[00:00] thiras afaik, gnome files does not allow opening .desktop files anymore [00:01] either put it in the desktop folder and open form the desktop if the extension is enabled, or add it to ~/.local/share/applications to make it appear in the app launcher === tds9 is now known as tds [00:03] running a program is pointing to the wrong location [00:04] I installed a software using snap and removed it... installed with a .deb package again [00:04] but it's pointing to the snap folder [00:05] pongal, make sure all instances of the program have closed before re opening again. if you can, log out an log back in to the session [00:06] will try that v6277 [00:06] sixecho: Huh ! I do confirm that recovery mounts / as r/w in 20.04. But also in 18.04 (xubuntu) as verified by touching a file successfully. I do not know where this change happened. [00:06] any easy way of restarting session without restarting ubuntu v6277 [00:07] Bashing-om: yeah it bites. esp since recovery screen says it’s read only. grrr [00:09] pongal, i guess just make sure there are no instances of the program open, try looking for it in system monitor if you want the gui way. Alt+F2 and r will restart the Gnome Session [00:13] sixecho: Going to scratch this itch - I also have a 16.04 install on this box - rebooting to see there ! [00:18] how do I clear UEFI boot entries in my MB [00:21] sixecho: Well ! 16.04 also in recovery mode mounts / r/w. Got me ! [00:24] shinobi depends on the MB, look up the documentation for your motherboard if its a self built computer. It's usually under boot options > UEFI Boot [00:26] v6277 - I mean by command line [00:27] try using efibootmgr [00:27] try this [00:27] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1042031/how-do-i-remove-windows-from-the-uefi-boot-menu-after-custom-installing-ubuntu [00:29] I am trying to install python on my computer, I went to python.org but it only showed steps for mac and windows users. Does anyone know how i can install python? would this be a better question to ask the people in the Python community? [00:31] DeskLampChamp dpkg -l python3, if not found, then install python3 [00:35] !info python3 | DeskLampChamp [00:35] DeskLampChamp: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.7.5-1 (eoan), package size 46 kB, installed size 187 kB [00:36] !info python3 focal | DeskLampChamp [00:36] DeskLampChamp: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 (focal), package size 46 kB, installed size 189 kB [00:37] Bashing-om: that is just giving me general commands manual [00:37] ChmEarl: i got an error with that one [00:37] ChmEarl: dpkg: error: need an action option [00:38] DeskLampChamp: ups in respect to what release you are on and what "python" you require. [00:38] Hi all anyone familiar with upower.service [00:39] Bashing-om: I am looking to get the latest version of 3.8 [00:39] sorry guys im a total noob [00:40] DeskLampChamp: sudo apt install python3 [00:40] DeskLampChamp: what version of ubuntu are you on? [00:40] DeskLampChamp: focal has Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 :) [00:40] leftyfb: i beleive 20.04 [00:42] DeskLampChamp: ' lsb_release -a ; dpkg -l python3 ' shows what ? [00:43] Bashing-om: No LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 20.04 LTSRelease: 20.04Codename: focalDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig>|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)||/ Name Version Architecture [00:43] Description+++-==============-==============-============-==========================>ii python3 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 amd64 interactive high-level obj>lines 1-6/6 (END) [00:44] DeskLampChamp: :D So you have the latest version of python(3). [00:45] Bashing-om: NICE! [00:46] DeskLampChamp: Depending on what you are doing, maybe Force specific Python version ? [00:46] Bashing-om: alright, i used to use a command in windows 'where python' to find where ever python was on my computer, so i could run my terrible programs, do you know what the equivalent of that would be in ubuntu? [00:47] DeskLampChamp: 'which python3' . [00:48] Bashing-om: yes! [00:48] you guys are the best [00:49] DeskLampChamp: One of these days you too will pass it on along too :P [00:50] Bashing-om: alright now how do i become a mega python programming black hat hacker [00:50] just kidding [00:50] kind of [00:51] Thanks guys, I will most likely be back sometime with more questions === Newfangled__ is now known as Newfangled [00:59] Bashing-om: thanks for checking; but not sure what i'm supposed to do now... need to run zerofree so i can compact this virtual machine disk image... :-/ [01:04] sixecho: Ouch - zerofree and VMs are out of my experience range :( A thought - ' mount -o remount,force,ro / ' ? === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:04] I'm learning to compile. make looks for files at /usr/include/freetype2 when they're at /usr/include/freetype2/freetype/. I think the relevant line of the short makefile is "LDFLAGS $(libs) `freetype-config --libs` -lrt Is there an easy fix? I know I could symlink. Want to learn makefile config. === uplime is now known as SherlimeHolimes === fastascanbe is now known as jamezz === SherlimeHolimes is now known as uplime === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 [04:38] anyone else? know why "recovery mode" then "drop to root shell" my system disk is mounted read-write? really need it be read-only... (only other way i can get around this so far is using a live cd) [04:42] sixecho: read-only for your system disk? [04:42] nt0: ideally yes -- in recovery mode... the text UI menu says it's "read-only" - but when i drop to root... it's read-write [04:43] nt0: cannot remount/force it to read-only mode... says it's busy [04:43] point is that mounting / as ro might be causing your failure to boot (if i read "recovery mode" correctly) [04:44] plug it into another box and fsck it there? [04:44] nt0: pressing escape on boot gives me the grub menu.. and i can boot to recovery mode from there. --- my system is working fine otherwise; but i need to run a low-level disk maintenance utility - and i need to point it to a disk device that is not mounted rw [04:44] e.g. /sys has "files" that are used to represent hardware and if your OS can't write to /sys then you can't boot properly [04:45] nt0: just odd the recovery mode text UI seems to misrepresent it as being "read-only" [04:45] clarify "need it to be read-only" [04:46] nt0: need to run `zerofree -v /dev/sda5` -- but even in recovery mode /dev/sda5 is mounted to / RW [04:47] nt0: zerofree will not run unless it's unmounted or mounted RO [04:48] as Simonious wrote above, if you'd like to use a utility which requires unmounted or RO then you'll not be able to use it on the system disk [04:48] as the system disk can't be ro [04:48] nt0: unless you know of an efficient alternative to zerofree that will run while the system is running. (it should technically be possible as windows has a similar utility, sdelete.exe, which can run on a live system) [04:49] nt0: i need to zero any unused disk space so that the virtual machine can compact the virtual disk image [04:49] i'm not sure what you're trying to do lol. you wrote about recovery mode and mount problems. i don't know what your problem/goal are [04:50] that doesn't check out as far as i can tell. you shouldn't need to zero anything unless you're using an ancient SSD without proper trim in firmware [04:50] nt0: problem #1: recovery mode claims its running in read-only mode... but it is not when you drop to a root shell. [04:51] anything you've booted into isn't read only, guaranteed [04:51] nt0: this is for ubuntu running in a virtual machine (virtualbox) - it does not support trim. the only way to reduce the size of a virtual hard drive file (VDI) is for the guest OS to zero our any unused space. [04:52] why are you trying to redice the size of your virtual drive? is there a better way to accomplish your goal? [04:54] nt0: i'm not asking for a pointless reason. virtual disks grow as space is used... but doesn't reclaim erased space. say you do a big ubuntu upgrade where most system files are changed... the core virtual disk size will almost double... the only way it knows how to relcaim that space is to zero the blocks. yeah - it's dumb. virtualbox is a POS for not supporting trim and keeping track of unused disk sectors.... but this [04:54] is the way it is. [04:55] shrinking drives is generally bad idea. kinda a PITA. in the future plan for that in your setup, i suppose. [04:55] https://superuser.com/questions/646559/virtualbox-and-ssds-trim-command-support [04:55] having to use hardware virtualization is generally a bad idea, so that ship has sailed [04:55] nt0: anwyays; windows can zero unused blocks while the system is running using sdelete.exe. if ubuntu has some way to do this on a live system - i would love to know how... but so far i've only found zerofree - and it seems to need the