
mparilloPlasma 5.18.5 looking good on GG. Did the Firefox KDE dialog thing ever get sorted?11:10
mparilloTheir intransigence on allowing the DE's native file picker baffles me. Chromium just works if it is present.11:11
blazethe question is does the portal thing actually work?11:14
mparilloWhat is the portal thing?11:14
blazexdg desktop portal11:16
mparilloLooks like a way to make flatpacks more integrated?11:18
blazeas well as snaps11:20
RikMillsmparillo: more trouble that it is worth IMO. the gtk picker works fine11:39
BluesKajHi folks12:10
RikMillsnggraham: what plasma version is the icons only task manger thing to land in?12:26
blazeinteresting https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-preserve-old-software-with-snaps13:04
blazeI need a snap of the old amarok 1.4, or a current one from TDE13:05
masonbeeHave been pointed here from the Kubuntu matrix chat room. Top of that forum has out of date information including 18.10 being released today. Any idea who to contact to get it changed?17:13
RikMillsmasonbee: its' just a bridge. no-one has any permissions. if the topic shown on matric does not automatically update, then presumably that is a matrix bug17:21
masonbeeOK, I will ask there.17:28
RikMillsif there is some way to force it to update on the matrix side, I don't know it17:32
RikMillsit should do it automatically as far as I know17:34
RikMillsor assumemed17:34
blazewhat if you have to use chanserv in order to keep the topic in sync20:42
RikMillsyofel: updating focal docker containers is dead. current one won't build anything. I fear KCI is dead20:52

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