
warsoulcan you guys -q me05:59
elwarsoul: the -q happened automatically after a minute. was there anything else you needed from this channel?08:01
tomreynsomeone in #ubuntu is requesting your attention22:20
tomreynrabbitnightmare - but they just left22:21
housecatDalekSec: you just beat me to it. I note their long history.22:29
housecatoh gods, they started in -offtopic too22:30
TheMasterI set it to expire in 3 months if he doesn't end up here first, I don't mind if anyone chats with him and removes it.22:30
housecatim honestly considering just asking for a namespace ban22:30
TheMaster...Feel free to extend if you think 3mo is too short, then.22:31
housecatwhat's the ban id22:32
housecat@duration 7993222:32
ubottu[79932] ban - $a:rabbitnightmare$#ubuntu-ops - #ubuntu - expires in 2 months and 4 weeks22:32
housecat@duration 79932 99999d22:33
ubottu79932 will be removed after 273 years and 11 months.22:33
housecatthat ought to do it22:33
housecat@comment 79932 repeated problematic behavior in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic since at least 201422:34
ubottuComment added.22:34
housecatphunyguy: fyi, if they start up in -ot just nuke them ^22:35
* housecat ponders flyback and rabbitnightmare in -ot scrollback, concludes we've been a bit lax on !language recently22:37
TheMasterUrgh, you guys have flyback?  I'm sorry.22:38
housecatyeah it's great im thrilled22:38
housecati saw him in #ubuntu recently, i guess he migrated from there22:38
eli wish people would stop punting people who violate our minimum behavioural standards to offtopic where their behaviour is unsurprisingly also disallowed22:39
housecatplease feel free to stick "#ubuntu-offtopic is not a dumping ground for people you think are trash" in a certain channel's topic. lord knows i've tried telling them22:44
tomreynthanks DalekSec22:49
tomreynif you have the time, could you also do the "fix your connection" for ferche23?22:50
tomreynor anyone else who's around.22:50
TheMasterHi, let me check.22:51
TheMasterWell let's see if he's still doing it, maybe his znc finally was able to catch up.22:52
TheMastertomreyn: Looks to have settled.22:56
tomreynlooks like i need more patience. thanks, TheMaster23:02
TheMasterHah, well I've done the same too.23:05

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