
tomreyncpu's (the new one eats less power) https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-Core2-Quad-Q9400-vs-AMD-Ryzen-9-PRO-3900/1045vs356300:00
tomreynyes, higher is better :)00:00
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> I was already thinking in buying a new system 'cause I can't manage to make this motherboard boot from an SSD so I think it's time to retire this system ASAP00:02
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> will try the fix you linked me though since my mom needs to use and then shut down it's PC at the moment xD00:03
tomreyn:) understandable. what this does is, roughly spoken, try to convince the bios to treat your kubuntu like it would treat a windows system, rather than treating it as "undefined"00:05
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> anyways is amazing how well this computer behaves in everyday tasks as checking mail, watching youtube, surfing the web, social media, writing documents etc00:05
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> linux rules00:05
tomreynif it still works well enough, that's nice.00:06
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> i can even watch netflix or make photomanipulation and edit pdfs and use my printer/scanner so yeah it works great, that's probably why we havent changed it yet00:07
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> but sometimes it gets this kind of problems and the boot time load is very slow but when it has started it runs just fine00:08
tomreynsalvaconnome: this may be due to a decomposing hdd, which would be no surpise after such long time. use !smart00:13
ubottusmart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools00:13
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> the fact that this computer is full of documents and big size pictures and 4! HDDs for sure helps to make things worse00:15
tomreynuh, i hope it's mirror raid then00:26
tomreynbut even then, at this age, you may have had data loss already00:27
tomreyn(just not noticed it, yet)00:27
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> (Photo, 1677x959) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3mj3QvWR/file_29116.jpg00:28
tomreynthe statistics may be of relevance00:31
tomreynor attributes? not sure, i'm not familiar with this gui00:31
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> nope no raid. just a bunch of different old disks recovered from old computers00:32
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> I'm asking for troubles in this system I know00:32
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> well the computer shuts down okay now so thanks for that00:35
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> I'll keep an eye and read more about smartmontools tomorrow, right now is very late and am gonna go sleep. thanks a lot for your great help00:36
tomreynyou're welcome! :)00:40
tomreynand for the future: you'll likely get much faster replies when you highlight the user user whenever yu say something00:41
tomreyne.g. you'd start every line you type with "tomreyn: " (when talking to me).00:41
tomreynsalvaconnome: like this00:42
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> tomreyn: okay gracias00:44
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> (Photo, 800x600) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/S0OYIIed/file_29117.jpg tomreyn: actual picture of the computer you helped fix lol (normally is closed)01:14
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> a call from the past ;)01:14
tomreynwell it's sata already ;)01:15
IrcsomeBot1<salvaconnome> I said past not prehistory :P01:15
IrcsomeBot1<darltrash> @salvaconnome, lmao02:13
IrcsomeBot1<zparihar> (Photo, 1691x1164) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ihwHmdub/file_29120.jpg02:32
IrcsomeBot1<zparihar> When is this getting Resolved For Kontact?02:32
IrcsomeBot1<zparihar> This is for Google Gmail02:33
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IrcsomeBot1<abhishekbatra> @zparihar, https://www.dvratil.cz/2019/08/kontact-google-integration-issue/02:37
IrcsomeBot1<Rutvikm> What's better, Running qt apps on Gnome, or running gtk apps on Plasma?03:00
IrcsomeBot1<Rutvikm> Especially if you need almost equal number of apps from either side03:01
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viktorHi, i'm running Kubuntu 18.04. Since i connected an ext moni to my laptop my wallpapers & Panel are disappearing al the time on boot.03:31
viktor                Wallpapers also sometimes when switching activities. Anyone got any advice?03:31
viktor_did someone send me a msg? i got a notification. but my irc is in an activity i can't open...04:43
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lordievaderGood morning06:21
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IrcsomeBot1<abhishekbatra> Good morning06:39
IrcsomeBot1helektron was added by: helektron06:57
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> Good morning06:57
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> I'm using kubuntu 20.04 and the startup is slow. Is anyone having this issue?06:58
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> ❯ systemd-analyze … Startup finished in 7.402s (firmware) + 5.808s (loader) + 9.312s (kernel) + 8.197s (userspace) = 30.721s  … graphical.target reached after 8.184s in userspace06:58
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> ❯ systemd-analyze blame … 6.678s NetworkManager-wait-online.service                                                        … 4.293s fwupd.service                                                                             … 1.671s apt-daily-upgrade.service                                                                 … 1.016s systemd-logind.service                                                                    …  06:59