disk to be unmounted to function. [04:56] the best way to shrink your install is to find a way to save the important parts of your install and then make a new VM [04:57] matsaman: vbox's ssd/trim support is BROKEN... unreleased and unsupported; and terribly unstable. i've tried. i've added to their bug reports. Oracle is a POS and gives it zero priority these days as that feature is unneeded in their commercial products. [04:57] if you're using a virtual machine then it'll be easy as pie to create a new VM and mount the vdi file in that one [04:57] hardware virtualization is a good thing, don't pay attention to that [04:58] but shrinking volumes is a tricky bit of work in pretty much every context. lvm, virtual disks, so on [04:58] sixecho: Oracle is fun [04:58] sixecho: you try sfill? [04:59] nt0: it's easy. i do it for my windows virtual machines... run sdelete.exe, shut down vm... run the compact command. done. [04:59] windows is a giant pile of garbage in general, so avoid that if possible. at least as the host os. [04:59] matsaman: "Using cat /dev/zero > /mnt/fs/zeros; sync; rm /mnt/fs/zeros (sfill from secure-delete uses this technique). This method is inefficient, not recommended by Ted Ts'o (author of ext4), may not zero certain things and can slow down future fscks." [05:01] sixecho: if your workflow somehow requires the constant reduction of virtual disk size then maybe look into using a filesystem amenable to that [05:01] Hi all, when installing ubuntu with a dual boot / two disks - do I need to install GRUB into a UEFI partition on my Ubuntu disk or on my windows disk? [05:01] if you're trying to do a homebrew version of thin provisioning via manually slapping VDI files then you're doing it wrong. there are better ways. [05:03] either provision what you're willing to use or do legit thin provisioning. don't give a bunch of VMs a bunch of space that they expect to have and then worry about the constraints later [05:03] sixecho: inefficient compared to Windows' approach? [05:03] windows is hot garbage [05:03] to repeat [05:04] windows is hot garbage [05:04] nt0: with virtualbox? i think not. yes, they suck for not supporting trim. unless you have some actual suggestion... pretty sure what i'm doing is the only way. and it's only periodic compact. [05:04] newinstaller: if you have two disks, it's simplest to keep all your non-Windows stuff on one disk [05:04] newinstaller: because Windows groks exactly 0% of things it doesn't ship with [05:04] sixecho: you're failing at basic sysadmin and praising windows. praising hot garbage [05:04] "i love sdelete.exe" "so easy with windows" [05:05] don't think he actually said that [05:05] M$ shill? i dunno. [05:05] yeah two shills. [05:05] well, sixecho's nick I recognize; yours I don't [05:05] nt0: i loathe windows... but am pointing out that i cannot find an equiv utility in ubuntu that can run on a live system... not sure if there is some technical reason it cannot do the same zero of empty blocks. [05:06] you're doing everything in the worst possible way and praising windows for handling your incompetence [05:06] shilling [05:06] he's specifically looking for a util with parity so he can continue to not use Windows [05:06] you're describing thin provisioning and using freeware on a garbage os to try to do it [05:07] me? [05:07] it's GNU/Linux he's trying to use [05:07] lol he can scrap windows 100% and use qemu/kvm or any other hypervisor and do thin provisioning right [05:07] he's using windows host [05:07] oh well - its late here and i'm out... this is going nowhere anyways ;) cya tomorrow matsaman in macland [05:07] nt0: on on a macOS host [05:08] ...i'm on [05:08] you're trying to thin provision with vbox on mac? [05:08] nobody uses vbox for thin provisioning, they use it for the GUI [05:08] sixecho is using it for thin, apparently [05:09] the host os is inconsequential to this problem. they all work the same. anywho - i really do have to go... l8r [05:09] the tool used to accomplish to goal is important [05:10] if one finds oneself having to manually clear storage and shrink files in order to keep working then one ought to find a better toolkit [05:10] sixecho: did you see the dd approach? [05:11] Yes, the plan was to install all ubuntu stuff on the second drive [05:11] I did that and GRUB wouldn't load. It was asking for installation media [05:11] newinstaller: good plan; then point your mobo to the "second drive" [05:11] Ubuntu's GRUB can boot Windows from there, if