
tamaworkgood morning00:16
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MunskoNight here01:14
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user14651hi everyone! hope you can help: trying to add shortcut to application menu. creating desktop entry in /usr/share/applications/  does create icon, but clicking on it wont start it. is there something else that has to be done in 20.04 please? thanks in advace08:36
kc2bezuser14651: That is the correct process. The `exec` line of the desktop file will need to point to the full path for the application.08:40
user14651yeah. i used to do this in lxde and always worked, but i have no luck doing the same in lxqt. full path is correct; but also did try to create a command in /usr/bin and pointed "EXEC" line to this command; this didnt help; starting same desktop entry from pacman-qt works; but does not work from application menu nor quick launch widget :(08:44
kc2bezuser14651: I have done it in LXQt before too. Can you paste your desktop file?08:46
user14651i know exec command is bit complex, but like i have said earlier, i did also try to move this command in executable file in /usr/bin . this file run fine from terminal, so i have pointed EXEC line to this executable; still no luck08:54
kc2bezuser14651: given the length of the command you may want to make a script and then call the script from the desktop file.08:56
user14651see above; did that;08:56
user14651kc2bez: i really do appreciate you trying to help me here :)08:58
kc2bezPerhaps try calling the actual desktop file from the terminal so you can see any errors?08:59
user14651how to do that? by default desktop entry is not executable; i can set to be executable, but then what program to use to run desktop entry from terminal please?09:03
lubot<aptghetto> By the way, the password is not very secret, if you export it as env variable and write it into a file, which is readable by everyone09:04
user14651lubot: file is not readable by everyone; and will be moved to .local/share/applications/ once i figure this out. also tor-ctrl port accepts only connections from localhost; i am only user on this desktop and home folder is encrypted; so it is still not the best practise, i feel good enough about it.09:13
user14651the reason i export it to ENV VAR is so I can run torbrowser without starting another instance of tor, if i already have tor running as a service in background; there used to be a better way to do this in past, but ATM using ENV VAR is the only way I know how to achieve what i need.09:18
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lubot<aptghetto> The home folder is not encrypted when you are using it. A little exploit is enough to check your env variables and any programm running as your user can read the file. … Being the only user is just an illusion, there are a lot of other technical users. … I am just saying that your solution is very fragile.09:30
santimir[m]i've been trying to access gmail from trojita but its not very straightforward. gmail is blocking the access09:32
santimir[m]is there any reasons why choosing this client instead of thunderbird?09:32
user14651kc2bez: running desktop entry with gtk-launch starts the application fine09:32
user14651santimir[m]: trojita should be fast and resource efficient; i still prefer sylpheed because trojita does not support search / filtering09:35
santimir[m]yes but you have to switch off security settings in gmail for trojita to work09:36
santimir[m]am I wrong?09:36
kc2bezuser14651: I am unsure why that isn't launching for you from the menu.09:36
kc2bezsantimir[m]: trojita is a qt application and thunderbird is a GTK application is one reason09:37
kc2bezthunderbird has the same security issues I believe. I have not tested that though.09:38
santimir[m]alright...i'm installing thunderbird to try that out09:38
user14651kc2bez: nevermind; for now i will place desktop entry to desktop and launch from there while i try to figure it out. Thank you for all your help :)09:38
kc2bezSorry I wasn't able to help there user1465109:39
user14651kc2bez: but its good to know i am not doing it incorrectly; i am sure i will find another way somehow09:40
santimir[m]thunderbird took 1 minute to run09:40
santimir[m]didn't need any security changes, AFAI can tell09:41
user14651lubot: do you know a way of staring torbrowser without starting tor relay without exporting password to ENV VAR? i do appreciate you telling me about potential weakness, so i am not trying to argue with your statement, because I know you are right. however if i had exploit running on my system, disclosing tor ctrl passwd would not be my biggest worry.09:47
user14651kc2bez: success; i though you might be curious how i did it:10:28
user14651I had move command into script AND cd into folder where the script is located; absolute path is not working;10:28
user14651not sure its the best approach, but changed EXEC line to EXEC=sh -c "cd <PATH TO FOLDER CONTAINING SCRIPT> && <SCRIPT NAME>"10:28
user14651i got this idea because xdg-lauch <PATH TO FILE> only works if your PWD is where the file is10:28
user14651not sure why it does not work if script is in /usr/bin10:28
user14651Thanks again because without your suggestion to run it from terminal i would not play with xdg-launch10:28
kc2bezwhoops, I think the bot quieted you user1465110:29
kc2bezYou may have to paste that10:30
kc2bezI am glad you were able to figure it out user1465110:30
user14651kc2bez: https://pastebin.com/A6X4Kcng10:32
kc2bezExcellent user14651 thanks for the update.10:34
lubot<aptghetto> Sorry, user14651 I can't help you. … The last time I played with Tor is several  years ago and my knowledge is certainly not up to date. … It sounds like a problem, that also other people have, I recommend to ask in a Tor related channel10:46
user14651lubot: the way i currently run is has been suggested to me by tor devs some time ago :/ but i will look into it again; thank you11:01
Ev0luti0n_Folks... any luck with bluetoot adapters'12:06
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lubot<tbs61> hello, would wifi connection of lubuntu better than kubuntu or are they same at those things? i installed kubuntu to my sister's pc, sometimes it get hard times to connect repeater. i would try lubuntu for that if u guys suggest me to try15:07
geniiUnderneath they all use the same drivers15:07
lubot<tbs61> she is teacher, i dont want to stop her works blind eye15:07
lubot<tbs61> @genii [<genii> Underneath they all use the same drivers], hmm:/15:07
raskolWhere do I report bugs in the installer?15:12
kc2bezraskol: you would use `ubuntu-bug calamares` for issues with  >18.10 or `ubuntu-bug ubiquity` for issues with 18.0415:19
kc2bezAlso see our wiki page regarding bugs https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/bugs/15:20
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lubotvictor costa was added by: victor costa18:41
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guivercat turn on, the keyboard layout for entering encryption key (lubu 20.04) is controlled by uefi/bios isn't it??22:41
* guiverc thinks i found enough info in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 (for comment anyway)22:44
wxlwell remember our FDE isn't Ubuntu's22:44
wxlubiquity doesn't encrypt /boot22:44
wxlso it's not actually FULL disk encryption22:44
wxlthe value of that is more control, so they can have user-defined keyboard layouts when entering the password22:45
guivercoops... i'm was forming comment for https://askubuntu.com/questions/1235842/how-to-set-keyboard-layout-for-boot-up-hard-disk-encryption-in-lubuntu-20-04  (user using non-en having trouble unlocking..)22:45
guivercwxl do you know of a wiki/something I can read to understand better so I can respond?22:46
wxlguiverc: https://github.com/calamares/calamares/issues/120322:48
guivercThank you (greatly) wxl22:49
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