
callmepkGood morning01:05
dufluMorning callmepk 01:16
callmepkmorning duflu, how are you01:19
dufluI'm OK, for a Monday. You, callmepk?01:20
callmepkI am good01:20
=== DalekSec is now known as WrathOfAchilles
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:07
oSoMoNhappy Monday!06:07
dufluHi oSoMoN. Actually just a Monday Monday. How are you?06:18
oSoMoNhey duflu. I'm good, how are you yourself?06:19
dufluGoing OK06:19
=== pieq__ is now known as pieq
seb128goood morning desktopers06:39
dufluHi seb128 06:50
dufluQuiet today. At least in IRC07:56
dufluHow are you seb128?07:56
Laneyhi ho de ho08:01
dufluHi Laney08:03
seb128hey duflu, Laney, how are you?08:11
dufluseb128, very Monday-ish. You?08:11
seb128duflu, I'm good, sorry was away for morning 'duties' :)08:11
seb128I'm ok, w.e was relaxing and I feel recharged08:11
dufluThat's OK. I was away picking the bins up out of the mud. In a clean white shirt. You'll never guess what happens next08:12
oSoMoNsalut seb128 08:13
oSoMoNhey Laney 08:13
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?08:13
oSoMoNça va, bon week-end à peu près reposant, et toi?08:13
seb128pareil :)08:14
seb128duflu, are you getting some success with those nvidia issues? if you are able to reproduce did you try if e.g the second screen rotation bug happens without the xrandr scaling patch?08:16
dufluseb128, that's a job for this week, maybe not today. I aim to just catch up on email, status report and upstreams today08:17
dufluBut I do aim to simplify things by trying to reproduce and verify behaviour on Intel before going back to Nvidia08:18
dufluNot least to better understand what working fractional scaling should look like08:18
dufluAnd it works on Intel08:18
dufluBut I don't know about the multimonitor stuff yet. Will test that08:19
dufluIf there's a bug I can fix without having nvidia in the mix I might do that first08:19
dufluto avoid more side-effects on Nvidia08:20
Laneymoin duflu seb128 oSoMoN 08:30
ricotzgood morning desktopers :)08:31
Laneyhey ricotz 08:37
seb128duflu, also feel free to bounce to Marco if you have a test case which let trigger the issue, the problem is that he lacks nvidia only hardware atm (as not optimus)08:37
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?08:37
oSoMoNgood morning ricotz 08:38
ricotzhey Laney seb128 oSoMoN 08:38
ricotzI am doing good :)08:38
seb128Trevinho, hey, can you investigage bug #1876352 ? it has been bisected to one of your recent commits to ubuntudock08:39
ubot5bug 1876352 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "App Grid icons out of alignment when opening from overview" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187635208:39
sil2100Hey desktoppers! Not sure if canary is still a thing, but groovy images are failing due to the ubuntu-canary PPA not having any groovy packages:08:53
sil2100E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/canary-image/ubuntu groovy Release' does not have a Release file.08:53
oerheksgroovy just started, what makes you think a PPA is ready?08:55
oerheksand for support, join #ubuntu+1  but i doubt there will be help 08:56
Laneysil2100 is one of the cd build maintainers, he's notifying us of a failing build08:57
Laneylet me take care of it08:57
oerheksoh oke08:57
seb128tseliot, bug #1765363 has active comments, unsure if that's a real issue we should care about or a low piority one? I would welcome you looking just from a traiging perspective09:00
ubot5bug 1765363 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "prime-select intel is not powering off the nvidia card" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176536309:00
tseliotseb128, I remember fixing that in Eoan. I need to check if I backported the fix to bionic09:10
seb128tseliot, recent comments state they have the issue on focal but maybe that's another problem and they should be askred to report another bug09:11
tseliotseb128, are you talking about LP: #1875339 now?09:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1875339 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Focal) "xorg does not use nvidia gpu on a I+N machine." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187533909:11
