
jammorning all04:40
Chipacajam: https://r.chipaca.com/land_shallow_topo.jpg (to be fair it might have bitrot at this point, without me noticing :) )08:35
jamChipaca, it doesn't render very well here.08:36
Chipacayeah, here either, and imagemagick now has limits in place that block it from touching the image even (without further tweaking)08:37
Chipacawhich was precisely the point the image was trying to make, so i won i guess?08:37
jamChipaca, "I Win" :)08:40
Chipacajam: an interesting thing came up in the call yesterday, with narinder08:41
Chipacajam: he's going to file a bug about it, but i don't think he has yet08:41
Chipacajam: but if you look at https://github.com/narindergupta/charm-k8s-kafka/blob/master/src/charm.py08:42
Chipacajam: at expose_relation_data08:42
Chipacajam: ISTM that having to do that getnameinfo thing is not particularly friendly08:43
jamChipaca, indeed. I know that there has been discussions on the Juju side of how to present a hostname when you have one08:46
jamIt certainly is never guaranteed that there *is* a hostname for a unit08:46
jamAnd if there is one (in say, MAAS) it may not be accessible because the DNS server is local08:47
jamI also know of bugs like https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/186716808:47
Chipacajam: yeah, that sounds like exactly the issue08:50
Chipacafacubatista: this Friday we scheduled a meeting with people writing a postgres charm (i'm assuming for k8s). Neither jam nor I work this Friday :) should we reschedule, or are you happy to carry it alone?08:54
jamis he in yet?08:54
jamI would recommend rescheduling, as that is one that I'd like to be at08:54
Chipacajam: I'll ask sohini to transfer these to me so we can move them around09:00
jamChipaca, given that the bug is about the charm-k8s-mongodb it sounds very much like that bug09:00
Chipacajam: btw, are https://github.com/narindergupta/charm-k8s-kafka/ and https://github.com/narindergupta/charm-k8s-zookeeper/ on the list? (i don't see them)09:21
jamChipaca, they are now :)09:22
Chipacajam: taw09:22
jamChipaca, is there a notes doc about Kafka meeting?09:25
Chipacajam: i need to transfer my notes onto a doc09:26
Chipacajam: and, in future ones, start with a shared doc so we edit it as we go09:26
jamChipaca, so I mentioned I was investigating creating symlinks earlier (before instantiating the charm)09:32
jamit is certainly 'doable' but it changes a bit09:32
jamnamely, Events currently get their name from being assigned as an attribute to a class09:33
jam(install = EventSource(InstallEvent) is how we know the hook is 'install')09:33
jamI could change it so that the name of the associated hook is part of the base event, but it felt like a pretty significant departure09:33
jamso I wanted to check before I proceeded09:33
Chipacait does feel a bit nastier09:34
ChipacaOTOH the know-thy-name magic might prove to be too magic at some point09:35
jamChipaca, so in my head I was going to a registry of hook events so that we can easily iterate them. right now that "registry" is CharmEvents and iterating the attrs of it09:47
jamChipaca, ObjectEvents.events() uses inspect.getmembers(type(self))09:48
jamwhich seems an odd way to do a registry to *me*09:48
Chipacajam: oh so it _doesn't_ use set_name-like magic09:49
Chipacamy bad :)09:50
jamChipaca, oh, it does09:50
jamit does both :009:50
jamChipaca, event_kind is used as the name, which is populated during __init__ because of calling getattr()09:51
jam_create_event_link looks at 'bound_event' which has an 'event_kind' which is the name of the attribute09:51
jam(it could have just as easily used the 'key' portion of the key:bound_event map, but chose to just call values() and then iterate those)09:52
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!10:53
Chipacafacubatista: buen día!10:54
Chipacafacubatista: could you review #258?10:55
facubatistaChipaca, sure10:56
facubatistaChipaca, regarding friday meeting, I can take it, but if jam wants to be there, we can reschedule it, yes10:58
jammorning facubatista10:59
facubatistahola jam10:59
facubatistameeting is in standup room?11:01
jamI added a room, but I'll happily move to standup since I added it late11:02
facubatistaah, no11:02
facubatistaI'm in the other one11:02
jamChipaca, coming? https://meet.google.com/pmg-hccz-tqd11:02
facubatistaniemeyer, hello! any chance you leave a mup with us?11:04
niemeyerfacubatista: Sorry, machine crashed yesterday and I forgot to bring it back up.. still haven't managed to put it in a stable place11:05
facubatistaniemeyer, no worries! thanks!11:24
facubatistajam, Chipaca, ...?12:05
facubatistajam, we lost you12:10
Chipacajam, facubatista, wrt ops.lib.use, in practice it'll be lib.use(), no? because 'from ops import <>' is the pattern we're encouraging13:51
Chipacaor maybe even use()13:51
facubatistaI like lib.use()13:52
Chipacafrom ops.lib import use as frameworkify13:52
* Chipaca hides13:52
jammysql = frameworkify('mysql')13:53
Chipacajam: also, binding.ports[1000:1024].open()14:07
Chipacafacubatista: where are we planning on saving 'foo'?15:42
facubatistaChipaca, some StoredState?15:58
Chipacafacubatista: AIUI this means the ports depends on saving state in the controller15:59
facubatistaChipaca, we can not depend on that?16:00
facubatistaChipaca, we're saving the events already, right?16:01
Chipacafacubatista: not in the controller yet16:01
Chipacait's saved in a local db16:01
facubatistaChipaca, why the ports storage would be different?16:15
Chipacafacubatista: i might be getting this wrong but i think the pod can be replaced at any time at which time we lose? but maybe not, the local db16:16
Chipacaah no the db is not in the pod16:16
Chipacathat's the problem with actions16:16
Chipacafacubatista: ignore me, brain wongled16:17
Chipacafacubatista: but don't ignore me _too_ much :-p16:17
* facubatista ignores odd chars in Chipaca sentences16:18
Chipacafacubatista: any char < 2019 is rubbish anyway16:19
Chipacafacubatista: 🧉🧉🧉16:19
Chipacafacubatista: plz don't forget to review the docs one16:31
facubatistaextensions = [16:41
facubatista    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',16:41
facubatistaChipaca, some questions inline16:45
facubatistaalso, I don't remember why we still don't have a proper requirements-dev.txt file with flake8, autopep8, etc16:46
Chipacafacubatista: I don't remember what happened to your PR with that16:47
facubatistaChipaca, it's a good moment to add it16:48
Chipacafacubatista: what happened to that PR?16:49
facubatistaChipaca, we end up not automatizing the virtualenv creation, so the dependencies ended up in the README17:04
facubatista(I landed that improvement over "you find out by trial and mistake what you need" as a middle ground)17:05
Chipacafacubatista: you _don't_ need sphinx for dev though, rtd will build them for us17:10
facubatistaChipaca, unless you want something to be fixed, for when you want to check how it looked before and after17:13
facubatistabut yes, that will not happen always17:13
facubatistaChipaca, maybe a docs/requirements.txt ?17:14
facubatistadocs/requirements-build.txt ?17:14
* Chipaca adds a facubatista/requirements.txt17:14
* facubatista is very requiremented17:14
* Chipaca also adds a .snapcraft/you-might-be-lost.md17:14

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