
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:42
* genii fades back into the woodwork01:42
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DexterC someone in spanish?05:50
MarekDomanskiI used sudo do-release-upgrade -d to update xubuntu 19.10 to 20.04. The installation was completed.After this a terminal command lsb_release -a showed that my system was ubuntu 20.04.Unfortunately my desktop hasn't changed at all.Also on start up I get the Welcome screen every time. No effect after I complete the process.06:28
diogenes_MarekDomanski, run in terminal: xfwm4 --version06:46
MarekDomanskiThis is xfwm4 version 4.14.1 (revision 44809c49) for Xfce 4.14Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.Compiled against GTK+-3.24.17, using GTK+-3.24.18.Build configuration and supported features:- Startup notification support:                 Yes- XSync support:                                Yes- Render support:06:49
MarekDomanskiYes- Xrandr support:                               Yes- Xpresent support:                             Yes- Embedded compositor:                          Yes- Epoxy support:                                Yes- KDE systray proxy (deprecated):               No06:49
diogenes_MarekDomanski, everything is upgraded.06:49
MarekDomanskiOK, you in the barrel. Thanks. But why is the desktop exactly the same And why do I keep getting the Welcome screen?n06:52
diogenes_MarekDomanski, because it's upgrade and not reinstallation, if you want to see the default look then make a new user.06:54
MarekDomanskiOK. Will try that.06:56
MarekDomanskiMarekDomanski: I logged out and logged in again. When I get the login screen. I see a new panel at the top of the screen. If I try to sign in as a new user, I have no password. How can you set up  new user?07:12
diogenes_MarekDomanski, run  in terminal: sudo adduser username (and follow the further instructions)07:12
diogenes_!fr | xu-irc63w08:33
ubottuxu-irc63w: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:33
cmbHi, looking to get to the bottom of a remote X server authorisation change between 18.04 / 18.10 / 19.04 and 20.04. Have a headless server and a desktop client, both running XUbuntu 20.04, on a local network. Log into server from desktop using 'ssh -X server'. Can then open graphical applications on server which display on desktop OK as normal user. However, on server, trying to 'sudo' a graphical application fails:09:50
cmbX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.09:50
cmbUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused09:50
cmbThis used to work OK - eg I could 'sudo update-manager' on the server and it'd work fine! Can't do that now.... Any ideas what's changed and how to change it?09:51
cmbecho $DISPLAY on server => 'localhost:10.0'09:52
cmbEven trying 'xhost +' on the client side doesn't change things!09:52
=== cmb is now known as ColinB
xu-help43wThe Minimal CD for installation had an Xubuntu desktop install option. However, the desktop has not appeared. The command line screen is visible. How do I get the desktop to appear?13:19
diogenes_xu-help43w, run: startxfce413:20
xu-help43wOK. Thank you. Give me one minute . . .13:20
xu-help43wSomething is happening : screens full of data . . .13:21
xu-help43wCan I ask why the desktop didn't appear before from the Minimal CD screens?13:22
xu-help43wThe installation is at 2%.13:23
diogenes_xu-help43w, i've never used a minimal CD so i've got no clue what it is about.13:23
xu-help43wAh right. I am new to Linux, and thought it would provide an easy entry. I will look for a bootable full version. Thank you for your help.13:24
abtmquick question, I noted that other ubuntu based flavors have the option at install time for a minimal system or a full system. was wondering why xubuntu does not13:25
abtmtrying to create a minimal template for VMs for a lab13:25
abtmlooks like usable systems need at least 1gb ram and about 10gb disk.  was wondering if i can get that any lower.....13:25
dreamonhello using ubuntu 20.04 on raspi. installed xfce (I love it). after a while desktop picture stands still.. mouse movement is possible. I can jump strg+alt+f1 in console and back to the desktop picture. but I cannot make any click on somethin. nothing happens14:44
pgpfoxhmm, i have downloaded a .run file that i try to install. I have added permission to run as program but when i press execute, nothing happens. What is wrong?15:14
diogenes_pgpfox, you need to make it executable and run it like this: ./file.run15:16
pgpfoxdiogenes_: i rightclicked, went to permissions and checked "Run as program" ..15:17
pgpfoxisnt that what you mean?15:17
pgpfoxyes i did that, but nothing happens when i try to run the file15:17
pgpfoxhave done this installation many times before, never had issues with it15:17
pgpfoxbut now when i downgraded my xubuntu to 18.04, it doesnt work. Wierd.15:18
pgpfoxi get this output in terminal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z2KRfm4RDj/15:19
diogenes_pgpfox, in terminal: apt search libxkbcommon-x1115:21
pgpfoxdiogenes_: and then?15:22
diogenes_pgpfox, pastebin the output.15:23
pgpfoxah i downloaded the package and then the installation worked :)15:24
pgpfoxThank you again15:24
diogenes_no problem.15:27
Perfec7Celso, o/15:28
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CelsoPerfec7: :)15:30
BelphI don't seem to be able to use wildcards for apt. `E: Unable to locate package libreoffice-*`? iirc this this should be possible, right?15:59
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xu-irc41wHave install issue w- kereloops config and root priv violations16:52
xu-help38wI am having persistence in config file replacing fresh iso install17:07
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=== Guest82542 is now known as pgpfox
pgpfoxhow do i increase the fontsize of tabs and such?  its very very small17:36
Belphtabs? In a browser?17:36
BelphThere is a program called `Appearance` where you can change the fontsize for XFCE17:37
pgpfoxyes, in my browser17:40
pgpfoxi use Brave17:40
pgpfoxmy fonts in the OS is fine, but not in Brave.17:41
diogenes_pgpfox, look i brave settings.17:41
pgpfoxthere is no option17:42
BelphThe Brave browser is Chromium, isn't it? It should be the same as Chrome.17:42
pgpfoxonly for regular font size as in text on websites17:42
pgpfoxbut not the tabs..17:42
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TentlerHello World,21:20
TentlerI have a xubuntu related Question and was wondeirng if anyone here can help me with it.21:21
TentlerI want to use a LAN connection to access a Laptop running Xubuntu but I want a Application to use a Wifi Connection belonging to a different network to do its thing.21:23
TentlerIs that possible and how would one approach this?21:23
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tomreynTentler: this sounds mor elike a networking question. as long as those two computers are connected to switches and routers which will pass their traffic back and forth and enable the systems to address each other, this will be possible, otherwise not.22:12
tomreynactually i guess i didn't really understand the question: you're talking about LAN and wireless and only about one computer?22:13
tomreynif you're wondering whether you can connect to a laptop through its lan interface, and remote control an application running on it, sending traffic over a (separate) wireless network: this will be technically feasible, yes. it's not neccesarily a simple setup, though, and bears the potential of locking yourself out (so i wouldn't do it unless oyu have physical or out of band access to the laptop)22:15
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=== Perfec7-Ausente is now known as Perfec7-Ocupado
xubuntu14iHi. I installed Ubuntu but was a bit slow on my desktop, so I decide to install Xubuntu. Is it the correct chose or someone recomend me another distro. thanks23:55

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