal apt-get update/upgrade-s.) Any tips?15:27
lighterowl!ltsupgrade | xu-irc16w15:28
ubottuxu-irc16w: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d15:28
LLIypukis there a way to work around fsck.mode=skip issue in xubuntu live session?16:04
LLIypukapart from ctrl+c + plymouth16:07
gijoe3kHello There,16:36
gijoe3kAbout to install Xubuntu 20.04. Realized that XFCE does scaling only 1x or 2x out of the box.16:37
gijoe3kDoes Xubuntu(XFCE) have the ability to do fractional scaling like Ubuntu?16:38
lighterowlI'm sure you could cook something up either via xrandr or specifying environment variables for GTK/Qt apps ... but it's going to be messy at best.16:38
gijoe3kInstead of 100% or 200% somenting like 125% to 150% and so on?16:38
gijoe3kUbuntu looks great with it fractional scaling but im much more comfortable in Xubuntu :(16:39
lighterowlsorry, can't help you - I don't use the feature myself, and I have no idea about the code behind it. perhaps there are interfaces that allow you to set a custom value as a scaling factor, but they're simply not exposed in the GUI yet because they don't work most of the time.16:41
lighterowlbut that's just conjecture on my part.16:41
gijoe3kNo problem. I appreciate your input either way.16:41
gijoe3kI'm hoping XFCE devs will work this ability in at some point. It looks pretty messy at the moment.16:42
lighterowlto be fair, I think only macOS get scaling right all/almost-all of the time.16:43
lighterowlWindows 10 can be messy as well - I have scaling set there to 125%, and some apps have blurry fonts, others look fine - probably depends on the WinAPI calls they use for rendering.16:44
LLIypuklighterowl, would you please comment on my question?16:45
lighterowlLLIypuk: sorry, I have no idea about the bug that you're referring to. maybe I could say something more if you sent me a link of sorts?16:45
lighterowlgranted, I have not started the 20.04 live system, as I had no need to.16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1875548 in casper (Ubuntu) "Its not easy to determine how to skip the filesystem check" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:46
LLIypukubottu, you've read my mind ;)16:47
ubottuLLIypuk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:47
LLIypukand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/187001816:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1870018 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu Focal) "Option (Ctrl-C) not shown to disable ISO verification" [Undecided,New]16:48
gijoe3k@lighterowl It's funny I wouldn't think fractional scaling would be such a difficult feature to implement and work correctly across the UI spectrum but then im not a coder by trade and don't know much about it for sure.16:48
lighterowlLLIypuk: it seems to me that the workaround provided there is good enough until the bug is actually resolved. the only alternative that comes to mind is ... perhaps creating your own boot medium so that /etc/fstab is modified in order to skip fsck? but that's a rather big undertaking.16:51
lighterowlperhaps you could ... extract the live squashfs, edit fstab, and repackage it?16:52
LLIypukwhat about masking some systemd unit?16:52
lighterowlstill seems like just adding the boot parameter is easier. perhaps you could add it to grub permanently on the USB drive? I don't really remember how the configuration is specified there, but it sounds doable.16:52
LLIypukearly at boot16:52
LLIypuklighterowl, i was trying to say that fsck.mode=skip boot option has no effect in Xubuntu (reported to work in plain Ubuntu)16:59
deadromany specific issue why lightdm wouldn't start after a gpu change?17:07
deadromor why I have no desktop when I launch the xfce session from gdm3?17:10
deadromor asked the other way round, how do I "reset to factory defaults" lightdm?17:11
LLIypuktail Xorg.0.log a little, deadrom17:12
diogenes_LLIypuk, шурик?17:13
LLIypukdiogenes, yo17:14
lighterowlLLIypuk: oh, that sucks. :( the only thing that comes to mind is perhaps masking the systemd-fsck-root service, but like I said, that would require rebuilding the squashfs...17:14
lighterowland even then, I have no idea if that would actually work.17:14
