
v6277thiras afaik, gnome files does not allow opening .desktop files anymore00:00
v6277either put it in the desktop folder and open form the desktop if the extension is enabled, or add it to ~/.local/share/applications to make it appear in the app launcher00:01
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pongalrunning a program is pointing to the wrong location00:03
pongalI installed a software using snap and removed it... installed with a .deb package again00:04
pongalbut it's pointing to the snap folder00:04
v6277pongal, make sure all instances of the program have closed before re opening again. if you can, log out an log back in to the session00:05
pongalwill try that v627700:06
Bashing-omsixecho: Huh ! I do confirm that recovery mounts / as r/w in 20.04. But also in 18.04 (xubuntu) as verified by touching a file successfully. I do not know where this change happened.00:06
pongalany easy way of restarting session without restarting ubuntu v627700:06
sixechoBashing-om: yeah it bites.  esp since recovery screen says it’s read only.  grrr00:07
v6277pongal, i guess just make sure there are no instances of the program open, try looking for it in system monitor if you want the gui way. Alt+F2 and r will restart the Gnome Session00:09
Bashing-omsixecho: Going to scratch this itch - I also have a 16.04 install on this box - rebooting to see there !00:13
shinobihow do I clear UEFI boot entries in my MB00:18
Bashing-omsixecho: Well ! 16.04 also in recovery mode mounts / r/w. Got me !00:21
v6277shinobi depends on the MB, look up the documentation for your motherboard if its a self built computer. It's usually under boot options > UEFI Boot00:24
shinobiv6277 - I mean by command line00:26
v6277try using efibootmgr00:27
v6277try this00:27
DeskLampChampI am trying to install python on my computer, I went to python.org but it only showed steps for mac and windows users. Does anyone know how i can install python? would this be a better question to ask the people in the Python community?00:29
ChmEarl DeskLampChamp dpkg -l python3, if not found, then install python300:31
Bashing-om!info python3 | DeskLampChamp00:35
ubottuDeskLampChamp: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.7.5-1 (eoan), package size 46 kB, installed size 187 kB00:35
Bashing-om!info python3 focal | DeskLampChamp00:36
ubottuDeskLampChamp: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 (focal), package size 46 kB, installed size 189 kB00:36
DeskLampChampBashing-om: that is just giving me general commands manual00:37
DeskLampChampChmEarl: i got an error with that one00:37
DeskLampChampChmEarl: dpkg: error: need an action option00:37
Bashing-omDeskLampChamp: ups in respect to what release you are on and what "python" you require.00:38
ax562Hi all anyone familiar with upower.service00:38
DeskLampChampBashing-om: I am looking to get the latest version of 3.800:39
DeskLampChampsorry guys im a total noob00:39
leftyfbDeskLampChamp: sudo apt install python300:40
leftyfbDeskLampChamp: what version of ubuntu are you on?00:40
Bashing-omDeskLampChamp: focal has Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 :)00:40
DeskLampChampleftyfb: i beleive 20.0400:40
Bashing-omDeskLampChamp: ' lsb_release -a ; dpkg -l python3 ' shows what ?00:42
DeskLampChampBashing-om: No LSB modules are available.Distributor ID:UbuntuDescription:Ubuntu 20.04 LTSRelease:20.04Codename:focalDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig>|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)||/ Name           Version        Architecture00:43
DeskLampChampDescription+++-==============-==============-============-==========================>ii  python3        3.8.2-0ubuntu2 amd64        interactive high-level obj>lines 1-6/6 (END)00:43
Bashing-omDeskLampChamp: :D So you have the latest version of python(3).00:44
DeskLampChampBashing-om: NICE!00:45
Bashing-om DeskLampChamp: Depending on what you are doing, maybe Force specific Python version ?00:46
DeskLampChampBashing-om: alright, i used to use a command in windows 'where python' to find where ever python was on my computer, so i could run my terrible programs, do you know what the equivalent of that would be in ubuntu?00:46
Bashing-omDeskLampChamp: 'which python3' .00:47
DeskLampChampBashing-om: yes!00:48
DeskLampChampyou guys are the best00:48
Bashing-omDeskLampChamp: One of these days you too will pass it on along too :P00:49
DeskLampChampBashing-om: alright now how do i become a mega python programming black hat hacker00:50
DeskLampChampjust kidding00:50
DeskLampChampkind of00:50
DeskLampChampThanks guys, I will most likely be back sometime with more questions00:51
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sixechoBashing-om: thanks for checking; but not sure what i'm supposed to do now... need to run zerofree so i can compact this virtual machine disk image... :-/00:59
Bashing-omsixecho: Ouch - zerofree and VMs are out of my experience range :( A thought - ' mount -o remount,force,ro / ' ?01:04
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
alazyI'm learning to compile. make looks for files at /usr/include/freetype2 when they're at /usr/include/freetype2/freetype/. I think the relevant line of the short makefile is "LDFLAGS $(libs) `freetype-config --libs` -lrt   Is there an easy fix? I know I could symlink. Want to learn makefile config.02:04
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sixechoanyone else?  know why "recovery mode" then "drop to root shell" my system disk is mounted read-write?  really need it be read-only...   (only other way i can get around this so far is using a live cd)04:38
nt0sixecho: read-only for your system disk?04:42
sixechont0: ideally yes -- in recovery mode... the text UI menu says it's "read-only" - but when i drop to root... it's read-write04:42
sixechont0: cannot remount/force it to read-only mode... says it's busy04:43
nt0point is that mounting / as ro might be causing your failure to boot (if i read "recovery mode" correctly)04:43
Simoniousplug it into another box and fsck it there?04:44
sixechont0: pressing escape on boot gives me the grub menu.. and i can boot to recovery mode from there. --- my system is working fine otherwise; but i need to run a low-level disk maintenance utility - and i need to point it to a disk device that is not mounted rw04:44
nt0e.g. /sys has "files" that are used to represent hardware and if your OS can't write to /sys then you can't boot properly04:44
sixechont0: just odd the recovery mode text UI seems to misrepresent it as being "read-only"04:45
nt0clarify "need it to be read-only"04:45
sixechont0: need to run `zerofree -v /dev/sda5` -- but even in recovery mode /dev/sda5 is mounted to / RW04:46
sixechont0: zerofree will not run unless it's unmounted or mounted RO04:47
nt0as Simonious wrote above, if you'd like to use a utility which requires unmounted or RO then you'll not be able to use it on the system disk04:48
nt0as the system disk can't be ro04:48
sixechont0: unless you know of an efficient alternative to zerofree that will run while the system is running.  (it should technically be possible as windows has a similar utility, sdelete.exe, which can run on a live system)04:48
sixechont0: i need to zero any unused disk space so that the virtual machine can compact the virtual disk image04:49
nt0i'm not sure what you're trying to do lol.  you wrote about recovery mode and mount problems.  i don't know what your problem/goal are04:49
nt0that doesn't check out as far as i can tell.  you shouldn't need to zero anything unless you're using an ancient SSD without proper trim in firmware04:50
sixechont0: problem #1: recovery mode claims its running in read-only mode... but it is not when you drop to a root shell.04:50
nt0anything you've booted into isn't read only, guaranteed04:51
sixechont0: this is for ubuntu running in a virtual machine (virtualbox) - it does not support trim.  the only way to reduce the size of a virtual hard drive file (VDI) is for the guest OS to zero our any unused space.04:51
nt0why are you trying to redice the size of your virtual drive?  is there a better way to accomplish your goal?04:52
sixechont0: i'm not asking for a pointless reason.  virtual disks grow as space is used... but doesn't reclaim erased space.  say you do a big ubuntu upgrade where most system files are changed... the core virtual disk size will almost double... the only way it knows how to relcaim that space is to zero the blocks.  yeah - it's dumb.  virtualbox is a POS for not supporting trim and keeping track of unused disk sectors.... but this04:54
sixechois the way it is.04:54
nt0shrinking drives is generally bad idea.  kinda a PITA.  in the future plan for that in your setup, i suppose.04:55
matsamanhaving to use hardware virtualization is generally a bad idea, so that ship has sailed04:55
sixechont0: anwyays; windows can zero unused blocks while the system is running using sdelete.exe.  if ubuntu has some way to do this on a live system - i would love to know how... but so far i've only found zerofree - and it seems to need the disk to be unmounted to function.04:55
nt0the best way to shrink your install is to find a way to save the important parts of your install and then make a new VM04:56
sixechomatsaman: vbox's ssd/trim support is BROKEN... unreleased and unsupported; and terribly unstable.  i've tried.  i've added to their bug reports.   Oracle is a POS and gives it zero priority these days as that feature is unneeded in their commercial products.04:57
nt0if you're using a virtual machine then it'll be easy as pie to create a new VM and mount the vdi file in that one04:57
nt0hardware virtualization is a good thing, don't pay attention to that04:57
nt0but shrinking volumes is a tricky bit of work in pretty much every context.  lvm, virtual disks, so on04:58
matsamansixecho: Oracle is fun04:58
matsamansixecho: you try sfill?04:58
sixechont0: it's easy. i do it for my windows virtual machines... run sdelete.exe, shut down vm... run the compact command.  done.04:59
nt0windows is a giant pile of garbage in general, so avoid that if possible.  at least as the host os.04:59
sixechomatsaman: "Using cat /dev/zero > /mnt/fs/zeros; sync; rm /mnt/fs/zeros (sfill from secure-delete uses this technique). This method is inefficient, not recommended by Ted Ts'o (author of ext4), may not zero certain things and can slow down future fscks."04:59
nt0sixecho: if your workflow somehow requires the constant reduction of virtual disk size then maybe look into using a filesystem amenable to that05:01
newinstallerHi all, when installing ubuntu with a dual boot / two disks - do I need to install GRUB into a UEFI partition on my Ubuntu disk or on my windows disk?05:01
nt0if you're trying to do a homebrew version of thin provisioning via manually slapping VDI files then you're doing it wrong.  there are better ways.05:01
nt0either provision what you're willing to use or do legit thin provisioning.  don't give a bunch of VMs a bunch of space that they expect to have and then worry about the constraints later05:03
matsamansixecho: inefficient compared to Windows' approach?05:03
nt0windows is hot garbage05:03
nt0to repeat05:03
nt0windows is hot garbage05:04
sixechont0: with virtualbox? i think not.  yes, they suck for not supporting trim.  unless you have some actual suggestion... pretty sure what i'm doing is the only way.  and it's only periodic compact.05:04
matsamannewinstaller: if you have two disks, it's simplest to keep all your non-Windows stuff on one disk05:04
matsamannewinstaller: because Windows groks exactly 0% of things it doesn't ship with05:04
nt0sixecho: you're failing at basic sysadmin and praising windows.  praising hot garbage05:04
nt0"i love sdelete.exe"  "so easy with windows"05:04
matsamandon't think he actually said that05:05
nt0M$ shill?  i dunno.05:05
nt0yeah two shills.05:05
matsamanwell, sixecho's nick I recognize; yours I don't05:05
sixechont0: i loathe windows... but am pointing out that i cannot find an equiv utility in ubuntu that can run on a live system... not sure if there is some technical reason it cannot do the same zero of empty blocks.05:05
nt0you're doing everything in the worst possible way and praising windows for handling your incompetence05:06
matsamanhe's specifically looking for a util with parity so he can continue to not use Windows05:06