seb128tseliot, no, why?09:12
seb128tseliot, e.g https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1765363/comments/6909:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1765363 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "prime-select intel is not powering off the nvidia card" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:12
tseliotlet me have a look09:12
seb128or #6809:12
tseliotseb128, that seems to me like a comment on the solution provided in the bug report, more than on the way things are in 20.04.09:14
tseliotalso, they are using bbswitch, which isn't really needed09:15
seb128tseliot, could well be ... if you think you fixed it in 19.10 then I think we best close that one and ask people have issues on focal to do a new clean report describing their problem09:15
tseliotseb128, I'll check how things are in 18.04 too09:20
seb128tseliot, thanks!09:20
dufluseb128, some good news: plymouth master's latest two commits came from us09:31
seb128duflu, you got your contributor badge for another project :)09:32
* duflu wonders if those were the first09:33
dufluNo I was already a contributor09:33
dufluIf only the important changes would land09:33
seb128ah, right, you had a list the label/center bugfix you did before focal went out09:35
seb128yeah :/09:35
duflutjaalton, I keep seeing bug reports in which people have the nvidia kernel driver and Xorg using modeset. Is that even possible?09:45
dufluI will have to try09:45
dufluSounds like stutter is generally what results, which I find easy to believe if swap events don't work properly09:45
tjaaltonfor tseliot?09:45
dufluYou're so all over Xorg that I keep forgetting09:46
tjaaltonmodeset works on a kms driver, so it's not "forbidden"09:46
dufluYeah that's what I fear09:47
dufluMaybe I will need to make it a supported (less broken) combo in mutter09:47
tjaaltonjust that there should be an xorg.conf in these cases?09:47
* duflu nods09:47
tjaaltonit could be a hybrid too with i91509:47
tjaaltonhmm or maybe not09:48
tseliotduflu, yes, modesetting is the default driver for intel+nvidia. This means intel using the modesetting driver09:48
dufluYes. I guess I get confused by the lack of Nvidia in the Xorg log09:49
dufluMakes me think it's not loaded09:49
tseliotduflu, nvidia should also show up in the log if "prime-select nvidia" is used. It won't when in "on-demand" mode09:52
popeyjibel uploaded my journal to bug 1876440. Very odd that the bpool went missing. Happy to run debugging commands or whatever :)09:53
ubot5bug 1876440 in zsys (Ubuntu) "Kernel no longer getting updated" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187644009:53
jibelpopey, there is no bpool and in the pool cache there is the default pool of lxd. 09:58
jibeli'll see if I find something useful in the journal and probably as k for more info09:59
KGB-0gobject-introspection ubuntu/focal ebeca15 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in gbp.conf * control, gbp.conf: Update for focal * https://deb.li/iW85210:16
KGB-0gobject-introspection ubuntu/focal 1735e69 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/pJXC10:16
KGB-0gobject-introspection ubuntu/focal b6281a8 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/3QMLG10:16
KGB-0gobject-introspection ubuntu/focal d96e828 Iain Lane debian/gbp.conf * gbp.conf: Update 'debian-tag' to make ubuntu/XXX tags * https://deb.li/1VWc10:17
KGB-0gobject-introspection signed tags 78ca4ea Iain Lane ubuntu/1.64.1-1_ubuntu20.04.1 * gobject-introspection Debian release 1.64.1-1~ubuntu20.04.1 * https://deb.li/3Bx8y10:17
Trevinhoseb128: ok will look that too 10:21
seb128hey Trevinho, thanks! how are you? had a good 3 days w.e? :)10:21
Trevinhoseb128: good although I actually worked on 1st as there was not much else to do... 😅10:47
TrevinhoTo celebrate work even better 10:48
Trevinhoyou. 10:48
Trevinho? 10:48
Trevinhobut at least I was able to go out for a walk and a run after 40+ days locked in 10:49
didrocksgood afternoon :)10:50
* Laney looks suspiciously at didrocks 10:51
