jrwren | https://githubsatellite.com | 16:07 |
_stink_ | nice, thank you | 16:18 |
jrwren | github discussions... now you don't need a discourse instance... :) | 16:18 |
jrwren | and they have code spaces now... look like VSCode integrated in web window so you can edit and run on their website. it starts a VM for you. | 16:24 |
jrwren | now if you could run it too, like glitch, that would be sweet | 16:24 |
greg-g | free for now (while in beta) | 17:05 |
greg-g | just saw that in my team's channel | 17:05 |
cmaloney | I fear for the personal computer | 17:08 |
jrwren | i don't. | 17:21 |
jrwren | its market share has already been shrinking. | 17:21 |
jrwren | cmaloney: brace yourself before you look at the news. | 17:42 |
greg-g | which news now?! | 17:57 |
greg-g | I can't keep up! | 17:57 |
cmaloney | Yeah, which news? | 18:00 |
cmaloney | Kraftwerk-related? | 18:01 |
cmaloney | I mean, bracing myself is just unnecessary at this point | 18:01 |
jrwren | yes | 18:11 |
jrwren | Yes, Kraftwerk-related. | 18:11 |
dzho | > github discussions... now you don't need a discourse instance... :) | 18:19 |
dzho | you mean, the satellite page? | 18:19 |
jrwren | huh? | 18:48 |
jrwren | https://github.com/features/codespaces | 18:49 |
jrwren | errr, crap, no not that... | 18:49 |
jrwren | https://github.blog/2020-05-06-new-from-satellite-2020-github-codespaces-github-discussions-securing-code-in-private-repositories-and-more/#discussions | 18:51 |
* cmaloney claps | 19:12 | |
cmaloney | https://www.meetup.com/Ann-Arbor-Coffee-House-Coders/events/270281946/ | 20:36 |
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