gbnnn | hi there | 08:26 |
gbnnn | still unsure about the best way to install ubuntu studio for me | 08:27 |
gbnnn | i'm a gnome user | 08:27 |
gbnnn | so i'm thinking of just installing ubuntu 20.04, and then using ubuntustudio-installer | 08:27 |
gbnnn | but then will i get all the tweaks for performance and all? | 08:27 |
gbnnn | someone was telling me there's quite a bit of work that has been done to make sure the wifi doesn't cause xruns for instance | 08:28 |
togo | cant find the settings to output sound via hdmi? | 11:26 |
togo | found it! | 11:32 |
togo | thanks! | 11:32 |
=== Eickmeyer changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Ubuntu Studio support | Typical active time zones: US/Canada Pacific (UTC -0700) | Offtopic in #ubuntustudio-offtopic | Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS is out! | Supported Releases: 20.04 LTS, 19.10, 18.04 (with backports) | Pastes to | Please be patient and see | ||
Eickmeyer | Oof, that made it too long. | 16:22 |
sirriffsalothp | Eickmeyer: ? | 16:24 |
=== Eickmeyer changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Ubuntu Studio Support | Active TZ: UTC -0700 | Offtopic in #ubuntustudio-offtopic | Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS is out! | Supported Releases: 20.04 LTS, 19.10, 18.04 (with backports) | Pastes to | Please be patient and see if no one is around | ||
sirriffsalothp | Eickmeyer: oh lol | 16:24 |
Eickmeyer | I need to consolidate that thing anyhow. | 16:25 |
AskingForHelp | hello | 17:44 |
AskingForHelp | I just installed Ubuntu Studio and so far I love it. I used ubuntu and ubuntu mate before... I have some quick questions: for example, how do I perform a quick search on my computer? In ubuntu all I had to do was to press the "winkey" and type in what I was looking for | 17:46 |
Eickmeyer | Unfortunately, that's a limitation of Xfce. CTRL-ESC should invoke the whisker menu. If simply "winkey" was used, it would disable other shortcuts that would use it as a modifier since Xfce responds to the "keydown" as opposed to "keyup." | 17:47 |
Eickmeyer | AskingForHelp: If you need another way to search, I believe ALT-F2 should give you the catfish search. | 17:48 |
AskingForHelp | Yes, I knew the shortcut to open the whisker menu; but I was wondering if there is a way to search not only installed software, but also files and such. Alt+F2 is looking only for applications, as well | 17:50 |
Eickmeyer | Again, this is another reason why we're switching away from Xfce in the next version. Xfce is too limited for what we and our users need. | 17:53 |
Eickmeyer | !ubuntustudio-installer | AskingForHelp: You didn't need to install Ubuntu Studio's ISO to get its benefits: | 17:54 |
ubottu | AskingForHelp: You didn't need to install Ubuntu Studio's ISO to get its benefits:: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see | 17:54 |
Eickmeyer | AskingForHelp: You could've just stuck with Ubuntu or Ubuntu MATE. :) | 17:55 |
AskingForHelp | that's interesting, thank you for the suggestion. As a matter of fact I think that my preferred distribution is Mate, but I decided to switch to Studio because being a musician I need everything set up to work together, and I don't have the experience to do it myself... So I can tweak Mate to have all the functionalities of Studio with this | 18:03 |
AskingForHelp | application, that's good. What about the low-latency core? | 18:03 |
AskingForHelp | ...and also: if it is possible to turn every ubuntu distro into Studio with this app... why having a Studio distro in the first place? | 18:17 |
OvenWerks | The is a file search applet in accessories | 18:20 |
OvenWerks | cat something? | 18:20 |
Eickmeyer | Catfish | 18:20 |
Eickmeyer | I think. | 18:20 |
OvenWerks | yeah a nice play on unix-y stuff | 18:21 |
Eickmeyer | AskingForHelp: Ubuntu Studio Installer has the option to pull-in the low-latency kernel. | 18:21 |
AskingForHelp | but this doesn't happen with the distros that are just "Studio-ized"? | 18:22 |
OvenWerks | yes it does | 18:22 |
AskingForHelp | oh, ok, sorry, I thought you were referring to the installer of the OS | 18:23 |
OvenWerks | ubuntustudio-installer lists part of Studio to pull in, both lowlatency kernel and tweaks are there | 18:23 |
Eickmeyer | No no no. Read that article. The OS installer is called Ubiquity. This installer has nothing to do with that, AskingForHelp . | 18:23 |
AskingForHelp | yes, I understand now. Thanks for the help. I looked also for catfish, that works fine too. But I think I still prefer to use the Mate desktop, since I can install all the functionalities of Studio. I think that would be the perfect combination form | 18:25 |
AskingForHelp | for me | 18:25 |
AskingForHelp | thank you gusy | 18:25 |
AskingForHelp | guys | 18:25 |
SoundShaman | is anyone around | 18:28 |
SoundShaman | having a wifi issue on a new install | 18:28 |
shaban238 | OvenWerks can i ask you smth? | 18:51 |
OvenWerks | just ask | 18:53 |
OvenWerks | I'll answer if I can :) | 18:53 |
shaban238 | i was wondering about musescore | 18:54 |
shaban238 | the repositories latest version is 3.2.3 | 18:54 |
shaban238 | i wrote on the musescore page support and they told me to use the appimage as it is in most cases built better than the version on the repositories | 18:54 |
shaban238 | and its newer obviously | 18:55 |
OvenWerks | Ardour takes the same stance. | 18:55 |
OvenWerks | however, right now, the ubuntu Ardour works better :) | 18:56 |
shaban238 | yes true. you have to pay for the ardour official compiled version | 18:56 |
shaban238 | even though i donated to ardour you are right as it works better from the kxstudio repositories | 18:57 |
OvenWerks | however, for support purposes, asking people to at least try an official version is a basic trouble shooting aid | 18:57 |
shaban238 | for sure! | 18:58 |
OvenWerks | The upside of repo versions of appliactions is that they use system libs that have been matched | 18:58 |
shaban238 | exactly. i completely agree actually i wa sjust curios from what they told me. actually i use musescore and it is working perfectly on ubuntustudio | 19:00 |
OvenWerks | so ubuntu's Ardour has plugins from ardour that actually work where as the Ardour from ardour,org will not load it's own plugins right now. (fixed in 6.0 due out this month) | 19:00 |
shaban238 | i see :) | 19:00 |
OvenWerks | (in 20.04) | 19:00 |
shaban238 | can i ask why mixxx though was not preincluded in studio? | 19:01 |
OvenWerks | I do not know about musescore, but in the case of Ardour, both versions can be installed at the same time. So the thing to ask at Musescore is if that is also true there. Can you install the musescore from them as well as the one in the repo and switch from one to the other (assuming no project swapping) | 19:03 |
OvenWerks | mixxx I don't know really. | 19:03 |
OvenWerks | we used to have it. | 19:03 |
* OvenWerks son wishes school help... back later | 19:04 | |
ArthurStrong | Hi all. I'm looking for simplest possible real time reverb for Linux. Mic -> reverb -> audio output. Hopefully, low-latency. What should I try? | 21:37 |
Eickmeyer | ArthurStrong: I'd install ubuntustudio-controls, carla, and calf. ubuntustudio-controls will take care of the Jack setup for you, and then Carla will act like a virtual audio rack and patch bay. calf is a set of audio plugins. | 21:46 |
ArthurStrong | Eickmeyer: thanks! will try | 21:52 |
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