nt0you're describing thin provisioning and using freeware on a garbage os to try to do it05:06
matsamanit's GNU/Linux he's trying to use05:07
nt0lol he can scrap windows 100% and use qemu/kvm or any other hypervisor and do thin provisioning right05:07
nt0he's using windows host05:07
sixechooh well - its late here and i'm out... this is going nowhere anyways ;)   cya tomorrow matsaman in macland05:07
sixechont0: on on a macOS host05:07
sixecho...i'm on05:08
nt0you're trying to thin provision with vbox on mac?05:08
matsamannobody uses vbox for thin provisioning, they use it for the GUI05:08
nt0sixecho is using it for thin, apparently05:08
sixechothe host os is inconsequential to this problem.  they all work the same.  anywho - i really do have to go... l8r05:09
nt0the tool used to accomplish to goal is important05:09
nt0if one finds oneself having to manually clear storage and shrink files in order to keep working then one ought to find a better toolkit05:10
matsamansixecho: did you see the dd approach?05:10
newinstallerYes, the plan was to install all ubuntu stuff on the second drive05:11
newinstallerI did that and GRUB wouldn't load. It was asking for installation media05:11
matsamannewinstaller: good plan; then point your mobo to the "second drive"05:11
matsamanUbuntu's GRUB can boot Windows from there, if you want it to05:11
newinstallerI thought I assigned a 650mb EFI partition on the second disk during install but can't remember so trying the install again05:11
newinstallerYes, I'd like to have windows listed in Grub too - working on that now05:11
newinstallerI haven't done this for around 10 years - it seems BIOS isn't the same anymore!!05:12
matsamannewinstaller: if you can point your mobo to boot from second drive, that should be fine, if not switch the driver order and put Ubuntu first05:12
newinstallerThe MOBO wasn't showing the second drive as an option when I disable legacy boot05:13
newinstallerso the ubuntu installation must not have been uefi?05:13
matsamansixecho: this one: dd if=/dev/zero of=/emptyfile bs=1M; rm -fr /emptyfile05:13
matsamannewinstaller: dunno, but enabling "legacy" mode will probably always be simpler than playing with UEFI05:14
matsamanjust make sure your Windows boots properly with it first05:14
nt0kill windows05:15
newinstallerIt's either legacy + uefi or uefi05:15
newinstallerI change from the former to the latter based on something I read05:15
matsamanthe point of legacy is that the mobo pretends UEFI isn't present05:15
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:15
nt0sandbox windows in a spyware-containing vm if windows in necessary05:15
sixechomatsaman: sent u pm05:15
nt0windows ought to be excised05:15
newinstallerok so windows still boots but it has some weird boot screen that happens after the MOBO post, then it restarts the machine then it boots to windows05:17
newinstallerNo idea why windows boot has been affected05:17
lotuspsychjent0: please leave Os related comments out of support05:18
matsamannewinstaller: maybe this: https://windowsreport.com/enable-legacy-boot-windows-10/05:21
newinstallerAwesome - ubuntu now boots too. For some reason the mobo screen when I select boot order shows the second disk as being the same as the first disk and shows 500GB when it's 1TB05:21
newinstallerbut it seems to work minus the weird windows boot issue05:21
newinstallerthe plan is to eventually remove windows and have it only running in a VM with Ubuntu being the daily driver but I don't have confidence to move away from windows on this machine yet until I see linux is stable05:22
newinstallerok perfect - grub is now the default on boot and I can select Ubuntu or Windows - not sure why it named itself Ubuntu when it is actually Kubuntu but whatever05:25
newinstallerthe amount of inaccurate tutorials online is shocking05:25
matsamannewinstaller: I've seen that before, in laptops05:25
matsamannewinstaller: where two drives pretend to be one under UEFI05:26
matsamanI forget what you have to do, might only take a fsck on your Windows05:27
matsamantechnically not a 100% safe operation, so make backups of critical things05:27
nt0lotuspsychje: http://www.catb.org/~esr/halloween/halloween1.html05:31
newinstallersorry - got disconnected05:37
newinstallernt0 so I hear you prefer windows?05:38
StevenJayCohenI see that Ubuntu has WINE 5 as stable for 20.04 while WineHQ has 4.04 as stable. My software runs under either. So I am trying to determine if it is worth adding WineHQ for what seems to be an older version (albeit a version packaged by the team that developed it).05:38
nt0newinstaller: i mustn't comment.05:38
newinstallerI hear you actually prefer vista05:38
nt0newinstaller: that's "Os" discussion and doesn't belong here.05:39
lotuspsychje!latest | StevenJayCohen05:39
ubottuStevenJayCohen: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:39
StevenJayCohenlotuspsychje: Except in this case Ubuntu is NEWER than WineHQ, so Ubuntu is Latest and WineHQ is more conservative?05:40
lotuspsychjeStevenJayCohen: we reccomend to use the packages for your ubuntu version05:40
newinstallerDoes office on wine work well or is it better to run windows as a WM guest?05:41
newinstallerComplex spreadsheets, carppily formatted word docs and visio diagrams specifically05:41
nt0redhat makes virtio drivers for windows guests.  w10 works perfectly in qemu with those installed in my experience.  even small touches like auto-resizing.05:42
lotuspsychje!ot | newinstaller nt005:43
ubottunewinstaller nt0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:43
StevenJayCohen<newinstaller "Does office on wine work well or"> Depends upon the version05:44
lotuspsychjeStevenJayCohen: please dont feed offtopic05:44
blobssscan anyone see my msg (test)05:44
blobsssnt0, =) somebody gotta provide the comic releif no?05:46
RumenI have a strange issue with MegaSync no idea is that mega app issue or Ubuntu issue when I install the app no problem, but when start I het error https://pastebin.com/xja17aQq05:47
lotuspsychjeRumen: you have been asking this for a few days now, did you file a !bug yet for that?05:48
RumenI send the report to Mega, but no idea if this is a hardware issue as I see "Segmentation error" inside05:49
lotuspsychjeRumen: well as it probably adds a ppa to your system, we cant officialy support that, you might wait for the maintainers answer?05:50
blobsssnt0, i was on another channel name followed by un-registered and i assumed because there where so many ppl in the room it a channel i could talk in-but no replies to even a hello. I had definitly ran the "/msg nickserv identify useername pwrd" so was confused. My understanding is when ever there a user sees "-unregistered" anexed to the irc channel name they wont be able to talk there, thats correct yeah nt005:51
lotuspsychjeblobsss: you can get support with registering at #freenode if you like05:52
RumenIf I don't have a choice I will wait it is not urgent issue .. I work with Mega regularly but I can wait if need05:52
blobssslotuspsychje, thanks aye i think im pretty good just was looking for a, that correct/incorrect now go rtfm you lazy sod(me)05:53
blobssswill check out the manual and the channel thanks for your suggestion05:54
Rumenlotuspsychje can you tell me just where do you think it is the problem? Ubuntu? Hardware? Mega app?05:55
lotuspsychjeRumen: mega segfault= probably mega's problem, but you could try older ubuntu versions to run on, as their app seems a bit flaky/older to me05:57
doomlist3my ubuntu can see android in nautilus, but which dir is it?05:59
doomlist3lsblk -f doesn't show my android device, i did go to notification and click on Transfer files option05:59
StevenJayCohendoomlist3: you could make a text file from nautilus and then find it in android. That would get you the answer.06:01
blobsssmodel + fw =potential abillity to help; it it rooted, did you allow access on the phone after connection-what you want to access06:01
doomlist3mi redmi y1, firmware  is that OS? android 7.1.2N2G47H MIUI version: MIUI Global 11.0.2 Model: MDI6S06:03
doomlist3kernel version 3.1806:03
doomlist3not rooted06:03
doomlist3StevenJayCohen: where did ubuntu mount my android device?06:06
StevenJayCohendoomlist3 said: "my ubuntu can see android in nautilus" So I suggested using that fact to make a simple text file from nautilus. Where it was mounted is not needed to solve the problem that you described.06:08
doomlist3no i got to copy the file sudo cp -r android/Download /home/user06:09
doomlist3so i need the location06:10
doomlist3 /storage/emulated/0/Download/ has lots of dirs that I don't see in android/Download ?06:15
doomlist3ok i see them sorry06:15
SalatwurzelHey guys. I turned my mouse-acceleration to flat in gnome-tweaks. Somehow i get the feeling it slightly different than in windows with mouse-accel off. Am i just going crazy?06:32
matsamanI think you probably don't want flat06:36
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eliyahuTBRMorning everyone. Last night I upgraded to the new LTS. Having a few issues this morning I'm hoping you may able to help me out with.07:15
eliyahuTBR1st issue. when running a screen capture program it says "Wayland desktop session detected. please logout and start a Xll Desktop session. " Can someone explain what this means in laymens terms and how I can fix it (unless that is a bad idea)?07:17
eliyahuTBR2nd issue (and this existed before the upgrade and is in fact why I upgraded). When I plug in a head set, the microphone is muted by default and I have to go into settings and turn it on everytime.07:18
eliyahuTBR3rd and biggest issue, when I reboot, I get to grub where I type reboot and on the second reboot, Ubuntu loads.07:19
oerheksanswer to #1; yes, wayland and screencapture is on the wishlist, change back to Xorg by logging out, change, login again07:21
eliyahuTBRThanks oerhejs. how do I "logging out, change, login again"07:22
eliyahuTBRas in what do I log out from? and where do I make the change?07:22
oerhekslogout > power icon?07:22
oerheksyou return to the login menu, and there should be an icon/settings07:23
eliyahuTBRtrying that. brb07:23
oerheksif it does not show, type username first07:23
eliyahuTBR@oerheks. Thanks. wayland issue resolved.07:27
eliyahuTBRanyone have a suggestion about "when I reboot, I get to grub where I type reboot and on the second reboot, Ubuntu loads." after last nights upgrade to LTS07:27
eliyahuTBRjoining a work meeting, but i'll come back and see if anyone has any suggestions.07:32
disillusioneliyahuTBR, I've learned over the years that every linux distro isn't really ready for public release until about 1 month after it's released. There are always bugs in the first month.07:32
eliyahuTBRany way to role it back and try again in 6 weeks?07:32
eliyahuTBRsounds like very good advice @disillusion07:32
eliyahuTBRdoes @ing somone in IRC do anything?07:32
disillusionit was release about a week and a half ago, it's it's about 2.5 weeks to go ;)07:32
eliyahuTBRdo I have any roll back options?07:32
disillusioneliyahuTBR, it depends on the chat client each user has. Most usually be default blink when someone uses your name07:32
disillusioneliyahuTBR, no, you cannot roll back a distro version.07:32
disillusioneliyahuTBR, did you upgrade from a previous version?07:32
eliyahuTBRThanks. I used to use ubuntu and IRC a lot about a decade ok and I recently got a new job as was told pick linux or macOS. I went with linux (of course!) but I've forgotten so much07:33
eliyahuTBRI upgraded from 19.4.0407:33
matsamangood choice07:33
=== xMopx- is now known as xMopx
disillusionmost experienced linux users know to avoid a distro upgrade, and backup all data then do a fresh install to the newer version07:33
disillusionI don't know why the developers still tell people it's ok to upgrade a version.07:33
eliyahuTBRNext time I'll do that disillusion. How would I? Download to a disk on key and then boot to there and install?07:35
disillusionas far as I've known, there's always something that goes wrong on an upgrade, whereas a backup then fresh install is better because things work as the developers intended (after the first month when the bugs get worked out)07:35
eliyahuTBRwell pooey07:35
eliyahuTBRthanks for the education disillusion07:35