you want it to [05:11] I thought I assigned a 650mb EFI partition on the second disk during install but can't remember so trying the install again [05:11] Yes, I'd like to have windows listed in Grub too - working on that now [05:12] I haven't done this for around 10 years - it seems BIOS isn't the same anymore!! [05:12] newinstaller: if you can point your mobo to boot from second drive, that should be fine, if not switch the driver order and put Ubuntu first [05:13] The MOBO wasn't showing the second drive as an option when I disable legacy boot [05:13] so the ubuntu installation must not have been uefi? [05:13] sixecho: this one: dd if=/dev/zero of=/emptyfile bs=1M; rm -fr /emptyfile [05:14] newinstaller: dunno, but enabling "legacy" mode will probably always be simpler than playing with UEFI [05:14] just make sure your Windows boots properly with it first [05:15] kill windows [05:15] It's either legacy + uefi or uefi [05:15] I change from the former to the latter based on something I read [05:15] the point of legacy is that the mobo pretends UEFI isn't present [05:15] !uefi [05:15] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [05:15] sandbox windows in a spyware-containing vm if windows in necessary [05:15] matsaman: sent u pm [05:15] windows ought to be excised [05:17] ok so windows still boots but it has some weird boot screen that happens after the MOBO post, then it restarts the machine then it boots to windows [05:17] No idea why windows boot has been affected [05:18] nt0: please leave Os related comments out of support [05:21] newinstaller: maybe this: https://windowsreport.com/enable-legacy-boot-windows-10/ [05:21] Awesome - ubuntu now boots too. For some reason the mobo screen when I select boot order shows the second disk as being the same as the first disk and shows 500GB when it's 1TB [05:21] but it seems to work minus the weird windows boot issue [05:22] the plan is to eventually remove windows and have it only running in a VM with Ubuntu being the daily driver but I don't have confidence to move away from windows on this machine yet until I see linux is stable [05:25] ok perfect - grub is now the default on boot and I can select Ubuntu or Windows - not sure why it named itself Ubuntu when it is actually Kubuntu but whatever [05:25] the amount of inaccurate tutorials online is shocking [05:25] newinstaller: I've seen that before, in laptops [05:26] newinstaller: where two drives pretend to be one under UEFI [05:27] I forget what you have to do, might only take a fsck on your Windows [05:27] technically not a 100% safe operation, so make backups of critical things [05:31] lotuspsychje: http://www.catb.org/~esr/halloween/halloween1.html [05:32] .. [05:32] .. [05:37] sorry - got disconnected [05:38] nt0 so I hear you prefer windows? [05:38] I see that Ubuntu has WINE 5 as stable for 20.04 while WineHQ has 4.04 as stable. My software runs under either. So I am trying to determine if it is worth adding WineHQ for what seems to be an older version (albeit a version packaged by the team that developed it). [05:38] newinstaller: i mustn't comment. [05:38] I hear you actually prefer vista [05:39] newinstaller: that's "Os" discussion and doesn't belong here. [05:39] !latest | StevenJayCohen [05:39] StevenJayCohen: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [05:40] lotuspsychje: Except in this case Ubuntu is NEWER than WineHQ, so Ubuntu is Latest and WineHQ is more conservative? [05:40] StevenJayCohen: we reccomend to use the packages for your ubuntu version [05:41] Does office on wine work well or is it better to run windows as a WM guest? [05:41] Complex spreadsheets, carppily formatted word docs and visio diagrams specifically [05:42] redhat makes virtio drivers for windows guests. w10 works perfectly in qemu with those installed in my experience. even small touches like auto-resizing. [05:43] !ot | newinstaller nt0 [05:43] newinstaller nt0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [05:44] Depends upon the version [05:44] StevenJayCohen: please dont feed offtopic [05:44] can anyone see my msg (test) [05:44] lmao [05:46] Hello [05:46] nt0, =) somebody gotta provide the comic releif no? [05:47] I have a strange issue with MegaSync no idea is that mega app issue or Ubuntu issue when I install the app no problem, but when start I het error https://pastebin.com/xja17aQq [05:48] Rumen: you have been asking this for a few days now, did you file a !bug yet for that? [05:49] I send the report