
abtmUnit193 - thank you for the tip (I saw it and saved it).00:13
abtmwhats weird is I spun up 2 other xubuntu VMs and tested connecting with xrdp and got the xubuntu look and feel with some minor differences00:16
abtmthe settings menu item is at the top instead of 2nd from the bottom00:16
jdwwattsim still trying to fix this update attempt.    this screen shot shows the message at bootup https://imgur.com/8GLCzU3.png00:17
Unit193Looks like your icon theme is broken.  Did you look at the crash?  More info would be in /var/crash/00:18
jdwwattsis that with xterm00:19
jdwwattsok so how do I get to look at that directory ?00:22
jdwwattsand what do I do next ?00:23
jdwwattsyes since my last atemt to update the icons mostly disapeared exept thunderbird mail box still is the same00:24
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
turbokittyhi brainwash01:50
turbokittyo wrong room nm01:50
jdwwattsanyone know what this means04:19
well_laid_lawnjdwwatts: I've never seen that before04:23
well_laid_lawndid you see what happens when you click report ?04:23
AndrioI used to see it every time I booted the OS04:23
Unit193well_laid_lawn: It happens if there's a crash report sitting in /var/crash/04:24
jdwwattshow do i fix it ?04:25
jdwwattshello diogenes im still stuck trying that upgrade04:42
jdwwattssomething to do with /var/crash/ but i don't know how to fixit04:44
diogenes_jdwwatts, click on 'report' and it will show you more details about the problem and take a screenshot.04:49
jdwwattsit just disappears04:52
jdwwattsmaybe ill back up to a usb then reinstall from scratch04:53
jdwwattsI hate doing that04:54
diogenes_yes you should have waited with upgrade till july, if you wanted 20.04 the as of right now i recommend reinstallation.04:56
jdwwattswould you recommend to install 20.04 from scratch or bionic beaver like i had04:59
diogenes_jdwwatts, if your hardware runs well on 20.04 then go for it.05:01
jdwwattsI apreciate the help05:03
diogenes_no problem.05:03
BelphHello, I have a fresh installation of Xubuntu 20.04 atm and can't manage to get a Wi-Fi hotspot to start. After creating a new network via "Create New Wi-Fi Network" I get a processing icon animation on the network-tray and can see the newly created network under my "Wi-Fi Network"s for a few seconds. The Network is even visible on my Phone for a06:27
Belphfew seconds but then it just shuts off.06:27
diogenes_Belph, run: nm-connection-editor06:31
BelphIt has my created network under "Wi-Fi" there.06:32
diogenes_click on network i con and pick 'connect to hidden wi-fi networks'.06:33
BelphThere I am able to either create a new Network now or use my already created on. Should I make a new one?06:34
diogenes_no, pick the existent one.06:35
BelphIt showed the loading animation on the tray again and then I got a desktop notification saying "Disconnected - Wireless network"06:37
BelphI am able to create a hotspot with the same Wi-Fi adapter under Windows 10.06:46
Belph"Error: Connection activation failed: 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate"07:09
BelphSorry, I clicked enter too fast. This appears to be the error when I try to start my Hotspot, I didn't mean to sent it at this moment.07:10
Belphhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dzJjFhkj6q/ Other people with a similar problem reported having fixed the problem when removing additionally installed network managers but I don't think I have any besides network-manager and network-manager-gnome07:38
BelphI have also checked and the USB WiFi Adapter is marked as "Works out of the Box" on help.ubuntu :(  N300 (F7D2101)08:06
xu-irc83wHi, I've got an issue with my micropĥone. The front input doesn't work (ok for rear input; ok for micro itself ; ok for front output...). Does anyone have an idea ? (xubuntu 20.04)08:37
xu-irc83wsome informations :08:38
xu-irc83wcat /proc/asound/cards 0 [HDMI           ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI                      HDA ATI HDMI at 0xfcf60000 irq 68 1 [Generic        ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic                      HD-Audio Generic at 0xfce00000 irq 7008:38
