
jphilipsother than disabling the compositor and disabling some of the autostart apps, what other tweaks can be made to improve performance01:23
jphilipsand reduce memory usage01:23
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193Check what's using the most ram, check `systemd-analyze blame`, etc.02:34
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jphilipsUnit193: thanks. the top things are blueman-mechanism, the snapd, then man-db09:10
ochositbh disabling the compositor doesn't necessarily mean more performance09:11
ochosiit may actually mean less performance09:12
jphilipsbluesabre: we ship floating xfce in the screensaver and thinking we should be having floating xubuntu09:12
ochosibecause you shift effort from the gpu to the cpu09:12
jphilipsthanks for the insight ochosi 09:12
ochosiso unless you have a really old gpu it's really not an advantage09:12
ochosi(which is also why i'm not working on non-compositing optimizations in xfce upstream anymore)09:12
Unit193Oh hey, did you see the commit I pasted here?09:12
ochosiOh hey, did you see that we accept merge requests over on gitlab.xfce.org?09:13
Unit193Yeah that's a lot more complicated. :/09:14
ochosinot really09:14
Unit193I'll see if I can't bastardize `salsa` to do it sometime next week or more.09:14
ochosi1) create account (you should have one anyway)09:14
jphilipswith the bugs that have been cropping up with compositing, i've noticed that xfwm was running at ~14% of cpu if i just had a window open, so decided to disable compositing09:15
ochosi2) i give you access09:15
ochosi3) you fork the repo09:15
ochosi4) create branch, push branch09:15
ochosi5) file merge request09:15
Unit193Yeah Gitlab is super slow.09:15
ochosi6) i click "merge"09:15
ochosiless slow than you pinging and reminding me here ;)09:15
Unit193But like I said, sometime next week (or month) I'll see if I can't modify a GL script to do it. :)09:15
ochosii'm on my work laptop now, so i can't push "your" commit09:17
ochosii could merge it09:17
Unit193That's OK, I'm not on a system right now that can really mess with GitLab right now, so I can commit but not push anywhere. :D09:18
ochosiwe're both stuck! :D09:19
Unit193I guess I should check what other's preferences are with regards to committing, see if I should continue the drive-by typo fixes. :P09:20
ochosii think in gitlab you can easily fix typos in the Web UI09:23
jphilipsi'm logging into gitlab with my github account, but i'm getting a notice that only when i set a password will i be able to pull or push. is this correct?09:26
ochosifor pushing you need a "verified" account09:29
ochosiso an xfce admin has to approve your account09:29
ochosicloning should work even anonymously i think09:29
ochosiright, maybe then09:31
ochosiyou could try and then let me know so we can update the contributor docs09:31
jphilipsgit clone https worked fine, even without my ssh keys connected to it09:33
ochosijust with github09:34
ochosiyeah, ssh keys are not necessary09:34
jphilipsto confirm, if i dont do step 2 (you giving me access), i wont be able to fork, branch and send in merge request (steps 2 to 5)09:36
jphilipsseems strange, as on github you can do all these without requesting access09:37
ochosiplease read my release announcement/email09:39
ochosiit's mentioned and explained there09:39
Unit193I think I can use `gitlab-xfce` now to fork/push a mr if I can only grab an API key now. :D09:43
jphilipsif ubiquity slide translations for groovy arent available yet, should i suggest a contributor contribute to focal? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/groovy/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+pots/ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu11:47
jphilipsnot sure why, but when i updated my system yesterday, it reinstalled the snap store12:14
jphilipswhen will the .1 release come out?13:54
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jphilipsdid another update and its try to install the snap store again. any idea now to stop this16:33
brainwashjphilips: ask the ubuntu devs17:02
jphilipsguess its time for me to complete wipe snap from my system as i was only using it for a single app anyway17:03
jphilipsthis is what it shows in software updater - https://imgur.com/yJxyjZD.png17:05
brainwashhaving it installed wouldn't bother me17:05
jphilipsits trying to remove gnome-software as well17:05
brainwashmakes sense I guess17:09
brainwashsnap store is a tweaked gnome-software, isn't it?17:09
jphilipsyes, but only installs snaps17:10
brainwashthat sounds like a bad design17:11
jphilipsthat's whats all the rage these days with people saying canonical is shoving snaps down people's throats17:12
jphilipsread this recently https://www.osnews.com/story/131746/ubuntu-20-04-lts-snap-obsession-has-snapped-me-off-of-it/17:13
brainwashdidn't they go back and removed the snap installed calculator?17:14
jphilipsyep they removed the snaps of calculator and character map and added the snap of the store17:15
brainwashso, it's actually a good move17:16
brainwashpeople don't like the store, and now it can be only used for snaps17:16
brainwashmeaning that you don't have to use store anymore or only if you want to deal with snaps17:16
jphilipsubuntu comes with snap store and no longer gnome software17:18
brainwashand that is brilliant17:19
brainwashpeople can go back to use other ways of installing software :)17:22
jphilipsdefinitely a good move on their end to push snaps, just not liking what its trying to do to my system17:22
jphilipsjust another reason why i prefer synaptic over these software stores17:22
brainwash"Other specific changes Daniel and other GNOME developers worked on this cycle include:"18:10
brainwash" - Moving mouse no longer involves JavaScript"18:10
jphilipsyep i found that hilarious in the announcement18:11
brainwashGNOME must be a nice playground for people who like to optimize stuff18:12
brainwashand once everything is done, all javascript is gone :D18:14
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jphilipsfrom david mohammed18:54
jphilips" I did ping in ubuntu flavors irc about this when I found the same thing in ubuntu budgie.  Since you have gnome-software as a recommendation in your seeds, update manager will "upgrade" it to a snap"18:55
jphilips"your seed needs to be adjusted to make gnome-software a dependency"18:55
jphilips"suggest tag your fellow xubuntu devs - its a feature - perhaps undesirable in 20.04 xubuntu"18:55
jphilips"unfortunately for xubuntu upgraders or 20.04 installations they will have been "upgraded" to the snap by now when they run update-manager."18:55
jphilips"The way to resolve for now is to sudo apt install gnome-software"18:55
jphilips"then update manager will not try to upgrade it to a snap"18:56
jphilipsbluesabre: ^^^18:56
Unit193We already pull in gnome-software, I'm not sure why the solution to that is to install...gnome-software.20:41
Unit193I have no idea if I'm the only one that really dislikes GitLab, but if you'd like to avoid using it while using it, install devscripts then add an alias to ~/.bash_aliases with gitlab-xfce='salsa --conffile ~/.config/gitlab-xfce.conf', and then add ~/.config/gitlab-xfce.conf SALSA_API_URL=https://gitlab.xfce.org/api/v4 SALSA_GIT_SERVER_URL=git@gitlab.xfce.org: and define a SALSA_TOKEN= with 21:19
Unit193something you generate on gitlab.xfce.org21:19
jphilipsnot sure why it is as well, but doing the apt install, solved the issue for me and now i'm not prompted in update manager to uninstall gnome software21:21

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