
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest95169
guivercGuest95169, G'day, if you have a Lubuntu support question, please just ask it (try and keep to a single line, and be patient, people will answer if/when they can)00:26
=== marcos is now known as Guest81791
ryjohey, all! I have recently updated Lubuntu via the software updater gui, and now wifi is unable to connect to networks. I get this in syslog: wlp2s0: authentication with <mac address> timed out01:46
fareastCan someone help me fix my trash install of lubuntu?07:14
fareastI can't get my touch to click to work.07:14
lubot<aptghetto> You have to enable it07:15
fareastETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad its on 1107:16
fareastUr mom is on enable07:18
fareastit doesn't show07:18
fareastI am guessing I have to do something with the props but how do I make it permanent? it just disables after restart07:20
lubot<aptghetto> Not sure, what you are talking about. See the Lubuntu Manual chapter 3.2.807:21
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest59554
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest4501
=== lubuntu is now known as eli
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK

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