disillusioneliyahuTBR, yeah you download the proper .iso image file for your situation, then creative a live bootable medium, usually a cd/dvd or usb key, and run the installer from there.07:36
disillusion*create a live bootable medium07:36
disillusioneliyahuTBR, the most important thing is to backup all of your data and have it ready to put back into the fresh install07:37
disillusioneliyahuTBR, but if your installation of Ubuntu 20.04 is working just fine, I'd say leave it alone. Yours might be ok.07:37
eliyahuTBRi run a daily back up of my home directory and store it in the google drive07:37
eliyahuTBRmy only real problem is that it reboots to a grub command line and then i have to type reboot to get ubuntu to start07:38
disillusioneliyahuTBR, I've never heard of a command line being required in grub. But I'm not an advanced user. It's always a list of the installed operating systems to choose from, usually windows and linux.07:40
disillusionand memtest86+ to test the ram07:40
disillusioneliyahuTBR, looks like someone else has had this problem: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/329926/grub-starts-in-command-line-after-reboot07:41
disillusionsome users say Windows hijacked grub, but I don't know what to make of it.07:42
disillusionone user says to change the boot order in the grub list and that fixes it07:43
bray90820So would there be any reason ubuntu or a samba share created with ubuntu wouldn't be able to properly read a folder with the name "2020-04-03"07:45
Andriowhat happens when you try to read it?07:45
matsamanbray90820: not because of the name, no07:46
cqshey, any idea why python3.6-venv is refusing to install ?  I've check the depndencies for 3.8 version and it is done same way. https://paste.gnome.org/prvtw5nag07:48
bray90820Well the folder had a bunch of mp3 files in it and if I try to read it it's missing a bunch of id3 data like the track number an the artist07:49
bray90820If I copy it over to the samba share from MacOS with WIFI it works if I copy it over a wired connection it is corrupt but if I change the name it's fine07:49
matsamanbray90820: the name of the directory only?07:50
matsamanwhat're you copying with?07:50
bray90820The files read fine from MacOS07:52
bray90820matsaman: Any idea as to what's going on07:55
matsamanbray90820: just drag & copy for both wifi and wired?07:59
bray90820Wifi works wired does not07:59
matsamansounds like some bonkers macOS issue08:00
matsamanwhat does 'ls -al' say about the dir when working and when not working?08:01
uebera||If you look at ghc's Build-Depends, this package depends on itself… (at least since Eoan) which sounds… rather unpractical.08:16
uebera||--> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc/+bug/187687808:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1876878 in ghc (Ubuntu) "ghc Build-Depends points to itself" [Undecided,New]08:22
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DarwinElfis it the case *ubuntu only colorizes the ls command for root?  If so, how can I enable it system-wide?  Not really enthusiastic about xterms ending up looking like an antique terminal I logged into the Internet before September 1993...08:37
Baikonurhey does anyone know bout logrotate? why would it say that "log has been rotated at <time>" when it clearly hasn't?08:38
DarwinElfmaybe your clock is off?08:39
DarwinElfUnix & GNU/Linux OSes assume your BIOS clock is set to UTC/GMT, so that could be one thing... but I've never seen that with logrotate saying the wrong time...08:40
DarwinElfsometimes with some graphical user interfaces (GUI) I had on Ubuntu and others, some of them assume that also, and set your time several zones away from that if you're there...08:40
DarwinElfi mean, the strictly Unix[-like] OS distributions (the oldest GNU/Linux, and the classic *BSD Unix used most for desktop power users) automatically colorize ls system-wide... no need for *ubuntu to be stuck in 1970 in that aspect (black & white ls results only)08:40
oerheksDarwinElf, so did you take a look in terminal settings for colour schemes?08:41
nt0the LS_COLORS environment variable werks for me.  i switched from bash to zsh and had to recreate that env var in my .zshrc08:44
DarwinElfwhat's 'terminal settings?'  I wasn't asking about terminals, but GNU ls has an option to auto-detect if it can use colour, regardless of which console/terminal/shell you're on.  That's why I said system-wide--not for one specific terminal or another (system-wide means not going through and altering it for non-graphical terminal and a bunch of different X terminals)08:57
Baikonursorry for not responding, what I mean is that it hasn't been rotated at all09:03
oerheks<DarwinElf> is it the case *ubuntu only colorizes the ls command for root? .. no, it does for the user too09:03
neurehow can I run X11 program as different user?09:15
Slartdoesn't gksudo and friends work?09:16
Slartas in gksudo -u DifferentUser SomeProgramToRun09:17
Slartoh.. wait.. gksudo is deprecated ...09:19
lotuspsychjegksu and sux are old methods09:19
lotuspsychjebetter dont go that way anymore09:19
Slartsudo firefox09:21
Slartdon't do that, kids.. ever09:21
gst568923Hi, I have this product: https://linux-hardware.org/index.php?id=usb:058f-6331 and I have this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36647809:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366478 in linux (Ubuntu) "058f:6377 Alcor Micro Corp. Multimedia Card Reader don't work in Ubuntu 9.04/9.10" [Low,Incomplete]09:25
oerheksgst568923, it is a troublemaker, https://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/hp-probook-6360b-ubuntu-18-04-sdcard-nicht-ang/#post-898275909:30
oerheksget an other sdcard reader?09:30
DarwinElfwell, even on a non-X terminal, I only get colourized ls as root, not a user?  Where is ls set to colourized in the configuration files?09:34
gst568923oerheks no for the moment, i just wanted to make this work with ubuntu, this is the log: https://pastebin.com/EmQ2WWK909:35
oerheksgst568923, good luck, i find no solution(s)09:35
grawityDarwinElf: it's a shell alias set by .bashrc, try running `type ls`09:37
gst568923oerheks ok thanks, in your opinion which irc channel can help me about it?09:37
oerheksfor Ubuntu; this channel?09:39
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enriooooooois there a way to auto kill process when memory is full?09:51
enriooooooocant keep restarting the system.09:52
oerheksOOM killer does that https://www.percona.com/blog/2019/08/02/out-of-memory-killer-or-savior/09:53
enrioooooooit doesnt work :/09:55
DarwinElfoh... I overwrote that; guess I need to create a new user and read it...09:55
DarwinElfthanks; I messed up this time.  I'm glad Ubuntu even included such a file other than /etc/profile but normally this would be done elsewhere in case people bring their own .bashrc ...09:58
kzarTrying switching over to Gnome and Ubuntu 20.04 for a bit on my laptop, coming from XFCE. Is there a way to get an overview of the windows in the different virtual screens in the top-bar or side-bar? I miss that from XFCE, I'm finding it hard to remember which virtual screen (activity?) has what on without opening the Activities screen09:59
kzarAlso, it showed you which virtual screen you were even currently on. So far I don't see any visual clues to that so I feel a bit lost10:00
lotuspsychjekzar: yes there's a workspaces to dock extension in the repos10:02
kzarlotuspsychje: So a virtual screen is called a workspace, but then what's an activity?10:02
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock | kzar10:02
ubottukzar: gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (source: gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock): additional options for GNOME workspace switcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 52-1 (eoan), package size 92 kB, installed size 906 kB10:02
oerhekspress the windows key once? side panel and overview should appear10:03
lotuspsychjekzar: activities gives the total overview of 'all' your windows, then possible to switch to your workspaces10:03
kzarlotuspsychje: OK gotya10:03
kzarlotuspsychje: Oh jeez, that extension adds a massive sidebar for it10:04
lotuspsychjekzar: workspaces extension gives a more quick access to your workspaces, GUI10:04
lotuspsychjekzar: im using it ontop over the panel, with autohide10:05
kzarlotuspsychje: Is it possible to do something like this with it? It shows the 4 workspaces (or however many) in the top bar, which ones active and if there are windows open it gives a very small hint at what's there https://www.lifewire.com/thmb/007hyli6PWzie2HAz03KzAolXF4=/1284x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/002-customize-xfce-desktop-environment-2202080-f1731b4f3fcc48e1ab518f68b6a10:06
lotuspsychjekzar: its not possible to place it on the top bar itself no10:08
kzarlotuspsychje: Gotya OK10:08
kzarDang, I'm really enjoying Ubuntu 20.04 and Gnome so far, but that's one thing I miss. I guess I will try see if I get used to it10:08
grawityhmm wasn't there an extension for that as well, though10:08
grawityI feel like I've seen one a long time ago10:09
lotuspsychjekzar: thats how i do it: https://imgur.com/a/JjGTZZy10:09
grawitymaybe I'm just confusing it with other DEs10:09
lotuspsychjegrawity: xenial had workspaces icon, maybe thats what your recall?10:09
kzarlotuspsychje: Does that not take up quite a lot of screen space, say if you had a lot of code open?10:10
lotuspsychjekzar: as i said, im using it autohide10:10
kzarlotuspsychje: Ah gotya10:10
lotuspsychjekzar: mouse over hover, shows up10:10
kzarlotuspsychje: Yea, sorry missed that. That makes sense10:10
kzarI assume it's not possible to install XFCE panel plugins in Gnome?10:11
kzarThis looks promising https://github.com/Tomha/gnome-shell-extension-workspace-switcher10:14
lotuspsychjecool, if it works might be10:15
kzarDoesn't seem to show overview of the windows inside a workspace but still at least it provides some indication at a glance of how many workspaces there are and which one is active10:15
TheFuzzballI've edited /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/subsystem/thermal_zone0/trip_point*_{hyst,temp} to increase the fan thresholds. How can I persist those settings?10:18
grawitytry creating an udev rule: SUBSYSTEM=="thermal", KERNEL=="thermal_zone0", ATTR{trip_point_0_temp}="9001", ATTR{etc}="etc"10:20
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kzarDang, this one is almost what I wanted but it doesn't display the icons for windows where possible, so if you have 4 workspaces with a fullscreen application in each you have little idea which application is in which https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/2557/workspaces-thumbnails/10:28
kzarBut still, it's pretty close so at least I know how many workspaces there are and which one is active at a glance. Thanks for pointing me at the extensions10:29
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lotuspsychjegood luck kzar10:30
=== sptz9 is now known as sptz
kzarlotuspsychje: 👍10:30
TheFuzzballgrawity That worked perfectly, thank you!10:44
viktor_Hi all, I'm having constant problems with my desktop. Wallpapers are regularly disappearing. On startup or when switching Activities. On startup there's sometimes also no Panel. Any ideas what the problem is?10:53
viktor_running Kubuntu 18.04 btw10:55
conjohi-would anyone mind telling me a good place to learn about regex/posix for use within linux. I need to start at a basic level? thanks in advance=)10:57
conjoand can it be used in other programs on linux not involving searching and data manipulation(so far i understand it to be usable in awk sed grep vim and others)10:59
viktor_conjo, i'm not so knowledgable myself. but man grep would probably help. and any book on bash will likely have some useful info.11:00
kzarconjo: I quite like this website, useful while you're learning (or even afterwards). Let's you select the type of Regexp and put test data in and then play with a regexp to see what would happen. It even explains what each part would do https://regex101.com/11:01
kzarconjo: You should probably do some reading too, but that's a good way to put what you learn into practice and to check things you're not sure about11:02
kzarApparently it's not possible to drag a file from the desktop into the file manager?!11:19