IrcsomeBot1man-db.service                                                                            …  623ms dev-mapper-vgkubuntu\x2droot.device                                                       …  498ms snapd.service                                                                             …  432ms blueman-mechanism.service                                                                 …  398ms upower.service06:59
IrcsomeBot1                                      …  392ms systemd-journald.service                                                                  …  319ms dev-loop1.device                                                                          …  311ms dev-loop2.device                                                                          …  305ms systemd-timesyncd.service                                                                 …  06:59
IrcsomeBot1systemd-resolved.service                                                                  …  299ms networkd-dispatcher.service                                                               …  284ms dev-loop3.device                                                                          …  278ms snap-postman-107.mount                                                                    …  273ms snap-snapd-7264.mount06:59
IrcsomeBot1                                      …  265ms php7.3-fpm.service                                                                        …  245ms accounts-daemon.service                                                                   …  238ms udisks2.service                                                                           …  235ms snap-gnome\x2dterminator-1.mount                                                          …  06:59
IrcsomeBot1phpsessionclean.service                                                                   …  226ms dev-loop0.device                                                                          …  225ms dev-loop5.device                                                                          …  225ms dev-loop4.device                                                                          …  221ms dev-loop8.device06:59
IrcsomeBot1                                      …  214ms logrotate.service                                                                         …  205ms dev-loop6.device                                                                          …  185ms snap-core-9066.mount                                                                      …  177ms snap-riot\x2dweb-76.mount                                                                 …  06:59
yay238hi guys im trying to game on machine its a lenovo laptop with intel i5 8250U and the fps is bad on a lite game that that have linux supprot07:13
yay238im on kubuntu 19.1007:14
yay238can i improve the fps with driver or somthing?07:15
IrcsomeBot1<Rs4nti> Guys may you help me? I think Windows has owned my HD and now I can only copy files from it. How I can fix this problem?07:44
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> Good morning, I'm using kubuntu 20.04 and having some slow boot issues07:45
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> ❯ systemd-analyze       … Startup finished in 8.720s (firmware) + 5.809s (loader) + 8.700s (kernel) + 2.292s (userspace) = 25.523s  … graphical.target reached after 2.283s in userspace07:45
lordievaderhelektron: have patience, this is IRC. For a direct medium sometimes surprisingly slow.07:58
lordievaderAlso, could you paste the output of `systemd-analyze blame` via a paste service, this is completely unreadable.07:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:58
lordievaderyay238: What is the output of `sudo lspci -k`?07:59
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IrcsomeBot1<helektron> Ok changing splash screen to none (instead of breze) helped a lot as well08:02
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> The output https://pastebin.com/gEZivteq08:02
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> https://pastebin.com/zNP9BfZ508:03
lordievaderhelektron: most of the time seems to be taken up by the firmware and the kernel. That is very hard to optimize (without recompiling the kernel).08:08
lordievaderThat said, you can always disable services you do not use to shave off some time.08:09
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> ok thanks!08:11
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> and what about loader + userspace ?08:12
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> can it be optimized?08:14
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> about services I killed the Network boot08:14
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lordievaderIIRC userspace is the time spent on starting services.08:23
lordievaderNot  really sure what loader meant.08:23
IrcsomeBot1<helektron> ok thanks08:31
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ubottuHelp! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) acheronuk, ahoneybun, claydoh, ikonia, jussi, Mamarok, mneptok, Nalioth, ovidiu-florin, Pici, Riddell, ryanakca, shadeslayer, Tm_T, tsimpson, valorie, Unit193, yofel, dax.10:53
rs2009What are they doing? They are typing letters like that10:53
rs2009for no reason10:53
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> What's that command used for? I mean the !ops command10:56
