[00:16] Ubuntu Studio 20.04 with low-latency and jack. User A (and pulse) by default is in audio group. Created user B and has no audio device access. As I understand only one user can access at a time, should I add user B to the audio group, or remove user A and use the system-wide pulse user? what are the implications of each? [00:22] That's false. [00:22] There is no system-wide pulse. [00:24] okay, on normal ubuntu the only user in audio group is "pulse" and all users are able to play sound just trying to figure ubuntu-studio so that the 2nd user can also access sound. thanks for the input, user A works great, user B shows "no audio devices detected" [00:25] OvenWerks: If you're around, this is your territory. ^ [00:46] yelof: are both users logged in at the same time? [00:46] (and how?) [00:50] they were not both at once, both were separate local LXDE logins from boot. [01:08] yelof: then put them both in the audio group... run ubuntustudio-controls as that user and do the fix rt button. [01:13] OvenWerks: okay will try, will that cause any conflict with a logged out user holding access after log-out/log-in will I want to reboot? (my understand is it will conflict for simultaneous logins/switch user) [01:17] It may give trouble with switch user, but in ubuntustudio a logout and login should not be a problem [01:18] in ubuntu vanilla with studio over top I am not so sure [01:19] if you want to be able to use the same audio device with two users at the same time... you need to use network as an output on one [01:19] and allow a network in on the other [01:20] It's studio been upgraded about yearly from 16.04 and probably has too many vanilla packages added, okay. thanks for the assistance, now to logout and try. [01:30] OvenWerks: had about a 30 second delay (and same back to this user) with "no audio devices detected" for the audio devices to come up, then works fine with both users in audio group. will research network. thanks for the information. [01:31] ok === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 === DalekSec is now known as WrathOfAchilles [11:08] hello. is ther eany problem with hexter? everytime i try to open it its not showing the interface and its crashing [11:11] just want to be sure if this is a bug or if im doing smth wrong here [14:13] shaban238: hexter is known to have trouble with the GUI yes. [14:14] OvenWerks thnks :) [14:14] I think it can still run and be controlled via midi [14:14] yes it can [14:14] just the gui crashes [14:15] but i mgettting the send report thing [14:15] please do [14:15] sure i always do that [14:15] :) [14:16] im getting send report many times for the blueman also. it seems to disconnect my wifi when using bluetooth [14:16] ahh just got one now '=D [14:17] That I can't help you with, I don't have a wifi to work with or BT [14:17] i see [14:20] So it could be a HW thing. Are either the bt or wifi USB dongles? or are they both built in? [14:21] well im on thinkpad and im sure my machine its fine [14:22] So they are both built in then, If one was USB just changing the plug may help [14:22] yes i thought that [14:22] this is what the bug says [14:22] https://postimg.cc/9zj0TZ9W [14:23] maybe ask in #ubuntu it may be that there is a better wifi kernel module for that wifi chip [14:23] I think the BT modules are pretty standard [14:24] ok. i will write it at #ubuntu [14:24] (there are a lot more people there too) [14:25] is this the one: #ubuntu-unregged? [14:25] should be just #ubuntu [14:25] hm. i typed that and it brought me to the other [14:26] I don't know then [14:26] thnks anyway [14:26] your welcome [14:57] You need to register your nick to be admitted to that channel. [14:57] yes exactly [14:59] i dont know how to register. i read through the link but i didnt find anything [15:50] http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=freenode+register+nick [15:54] !register | shaban238 [15:54] shaban238: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [16:40] OvenWerks btw i wrote directly to the developer of hexter :) [16:41] shaban238: ok, I expect you will not get much help as I don't think he has done anything to hexter in a number of years. [16:42] dssi is basically dead any more. It would be nice to convert it to an LV2 with more up to date GUI tool kit. [16:43] wifi trouble [16:44] OvenWerks sorry i didnt catch the entire phrase as i was logged out [16:44] shaban238: ok, I expect you will not get much help as I [16:44] don't think he has done anything to hexter in a number of [16:44] years. [16:44] dssi is basically dead any more. It would be nice to convert it to an LV2 with more up to date GUI tool kit. [16:44] ah ok! i didnt know as im kinda new here [16:45] kxstudio has dexed in a plugin I think. [16:45] dexed is also a DX7 emulator [16:45] ok i will check that [16:46] i have a real dx7 btw but hexter sounds really nice :) [16:46] be careful about grabbing the whole txstudio set of programs as there are some that conflict with studio [16:46] in particular Cadence is one to stay away from [16:46] yep i noticed that actually when i tried some days ago [16:47] i have reinstall the system different times to find and learn the right way [16:47] I also have a dx7 (flat buttons) [16:47] :D [16:47] great synth btw [16:48] I like the feel of the kb though.... probably because I am _not_ a kb player :) [16:48] haha me too im a guitar player [16:48] I also like the expresion available from the fm synth [16:49] its pretty yeah :) [16:49] btw apart from zynadd subfx my surprise was on phasex [16:49] never heard before [16:49] really good soft synth [16:50] I hope it sticks around [16:50] i wish it remembers the interface i choose though anytime i start it again [16:51] as i need to choose the system color and notebook interface anytime i restart it [16:51] yeah, phasex uses a whole colour theme [16:52] have you tried vcv rack though any issues? [16:52] im getting xruns with it and its a bit weird as with bitwig and others it seems pretty fine [16:52] I have not. [16:52] i see [16:53] I have heard it is cpu heavy and I am not sure of the quality of the dsp code [16:54] yeah im not sure too... [16:54] The dev is not really a part of the community like willing to take suggestions etc. [16:54] There are some very good dsp guys in the community [17:01] i see. and actually it sounds really good also [17:02] Yes it can sound quite good. [17:02] Dave Philips has done quite a bit with it [17:03] :) [17:03] i need to say this. i love the way pure data is integrated in ubuntu studio. i dont know who collected all externals but its really great to have them already there :D [17:29] http://linux-audio.4202.n7.nabble.com/1625-music-td107605.html [17:30] shaban238: That link has a link to some stuff done with vcv [17:32] thnks :) [18:35] Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone can help me straighten out my audio settings: I recently switched to the updated version of ubunstustudio-controls to see if it would fix an issue I was having with JACK and a firewire interface I have (makes a crazy distortion sound every 30 seconds or so), but doing so has resulted in no sound whatsoever from [18:35] my computer's speakers/headphone jack... I'm on Ubuntu Studio 18.04 LTS [18:36] zurn: Ubuntu Studio 18.04 was not released as an LTS. [18:36] I know it has something to do with the pulse->jack bridge [18:37] !ubuntustudio-backports | zurn [18:37] zurn: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer [18:38] zurn: are you using the alsa modules for your FW device? [18:41] Hi OvenWerks, you actually helped me fix the distortion issue back in August but I didn't document the solution properly!... yes I do use ALSA with the FW device as the distortion occurs with JACK [18:42] I don't remember either :) [18:42] which jack settings are you using? [18:43] Your response back in August was this: "if you use jack with the pulse->jack bridge, then the same fix will effect jack as well. If use ubuntustudio-controls to start jack, t will already fix pulse to work with jack. the problem is that pulse takes it's sync from the first alsa device it finds (normally the internal audio) and uses it for sync. The [18:43] pulse -> jack bridge binds jack to pulse in a closer way than it should (because the bridge was never properly finished) and so removing phyical devices from pulse allows pulse to use jack for it's sync. If pulse has two sources of sync they will clash even if they work at the same rate" [18:44] Yup. I have seen that [18:44] what's the best way to check my jack settings? I'm pretty confused as to what's happening where after installing the new ubuntustudio-controls [18:45] in ubuntustudio controls the audio page should not have changed that much [18:46] Basically the sample rate and buffer size [18:47] 44.1 Hz, 1024 buffer size [18:47] nothing odd then. [18:49] if you want to beable to have audio from your internal card at the same time you need to enabletem on the second sub tab in audio settings [18:51] the tab is called Extra devices [18:52] hmm.. doesn't seem to do anything... I also tried setting my Jack Master Device to my internal card, still no sound [18:52] I have the FW device disconnected [18:53] And oddly, the mute button on the keyboard is ineffective, it's always enabled [18:54] with jack set for your internal device and no sound (from desktop I assume) then next go to the pulse bridging page. [18:54] under the Add an Output Bridge the next box down should have pulse_out or similar [18:55] yep, that all seems good [18:56] and you have applied audio settings from there [18:56] yep [18:57] in a terminal type jack_lsp -c |pastebinit [18:57] post the url here [18:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x6F9Vn9jbz/ [18:58] OK that looks as expected [18:59] in the terminal try alsamixer [18:59] you may have to hit F6 to switch to your internal card [18:59] it is probaly pch [19:01] The first four bars from the left are probably Master, haedphones, PCM and Front or speaker [19:01] it's set to PCH, still no sound/always muted though [19:02] (should add that the mute button is definitely not broken, as it works fine when I boot into my Windows system) [19:02] in the first four bars are the levels up [19:02] I am not suggesting your mute button is bad [19:03] maybe send me a screen shot of alsamixer with the card set to PCH [19:04] heh, ya I just added that to be sure........ the levels are all up except for an item called Headphone 1 (different than Headphone), which doesn't have a meter [19:04] okay, will do [19:04] Oh ok. [19:04] the little box at the bottom of each bar should have 00 not mm [19:05] (or MM) [19:06] okay, they all have mm! [19:06] MM [19:06] so the Master should be in red [19:07] if you hit M the MM should turn to 00 [19:07] then use the arrow key to move through the next three and do the same [19:07] there it is! [19:07] it was muted? [19:08] I would guess so. Not sure why. That is the card it self which is different from pluse muting [19:08] pulse muting is what your mute key affects [19:09] So your mute key should work now for desktop sound like the browser [19:09] actually... neither the mute key or the volume control keys work now [19:09] lol [19:10] They will not work for jack applications like Ardour for example, but should work for desktop audio [19:11] Though, I do recall there being an issue in 18.04 or so with that ( Eickmeyer ?) [19:11] There was a fix for it at the time bnut I didn't pay much attention to it because I have a very old keyboard [19:12] not working for desktop audio (playing music in browser, or from VLC) [19:12] interesting [19:14] OvenWerks: Yes, as I recall, there was an issue with 18.04 where Ardour was having trouble with some things. [19:15] zurn: I'd highly recommend upgrading to 20.04 as soon as possible. 