to Mega, but no idea if this is a hardware issue as I see "Segmentation error" inside [05:50] Rumen: well as it probably adds a ppa to your system, we cant officialy support that, you might wait for the maintainers answer? [05:51] nt0, i was on another channel name followed by un-registered and i assumed because there where so many ppl in the room it a channel i could talk in-but no replies to even a hello. I had definitly ran the "/msg nickserv identify useername pwrd" so was confused. My understanding is when ever there a user sees "-unregistered" anexed to the irc channel name they wont be able to talk there, thats correct yeah nt0 [05:52] blobsss: you can get support with registering at #freenode if you like [05:52] If I don't have a choice I will wait it is not urgent issue .. I work with Mega regularly but I can wait if need [05:53] lotuspsychje, thanks aye i think im pretty good just was looking for a, that correct/incorrect now go rtfm you lazy sod(me) [05:54] will check out the manual and the channel thanks for your suggestion [05:55] lotuspsychje can you tell me just where do you think it is the problem? Ubuntu? Hardware? Mega app? [05:57] Rumen: mega segfault= probably mega's problem, but you could try older ubuntu versions to run on, as their app seems a bit flaky/older to me [05:58] hi [05:59] my ubuntu can see android in nautilus, but which dir is it? [05:59] lsblk -f doesn't show my android device, i did go to notification and click on Transfer files option [06:01] doomlist3: you could make a text file from nautilus and then find it in android. That would get you the answer. [06:01] model + fw =potential abillity to help; it it rooted, did you allow access on the phone after connection-what you want to access [06:01] doomlist3, [06:03] mi redmi y1, firmware is that OS? android 7.1.2N2G47H MIUI version: MIUI Global 11.0.2 Model: MDI6S [06:03] kernel version 3.18 [06:03] not rooted [06:06] StevenJayCohen: where did ubuntu mount my android device? [06:08] doomlist3 said: "my ubuntu can see android in nautilus" So I suggested using that fact to make a simple text file from nautilus. Where it was mounted is not needed to solve the problem that you described. [06:09] no i got to copy the file sudo cp -r android/Download /home/user [06:10] so i need the location [06:15] /storage/emulated/0/Download/ has lots of dirs that I don't see in android/Download ? [06:15] ok i see them sorry [06:32] Hey guys. I turned my mouse-acceleration to flat in gnome-tweaks. Somehow i get the feeling it slightly different than in windows with mouse-accel off. Am i just going crazy? [06:36] I think you probably don't want flat [06:36] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_acceleration#Mouse_acceleration_with_libinput === xclaesse9 is now known as xclaesse [07:15] Morning everyone. Last night I upgraded to the new LTS. Having a few issues this morning I'm hoping you may able to help me out with. [07:17] 1st issue. when running a screen capture program it says "Wayland desktop session detected. please logout and start a Xll Desktop session. " Can someone explain what this means in laymens terms and how I can fix it (unless that is a bad idea)? [07:18] 2nd issue (and this existed before the upgrade and is in fact why I upgraded). When I plug in a head set, the microphone is muted by default and I have to go into settings and turn it on everytime. [07:19] 3rd and biggest issue, when I reboot, I get to grub where I type reboot and on the second reboot, Ubuntu loads. [07:21] answer to #1; yes, wayland and screencapture is on the wishlist, change back to Xorg by logging out, change, login again [07:22] Thanks oerhejs. how do I "logging out, change, login again" [07:22] as in what do I log out from? and where do I make the change? [07:22] logout > power icon? [07:23] you return to the login menu, and there should be an icon/settings [07:23] trying that. brb [07:23] if it does not show, type username first [07:27] @oerheks. Thanks. wayland issue resolved. [07:27] anyone have a suggestion about "when I reboot, I get to grub where I type reboot and on the second reboot, Ubuntu loads." after last nights upgrade to LTS [07:32] joining a work meeting, but i'll come back and see if anyone has any suggestions. [07:32] eliyahuTBR, I've learned over the years that every linux distro isn't really ready for public release until about 1 month after it's released. There are always bugs in the first month. [07:32] any way to role it back and try