lordievaderFranzpow: highlights people with op powers11:05
jukebohiChrome started asking for kdewallet password 1 day after installing Kubuntu 20.04 clean. Are there any plans to fix it so it would not start breaking like this?11:14
jukebohiI basically reinstalled the OS, because 18.04 also broke so that it started asking for a password which was never set, so this is a bummer11:17
BluesKajHi all11:27
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jukebohiIf anyone has any idea why Chrome is asking for password (which was never set) for "kdewallet" it would be much appreciated. The wallet should be open, because the WiFi is connected, yet I get a password dialog. Any help?11:40
BluesKajjukebohi, do you have chrome set as default browser in system settings>personalization>applicationd>default applications ?11:54
sahilI just did a fresh install, and my internet is working too much slow.Restarted the system, still it is slow. Any fix?12:15
jukebohiAnd because the system asked for a kdewallet password that was never set, Google Chrome synccing is on "pause"12:26
jukebohiI don't get it, the default wallet opens automatically, coz the wifi gets connected, but then I get this bizarre question: give the non-existent password.12:27
sahilI just did a fresh install, and my internet is working too much slow.Restarted the system, still it is slow. Any fix?12:28
jukebohiI've lost count how manyeth version this is where the kdewallet starts asking for a non-set password. I was careful to get clean and this should be clean, but the kdewallet bugs keep on happening12:28
jukebohisahil: have you tried is it the connection. Like with https://www.speedtest.net/12:29
jukebohisahil: do you use wifi or ethernet?12:29
jukebohiBluesKaj: No, it is not default and I don't want it to be12:30
sahili tested it on debian just moments ago. It was working fine. IDK why it is not working here.12:31
jukebohicould there one day be a Kubuntu, where it doesn't start asking for an unset kdewallet password?12:33
BluesKajif it's not default, why do you use it?12:33
jukebohiI use kdewallet to store things like wifi passwords12:34
jukebohiIf it wants a password it should ask the user to set one, before it throws the user into that pit of unset password12:34
jukebohiCan I use something else than kdewallet? Coz I'm tired of this happening always12:34
jukebohiBluesKaj: I use different browsers for different things12:35
jukebohiDo I need to reinstall the system and explicitly set a password (which I ultimately as a user don't want to do) because otherwise I'm just waiting to be locked out12:36
jukebohiHow does the auto-opening stop working? Why does it ask for a password that was never set? These questions year after year12:36
jukebohiIs my HW rotten? I did not take other settings than .mozilla .config/konversationrc and .ssh from old system so afaik the install should be clean12:39
jukebohiSo I guess I need to file a bug report on this12:39
jukebohiThis be prlly the place https://bugs.kde.org/12:40
BluesKajjukebohi, there are several answers on the internet to your question, but since I don't use kwallet at all I'll let you do the searching12:41
jukebohiBluesKaj: ok. so what can I use to achieve the functionality of kdewallet, but not use kdewallet?12:41
jukebohiBluesKaj: how do you store wifi passwords?12:42
BluesKajI use a textfile when I need it12:43
jukebohiwhat's textfile?12:43
jukebohithis is what comes outta-the-box, but the outta-the-box is just nasty accident waiting to happen, so I'm going to file a bug report coz this should not keep on happing to users12:43
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> That's also happening to me since 19.1012:44
jukebohito me at least since 18.0412:44
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> If you choose to make kdewallet manage your passwords, this is going to happen12:44
BluesKajthere is a solution , i just forget what t was12:44
jukebohiit is set by default to do that12:44
jukebohibut it will just break and start asking for an unset password12:45
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> I asked on ask.ubuntu once but It did not solve my problem :(12:45
jukebohiif the passwordless thing cannot be made to work IT SHOULD BE REMOVED12:45
BluesKajbut tit didn't have anything to do with kwallet since I've never used it12:45
jukebohiFranzpow: I12:46
jukebohiI'm going to file a bug report12:46
BluesKajit'll be a dupe12:46
jukebohiIf this is not a case of rotten HW / rotten installation media and is happening to other unsuspecting users, it is not good for Kubuntu12:47
BluesKajit's chrome thing, nothing to do with HW12:47
jukebohiIt is not a chrome thing if the kdewallet starts to ask for a password that was never set12:48
jukebohiKDE is broken12:48
BluesKajBS, it's chrome12:48
jukebohiBluesKaj: I have not set password. The default wallet is called 'kdewallet' afaik. KDE wallet asks for password to open up. How is this a chrome thing?12:49
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> BluesKaj: it happened to me on 19.10 when I started my session without having chrome installed12:49
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> :/12:49
BluesKajdo you have kwallet checked (active) with a blank pw in system settings ? if so then that could be a problem for more than chrome12:50
jukebohiwifi is up, so passwordless default wallet must be up12:51
jukebohiI check12:51
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> Kwallet has the same password than my session12:51
BluesKajwifi pw has nothing to do with kwallet12:52
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1218427/auto-login-problem-on-kubuntu12:52