18.04 was not a good release for us at all. [19:15] Eickmeyer: no desktop audio the vol up keys not working [19:15] OvenWerks: OOOOohhhh... yes. That was resolved in 19.10. [19:15] It had to do with xfce4-volumed which hasn't seen any love since the dark ages. [19:16] zurn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio#Known_Problems [19:38] hi sorry I got a phone call... okay cool, I'll upgrade to 20.04, sounds cool, I may wait until after I finish the recording project I'm working on however, just in case it messes with something [19:39] hello everybody, hope you're well ! [19:39] is this channel only in english or can I use french ? [19:39] I dop not think there is any one who would be able to help [19:40] I seem to be the language chalenged one in the family [19:40] ok, trying in english so [19:41] just to notice a strange bug with the last 20.04 ubuntustudio release [19:41] your english doesn't have to be great [19:41] ok [19:41] try #ubuntu-fr [19:42] thks, I will try here before, no problem [19:42] thanks a lot OvenWerks and Eickmeyer... you've bailed me out once again! [19:42] after fresh install on recent laptop, everything works perfectly out of the box [19:43] but since the last 5.4.0-28 lowlatency kernel installation wifi doesn't work anymore [19:44] hmm, And you have tried the generic kernel as well? [19:44] come back to the 5.4.0-26 fix the issue [19:44] The low latency kernel is very similar to the generic kernel, All the same modules [19:44] no I didn't try the generic kernel [19:46] If the same problem was there in generic, the kernel team would be more "excited" about making sure it was fixed :) [19:46] so wifi works with the iwlwifi driver with 5.4.0-26 lowlatency kernel, but not with the 5.4.0-28 [19:48] That is good to know becasue there was just someone else having similar trouble. [19:48] something about blue tooth and wifi causing trouble. [19:49] currently I'm using 5..4.0-26 kernel and everythink works fine, so it's not a big problem, but would be nice if the problem will be fixed in the later released [19:49] yes it would [19:50] if you could boot to the troublsome kernel [19:50] and type in a terminal ubuntu-bug linux-lowlatency [19:50] I didn't try blue tooth as I needed work with network and I came back imediately on previous kernel that I knew working [19:51] it should do a bug report [19:51] Eickmeyer: would he need a launch pad account for that? [19:52] But yes certainly stay on the older working kernel till it gets fixed [19:55] sure, but if I can "help" to fix, would be nice [19:56] is it possible to save the bug report in a file ? because, if not I don't know how send the report without network [19:59] transistor75 do you know which wireless driver or card? if its brodcom than i would doubt its a kernel bug [19:59] broadcom* [20:01] driver is backport-iwlwifi-dkms [20:01] don't know for the card [20:02] yes thats the one used by default and its open source. but there should be a propieatary driver for the wireles card [20:02] i see [20:03] mine looks like this [20:03] https://postimg.cc/RWBCwVxy [20:04] lspci give this about wireless card: [20:04] Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless-AC 9560 [Jefferson Peak] (rev 10) [20:05] ok [20:05] open source driver used [20:06] yes. pretty weird that its working with the older kernel [20:06] OvenWerks, transistor75 : Bug reports require Launchpad accounts, I'm afraid. Very easy to sign-up for one. [20:07] They might already be aware if there's a wifi issue with the latest x-release. [20:07] transistor75: Nobody here works on the kernel. :) [20:07] !info backport-iwlwifi-dkms [20:07] backport-iwlwifi-dkms (source: backport-iwlwifi-dkms): iwlwifi driver backport in DKMS format. In component universe, is optional. Version 8324-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 1530 kB, installed size 9804 kB [20:08] I expected something easier even if easy for you ;D [20:09] transistor75: I wasn't talking about easy for me. If a 60-something-year-old grandmother can do it (I have an example, not me), you can too. :) [20:10] for sure you don't know my grandmother :') [20:10] but ok, I can probably do it, just [20:11] is bug reporting works even without network ? [20:11] ! bug | transistor75 [20:11] transistor75: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [20:12] So, no, reporting a bug doesn't work without network. Can it be wired-in? [20:13] will try with my smartphone as modem [20:13] Ok, that should work. :) [20:15] so to summarize, correct me if I'm wrong [20:16] create a launchpad account (ask to my grandmother how to do :') ) [20:16] boot with 5.4.0-28 lowlatency kernel [20:17] type in a terminal ubuntu-bug linux-lowlatency [20:18] ^ Once you do that, it will guide you through the rest. [20:18] and then connect the laptop to network using smartphone [20:18] Nah, connect it _before_ you type ubuntu-bug in the terminal. [20:19] ok XD thank you [20:19] You're welcome. [20:29] account created, will now reboot, thanks for your help, have a good evening and be safe irl, bye [20:30] You too!