LLIypuklighterowl, btw, how's behind such thingie? maintainer of casper packages or someone a bit higher?17:16
lighterowlLLIypuk: sorry, no idea.17:18
deadromhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yF2WX9MwsY/  <- LLIypuk17:23
deadrombut that's from a successful start on gdm3 now17:23
deadromhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8zyjnWyNHW/ <- that's from couple minutes earlier17:24
lighterowlopen /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory - ummm, that's suspicious17:24
deadromI would have purged and reinstalled lightdm, but when I try, apt wants to uninstall xubuntu-desktop and -core, too17:24
deadromlighterowl, well, with gdm3 I now have a login and Unigine Benchmark running... at even a good speed.. anyway, the card is there and running17:26
deadromok, from the beginning: dell laptoop, i7, nvidia. migrated SSD to AMD FX with Radeon HD 7750 as I'll sell the Dell. purged all nvidia packages.17:28
deadrominstalled xserver-xorg-video-ati and -radeon as both were not there. -ati because the card is a good 7 years old, but I think that's not the right driver, the HD7 series was just right with the newdrivers, at least now lsmod lists radeon and amdgpu17:29
LLIypukdeadrom, grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:33
LLIypuk would tell you that module(s) are absent17:33
deadrombut could not start lightdm. http://migueleonardortiz.com.ar/linux/lightdm-linux/failed-to-start-light-display-manager/174117:33
deadromi followed the step there but it would not help.17:33
deadromhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W8XjYtc6Zc/  <-xurrent Xorg.0.log EE17:41
tomreyndid you remove nomodeset, yet (as i pointed out a while ago)?17:42
deadromtomreyn, yes17:43
deadromtomreyn, I got X now and working DRI after I installed gdm3 and made it the display manager17:44
deadromsomething is odd though, I don't seem to have a desktop, only xfce taskbars. no background image, when I right click into open space nothing17:45
LLIypukdeadrom, paste your <cat /proc/cmdline> here17:45
deadromBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-99-generic root=UUID=ebd48b5d-5e42-4a13-aaad-02338680e794 ro quiet splash17:46
tomreyndeadrom: you hadn'T mentioned you're using xubuntu (xfce) on #ubuntu earlier, i had not recommended gdm3 then, AFAIK (but not well informed) xubuntu defaults to lightdm17:48
deadromtomreyn, you're right. I suspected a core issue hence wanted to address the largest community. gdm3 was a recommendation in case lightdm acted up, which here was the case. it does not work as suggested, see my comment on the deskto17:50
deadromI'd like to purge and reinstall lightdm, but apt wants to remove xubuntu-desktop then as well. any way to not?17:52
LLIypukdeadrom, you could download lightdm packages, extact it and compare file/configs by hands17:54
tomreynsudo apt --purge --reinstall install lightdm17:54
LLIypukbut... chances are you'd get nothing at all17:55
deadromhttps://pastebin.com/5U8raUKM <- wait: why would removing the desktop only free 1.4MB?17:55
LLIypukdeadrom, you will not recover after removing desktop, forget it17:56
deadromman I so happily would have installed fresh 20.04 if they had fixed that stupid wacom bug17:56
LLIypuktomreyn, what if he were to boot to console (3rd level) and that start lightdm by hand?17:56
deadromcan do, if you tell me how to boot to text only17:58
tomreynLLIypuk: to achieve what?17:59
LLIypuktomreyn, some meaning output (to console or journalctl)17:59
tomreyni'm not sure what's the problem that deadrom is currently trying to solve.18:00
tomreynmeaningful output is usually available in the systemd journal18:00
tomreynxubuntu-core and xubuntu-desktop are meta packages. removing them temporarily is not an issue.18:01
LLIypukdeadrom, 3rd level goes this way - just and 3 to the end of your kernel command line in grub18:02
LLIypuknot and - add18:03
LLIypuksudo systemctl start lightdm.service18:04
LLIypukafter you login to console session with your user/pass18:04
LLIypukthen (now?) study contents of /var/log/lightdm/ dir18:07
deadromLLIypuk, that's tail -n 40 from lightdm log18:20
deadromlightdm-gtk-greeter.. where is it? where does it get called?18:21
deadromhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QvkndVHjM8/ <- that greeter config contains only comments apart from [greeter]18:25
deadromthat's as empty in that 20.04 fresh install. so no cigar18:27
tomreyndpkg -S /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/40-kde-plasma-kf5.conf18:32
tomreynmay well be a leftover18:33
deadromI removed the custom line from ightdm.conf where _I specified the greeter explicity, now I can start lightdm, but when I say "login" it just vanishes for a moment and comes back to the login :)18:33
LLIypukcat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | grep -v ^#18:35
LLIypukwhat is the greeter value(s) ?18:35
LLIypukdpkg -l *greet*18:37
deadromLLIypuk, nothing. I specified that but since it was not like the original setup I removed it again. no difference.18:38
LLIypuki've got two packages only18:38
deadromii  lightdm-gtk-greeter        2.0.5-0ubuntu1     amd64              simple display manager (GTK+ greeter)18:38
LLIypukonly one?18:38
deadromii  lightdm-gtk-greeter-settin 1.2.2-1            all                settings editor for the LightDM GTK+ Greeter18:38
deadromand a few marked "un"18:38
deadromI see lightdm here cycling through the default timeout, restarting over and over. it cannot launch the session apparently.18:40
deadrom.Xauthority anythign to do with that?18:40
LLIypuk.xsession-errors has something to do with that, probably18:42
deadromrepeats every 20 seconds18:43
LLIypukFailed to execute command: upstart18:43
LLIypukare you on 12.04 ?18:44
deadromhuh? no, 18.0418:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1635809 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "Drawing a gadget with negative dimensions. Did you forget to allocate a size? (node menubar owner GreeterMenuBar)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:45
LLIypukdeadrom, got enough free space on your home dir?18:45
deadromolder bug, same messages, but shitty bug report, does not say impact, possible workarounds18:45
deadromLLIypuk, 139G free. bit crammed ;) but should do18:46
deadrom root 13GB free18:46
LLIypukso, let's start lightdm in debug mode18:48
LLIypukrm /var/log/lightdm/*conf and off you go18:48
deadromthere is no conf in /v/l/lightdm18:49
deadromi need to be afk for an hour18:52
LLIypukme too18:54
lighterowlhi zleap19:33
zleapjust checking in as I offered to help maintain the xubuntu mastodon account19:33
xu-help48whello, can somebody help me to install my printer (mg5250)? iam using obviously xubuntu 20.04....19:46
tomreynthere don't seem to be drivers for it19:49
zleapwhat make is it ?19:51
tomreyncanon pixma19:51
tomreynthis seems to answer a different question (how to print b&w only)19:54
zleapmaybe once it is printing you can set the driver to colour19:55
xu-help48wthere are some universal drivers but there occures an error cause of the libtiff4 to libtiff5 which is actually used with the two lts versions (18.04,20.04)20:08
xu-help48wthere is an german webiste with the same problem, but its not actual... https://mun-steiner.de/wordpress/index.php/linux/scannen-und-drucken/canon-software-pixma-mg5250/20:10
xu-help48wi think the printer is too old...hmm bad for me20:11
tomreynthere are no open source drivers for it really. those that canon last published in 2010 were closed source / binaries and that's why they no longer work nowadays.20:13
zleapHP printers are pretty wellsupported20:13
xu-help48wok. thanks for the help anyway :D20:25
edubzI just installed xbuntu 20.04 and my start menu key does not activate the super menu. Does anybody know where I can fix that? I found the keybindings for a bunch of other stuff, but the super menu/whisker menu was not there.20:50
jdwwattsHi Anyone Got anything to say about the newest version and if its a good idea to upgrade yet ?21:07
lighterowlworks great for me21:11
lighterowlis about as much as I can say21:11
xu-help75wcan you upgrade from last LTS version via command-line ?21:13
lighterowl!ltsupgrade | xu-help75w21:13
ubottuxu-help75w: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d21:13
lighterowlno problem21:14
xu-irc94wHello, is there someone to give me some help? I also speak Spanish23:39

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