again in 6 weeks? [07:32] sounds like very good advice @disillusion [07:32] does @ing somone in IRC do anything? [07:32] it was release about a week and a half ago, it's it's about 2.5 weeks to go ;) [07:32] do I have any roll back options? [07:32] eliyahuTBR, it depends on the chat client each user has. Most usually be default blink when someone uses your name [07:32] eliyahuTBR, no, you cannot roll back a distro version. [07:32] eliyahuTBR, did you upgrade from a previous version? [07:33] Thanks. I used to use ubuntu and IRC a lot about a decade ok and I recently got a new job as was told pick linux or macOS. I went with linux (of course!) but I've forgotten so much [07:33] I upgraded from 19.4.04 [07:33] good choice === xMopx- is now known as xMopx [07:33] most experienced linux users know to avoid a distro upgrade, and backup all data then do a fresh install to the newer version [07:33] I don't know why the developers still tell people it's ok to upgrade a version. [07:35] Next time I'll do that disillusion. How would I? Download to a disk on key and then boot to there and install? [07:35] as far as I've known, there's always something that goes wrong on an upgrade, whereas a backup then fresh install is better because things work as the developers intended (after the first month when the bugs get worked out) [07:35] well pooey [07:35] thanks for the education disillusion [07:36] ¡ [07:36] eliyahuTBR, yeah you download the proper .iso image file for your situation, then creative a live bootable medium, usually a cd/dvd or usb key, and run the installer from there. [07:36] *create a live bootable medium [07:37] eliyahuTBR, the most important thing is to backup all of your data and have it ready to put back into the fresh install [07:37] eliyahuTBR, but if your installation of Ubuntu 20.04 is working just fine, I'd say leave it alone. Yours might be ok. [07:37] i run a daily back up of my home directory and store it in the google drive [07:38] my only real problem is that it reboots to a grub command line and then i have to type reboot to get ubuntu to start [07:40] eliyahuTBR, I've never heard of a command line being required in grub. But I'm not an advanced user. It's always a list of the installed operating systems to choose from, usually windows and linux. [07:40] and memtest86+ to test the ram [07:41] eliyahuTBR, looks like someone else has had this problem: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/329926/grub-starts-in-command-line-after-reboot [07:42] some users say Windows hijacked grub, but I don't know what to make of it. [07:43] one user says to change the boot order in the grub list and that fixes it [07:45] So would there be any reason ubuntu or a samba share created with ubuntu wouldn't be able to properly read a folder with the name "2020-04-03" [07:45] what happens when you try to read it? [07:46] bray90820: not because of the name, no [07:48] hey, any idea why python3.6-venv is refusing to install ? I've check the depndencies for 3.8 version and it is done same way. https://paste.gnome.org/prvtw5nag [07:49] Well the folder had a bunch of mp3 files in it and if I try to read it it's missing a bunch of id3 data like the track number an the artist [07:49] If I copy it over to the samba share from MacOS with WIFI it works if I copy it over a wired connection it is corrupt but if I change the name it's fine [07:50] bray90820: the name of the directory only? [07:50] Yes [07:50] what're you copying with? [07:51] MacOS [07:52] The files read fine from MacOS [07:55] matsaman: Any idea as to what's going on [07:59] bray90820: just drag & copy for both wifi and wired? [07:59] Yes [07:59] Wifi works wired does not [08:00] sounds like some bonkers macOS issue [08:01] what does 'ls -al' say about the dir when working and when not working? [08:16] If you look at ghc's Build-Depends, this package depends on itself… (at least since Eoan) which sounds… rather unpractical. [08:22] --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc/+bug/1876878 [08:22] Launchpad bug 1876878 in ghc (Ubuntu) "ghc Build-Depends points to itself" [Undecided,New] === mateen1 is now known as mateen [08:37] is it the case *ubuntu only colorizes the ls command for root? If so, how can I enable it system-wide? Not really enthusiastic about xterms ending up looking like an antique terminal I logged into the Internet before September 1993... [08:38] hey does anyone know bout logrotate? why would it say that "log has been rotated at