Laneyhey Trevinho 10:51
didrocks:) /me goes force and back and work in interruptions10:52
seb128Trevinho, I worked as well, virtual vienna ... w.e was relaxing/good though11:00
seb128hey didrocks, how are you?11:00
didrocksseb128: tired, but not as much as Julie :) Otherwise, well! Thanks, and you?11:01
KGB-2orca ubuntu/master c2b4d62 Iain Lane * pushed 7 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/34IOy13:43
KGB-2orca ubuntu/master f85abc2 Sebastien Bacher debian/ (5 files in 2 dirs) * Import Debian changes 3.35.3-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/ij0G413:43
KGB-2orca ubuntu/master e955b83 Sebastien Bacher (151 files in 14 dirs) * Import Debian changes 3.36.1-0ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/ivyD13:43
KGB-2orca ubuntu/master d413699 Iain Lane debian/ (7 files in 2 dirs) * Merge tag 'debian/3.36.1-1' into ubuntu/master * https://deb.li/3QwDz13:43
KGB-2orca ubuntu/master c90d623 Iain Lane (25 files in 7 dirs) * Merge tag 'debian/3.36.2-1' into ubuntu/master * https://deb.li/qu4R13:43
KGB-2orca ubuntu/master 1eb85b5 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in gbp.conf * control, gbp.conf: Update for ubuntu branches * https://deb.li/3VHzv13:43
KGB-2orca signed tags fcbffaa Iain Lane ubuntu/3.36.2-1ubuntu1 * orca Debian release 3.36.2-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/DHME13:43
didrocksthanks Laney :)13:44
Laneygot to love having the commit bot13:50
didrocksit seems it's printing Author and not Commiter, right?13:54
Laneythat's right13:56
LaneyIf it printed the committer it would mean attribution is weird13:56
didrocksDRTR :p13:56
* Laney does the sru bits13:57
Laneyback online14:23
LaneyISP's been having a wobble14:23
Laneyjust wobbled off completely /o\14:45
didrockswaow, crazy, even the wifi at the maternity is more stable than your ISP it seems14:50
Laneythey're usually great, wonder what's happening today14:51
Laneywatching their IRC channel is funny14:51
seb128marcustomlinson, bug #1874591 seems like a fallout from https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/update-manager/update-manager/+merge/38006015:30
ubot5bug 1874591 in apturl (Ubuntu) "AptUrl GTK window stuck on screen after install completed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187459115:30
seb128+            GLib.idle_add(self.label_details.set_label, status)15:30
seb128but label_details doesn't seem to exist15:31
seb128well not in the apturl context at least15:32
marcustomlinsonseb128: thanks for the diagnosis15:50
seb128marcustomlinson, np, sorry that this work is still coming back haunting you :-(15:50
KGB-1orca ubuntu/master a8635db Iain Lane * pushed 11 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/iWRAx15:52
KGB-1orca ubuntu/master 7d66148 Samuel Thibault (125 files in 13 dirs) * New upstream version 3.35.91 * https://deb.li/pl0E15:52
KGB-1orca ubuntu/master 0cd1ee2 Samuel Thibault (125 files in 13 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.35.91' * https://deb.li/3QmCe15:52
KGB-1orca ubuntu/master c3394f9 Samuel Thibault debian/changelog * upload * https://deb.li/1L2I15:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/master 0d2eb6a Samuel Thibault (60 files in 7 dirs) * New upstream version 3.35.92 * https://deb.li/sQI415:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/master 7fd9f07 Samuel Thibault (60 files in 7 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.35.92' * https://deb.li/3nziD15:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/focal e743a23 Iain Lane * pushed 10 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3VoGA15:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/focal f85abc2 Sebastien Bacher debian/ (5 files in 2 dirs) * Import Debian changes 3.35.3-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/ij0G415:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/focal e955b83 Sebastien Bacher (151 files in 14 dirs) * Import Debian changes 3.36.1-0ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/ivyD15:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/focal d413699 Iain Lane debian/ (7 files in 2 dirs) * Merge tag 'debian/3.36.1-1' into ubuntu/master * https://deb.li/3QwDz15:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/focal c90d623 Iain Lane (25 files in 7 dirs) * Merge tag 'debian/3.36.2-1' into ubuntu/master * https://deb.li/qu4R15:53
