
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I figured out what's going on with the focal seed. It's pulling-in linux-lowlatency and linux-lowlatency-hwe from the Hardware neablement Stack, as the LTS .x releases are supposed to do. Not sure why the conflict, but I'm willing to bet the release team will figure it out.16:36
OvenWerksEickmeyer: thanks, that did have me puzzled as I would think at this point there would be no difference16:37
EickmeyerI think the builders are pulling-in linux-lowlatency when they should be targeting -hwe instead at this point.16:38
EickmeyerNothing we can change on our end, it's in the hardcoding of the builders.16:39
OvenWerksno worries16:42
* OvenWerks wanders off to breakfast16:42
* Eickmeyer is having a "Holy crap, it actually worked" moment.19:35
EickmeyerLatest daily is Plasma. Unthemed, vanilla, default breeze Plasma, but it's a start. I consider it a blank canvas at this point.19:35
StevenJayCohen<Eickmeyer "Latest daily is Plasma. Unthemed"> perfect19:56
StevenJayCohenIt's nice to start from scratch and leave the past behind19:57
RikMillsvanilla plasma is quite good nowadays19:58
StevenJayCohenSame with Gnome. IMO just about all other gnome themes are boken in one way or another.20:01
StevenJayCohen * Same with Gnome. IMO just about all other gnome themes are broken in one way or another.20:01
RikMillsEickmeyer: are you doing anything on this? tweet or other social media?20:06
RikMillsI wondered if KDE promo might like to know as well20:07
EickmeyerRikMills: We announced the move with the release announcement. I'll probably do a post with all the socials later this week with progress.20:20
EickmeyerRikMills: I'm finding an interesting symlink and I can't find what creates it unless I'm missing something. You have /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/kubuntu/colors as a symlink to breeze-dark, but I can't find what's making it.20:29
RikMillsEickmeyer: kubuntu settings is20:29
EickmeyerOh gee, I'm a bot. Thanks, I see it now.20:30
EickmeyerYep, found it.20:31
RikMillsI did it like that, so that our dark theme will always change as upstreams does. So it self maintains for the most part20:32
EickmeyerThat is pretty sweet.20:32
RikMillslooks nice!20:50
EickmeyerRikMills: Thanks. It's got a ways to go. I want to change the default background, make the default plasma theme dark (looks like I've accomplished that with the settings changes I've made), and move the panel to the top.20:51
RikMillshaha. you will upset the KDE guys20:52
EickmeyerMeh, if people want a "pure" KDE experience, they've got Kubuntu.20:52
EickmeyerI'm trying to make the transition from Xfce as smooth as possible.20:53
EickmeyerSimply moving the panel to the top and using our background will accomplish that. I'm also going to use the kde version of our Materia theme when that gets into the archive.20:53
RikMillssounds good :)20:53

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