[01:00] hpidcock: here's the 2.7 port https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11551 [01:04] wallyworld: were there any merge conflicts? [01:04] no [01:04] clean [01:05] wallyworld: done [01:05] ta [01:08] wallyworld: when you get back https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/148 [01:34] wallyworld: can you make sure the Github webhooks for https://github.com/juju/testing are correct please [01:38] hpidcock: looks ok, was fired successfuly for https://api.github.com/repos/juju/testing/issues/148 30 minutes ago [01:38] or 20 [01:39] weird, ok thanks [01:39] now i gotta run to vet [03:04] yeah wallyworld the webhooks look misconfigured for the https://github.com/juju/testing project [03:06] hpidcock: it just fired again a few minutes ago. do the jenkins logs reflect that? [03:08] yep it does [03:08] ugh [03:08] time to dig deeper [03:32] hpidcock: deploying kubeflow bundle, yay..... controller-0: 13:01:51 ERROR juju.worker.dependency "caas-unit-provisioner" manifold worker returned unexpected error: panic resulted in: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [03:33] lots of cert noise i been meaning to look at also controller-0: 12:57:43 WARNING juju.worker.httpserver http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate [03:49] no stack trace? [03:49] sadly no, i'm adding extra logging to log it [03:49] any luck on your end? [03:52] just starting at looking on the bug [03:52] was busy fixing some jenkins stuff [03:52] all good [03:53] will have a pr up soon fixing unit tests with vendored deps [04:54] wallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11544 im still filling the description, but it's ready to review now [04:54] gr8 ty [05:17] wallyworld: I'm *this close* to getting those machine agent tests to pass but haven't quite managed it and don't want to miss rc1 so have pushed up a last-minute commit to skip them [06:06] babbageclunk: ok, ty [07:41] wallyworld: if you are still here https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/149 [07:46] looking [07:47] hpidcock: lgtm. dumb tests [09:01] wallyworld: sigh this testing stuff overriding home makes me sad. Going to have to figure out another way. [09:02] ok, i'm fighting with jenkins, finally got it unblocked i think [09:26] great s390 slave is having issues [09:47] wallyworld: the fun way to solve this problem https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/150 [09:48] with this all the juju tests pass with juju-db snap [19:46] Any one here using a remote lxd server as a lxd cloud in Juju?