KGB-1orca ubuntu/focal 1eb85b5 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in gbp.conf * control, gbp.conf: Update for ubuntu branches * https://deb.li/3VHzv15:53
KGB-1orca signed tags f76e3ec Iain Lane ubuntu/3.36.2-1ubuntu1_20.04.1 * orca Debian release 3.36.2-1ubuntu1~20.04.1 * https://deb.li/DNiR15:53
LaneyI like this method of dishing out of updates15:56
hellsworthgood morning dekstopers16:12
oSoMoNhey hellsworth 16:12
hellsworthhi there oSoMoN 16:13
didrockshey hellsworth, oSoMoN 16:38
hellsworthhey didrocks why are you here??16:39
didrockshellsworth: I work (with some interruptions) from the maternity. This allow me to be more available when we go back home (on Wednesday)16:40
hellsworthwow good job.. and congrats again :D16:40
didrocksthx :)16:41
* ogra sighs ... two weeks in and i still havent gotten a working desktop on my upgraded desktop ... *sniff* ... 16:47
* ogra would be happy about any idea https://imgur.com/a/z8jDqUB ... (i have an install on USB sick that works flawless on that device, the upgraded internal install looks like this though)16:51
seb128ogra, what driver is in use? legacy intel? or the modesetting modern one?18:36
seb128ogra, maybe directly ping tjaalton or RAOF they are probably the ones around having the most clue about graphical corruption/driver bugs18:36
ograwell, both are intel for sure18:36
seb128ogra, is -intel installed?18:37
seb128just trying to see a difference between an USB stick and your upgrade...18:37
ogra: (II) intel(0): Using Kernel Mode Setting driver: i915, version 1.6.0 2019082218:37
ograi think they are identical 18:37
ograwell, trying to find the difference is what i'm doing here since a week :) 18:39
ograi think i at least have a largely identical package selection on both now ... 18:40
sarnoldogra: two weeks with those crazy artifacts?18:41
ograi also tried a new user to make sure it isnt any user config ... so the last bit remaining must be some stale config ... perhaps something i added manually and forgot :/18:41
ograsarnold, well,  a few restarts and i at least have no artifxats on the fonts ... then changing the wallpaper and i have a semi workable environment 18:42
sarnoldogra: ah, good. that'd otherwise be way too much to work with18:43
ograplaying a video fullscreen reliably breaks it again though 18:43
tjaaltonogra: do you have the intel x driver in use?19:32
tjaaltonif so, remove it19:33
ogratjaalton, xserver-xorg-video-intel ?19:33
tjaaltonin xorg.conf19:34
ograi dont have an xorg.conf (i think)19:34
ograat least not in /etc/X1119:34
tjaaltonor the x log19:34
sarnoldis there something wrong with just purging the package and letting that sort it out?19:35
ograno trace of xorg.conf in the log ... let me remove the driver and reboot ... 19:36
tjaaltonthat should do it, unless x is configured to use it and it fails to start19:36
tjaaltoni meant if the log showed intel was used19:37
ogratjaalton, i owe you beer at the next non-virtual sprint !!!19:39
ograthanks so much, that did it19:39
tjaaltonok, cool :)19:41
tjaaltonguess you still have a config in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d19:52
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
seb128ogra, shrug, I asked you early if you used the old -intel20:45
seb128glad you figured it out though: )20:45
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master df687cd Gunnar Hjalmarsson debian/ changelog patches/0030-temporarily-revert-alt-char-key.patch * Fixed broken dh_translations POT creation * https://deb.li/it6P122:25
KGB-1gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal 2a22179 Gunnar Hjalmarsson debian/ changelog patches/0030-temporarily-revert-alt-char-key.patch * Fixed broken dh_translations POT creation * https://deb.li/3bYNe22:54
=== diddledan7 is now known as diddledan

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