
tomreynEt86: maybe what you want is systemd.volatile https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/kernel-command-line.html00:06
tomreynalternatively "rootflags" or just "ro"00:08
tomreynthis is for systemd 245, may not apply to your lubuntu release00:08
tomreynactually 18.04 LTS' systemd 237 had those already00:09
tomreynsee systemd-fstab-generator(8)00:10
Et86Looks like I'm on systemd 237 so that's good00:11
Et86This looks very nice thanks, I'm already using overlayfs so I'm gonna read more into it to see how they play together and I'll be back in a while00:12
tomreyndon't blame me if something doesn't work out, i never tried this00:21
Et86I have a feeling if things don't work out I'll be stuck fixing boot for a few hours so probably won't be able to login to blame you :D00:22
fishcookerjust upgraded to 20.04... just make sure the screensaver disabled before sleeping while updating01:05
fishcookerit will interrupting the configuration01:05
lubot<ctisme> @fishcooker [<fishcooker> just upgraded to 20.04... just make sure the screensaver disabled b …], 👍01:13
lubot<ctisme> why the old screensaver still appear, even i disabled?01:14
lubot<ctisme> (Photo, 1280x487) https://i.imgur.com/3P8JNlr.jpg my old screensaver still apply too01:15
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nichlasIs it possible to upgrade fron eoan to focal? apt full-update doesn't seem to do anything.12:23
lubot<aptghetto> nichlas,  yes, it is possible. … 1) apt full-update does not exist.  … 2) you are looking for `sudo do-release-upgrade -d`12:25
lubot<N0um3n0> @nichlas [<nichlas> Is it possible to upgrade fron eoan to focal? apt full-update doesn't …], do-release-upgrade12:25
lubot<N0um3n0> @aptghetto [nichlas,  yes, it is possible. … 1) apt full-update does not exist.  … 2) you are lo …], Sorry , you are faster ....12:26
lubot<N0um3n0> :)12:26
nichlasok. The full-update instructions was from this page: https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/D/upgrading.html "Appendix D: Upgrading from a previous release"12:28
nichlasoh... I should have continued the guide :D12:28
nichlasit actually mentions do-release-upgrade :D12:28
nichlasthanks guys :D12:29
lubot<aptghetto> I don't see "full-update" there12:29
nichlasIt's the first command line in "Upgrading with command line". I should just have continued following the guide after the picture12:30
nichlassorry.. full-upgrade12:30
strobe2020i've been trying to get access to my own xsession on a remote connection.12:45
strobe2020there is already an xsession running by another user.12:45
strobe2020apparently, the startx command can only be run from a virtual console on the host, not remotely.12:45
strobe2020when i had the user assist me by switching to a virtual console at the host, logging in as me (using a temporary password), then running startx, their own x session on the graphics console crashed.12:45
strobe2020we tried running both startx as my user (assuming it would open $DISPLAY :1) and 'startx -- :1' but either way it didn't matter; their own user's x session crash and the computer had to be rebooted to restore their desktop environment.12:46
strobe2020what are we doing wrong? ideally, i just want to remotely log in to the host with my user (which i can do), then start my own x session.12:46
strobe2020we're running lubuntu 19.1012:46
Ev0luti0n_Hey guys. Currently having a minor issue here editing the application list.14:07
Ev0luti0n_I want to edit the application list, so that i am able to start Signal in the system tray by default, by adding the command "signal-desktop --start-in-tray".14:08
Ev0luti0n_I opened up the "application menu editor", and from there i eventually ended up here: "/usr/share/desktop-directories/lxde-network.directory14:09
Ev0luti0n_I was hoping to find there the Internet menu application list, from where i could edit the Signal entry. Turns out, that file has no such thing. Nothing but different languages from "Internet menu". I searched around for apps that i could use on the official repo, and there are some for gnome but nothing for LXqt.14:11
Ev0luti0n_PCFileMAn, apparently let's you edit the applications you want to use there, but i am not sure how can i edit the signal shortcut to include that command.14:11
Ev0luti0n_Any tips would be appreciated.14:11
lubotJavi Vera Cascales was added by: Javi Vera Cascales15:08
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lubotAbhi611 was added by: Abhi61117:06
lubot<Abhi611> What do you mean by passphrase17:06
lubot<Abhi611> Wep key(network configuration while installing lubuntu 18.0417:08
MunskoHello. Somebody know why the log-in screen is different when i close my laptop monitor(a black screen with a minitor flaming and one filed to put passwd) and when i log off from menu?21:32
MunskoThe log in screen in the 2nd case is like the LXQT style of desktop i think21:32
MunskoBut the other one isnt like that, looks like no desk of smth21:32

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