Slartkzar: works for me.. what version of ubuntu are you running?11:21
kzarSlart: 20.04. I have an image on my Desktop which I can drag into my home folder icon on my Desktop. But if I open a file manager and drag the image from the desktop into the file manager nothing happens. I have to instead drag the file from the Desktop folder in the file manager to the destination if that makes sense11:22
kzarSlart: Seems like if I drag the image from my desktop to anywhere else but the desktop, nothing happens.11:22
Slartah.. I'm running 18.04 myself.. haven't tried the latest and greatest.. but it feels like a very strange feature11:23
Slarthere are some solutions for ubuntu 19.04 ... might be worth it to see if something works https://askubuntu.com/questions/1136203/drag-and-drop-functionality-no-longer-working-after-upgrade-to-19-0411:25
kzarSlart: Dang11:28
lotuspsychjekzar: install gnome-tweaks to enable/disable more features11:30
BluesKajHiyas all11:50
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oerheks0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:54
amts01Are there any root restore USB bootable tools to restore permissions to bin folder from active GUI?12:31
oerheksamts01, no, all guides involve a lot of manual editting, backup your data and reinstall?12:37
grawity"permissions to bin folder"?12:39
b1ack0phi. does old versions of ubuntu have live usb supporT?12:44
oerhekscurrent supported versions have, yes.12:44
b1ack0pi mean not current12:45
amts01oerheks: I changed permissions to None for bin folder and can't access it now. But a bootable USB with Ubntu 18 version boots from GUI ok. So is it so difficult to write a bootable app with saved root's password to boot from an USB in active GUI as root? w12:45
b1ack0pi wanna boot my old machine via linux12:45
b1ack0pnot sure if i can do with ubuntu12:45
b1ack0pvia usb stick12:45
amts01permission to "other" section by chmod to bin folder12:45
b1ack0pand i68612:46
b1ack0pdoes 10.04 have live usb support?12:47
oerheks10.04 may have live mode, but no support12:47
oerhekstry 16.04?12:47
b1ack0pi just wanna boot live from usb to do something12:48
b1ack0poerheks: 16.04 not listed here: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12:48
oerheksi am not going to help with outdated dangerous and old versions, sorry12:49
oerheks16.04 is currently the oldest supported version12:49
b1ack0pi wont connect internet12:49
ioriab1ack0p, use a cd/dvd; usb for old releases like 10.04 requires the correct syslinux  version , renaming the isolinux directory and  copy /install content to root:not easy neither productive12:54
oerhekssee, that is where the problem starts :-P12:55
amts01Aren't there any apps bootable from USB to launch a terminal from USB?12:58
oerheksyou can chroot your system, not sure it helps .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot13:01
amts01oerheks: I can't access terminal and admin option from GUI, but USB works ok. I mean some Root Restore App with saved root's passw to write on USB and boot from active GUI13:04
oerheksno, never heard of such tool13:05
amts01Can Ubuntu developers develop this tool asap?13:11
amts01I'd donate 10$13:11
amts01oerheks: Like, you'd enter and save current root's passw into this tool and boot file system from USB as root to change permissions to affected folders13:19
grawityhow's that different from a regular liveUSB13:19
amts01grawity: that you save current root passw in it, didn't try Live USB yet because have an active GUI still running with some capabilities13:20
amts01grawity: regular live USB needs to boot at PC boot time, whereas this Root Restore Tool whould boot into a current file system from an active GUI as root13:22
amts01from USB13:22
amts01you enter and save you root's passw in it and boot in as root in GUI13:23
grawitythat's not really how booting works though13:24
grawityif ordinary tools like `su` no longer work, then there's nothing a USB stick can do13:25
leftyfbamts01: just boot the live usb and chroot to find things. What is the issue?13:25
amts01grawity: I can't access the terminal at all as well as login as admin in a window, but USB-stick with bootable Ubuntu installation connected ok to active GUI13:27
JustTheDoctori have a small issue with my ubuntu server / apache2 i've run the server / apache2 for 4 years now and recently i've noticed sometimes my site wont load untill i service apache2 restart can anyone point me in the direction of what could cause this + a possible fix?13:27
amts01leftyfb: I suppose that if I'll shut down the PC I'd won't boot installed Ubuntu13:29
amts01I was told here that Ubuntu may not be bootable after changing "other" permission to bin to None13:30
leftyfbamts01: I don't understand what you're saying. If you have permission issues that you accidentally caused, you can potentially fix them by booting your live usb, chrooting to your filesystem and fixing the permissions13:30
amts01leftyfb: I'll try, but if failed would the Ubuntu with changed permissions still boot again?13:33
amts01there were only bin, etc and dev "other" permissions set to None13:33
leftyfbamts01: I don't know. Depends on what exactly is wrong with your install. What version of ubuntu is it? What did you do to break it?13:34
leftyfbamts01: if you removed(changed) all permissions on bin, etc, dev and other directories, then my guess is it's unrecoverable. Or at least, not worth the time13:34
amts01leftyfb: I changed permissions to bin, etc and dev folders by chmod 770 and 750. I am running Ubuntu 18.04.0113:35
leftyfbwhy did you do that?13:35
amts01leftyfb: As I received tiger report with fails indicating world permissions to autofs, fuse and other files in /dev13:36
leftyfbtiger report?13:36
amts01Security report from tiger Liux security app13:37
amts01Tiger was installed from Software meniu, it is a Linux security application13:37
amts01If there is some virtual terminal app for Android, it would be possible to have a similar tool for Ubuntu in case terminal is inaccessible13:40
amts01to avoid risky boots13:40
b1ack0pWARNING: PAE disabled. Use parameter 'forcepae' to enable at your own risk! This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU13:40
gehndo I need to wait longer to dist upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04? at least, wait longer to do so without -d13:40
b1ack0pubuntu 16.04 giving this error on my 2003-2004 model ibm thinkpad x31 laptop13:41
gehnif I use -d, then update-manager sees 20.04, but if I don't it doesn't13:41
oerheksb1ack0p, pretty old machine13:41
b1ack0poerheks: yes13:41
b1ack0pbut gold13:41
gehnbut the notes say (and the man page says about -d) that it would be a development release? I thought 20.04 was the official release?13:42
b1ack0pi just wanna boot from live usb to reach my external harddisk13:42
doug16krequires pae *not* present? what?13:42
b1ack0pi installed w98 on it but everything i have is in my external usb hdd13:42
oerheksgehn, see the lts factoid13:43
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:43
oerheksi would wait.13:43
oerheksthe upgrade path for 19.10-20.04 needs some fix, so i expect it to be released soon13:44
gehnhmm, wait, so is 20.04 that I would download from, say, the website, is that also currently a development release?13:44
gehnlike say I were to e.g. reformat and reinstall using 20.0413:44
oerheksno, the iso download is the full version13:44
oerheksone can use it to upgrade an existing install too, but that would be the same as -d13:45
gehnso it's just the upgrade path basically that's the issue?13:45
gehnif I did a fresh (re)install it would be fine? (probably)13:45
oerheksanyway, whatever you do, prepare a fresh iso on usb13:45
oerheksyes, LTS needs more time and attention, also from 3rd party developers13:46
gehnok thanks13:46
RoyKI have an old laptop that hasn't been update for a while and I wanted to update it now, finding it's running 19.04 and nothing seems to want to update. Do I have to change repos?13:55
jeremy31RoyK: 19.04 is not supported any more13:58
RoyKjeremy31: I know… I guess I found the answer here https://askubuntu.com/questions/91815/how-to-install-software-or-upgrade-from-an-old-unsupported-release14:00
Aktivehi, why is my connectioen 100 Mb/s ? Its suppose to be 1000 Mb/s . I just had a new install of ubuntu 20.04 lts14:02
Rozhaneed help14:05
Rozhawhith roundcube14:05
Rozhahave this problem14:05
RoyKAktive: erm - what does ethtool have to say about it? please pastebin14:06
Aktivewhich arguments do I do with ethtool14:08
=== felix_221986 is now known as fdora1986
dr3adwardwith ubuntu 20.04 git clone is no longer, nutls_handshake() failed: An unexpected TLS packet was received. how do I fix it?14:12
sixechonew day... so asking this again;  booting to "recovery mode" - the menu shows "filesystem state: read-only" and selecting "drop to root shell" puts me in shell, however my primary disk is mounted read-write.  v20.04, but someone here tested back to v16 and got the same; the primary system was mounted RW.... however i have seen several websites/blogs showing that it should be RO.  what am i missing?    e.g.14:17
sixecho^ is there some grub option i can try... but looking at the grub recovery mode command script... it shows `linux /boot/vmlinuz.... root=UUID=uid ro recovery nomodeset`14:21
ioriasixecho, probably systemd ignores it:   try to add  systemd.mask=systemd-remount-fs.service  so it looks like '  systemd.mask=systemd-remount-fs.service ro'   as parameter14:26
vtxhi everyone o/ is there a way to install all non-english language packs in ubuntu? i've installed japanese character support, but i got to thinking it would be good to install all non-english language packs beyond just japanese. is there a single package that does this?14:35
oerheksvtx, i think you need to do that manually https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/prefs-language-install.html.en14:39
vtxah, i'm using docker, with ubuntu as my base image; i guess i have to list all the language packs individually?14:41
oerheksoh, i don't know about docker.14:42
zmagiiWhich lubuntu installer should I use for a RPi 3 B+ ?14:51
zmagiiThe one on the lubuntu website is called "lubuntu Raspberry Pi 2"14:52
zmagiiIt is also Ubuntu 16.04.14:52
sixechoioria: i added that system.mask to the grub linux command, but it didn't have any effect14:53
waveformzmagii, I don't think there's an official lubuntu release for the pi that isn't pretty ancient at this point, but you could install the pre-installed server image (zmagii, you could download the 20.04 pre-installed image (https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi) and install the lubuntu-desktop package on it14:54
waveformzmagii, that said you need a few tweaks to make it a workable system - I had a post about this somewhere...14:55
waveformzmagii, https://waldorf.waveform.org.uk/2020/ubuntu-desktops-on-the-pi.html <-- there it is14:56
zmagiiwaveform: Thanks. Would you say it worked better for you than Raspbian?14:58
k_szeHow do I grant a normal user access to /dev/kvm?14:58
zmagiiI'm happy to make tweaks where necessary...14:59
waveformzmagii, I don't use GUIs generally on the pi (I spend the vast majority of my time at the console), that post was more an experiment to see how things currently stood. However, it did indicate that there's plenty we need to do to catch up with raspbian in terms of the "out of the box" experience for people installing the desktop packages15:00
waveformzmagii, however the distro is currently first and foremost a server image and so whatever we do has to be done without breaking that (which complicates ... a surprising number of things!)15:00
oerheksk_sze, add them to the kvm group?15:01
k_szeI see. Thanks.15:01
oerhekssudo adduser <Replace with username> kvm # and logout/login15:01
zmagiiwaveform: Alright. I want to use Sonic-Pi, so maybe better for me to stay with Raspbian. I don't care much for the desktop part though, so I would be interested to install something without desktop functionality.15:01
zmagiiSonic-Pi is an instrument / coding language for an instrument on the Pi.15:02
waveformzmagii, yup - well aware of sonic-pi :) I would be *very* surprised if sonic-pi worked on ubuntu on pi at the moment given it has some pretty specific requirements for the audio stack15:02