xu-irc83walsamixer : https://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1588603639.png08:39
=== dfg is now known as belph
xu-help43wHello. I reset the display settings for a new monitor and now on reboot the monitor says "out of range". So I wiped the hard drive, reinstalled Bionic Beaver, and now I have no Desktop Manager and everything's in Command Line mode, which I don't understand. What commands do I give to install a Desktop Manager, and to reset the Display Settings,10:54
BelphYou could try `sudo apt-get install xfce4` but I might rather try to reinstall once again sounds weird. Did you install xubuntu 18.04?10:57
xu-help43wHello Belph. Just give me one second while I try that sudo line . . .10:58
Belphwait a sec10:58
Belph"sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop"10:59
xu-help43wAh! OK.10:59
BelphThis second line I posted should be rather what you, I think. The first one would install xfce4 with all default apps and settings while the second should give you the default xubuntu desktop11:00
xu-help43wInstallation of the second line is in progress . . .11:00
xu-help43wI used the Minimal CD as the full-package *.iso file would not boot. I thought the Minimal CD would draw in all the updates and basic features, and it came to a list of software, although it didn't indicate how to select more than one package, so i just chose audio editing, which is what the computer is wanted for. I'm new to Linux.11:03
xu-help43wWhy don't they make a bootable *iso for the full package?11:03
xu-help43wThe installation is going to be a long job : it's at 2%.11:04
BelphDid you try to install Ubuntu or Xubuntu? Xubuntu is functionally the same but looks different.11:04
xu-help43wAh! Now. My tiny brain has not perceived the difference between Ubuntu, and Xubuntu, as the web sites look the same. I installed the Minimal CD at help.ubuntu.com.community/Installation/MinimalCD11:11
BelphThe different between the default Ubuntu and Xubuntu is that they come with different Desktop Environments (how the user interface looks) and I think some minor differences in pre-installed software. But they are both Ubuntu and you can do exactly the same with both. I now gave you the command to install the default Xubuntu Desktop Environment which is called XFCE4.11:13
xu-help43wThe DVD with the full package is Xubuntu. :O  Oh dear. Confusion. The Minimal CD refers to Ubuntu, and the full package to Xubuntu. The Ubuntu page only listed 64-bit software, whereas the computer is 32-bit. So I am excused.11:13
BelphXubuntu has a 32-bit version for 18.04, just like the default Ubuntu :D11:14
xu-help43wOK Belph. Thank you. It's plodding along. It's got to 28% now. Looks like I'll have to do some more reading and searching. I am desperate to make some audio recordings, and my usual desktop computer's CPU is gradually losing one core. The Realtek HD Audio channel is affected and just makes squeaks and clicks.11:16
xu-help43wI think I could give it more time. I am also looking for an alternative to the Microsoft maze of audio channel handling, where each window has another behind it on a separate menu.11:17
BelphI sadly can't assist in audio matters at all, I don't know anything about that.11:18
xu-help43wThank you very much for your help Belph and I'll come back to the forum when the desktop has installed. (y)11:19
xu-help32wHello. Difficulties with the desktop are solved. Is there a utility to list the chipset components, and the peripherals including audio?13:17
lighterowlxu-help32w: lspci?13:22
lighterowlxu-help32w: actually lspci -nn is a bit more useful, since it gives you the devices' PCI IDs.13:23
xu-help82wHi, any linux gurus here?13:24
xu-help32wI am new to Linux by way of PL/1, BBC Basic, Acorn RISC-OS, and Windows. How do you get the command-line prompt from the desktop? =$13:36
xu-help32wIt's "Terminal", isn't it? Sorry. -_-13:37
xu-help32wI thought Terminal would be Telnet. I guess it's time for reading up . . .13:38
xu-help32wThank you for the lspci. I have a list now. Goodbye.13:39
=== menomc is now known as mnemoc
