[00:29] I have problems with nvidia driver. I have a geforce gtx 1660, and the nvidia-settings command gives a blank window. [00:29] I just installed Ubuntu studio 20.04 [00:30] pking123: I'll test on mine real quick, but I haven't experienced that problem (gtx 1650 here, so not much different). [00:30] I'm currently in a different OS. Hang on.... [00:37] pking123: No issues here. Did you install the nvidia drivers from the nvidia site or from Software & Updates > Additional Drivers? [00:39] I went through the "Software" installer and found nvidia-settings there. [00:39] I also attempted to do a manual install of the latest downloaded driver. [00:40] Check Software & Updates and make sure you're using the Nvidia drivers recommended there. [00:40] Both led to the same result [00:40] Doing that now [00:41] If you installed the driver manually, that might be the problem. It's very easy to install the wrong driver for Nvidia. [00:41] !nvidia | pking123: This is the recommended method [00:41] pking123: This is the recommended method: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [00:42] I am currently downloading the latest through software&updates. [00:42] Ok. That might fix your issue. [00:43] Just remember: Ubuntu tries to make it easy. Don't overcomplicate it. :) [00:44] I am being asked for a Secure Boot password. I don't recall setting a password in the BIOS. [00:44] My mother board is using UEFI, btw [00:44] That's for you to set. It will ask for that password after you reboot just one time. [00:45] I don't own a non-UEFI computer. [00:45] This is simply for registering the Nvidia driver with the kernel so that Secure Boot doesn't freak out. [00:46] Still waiting [00:46] Did you create a password in that dialog? [00:46] It was using the XORG driver by default, despite all my installation attempts [00:47] Yes, a password was created. [00:47] Then that's why. You were trying the hard way when Ubuntu provides a much easier way. [00:48] It will ask for that password when you reboot (just once), so make sure you remember it. [00:48] So I guess I will need to reboot to find out how I did; [00:48] Yep. [00:48] I know the password [00:48] Good. [00:48] BRB [00:48] k [00:57] I am back Eickmeyer, but I while the driver is loaded, I noticed a ton of errors at boot-up, and have now lost decent screen resolution. The nvidia-settings still doesn't work, and so I think since I just reinstalled Ubuntu today, I will just try again, and go through software settings like last time [00:57] Thanks for your awesome help and advice [02:43] does not resume from suspend after upgrade. blank screen flashes a few times. [02:46] these disposable OS's are all the same: fall apart at the seams and have to reinstall several times per year. [03:02] ^ Gah! Why am I even doing this?!?!?!? /s [03:08] Oke, let me explain it once more .. [03:08] XD [03:09] it was your choice, a bit forced, true. === nuuro is now known as ajan === James is now known as Guest36284 [20:09] I am having a metronome issue with Ardour 5.12.0 [20:10] Metronome gives no audio output option for "click" in the audio connection manager