zmagiiOr maybe better to describe it as a synthesiser based on code.15:03
waveformzmagii, (used to be one of the things we taught at picademy)15:03
zmagiiwaveform: There was a guy on the forum who did it, but sounds like his hardware was much better than the Pi.15:03
zmagiiwaveform: Oh cool, didn't know that. I was sold when I saw Daft Punk use it :>)15:03
waveformit is an awesome piece of kit - and Aaron's done some magical things with it on the pi - but yes, at the moment for sonic-pi: use raspbian15:04
waveform(Sam Aaron, the author)15:04
zmagiiCool, thanks so much.15:05
zmagiiI am surprised that projects like Xynthian don't merge or at least have osmosis towards Sonic-Pi.15:05
zmagiiHere is that forum post, if anyone wanted to see it: https://in-thread.sonic-pi.net/t/sonic-pi-3-2-2-under-ubuntu-18-04-04-possible/361215:06
zmagiiBut it does sound like they had problems, as you say.15:06
waveformhmm, hadn't heard of xynthian (zynthian google thinks?) - I shall have a look!15:06
waveformand yes - sonic-pi is quite fiddly to get working mostly due to the (understandable!) real-time requirements it has of the audio stack15:07
zmagiiwaveform: I think they are more hardware orientated.15:08
zmagiiSorry, you are right, it's "Zynthian".15:08
sixechoioria: holy crap that `systemd.mask=systemd-remount-fs.service` hack worked. much thanks.  sad the recovery installer does not do RO by default - and even mis-reports the filesystem as RO - it's probably hard-coded that way b/c it expects it to be. :(15:08
wescotteI have a laptop hooked up to my TV and I use it as a media server. It was running 18.04 but I just upgraded the hardware and decided to go with 20.04. I setup the machine for a single display so the LCD is off. However, anytime i turn off my TV it automatically turns on the LCD now. Can anybody help me figure out a way to get back the old 18.04 behavior where it permanently keeps the LCD off?15:12
retentiveboyshould 20.04 be offered as an upgrade on a 19.10 machine by now?15:18
wescotteNo, not until 20.04.1 which is several months away15:21
retentiveboyok, was thinking something was a miss.15:21
deadmundI recently upgraded from 18.04 to 20.04.  I use KDE.  For some reason amarok was uninstalled and I cannot install it anymore?  E: Package 'amarok' has no installation candidate .  What am I doing wrong?15:21
oerheks18.04 to 20.04 in july, 19.10 upgrade path soon15:22
deadmundretentiveboy: Usually comes n July15:22
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d15:22
retentiveboyWhat's the 20.04 release then?15:22
oerheksindeed, amarok is gone? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/amarok15:23
deadmundretentiveboy: "What" is it?  It's the current version if you were to download and install ubuntu on a computer today.15:23
oerheksbionic as last15:23
deadmundoerheks: ooooohhhhh nooooo :( :( :(15:23
retentiveboywrt 19.10 I was wondering, deadmund. No worries.15:23
oerheksi like clementine better, for handling large collections, and has an equaliser15:24
deadmundoerheks: I am familiar.  Was amarok abandon by package maintainers or something?15:24
deadmundEilsa, JuK15:26
oerhekshmm, not sure what is going on, https://cgit.kde.org/amarok.git/log/ seems active15:26
eugenio_hi all, I was installing ubuntu. I got a problem during the disk formatting, can I ask here? I have the output of smartctl, but I don't understand if the disk can be reused or dispose and stop15:26
oerheksseems like a project that needs attentionhttps://linuxreviews.org/Amarok15:26
mesaboogieoerheks: pragha is very nice player as well and it is in the repos.15:27
deadmundeugenio_: ask aaway15:27
oerheksfor native QT, Cantata15:28
eugenio_deadmund, suggest a channel15:28
|san|hi folks15:29
|san|does anyone have a suggestion to what this is: http://wildflower.dk/ubuntu.png15:29
deadmundeugenio_: this one!15:30
cgiis there a software for remote desktop-ing into a windows 10 machine from ubuntu?15:30
deadmundeugenio_: How is your disk formatted right now?  What setup are you trying to achieve?15:30
oerheksit is a png, Portable Network Graphics15:30
retentiveboycgi: try remmina15:30
|san|oerheks: i meant whats on the screenshot. I have this error in journalctl15:31
mesaboogiecgi: or nomachine15:31
deadmund|san|: your kernel crashed because your computer has no RAM whatsoever?15:31
|san|ubuntu 18.04.415:31
|san|its a Pi 4 B with 4 gigs of ram15:31
cgiretentiveboy, is remmina secure?15:32
deadmund|san|: It's a kernel crash.  I'm not sure what caused it.  Can you give us more information?15:32
eugenio_deadmund, the HD is empty, I made a dd, now I'm in a live version of Ubuntu that I would install,15:32
retentiveboycgi, it uses various libs under the hood for various protocols.  The RDP implementation supports different security schemes.15:32
cgimesaboogie, retentiveboy I am trying to use this machine to do banking - so security is a big concern.15:32
deadmundeugenio_: What is "made a dd" ?  What is the problem you're having?15:33
retentiveboyIt's as secure as the RDP server :)15:33
|san|deadmund: what information would be useful?15:33
cgiretentiveboy, The client might have malicious code?15:33
eugenio_deadmund, here the output of smartctl :https://pastebin.com/4vXtWBnR15:33
deadmund|san|: What is the problem you're experiencing?  Can you re-create the problem by following a series of steps?15:33
retentiveboycgi, yup15:33
eugenio_deadmund, i was not able to format the HD in ext415:34
nautica_do you guys know the status of https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline? seems it hasn't been updated with the recent kernels for a couple weeks15:34
eugenio_I tried during the ubuntu installation, by using gparted from the live and from the command line15:34
waveform<|san|> which architecture was that, armhf or arm64? (I vaguely recall we had an issue with a traceback appearing in early boot on bionic which was resolved for focal but wasn't resolved on bionic)15:35
|san|well, actually it only came to my attention because i used journalctl for another issue, and then i saw this comes up now and then... could it be related to high usage?15:35
|san|waveform: its armhf15:35
deadmundeugenio_: Your approach is valid.  gparted, live, should work.  What happens when you try?  In what way does it fail?15:35
oerheksnautica_, how more recent would that be? 5.7 is in development now?15:35
eugenio_deadmund, it failed with all the attempt.15:36
deadmundeugenio_: What error messages did you get?  What is the nature of the failure?15:36
nautica_oerheks: the latest point releases are missing... I compile the kernel myself but need the patches the site provides. For 5.6, it's missing .8, .9, and .1015:36
|san|waveform: should i consider upgrading to 20.04?15:36
eugenio_deadmund, last one was by command line from a live: I gave mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 and I got: writing of the information ra delle informazioni dei super-blocchi e dell'accounting del file system:    2/1193Warning, had trouble writing out superblocks.15:37
|san|im not entirely sure if the new release is better for the Pi or if it need more time before upgrading to it15:37
eugenio_deadmund: output was: writing of the information in the superblocks and system accounting: 2/1193 Warning, had trouble writing out superblocks15:38
waveform<|san|> I would certainly consider 20.04 as an upgrade, but I may be biased (I'm responsible for ubuntu on the pi on the foundations team :)15:38
|san|waveform: okay, im just worried its a hassle, but i'll try :)15:39
eugenio_deadmund, with gparted I got the following error: 64bit filesystem support is not enabled15:40
deadmundeugenio_: Is this a very old 32-bit computer?15:41
deadmundeugenio_: Older than 10 years?15:41
deadmundeugenio_: Is it a 32-bit CPU?15:41
eugenio_think so, but should work with both typology15:42
eugenio_I would sort out this laptop for my kid15:42
VileGentno a 64bit os will not run on a 32bit processor15:42
VileGentthus your error above15:43
eugenio_it's a sony vaio with an intel centrino 2 duoo inside and 4 Gb RAM15:43
deadmundeugenio_: Ubuntu is a 64-bit OS.  You'll need to find a 32-bit linux distribution.15:43
eugenio_the strange thing is that I downloaded a 32 bit ubuntu iso15:43
deadmundeugenio_: oh you did!15:44
eugenio_i was trying to install ubuntu-mate 18.04 LTS i38615:44
deadmundeugenio_: In that case try using ext3 instead of ext4.  Maybe ext4 doesn't support 32-bit OSes15:44
Manouchehriso to shrink an encrypted LVM partition, I guess I have to resize the ext4 volume first, lvm next, and then the partition?15:44
VileGentdeadmund; ext4 runs fine on 32bit15:45
deadmundVileGent: What is eugenio_'s problem then?15:45
VileGent64bit os on 32bit processor15:46
deadmundVileGent: He said he grabbed 32-bit ISO15:46
VileGentno idea then but the error said it was booting 64bit15:47
eugenio_that's why i was supposing the problem was on the hd15:48
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jediorderI've got a serious question concerning the Internet Relay Chat.15:50
VileGentjediorder;  ask15:50
deadmundeugenio_: I think the HD is fine.  I think you should try ext3.  I then think you should confirm you've got a 32-bit ISO15:51
deadmundeugenio_: Where did you download from?15:51
oerheksjediorder, as long as it is ubuntu related?15:51
jediorderthis question has political undertones so be prepared15:51
VileGentthen forget it15:51
deadmundjediorder: What does it have to do with Ubuntu?15:51
oerheksjediorder, wrong channel, try #freenode15:51
cgianyone can help me with this answer: https://bpaste.net/AIAA - and perhaps the correct way of fixing this?15:53
oerhekshit 'y' and find out?15:53
oerheksmake sure you have apt-transport-https installed for that https repo15:54
oerheks!info apt-transport-https15:55
ubottuapt-transport-https (source: apt): transitional package for https support. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.4 (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 153 kB15:55
branonfuck snaps15:55
cgioerheks, sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ?15:55
cgithat is at the newest version on the machine15:56
oerhekssure, something like that, apt install would be valid too15:56
oerheksoke, then you are set to test15:56
cgiI pushed yes, it did want to upgrade packages - no errors so far15:57
eugenio_deadmund, i'm trying with ext3,15:58
branonsnaps seriously suck15:58
branonwhy are they even default15:58
oerheks!language | branon15:58
ubottubranon: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:58
branonwhy do snap apps save files under ~/snap15:58
oerhekskeep this channel family friendly, thanks.15:58
branonwhile also redefining what home directories mean15:58
branon"Videos" means ~/Videos15:59
deadmundbranon: if you wanna vent then go write a blog15:59
branonnot ~/snap/appname/blahblah/Videos15:59
branonin current year how is it possible for me to save a file and not know where it ended up16:00
branonbecause snap apps ferret everything away under ~/snap instead of using the regular directories under my home16:00
branonstop inventing new things that are in every way worse than anything else that has ever existed16:01
eugenio_deadmund, again error trying to set ext3 by using gparted16:03
eugenio_deadmund, I tryied even FAT 32 and it worked16:03
deadmundeugenio_: FAT32 worked because it is a 32-bit FS.  I am thining you don't have a 32-bit ISO image.  What is the output of uname -a   (uname -i is more concise sometimes) ?16:04
eugenio_deadmund, Linux ubuntu-mate 5.3.0-28-generic #30~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 06:11:07 UTC 2020 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux16:05
nautica_branon you know what people like less than snaps? whiners16:06
deadmundeugenio_: Mmm, yeah it is i686 so that is 32-bit.16:06
eugenio_deadmund, yes...I'm afraid the problem is on the HD16:06
deadmundeugenio_: I'm really not sure what the problem is.  Maybe just try using one of the several supported filesystems.  Try using FAT32 (who cares right?)16:07
eugenio_deadmund, tried now even ext2, the same error of ext3 and 416:07
eugenio_good solution, even because it is a very old laptop I want to leave to my kid (5 year), so no matter which FS is16:08
eugenio_I proceed to install in a fs FAT3216:08
