
greg-goh god: https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/05/07/zoom-acquires-keybase-and-announces-goal-of-developing-the-most-broadly-used-enterprise-end-to-end-encryption-offering/14:43
jrwrenI am disappoint14:46
jrwrenbut I never really bought into keybase.14:46
jrwrenStill, it was an interesting project.14:46
greg-gyeah, I have an account and such, I was even contacted by someone through it to share a password (legitimate). But that's the extent of my use really14:47
cmaloneyI never quite understood Keybase14:48
cmaloneybut it feels like two places that don't quite understand encryption handling encryption14:48
greg-gI think if you bought into it, it made sense: private communications, sharing of secrets/files, private git repo. Great for teams (the person who shared a password with me uses it on their dev team)14:49
cmaloneyYeah, but it felt like you REALLY had to buy into their ecosystem14:49
greg-gyeah, this is totally a "we fucked up on encryption, either intentionally or unintentially, so let's buy someone to make it look like we'll get better at it"14:49
cmaloneyand Zoom doesn't seem like a good fit14:50
jrwrenoh i think the coders creating the solutions at keybase knew whatt they were doing.14:50
jrwrenit is just their goal of making PGP easy just isn't that interesting or useful.14:50
jrwreni never installed their app. I'd always copy and paste the GPG commands ;)14:50
cmaloneyIs it GPG on the back-end?14:51
cmaloneyAh, OK14:51
jrwrenit is just a nice API and app on top of GPG14:51
cmaloneySo it's not quite as Dunning Keyserver as I thought it was14:51
jrwrenlol... kruger keyserver14:52
cmaloneymy favorite derrogative term for Bitcoin is Dunning Kreugerands14:52
cmaloneydunning krugerrands  if I knew how to spell14:52
cmaloneyGot that from here: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2017/11/today-in-dunning-krugerrand-news/14:53
jrwreni don't really get it.14:53
jrwrenwhy wouldn't you just say Dunning Kruger?14:54
cmaloneyKrugerrands are gold14:54
cmaloneyGold Coins from South Africa14:54
jrwrenoh, that is why I don't understand. makes more sense now.14:54
cmaloneyThe Krugerrand was introduced in 1967 as a vehicle for private ownership of gold. It was minted in a copper-gold alloy more durable than pure gold. Economic sanctions against South Africa for its policy of apartheid made the Krugerrand an illegal import in many Western countries during the 1970s and 1980s.14:54
cmaloneyIf only there were a source for knowledge. ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krugerrand14:55
cmaloneyApparently they're worth more than I thought. Google claims the asking price is around $1,70014:57
greg-goh, nitter is just a proxy for twitter?15:55
greg-gfancy-proxy, I guess15:55
jrwrenjust found a USB with 16.04 on it... ancient in linux years ;)22:22
jrwrenwhoa... the 16.04 boots and sees the wifi chip and drivers andwork and network works, but popos 20.04 boots and does not. Linux going backwards :(23:22
cmaloneyfun fun23:48

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