jdwwattsis there a usb iso image bootloader out there i can use to do a clean install of xubuntu 20.0415:41
diogenes_jdwwatts, what?15:43
xu-help91wrecently upgraded 18.04 to 20.04 and unable to unlock screen. i prefer xscreensaver over xfce4-screensaver, but i see both starting. i've already attempted to disable xfce4-ss in the sessions editor, but it keeps being added again.15:43
diogenes_xu-help91w, look in settings > settings editor > xfce4-session > SaveOnExit is it checked on?15:45
jdwwattswell I want to install the new xubuntu on this lap top and scince I can't seem to get it done through the command line whats the next step ?15:45
xu-help91wis there a cmd-line way to see that?15:46
diogenes_jdwwatts, download the iso and write it to usb drive.15:47
jdwwattsthanks illtry that15:47
diogenes_xu-help91w, why command line?15:48
geblinaplease looking for some good music player for xubuntu15:49
brainwashxu-help91w: you could simply uninstall xfce4-screensaver15:50
geblinaso that it is not too demanding on the ram15:50
diogenes_geblina, i like DeaDBeef.15:50
xu-help91wbrainwash ++ removed the package15:53
geblinadeadbeef super16:00
diogenes_geblina, you can make it look like any player you want.16:01
geblinanějaký čech?16:17
geblinasuper twitter client for xubuntu please16:52
=== xu-help35w is now known as WiLiN
sorinelloHello. I am still not propmted to update to 20.04 when I run sudo do-release-upgrade. Any idea if this is normal, and tehe release has no been rolled out yet ?17:07
gnrpsorinello: Why would it not be normal? Upgrade via the command line is supposed to work already afaik17:13
gnrpsorinello: The new version has been rooled out already17:14
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest32293
sorinellognrp, yes, it works if I use the -d flag. otherwise, no new release found17:19
Guest32293i have i HUGE issue. Im using Xubuntu on my Huawei Matebook, and when i plug in hdmi cable to external monitor, my screen goes crazy! it splits in 4 pieces and becomes unsuable.17:19
Guest32293When i pull out the HDMI cable, the screen goes back to normal but i cant click on anything so i have to reboot my computer to use it17:20
jdwwattsWell I got help here and as far as i can tell I am Running 20.04 but there were some issues17:21
jdwwattsi tried downloading the iso and have done so but its been a while since i did that last time i had to find some tool to make the iso bootable so im still running this upgraded of partially up graded system everything seems to work17:24
diogenes_jdwwatts, insert a usb drive.17:26
jdwwattsdone that it presently has the old iso17:26
Guest32293diogenes_:  do you have a sollution to my problem?17:27
diogenes_now go to Downloads where the new iso is.17:27
Guest32293diogenes_:  i have i HUGE issue. Im using Xubuntu on my Huawei Matebook, and when i plug in hdmi cable to external monitor, my screen goes crazy! it splits in 4 pieces and becomes unsuable.17:28
diogenes_jdwwatts, right click on the free space and pick 'opne terminal here'.17:28
jdwwattsterm says downloads17:29
diogenes_Guest32293, look in settings > Display17:29
Guest32293yeah ive done that. My screen goes crazy..17:29
diogenes_jdwwatts, ok now the command i'll give you will destroy all the data on the usb drive, are you ok with that?17:30
diogenes_jdwwatts, first run this command: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999917:30
diogenes_share the link here.17:30
diogenes_jdwwatts, now run: ls | grep xubuntu | nc termin.com 999917:32
jdwwattsthis comand hasn't returned anything yet17:34
diogenes_oh wait my bad17:34
diogenes_ls | grep xubuntu | nc termbin.com 999917:34
diogenes_this ^^^17:34
diogenes_jdwwatts, ok now run this command but extremely careful to type the exact command: sudo cp xubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso /dev/sdb17:36
diogenes_careful it MUST be /dev/sdb17:37
jdwwattscan i copy and paste17:38
diogenes_yes but wait, i'll give an improved command, this one: sudo cp xubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso /dev/sdb && sync17:38
jdwwattsshould this take awhile ?17:40