deadmundeugenio_: Seems like it might work.  I'm really not sure what the problem with ext4 is.  Especially ext3 was installed on laptops of that era many many times.16:09
eugenio_deadmund, unfortunately in the meanwhile I tried with FAT32, but I was not allowed16:11
deadmundeugenio_: What was the exact wording of the error message(s) ?16:12
oerheksi have never seen an ubuntu install on fat3216:13
eugenio_deadmund, i'm trying with reiserfs16:13
oerheks.. interesting16:13
IarlaIs #ubuntu-bugs the right place to discuss reporting bugs?16:14
deadmundeugenio_: He killed is wife you know.16:14
eugenio_deadmund, at the end I used JFS16:18
eugenio_the installation seems to proceed...we wil see16:18
deadmundeugenio_: ....16:19
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ugniusHi, trying to install PHP 7.3 on ubuntu 18.4, added ppa:ondrej/php and ppa:ondrej/apache2, but when running apt install php7.3 I get this "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages" https://pastebin.com/9x4qUj8B I really do not know what I am doing16:21
=== VileGent is now known as kk4ewt
deadmundeugenio_: got to go.  Good luck!16:24
wescotteI have a laptop hooked up to my TV and I use it as a media server. It was running 18.04 but I just upgraded the hardware and decided to go with 20.04. I setup the machine for a single display so the LCD is off. However, anytime i turn off my TV it automatically turns on the LCD now. Can anybody help me figure out a way to get back the old 18.04 behavior where it permanently keeps the LCD off?16:24
hansh> E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php7.4/php7.4-cli_7.4.5-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1_amd64.deb  Cannot initiate the connection to ppa.launchpad.net:80 (2001:67c:1560:8008::15). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) Could not connect to ppa.launchpad.net:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused) [IP: 80]16:24
k18eI am trying to combine the unicode character overline with a number, it says online: Ctrl + Shift + u, enter the unicode character, here 203E and then enter the character to combine with16:26
k18ebut I end up with the overline and the character separate. Has the keyboard combination changed?16:26
k18ei.e. I end up with  ̄616:26
pacmanQuick question about ubuntu 20.04. How can I check which packages are supported for 5 years? On Bionic they had a special field "Supported" but that seems to be gone in Focal.16:27
ugniussorry, I'm complete idiot: sudo apt install php 7.3 (bloody space in the middle)16:27
ioriapacman, not on 20.04 atm: try the 2 bin cmds in here : https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/all/update-manager-core/filelist16:30
strksudo do-release-upgrade: Can not upgrade - Your python3 install is corrupted. Please fix the '/usr/bin/python3' symlink.16:33
strkwhat's the deal ? /usr/bin/python3 --version # Python 3.5.2 (symlink is fine)16:33
oerheksThis bug was fixed in the package ubuntu-release-upgrader - 1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/182565516:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1825655 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Eoan) "do-release-upgrade fails with "Your python3 install is corrupted" if /usr/bin/python points to /etc/alternatives/python" [Undecided,Fix released]16:37
zmagiiwaveform: Did you have a look at Zynthian?16:50
zmagiiI am not sure exactly what the operating system is. It must be Linux, but it's not clear if it is Raspbian.16:52
waveformzmagii, looks very cool! I'd guess (without having looked) it's probably raspbian lite plus some bits16:54
waveformzmagii, ah - they're using this to build their images: https://github.com/guysoft/CustomPiOS so yes, basically raspbian plus bits16:55
zmagiiI tried talking to some of the guys on their forum about the dev aspects of it, but I think they want it to be more like a "product" than I would say Sonic-Pi is.16:55
zmagiiMy question was whether I can emulate it in Ubuntu.16:55
zmagiiBut it doesn't sound like that is something they do. (Maybe they test directly on the hardware?) But the hardware and interface look quite cool.16:56
zmagiiThe case isn't bad either.16:56
zmagiiAnyway, thanks for your help earlier.16:56
waveformzmagii, I don't see why not - the main question will be whether we're missing any packages. We've ship all the overlays that raspbian ships by default so any HATs should be auto-detected but I know we're currently missing some of the python libraries that are in raspbian (I'm working on getting those added ... slowly!)16:57
ograsounds like a perfect cadidate for an Ubuntu Core appliance16:57
zmagiiwaveform: Do you mean for an emulator?16:57
ograpopey, ^^^16:58
waveformzmagii, no - I mean they're relying on various HATs for their audio interfaces (HiFiBerry etc.) - now, there shouldn't be any issue with such HATs loading any overlays (as noted: we ship the same ones as raspbian) but if their code relies on any python libraries for talking to / controlling that HAT we might be missing those currently16:58
zmagiiThey do mention the programs they use, (like Jack), the synths and some of the plugins (Pianoteq demo).16:58
popeyogra hm?16:59
ogramissing libs wont be a prob in Ubuntu Core though (you just drag them into the application snap of the appliance)16:59
ograpopey, a zynthian appliance :)16:59
popeywill take a look17:00
ograprobably a bit advanced for a starter ... but if someone is willing to dedicate a bit of time ...17:00
zmagiiWhat is a HAT?17:04
ograzmagii, an addon board you plug on the header of the pi17:05
waveformzmagii, https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/introducing-raspberry-pi-hats/17:05
waveformbasically boards that sit on top of the pi; if they're "actual" HATs there's an I2C ROM on them which the firmware will interrogate to load appropriate d-t overlays automatically on boot17:06
zmagiiLike that LCD screen?17:08
ograzmagii, https://www.hifiberry.com/shop/boards/hifiberry-dacplus-rca-version/ see the second pic ...17:10
ograit is having the female counterpart of the 40pin connection header the pi has ... and gets plugged on that17:11
zmagiiOh I see. So does that mean one can plug these into machines running Ubuntu too?17:11
ograno, they are designed for pi's17:12
zmagiiIf you have that connector?17:12
bargi'm trying out find . -exec, without curly braces,  find . -exec 'chmod 777' ;  but I get an error .. what's the correct syntax?17:12
ograif you had the connector with exactly the same functionallity it would perhaps work ...17:12
waveformzmagii, yes these *should* work on ubuntu on a pi, though there may be an issue with (some?) DPI displays at the moment (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/u-boot/+bug/1876265)17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1876265 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Raspberry dpi18 display" [Undecided,New]17:12
waveform(working on verifying it this week)17:13
zmagiiI have a Nord Piano and focus on piano based composition, so something around synths and piano VSTs like Pianoteq is where my mind is at...17:15
bargdo you absolutely need curly braces for    find . -exec chmod 777 {} \;  ?17:15
zmagiiI am not really keen on the now "famous" image of a musician with a MIDI controller (usually an expensive one) with a MacBook Pro :P17:16
zmagiiI also have a grudge against Apple for their synths not being exportable...17:16
zmagiiBut the Zynthian should have Sonic-Pi in it by default too, as they mention it is pre-installed on Raspbian.17:17
zmagiiLubuntu or something like that would have been more my style, but I guess one should be sensible around how you spend your time configuring things.17:17
zmagiiBut I am pretty keen on extending my Nord Piano to be a true synthesiser.17:18
zmagiiThe Nord Stage (the expensive one) has synths built in, but not with infinite possibility like a Pi with an Ubuntu flavour or Raspbian.17:18
* waveform had a Korg O1/W many many years ago17:29
zmagiiSo it seems like the HifiBerry DAC+ Pro has everything you need to output a synth, is that right?17:50
zmagiiThere is also a XLR option if you don't want L and R RCA jacks.17:50
lotuspsychjezmagii: lets keep it ubuntu related please17:51
Eickmeyeroerheks: That's also support only.17:52
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ubuntutrwhat is this18:02
pavlosbarg: if you're trying to find files with 777, find . -type f -perm 077718:02
noodlestirngubuntutr: you interrupted a previous update?18:02
pavlosubuntutr: an update is currently running, just wait a bit18:03
ubuntutrstill same18:05
ubuntutr"sudo apt autoremove"18:06
ubuntutrafter this command y/n I said no18:06
ubuntutrcan it be because of this?18:06
pavlosubuntutr: ps aux | grep update | nc termbin.com 9999 give us the link18:07
DeskLampChampHas anyone experienced problems trying to install python packages with pip, while using ubuntu OS?18:07
pavlosubuntutr: no update is running, can you sudo apt update again w/o a lock error?18:08
=== revosftw3 is now known as revosftw
ubuntutrsudo apt-get update18:10
pavlosubuntutr: not here, on your system.18:11
ubuntutrý show you18:12
ubuntutrsame error18:13
ugniusWhat if i manually edit /usr/share/php/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_fonts.php like here https://github.com/tecnickcom/TCPDF/pull/123 am I in a world of pain, how do I go about patching this?18:15
pavlosubuntutr: you need to fix that Err:5 https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian18:18
ubuntutryarn ?18:19
pavlosubuntutr: it tells you keyexpired ... maybe remove it from your PPA's18:21
deadmundHello.  I have an alias for xdg-open but when I use it I cannot tab to auto-complete filesnames.  What am I doing wrong?  (alias op="xdg-open")18:21
deadmundxdg-open a[tab][tab] works  but op a[tab][tab] does nothing18:22
MetamorphosisHi, It looks like GNU PSPP (SPSS Alternative) is not available on Ubuntu 20.04 : https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=pspp18:22
MetamorphosisHow can I install it on Kubuntu 20.04?18:22
deadmundMetamorphosis: You can try to install the .deb listed on here: https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.html18:24
pavlosubuntutr: seems that kiwi.deb fails, I suggest you clean up your system first, make sure sudo apt update is clean18:25
deadmundMetamorphosis: oh, wait, that seems to be the same page you linked...18:25
oerheksubuntutr, what are you trying to do? installing a 19.04 package on Xenial18:25
Metamorphosisdeadmund It's strange that such imprtant statistical software is missing from 20.04 repos, I had used the software since Kubuntu 10.04.18:26
pavlosubuntutr: you're on xenial (16.04) you should be installing 64 bit deb files18:26
deadmundMetamorphosis: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=924937   It was dropped due to a licensing issue (apparently).18:27
ubottuDebian bug 924937 in ftp.debian.org "libpq5: OpenSSL license contamination of GPL reverse-dependencies" [Serious,Open]18:27
mnflshdqhello, i edit the intellihide-mode value in dash-to-dock extension to 'FOCUS_APPLICATION_WINDOWS' everything works perfectly except it's not work on the same application. If i have 2 windows from the same application open and one of them overlapping the dash/dock it still going to hide even though the focus window is the one that isn't overlapping18:28
oerhekspavlos, and it looks like it is installed already18:29
mnflshdqis there a workaround to "fix" this?18:29
Metamorphosisdeadmund can I install the 19.10 package on 20.04 without breaking things? I really need the software as I have loads of data from my 18.04 installition.18:30
pavlosoerheks: the latest paste shows trying to install a i386.deb18:31
deadmundMetamorphosis: I'm not sure.  Let me try to figure it out online for a second.18:31
oerhekspavlos, yes, overwriting something, 64 bit possibly?18:31
Kondeadmund: Not just libpq5 but also other affected applications like sysbench and grass are still in the Focal repos. Either there was another serious issue with pspp, or the Debian snapshot which became Focal had pspp temporarily removed, and the Ubuntu team never added it back18:33
pavlosoerheks: I got the 64 bit kiwi.deb from https://kiwiirc.com/downloads/, dry-run shows all deps satisfied18:33
oerheksoh wait; trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kiwiirc/index.html', which is also in package webircgateway ..18:33
