[03:43] [telegram] Windows 10 Bleeds Users While Ubuntu Linux Enjoys An Astonishing Increase [03:43] [telegram] https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2020/05/06/windows-10-is-bleeding-users-while-ubuntu-linux-enjoys-an-astonishing-increase/ [03:43] [telegram] Does anyone know who made that picture? Because it's awesome!! [04:25] [telegram] Jason probs made it [04:25] [telegram] I like it too [05:29] thanks for link @Zachariah.. (we may use it in next uwn) === jphilips_ is now known as jphilips [13:58] [telegram] No problem! It's because of all the great work you guys have been doing to make Linux more usable by the general public! [16:04] Afternoon QA [16:19] [telegram] Afternoon === jphilips_ is now known as jphilips [17:20] [telegram] anyone up on snaps, as i'm running xubuntu and every time i run software updater, its trying to reinstall the snap store after i removed it [18:46] [telegram] oops @philipz ... I did ping in ubuntu flavors irc about this when I found the same thing in ubuntu budgie. Since you have gnome-software as a recommendation in your seeds, update manager will "upgrade" it to a snap [18:46] [telegram] your seed needs to be adjusted to make gnome-software a dependency [18:48] [telegram] @fossfreedom not sure i follow how to do this [18:49] [telegram] this is how it appears in update manager https://imgur.com/yJxyjZD.png [18:49] [telegram] suggest tag your fellow xubuntu devs - its a feature - perhaps undesirable in 20.04 xubuntu [18:51] [telegram] unfortunately for xubuntu upgraders or 20.04 installations they will have been "upgraded" to the snap by now when they run update-manager. [18:52] [telegram] The way to resolve for now is to sudo apt install gnome-software [18:52] [telegram] then update manager will not try to upgrade it to a snap [18:57] [telegram] yep the snap store started bugging me when i installed the 20.04 daily build a week before its release [18:58] [telegram] yep that seems to have stopped it (re @fossfreedom: The way to resolve for now is to sudo apt install gnome-software)