diogenes_yes, like 5-7 minutes till you see the username in the terminal.17:41
jdwwattsits done17:42
jdwwattsok looks like there is a 20.04 iso on the usb drive now17:45
diogenes_jdwwatts, be careful if you install, it will erase everything on your pc.17:46
diogenes_literally everything.17:46
=== xubuntu is now known as pgpfox
pgpfoxdiogenes_:  the issue is with the resolution, i get it to work with 1920 x 1080, but when i set it to 3440 x 1440 my screen goes crazy18:04
pgpfoxHow do i solve this?18:04
pgpfoxi have AMD graphics card18:04
diogenes_pgpfox, i've got very little experience with external monitors so sorry can't recommend anything.18:07
pgpfoxokey i understand.. :/18:07
pgpfoxanybody else??18:08
pgpfoxI use Huawei Matebook, Xubuntu, AMD graphic card, plugged through HDMI. Screen goes crazy when set to 3440 x 144018:08
gnrppgpfox: What is crazy?18:13
pgpfoxgnrp:  my screen splits in to four pieces18:14
pgpfoxlike tearings18:14
pgpfoxbut consistant18:14
gnrppgpfox: I don't really have anything in mind. You could make an image with your phone and upload it somewhere maybe18:15
gnrpanyway, what GPU driver do you use?18:15
gnrppgpfox: Do `lsmod | grep amdgpu` please and paste it somewhere18:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:16
pgpfoxgnrp: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qCxpYBh4Mf/18:17
gnrppgpfox: Hm, that looks right actually18:19
gnrpwhat does xrandr output?18:19
pgpfoxdont know what xrandr is18:19
gnrppgpfox: Btw, how do these resolutions scale? 1920x1080 does nto really scale up to 3440x1440?18:20
gnrpit is a command. Just enter it on the command line18:20
pgpfoxgnrp: ^18:21
pgpfoxgnrp: https://imgur.com/a/niTDt8Z18:23
gnrppgpfox: Aaah,w ait. Please also run the command `lspci` and paste the output18:24
* gnrp always wants to write phpfox...18:24
pgpfoxgnrp:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CPZDKt7nqC/18:26
gnrppgpfox: You are running 20.04?18:30
pgpfoxgnrp:  yes18:30
gnrppgpfox: tbh, no clue, difficult to debug.18:31
gnrpMaybe you can try the radeon driver (not amdgpu)18:32
pgpfoxi have no clue how to do that18:32
jdwwattsok im done install18:32
pgpfoxi think i might have to downgrade to 19.0418:41
gnrppgpfox: Did you try the radeon driveR?19:02
gnrpah, sorry, didn't read19:02
gnrppgpfox: Here you find how to use the radeon driver instead of amdgpu (although the thread makes it the other way round): https://askubuntu.com/questions/927601/i-think-im-using-radeon-instead-of-amdgpu-how-do-i-change19:06
tlrrdHi, an asus ux330ua laptop, fresh xubuntu 20.04 install. when I reopen the lip after a suspend, the mouse moves but I'm unable to click on anything. dropping to an Alt-f1 console I tried DISPLAY=:0 xkill on a hunch, and got "unable to grab cursor", which I've not seen before.19:38
tlrrddoing sudo service lightdm restart fixes it.... while destroying my session (which says to my mind that it is not the touchpad driver).19:38
* tlrrd finds a charger and hopes suspend doesn't kick in while waiting...19:40
jdwwattsI'm running the fresh version along side the old one is there a comand to copy the files or do I need to19:43
xu-help70whi people i can't figure where else to ask when 20.04 will be in software updater (or if it is already)20:22
xu-help70wi have 18.04.420:23
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:27
xu-help70wsuch a sensible policy, i approve 100%20:29
jdwwattsi am running them side by side the upgrade comand would have probably worked if I hadn't stopped the process20:39
xu-help70wnnnh "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" sez "upgrades to dev release only available from latest supported release"20:43
Bashing-omxu-help70w: Set for LTS upgrade : ' grep -i ^prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' ?20:56
ipkhHello, I need some help.  When I leave my system unattended it locks the screen and pauses my Folding@Home Client. It locked the screen in 18.04 but didn't send the pause command to the folding at home service.21:25
ipkhI have turned off all the power saving settings I could find.21:28

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