pavlosoerheks: up to him/her, I was trying to help18:34
Kondeadmund: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pspp18:34
deadmundMetamorphosis: You can try to download compile and install from the source code.  It won't be easy because of dependencies but it might work.  See the "source" section here: https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.html18:34
oerheksKon, it is in proposed trying to overwrite https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/amd64/pspp/1.2.0-2ubuntu218:36
oerheksoops, skip ' trying to overwrite'18:37
oerheksthis is why upgrade is delayed standard, to give projects time to test18:38
Sbur3Two questions :   Why are some things "held back" when I try to do an update / upgrade? Like gcc-9 ... And how can I get my screen to stop "refreshing" .... like while I'm typing something, the screen flashes  .... wrong resolution?  Since 20.04 upgrade18:41
Konoerheks: This is strange. Launchpad says it was removed from Focal in the py2 removal, but it doesn't require python2. The Debian mailing list is even more unusual. It was removed because one of the Debian maintainers thought it was "too buggy"18:41
KonOr rather, the next release candidate was "too buggy"18:41
oerheksSbur3, try sudo apt dist-upgrade # for all the packages to install18:42
oerheksKon,  no idea where the project is at now.18:43
Sbur3oerheks: That fixes the first question ... thx.  But why is dist-upgrade necessary where upgrade seems to be almost the same18:44
oerheksbasicly i always run; sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade18:45
Orvalvisjegeneral noob question: I have a laptop on which i can not run linux without messing with the bios... it only works on windows (acer aspire laptop) ... my question is, will a dual boot work on this kind of system?18:45
Sbur3oerheks: But how do I get the best resolution so my screen stops blinking?18:46
matsamanOrvalvisje: messing?18:46
matsamanOrvalvisje: some hardware/firmware configurations will always require tinkering with 'bios' settings to change the OS18:46
matsamanbut doing so is pretty commonplace18:46
oerheksSbur3, blinking in what?18:46
Sbur3oerheks: I'm typing something ... even in irc here ... and the screen renews itself.  And it didn't do that in 19.10 and I haven't changed video card or screen18:48
matsamanSbur3: see man apt-get, it explains the differences between upgrade and dist-upgrade18:48
Sbur3matsaman: Thx18:48
Orvalvisjewhen i tried to install lubuntu, my pc would not start up anymore, just a black screen with stating a certain message (it is way too long ago to remember)18:48
Konoerheks: I solved the pspp mystery. There was a bug in the build dependencies which was fixed in Ubuntu on October 1, 2019 according to the changelogs. But it never got sent downstream to Debian. Debian build remained unfixed, leading to its removal from Bullseye due to lack of Debain maintainer responsiveness18:48
Orvalvisjeso, today by coincidence, i had to reinstall windows, so i have no data too loose18:48
Orvalvisjeand i was wondering if i can use a dual boot on this kind of laptop18:49
Orvalvisjewhen i was wandering on the net, it seems that there are many laptops that are sort of "blocked" to use linux18:49
Konupstream* rather18:49
Orvalvisjebut the sollution seemed a bit complicated to me, as a beginner18:50
Orvalvisjeso, just wondering if a dual boot can work around this18:50
matsamanOrvalvisje: most likely it can be overcome, but the specific message will be useful to do so18:50
matsamanOrvalvisje: if you can boot a GNU/Linux live OS, you can fundamentally install and use it18:50
Orvalvisjethe message was something like there was no drive or optical something present18:50
kenperkinsok I need some help; I've got a machine with two disks /dev/nvme0n1p1 and /dev/sda; nvme0n1p1 is guid partitioned, sda is mbr, and sda has my current ubuntu 19.10 on it on sda5. I want to install 20.04 on nvme0n1p1 (and get rid of my windows paritions) but continue to have sda5 as a boot option. how do I go about that?18:51
matsamanOrvalvisje: just let someone know if you encounter it again, and the specific message18:51
matsamankenperkins: most likely you will only have to install Ubuntu on the first disk, and it will auto-discover the second installation18:52
matsamankenperkins: if not, it will probably be a small change to GRUB's userland config to get it booting18:52
Orvalvisjei can't encounter the exact message again without deleting windows and trying to install linux again18:56
Orvalvisjethat's why the man question is rather if a dual boot will work?18:56
matsamanOrvalvisje: like I said, if the live OS (the install image) boots up and works, then a dual boot can work18:57
matsamaneverything in the live OS, that's literally the OS you're going to install, albeit slightly differently configured18:57
Orvalvisjeand what's the difference to letting ubuntu work in windows?19:03
matsamanOrvalvisje: could you rephrase?19:03
Orvalvisjehmmm... wasn't there an option to like run ubuntu from within windows? (as i can not get rid of windows on this particular pc)19:04
matsamanthat technically works19:04
matsamanbut it relies on a couple unreliable things19:05
oerheksif you cannot enter your bios, whatever reason, good luck19:05
matsamanlike NTFS19:05
matsamanthink orval said actually could enter19:05
Orvalvisje@oerheks... i did not say i can not enter my bios, i said i can not alter it19:05
matsamannot sure you said that19:06
matsamanbut anyway, if you can boot the install media, most likely that will mean you can install19:06
matsamanOrvalvisje: if you want to spare yourself repartitioning for this, you can try installing to a spare USB stick you have19:07
TheMetamorphosisdeadmund thanks, I can't install from source, maybe waiting would be good.19:11
aaardvark__all docs that I can find seem to say that an upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 should be offered a few dats after release of 20.04.  My 19.10 os not offering it yet and it os more than "a few days".  what am O missing here?19:11
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jeremy31aaardvark__: You may have to wait a few weeks19:13
mattmuUpon installing UB 20.04, it boots up but I get some errors before it loads.  One of the issues is that ubuntu did not rename the drives and they still have my root, home and swap connected to fedora.  Also /dev/fedora exists and not ubuntu.  I get another error too but I'll go with this first.19:13
aaardvark__jeremy31: ty - so the docs I have found are just wrong?19:14
jeremy31aaardvark__: You can force it to upgrade early but I don't know the command19:14
aaardvark__jeremy31: yes, withn the -d = for developer - but I don't want to do that19:15
ioriaaaardvark__, why not ?19:15
aaardvark__ioria: assuming that my understanding isw correct  the -d will potevtially give me a less reliable release.  I am NOT unhappy with 19.10 as lomg as it upgrades to 20.04 BEFORE it becomes EOL19:16
ioriaaaardvark__,   less reliable ? can you elaborate ?19:17
aaardvark__ioria: it is my understanding that the "developer" versions are regarded as less stable y Canonical  - if there is NO DOWNSIDE then why do they even not just always do it as thogh the -d was set19:18
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d19:19
oerheksi would wait19:19
ioriaaaardvark__,   if your system is reliable, your upgrade will be reliable ; the delay is due to double/triple checkinng19:19
aaardvark__ioria: well - I would prefer to wait for someone to have double/tripple checked - this ONE 19.10 we have is an aberation - our other 1000+ servers are all on 18.04 - whic I understand will update to 20.04 when the next dot release happens19:20
ioriaaaardvark__,   ok19:22
aaardvark__oerheks: and ioria thanks for the answers19:25
ioriano prob19:25
StevenJayCohenaaardvark__: Your 19.10 should offer to upgrade then as well19:26
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aaardvark__StevenJayCohen: ty - that will be fine - then we'll be back in sync - it was just my reading of the docs that the 19.10 should be offering it now19:27
StevenJayCohenaaardvark__: one sec, finding link!19:28
StevenJayCohenaaardvark__: I'm wrong! see below19:29
StevenJayCohenUpgrading from Ubuntu 19.1019:30
StevenJayCohenStart by executing the sudo do-release-upgrade command. In case you receive the No new release found message, ensure that the default release upgrader is set to normal and re-execute the sudo do-release-upgrade command.19:30
StevenJayCohenI really did think that I saw that the updater for 19.10 waited for 20.04.1 as well19:30
aaardvark__StevenJayCohen: so you are saying the same thing as I believed, corret?19:40
aaardvark__StevenJayCohen: an yes, I did have the prompt set to normal19:41
aaardvark__StevenJayCohen: I really have no issue as long as it does upgrade before the EOL19:41
ioriait wont19:42
mattmuwhy would ubuntu not write over the existing linux I had and change that info in fstab?19:42
ioriaaaardvark__,   maybe i was not clear above; you are on 19.10 ; the delay is about18.0419:43
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togowhat is the proper way to troubleshoot the gpsd ?20:00
StevenJayCohen<ioria "aaardvark__,   maybe i was not c"> And I thought the delay was about both, but I could not find any documentation to support that20:01
aleph-Stupid queston, the file `/var/run/reboot-required`, can that be safely deleted? Seems to have not been deleted after I rebooted somehow.20:09
grawity...isn't /var/run a symlink to an in-memory tmpfs?20:09
grawitythen it can't possibly be "not deleted after reboot"20:10
grawitysince a tmpfs is always empty when mounted after a reboot20:10
aLeSDsnap packages are very slow to start20:19
SlartaLeSD: yes20:20
* aLeSD is not alone20:20
SlartI'm not sure if there are any optimizations you can do.. I just accept it.. and mutter about canonical20:21
=== lepusfelix is now known as luckybunny
ax562hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu 20.04l ts and right before install it warns me that I do not have a uefi partition and that it will not be able to boot20:26
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username1how is ubuntu 20.04?20:32
leftyfbusername1: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for opinions. This is a support channel20:33
oxekhello, I am looking for alternatives to https://github.com/winauth/winauth . I found https://github.com/paolostivanin/OTPClient but it is not in ubuntu's repos either nor do I know if it is any decent and I am missing some obvious alternative.20:38
Bashing-omax562: Pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' from that installer ( try ubuntu) for the channel; see what we can come up with.20:42
ax562Bashing-om https://pastebin.com/V8m30LHN20:44
Bashing-omax562: looking :)20:45
ax562I remember having a similar issue with 18.04 lts20:45
ax562That's what was on the 73gb partion sdb320:46
kenperkinsmatsaman: so you're saying just choose to install to the first device, and in theory it will either autodetect the install on the second device, or i can manually add it later?20:47
jeremy31ax562: reboot, disable UEFI in BIOS, then install20:50
ax562jeremy31 not sure if I can do that.  Plus I have a windows partition, it's dual boot.20:51
Bashing-omax562: Bet that Windows is not installed as URFI. what shows "bcdedit" in a Windows Administrator Command Prompt window  ?20:51
ax562I can't get to windows20:52
ax562I'm running off of flash drive20:52
Bashing-omax562: URFI/UEFI*20:52
ax562I have terminal20:52
jeremy31ax562: Your windows is not installed in UEFI as the disks are partitioned in msdos and there is no EFI system partitions that Windows would need if it was installed in UEFI20:52
Bashing-omjeremy31: :D20:53
ax562jeremy31 I follow the logic but I'm pretty sure I tried that when I installed 18.04lts20:53
ax562let me try20:54
jeremy31ax562: If you happened to enable UEFI only support in BIOS, that would prevent Windows from booting20:54
DeskLampChampjeremy31 coming through to save the day yet again20:54
DeskLampChamphes the hero i need but dont deserve20:54
ax562I'll be back...governator voice20:54
jeremy31Eric is usually the expert on this20:54
cgihow do i get updated openssh for ubuntu 18.04lts - preferably 8.2?20:54
DeskLampChamphas anyone had problems using the pip installer in linux? the people over at Python warned me it might cause problems, like it might cause some kind of discrepancy between two different projects20:56
kenperkinsmy solution is to not use python20:56
SlartDeskLampChamp: I haven't had any problems so far20:57
DeskLampChampthey more specifically warned to not use the 'sudo pip' command20:57
Slartcan't you make pip install packages to a user directory?20:58
DeskLampChampkenperkins: what do you use? I am pretty new to programming and heard python was an easier one to get into20:58
jeremy31DeskLampChamp: If the pip command works without sudo, don't use sudo as that might mess up some permissions20:58
DeskLampChampSlart: i think you probably can20:58
Slartyou might want to check out virtual environments as well... they won't affect the system packages21:00
kenperkinspython is super easy, except there's a bunch of nuance in global installation of deps21:01
kenperkinsso, as slart said, you must learn virtualenv21:01
kenperkinswhich to me makes it not worth using :D21:02
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kenperkinsnode is also pretty accessible, although async/await can be confusing21:02
kenperkinsi mostly only write my tools in go now, which is not accessible21:02
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DeskLampChampSlart: thats what they said as well. I am watching a youtube video on it becuase i am a plebian21:03
DeskLampChampkenperkins: I havent heard of go, why isnt it accesible?21:04
kenperkinsit's staticly typed, the dependency management is a bit painful, it tends to make huge executables, and it uses c style syntax21:05
kenperkinspersonally, I quite prefer it to a dynamic language like python or javascript21:05
kenperkinsand I personally hate meaninful whitespace (python)21:06
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SlartGo is on my list of languages to learn.. haven't found the time though.21:09
DeskLampChamphow difficult is it to learn a new language after mastering one?21:10
DeskLampChampsorry kind fo getting off topic21:10
SlartDeskLampChamp: imho it gets easier for every new language21:11
kenperkinsgenerally speaking, concepts of programming are very portable, conditionals, variables, functions, etc, it's the syntax, standard libraries, and conventions that can vary quite a bit21:11
kenperkinsdynamic vs static, single vs multi-threaded, memory management or garbage collection, etc21:12
DeskLampChampDo you guys know C or C++? i have heard they are one of the more difficult ones to learn21:12
SlartI know enough C and C++ to be able to damage things21:12
kenperkinsI can write C, but I rarely need to. I'm not much of a fan of c++.21:13
kenperkinsbut I was also introduced to C++ in the days of MFC, Win32, and gobs of boilerplate21:13
Slartknowing one of the more "low level" languages can be good... good for your programming skills and understanding.. not to write stuff in21:13
DeskLampChampyou guys sound like wizards21:14
DeskLampChampSlart: would python be considered a low level language? and C a higher one?21:15
SlartI'm no wizard by any measure...21:15
DeskLampChampSlart: exactly what a wizard would say21:15
Slartpython would be high level.. far from what actually happens in the cpu21:15
SlartC would be lower level21:15
DeskLampChampSlart: if you would humor me, what does that mean? Python being far away and C being closer21:17
SlartI mean in C you would deal more with what actually happens in the cpu.. interrupts, memory allocation etc.. unless you want to let some library do that stuff for you..21:18
DeskLampChampSlart: interesting, so a lower level kind of talks to the hardware more directly?21:19
Slartpython has almost no concept of these things.. it's all abstracted away so you can deal with the larger things.. in python you don't have to care if your variable is a 8 bit integer, 16 bit integer or a float... in C you have to make that decision21:19
Slartkind of.. there's less .. stuffing between you and the hardware.. for good and bad21:20
DeskLampChampSlart: that sounds pretty complicated. i think i will get a bit more comfortable with python before trying to get into C. doubt either of those will happen21:20
username1does ubuntu come with a firewall? i just installed and searching in applications is no results21:21
Ben64!firewall | username121:22
ubottuusername1: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:22
Slartusername1: yea, it comes with a firewall by default.. you might need to install some software to let you manage it though21:22
Slartno command for that?21:22
Ben64look up a couple lines21:22
Slartmy bad21:22
username1what antivirus is good for ubuntu21:26
Slartusername1: are you sure you need one? I think some antivirus-developers have linux clients if you want something to make you feel safer... I'm not entirely convinced that it's really needed though21:28
giacomy networkmanager in 18.04 keep losing static ip on eno2(eth0), I have to re-select connection in np-applet every 60 seconds to make it work. Connection is wired connection with no gateway, no dns, just plain simple static ip + submask. What happens is that the connection says that is up but the interface has no ip assigned21:28
username1slart: yes have to be safe nothing is infallible21:28
Bashing-om!virus | username121:29
ubottuusername1: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:29
Slartusername1: I would recommend these things... in order...  1. backups 2. updates for your OS 3. common sense 4. antivirus21:30
akemThere is clamav i think.21:31
akemIt's a free antivirus works on both Windows and Ubuntu.21:31
Slartafaik clamav is just a file scanner though.. it might not do memory scanning, network scanning etc21:32
akemRecently they found lots of infected extensions in Ruby for ex. You can have malwares that do not need root access to be harmful. So it may detect that kind of stuff.21:33
shinobi__clamav cannot repair files like Norton or Symantec21:34
SlartI'm not sure if any av-software stops bad ruby extensions, python packages or similar stuff...21:35
shinobi__Has anyone run into a booting problem with 20.04? I cannot boot to a grub boot manager, always a grub prompt. I have to manually issue commands to get to the OS and reinstalling and updating grub doesn't solve the issue.21:35
FurretUberHi, my system is panicking constantly when unmounting removable devices21:35
username1ubottu soeems naive what if something bad DOES get you then what21:36
ubottuusername1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:36
username1clam av is for mail server21:36
username1ok I'll go at it RAW AND GREASY21:37
FurretUberI'm using Xubuntu 20.04 with 5.4.0-29-generic. It seems there is no bug related to this reported21:37
alazyI'm using fbterm at tty2. I have a script to have it start immediately upon login: case $(tty) in /dev/tty[2-6]*) exec fbterm; ;; *) esac    fbterm starts, but is unresponsive at 100% cpu. it works perfectly if I login and then run it manually. Does my script have an error?21:37
Slartusername1: there are ways to harden your system against these kinds of attacks, but it's usually not listed as "antivirus software"21:37
FurretUberI noticed the logs got corrupted...21:37
vltusername1: If nothing is infallible, what do you expect any antivirus software to do?21:38
Bashing-omFurretUber: "I noticed the logs got corrupted.." >> run a file system check from the liveUSB ?21:38
FurretUberAfter rebooting it works fine again. The problem happens when ejecting USB devices, apparently21:39
username1slart is there a guide i can use for common vectors and service disable?21:39
username1vlt an extra barrier and protection from things i dont notice21:39
FurretUberHmmm... there are four lines that are pretty suspect21:40
Slartusername1: there used to be a command to tell you about some resources.. I don't remember it any more though21:40
shinobi__What app are people using to write the live 20.04 usb?21:41
Slartusername1: https://www.nuharborsecurity.com/ubuntu-server-hardening-guide-2/ this is one.. I haven't read it all but it looks ok from a quick glance21:41
jeremy31shinobi__: what OS?21:42
Bashing-omFurretUber: USB drives I am paranoid about - I always try to remember to "unmount" prior to also ejecting.21:42
shinobi__Win 1021:42
FurretUberFour messages like this one are the last messages before the panic: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4bVmr3hNNY/21:43
Slartusername1: I would avoid any kind of "hardening scripts"... it's all about you knowing what you're doing.. not finding some magical software that does it for you.21:43
Bashing-omshinobi__: I often see rufus recommended: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows .21:43
shinobi__Bashing-om: I think there may be an issue with Rufus. I wrote the live usb, and used it to install the OS, but it won't boot to the OS on the harddrive cleanly.21:45
shinobi__is the iso setup for UEFI?21:45
Bashing-omshinobi__: Ubuntu's iso is indeed hybrid.21:45
Bashing-omshinobi__: Installes as to how you boot the installer.21:46
shinobi__Bashing-om: So MBR in sector 0 and then an GPT and EFI file?21:47
shinobi__So I should be able to dd the iso to the usb drive, correct?21:47
Bashing-omshinobi__: No, I would ecpect for UEFI there to be a EFI partition.21:48
Bashing-omshinobi__: "dd the iso" from Windows ? I do not think Windows supports dd.21:49
bluefox83pretty sure the windows installer wubi comes with the ability to install to a live usb21:50
bluefox83i could be wrong though21:51
jfcaron_Does Ubuntu come with gedit pre-installed?  If no, what is the text editor called?21:53
shinobi__Bashing-om: Win10 has an entire ubuntu 18.04 subsystem21:57
shinobi__many linux flavors for that matter.21:58
Bashing-omshinobi__: I do not WSL2 so can not comment.22:00
username1really? how?22:00
shinobi__Yeah, the subsystem doesn't have full support at the block level yet.22:06
username1how i can get timeshift for ubuntu?22:11
jeremy31username1: Is it in the repos?  It is for Ubuntu 20.0422:14
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sartan_anybody know if netplan+20.04 works with wired 802.1x auth ?22:34
sartan_the ref documents imply it does but i'm not sure what wpasupplicant ecosystem is on 20.04. it's a fair bit of work for me to get into more detailed testing so all i hae time for right now is reading docs22:35
jfcaron_I heard Ubuntu 20.x now uses python3 as the system python.  So when a user types "python" there, they get python 3.x?  Or is the binary still called "python3"?22:52
=== Kon is now known as KonQuesting
=== KonQuesting is now known as Kon
ash_guestis there anyway to change the order of login names on the lock screen?22:56
ash_guestalso is there a way to allow someone to shutdown the computer from the lockscreen?22:56
FurretUberBashing-om: I managed to not panic my computer when reproducing the bug and got a log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rtShbPjDrn/22:56
acresearchpeople how do i change the permission of a file from -rw------- to -rw-r--r-- ?22:57
mattmuwhat is the best software to use for iso writing?22:57
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kaleidomattmu: dd22:59
mattmukaleido: I was looking for a GUI23:00
pauljwmattmu, assuming ubuntu as your os, the disks utility works for me.23:07
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=== ii is now known as covidian
leftyfbmattmu: #ubuntu-offtopic is the best place for software recommendations. That said, Ubuntu has the "Startup Disk Creator" built in. If not, try http://etcher.io23:18
drfeelgoodujdisabling ipv6 on the network GUI does not work23:32
drfeelgoodujIPV6 disable on network gui GNOME does not work23:46
drfeelgoodujwhy is disabling ipv6 so difficult ?23:46
bray90820Anyone here know of any samba bugs with ubuntu 20.0423:48
vimartyou've got any problems with it bray90820 ?23:53
vimartor asking out of curiosity?23:53
bray90820Anything I copy over to it over a wired network becomes corrupt works fine with wifi which is odd23:54
drfeelgoodujwhy is disabling ipv6 broken on Ubuntu?23:55
covidiandid u try via cockpit in firefox ?23:55
covidiandid u try via cockpit in firefox ?  drfeelgooduj23:56
drfeelgoodujI'm using chrmium23:56

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