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> this was the problem I had12:52
IrcsomeBot1<Franzpow> now I am using i3 on this pc and I have no more this problem. But on a new machine, on a fresh 20.04 installation, it just asks for my pw everytime I bootup the machine12:53
jukebohiBluesKaj: the KDE Wallet control in System Settings has no info about any password / any field12:53
BluesKajjukebohi, is kde wallet enabled or not ?12:54
jukebohiBluesKaj: In the default Kubuntu 20.04 wifi passwords are automatically stored in a preset passwordless KDE Wallet. Once the wallet breaks, you have no way to recover it12:54
jukebohiyes it is enabled12:55
BluesKajnot true I don';t need kde wallet on my laptop , set the pw in wifi configuration,12:56
jukebohiIf the passwordless wallet thing cannot be made to reliably work (both Franzpow and have had the same issue) it should not be on by default12:56
BluesKajturn it off12:56
jukebohiBluesKaj: Yes, yes, I get that you are not using default Kubuntu12:56
jukebohiprlly coz the default Kubuntu does not work12:56
BluesKajkubuntu is very flexible, there's really no such nthing as default kubuntu12:57
jukebohiIf I install clean Kubuntu that is default Kubuntu12:59
jukebohiand the passwordless KDE Wallet is enabled by default13:00
jukebohiand there is no warning that "This will break and drive you insane asking for a password that was never set. Please untick box to disable passwordless wallet"13:00
BluesKajand who uses everything as default13:01
BluesKajok you're trolling now13:01
BluesKajignore is ready13:02
jukebohiIf Kubuntu community wants to shoot itself in the leg, by all means, keep on shipping "features" that turn into bugs in a 1-2 days use on average13:13
BluesKajdon't forget default browser is Firefox, not chrome13:14
jukebohiMy default broser is Firefox too13:14
BluesKajthew use that13:14
jukebohiI want more than one browse13:14
jukebohiam I supposed to not use Chrome, because KDE Wallet's passwordlessness breaks? That's real logical. KDE Wallet breaks, so stop using Chrome13:16
* BluesKaj shrugs ..13:16
BluesKajall this complaining takes up time that you could have used to find a solution to a minor problem on the 'net13:17
jukebohiBluesKaj: Previously what I've seen on the Internet was "Oh KDE Wallet started asking for an unset password? Here's the instructions to delete and recreate default wallet13:18
jukebohiI haven't seen "Oh KDE Wallet's passwordlessness breaks on people randomly, let's remove it or fix it."13:20
BluesKajthis is over for me13:21
diogenes_jukebohi, what's your main complaina nd what is your desired expectation?13:22
jukebohidiogenes_: KDE Wallet's passwordlessness breaks without any user action. User is rendered unable to access default KDE wallet. Either the passwordlessness feature should be fixed, or removed if it cannot be made to work reliably13:24
diogenes_jukebohi, as a workaround you can use chrome --passwords-store=basic, or install seahorse and use --password-store=gnome (not sure the function is indeed called --password-store= but you can check it with google-chrome --help).13:26
jukebohidiogenes_: thanks for the workaround. I'm going to search for bug reports and write one if I don't find something sorting the issue out.13:30
diogenes_jukebohi, you're welcome and good idea about the bug report.13:31
=== bogdan_ is now known as flejm
flejmI have some problem with instalation driver to graphic tablet14:00
flejmsome error appears14:03
flejmmake: *** [Makefile:74: dkms_modules_install] error 1014:05
flejmit appears after   sudo make dkms_install14:06
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nessubtoc toc toc15:59
Nomad_I know this may be the wrong place, but if I click a link that should open a zoom window via xdg-open, how do i make it actually open it in kubuntu 20.04?  I get the popup in chrome that says "open it?" then nothing.  I have to manually copy and paste the id.16:01
Nomad_Can't find a simple fix/writeup16:01
nessubje cherche un groupe pour converser et decouvrir l'application16:02
nessubkonversation...discuter le boud'gras...quoi16:03
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest22857
Guest22857amd drivers, ok for now fow new install__17:12
valoriethe only workaround I found for Zoom btw is to just "open in browser" which is what I wanted anyway19:00
valoriezoom-the-app just crashes19:00
valorieit's a piece of junk anyway....19:00
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> something is crashing plasma...can it be the firefox browser?19:00
CrellAnyone know what the default font is for KWrite?  I apparently changed it at some point and now I can't get any font to match the line height propery. :-)19:01
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> there were some updates to kubuntu this morning and now firefox is crashing plasma...logging me out.19:02
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> Gdk-Message: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.19:07
IrcsomeBot1<sigAIO> crell, you can go to system settings > Fonts and change back to default19:08
CrellThat looks right.  Thanks!19:10
IrcsomeBot1<sigAIO> 👍🏻19:11
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I am trying to reinstall firefox19:34
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> that didn't help19:34
diogenes_Bradlee Sargent, ?19:38
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> hello19:38
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> @digoenes do you have any recommendations???19:39
diogenes_Bradlee Sargent, what issue?19:40
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> firefox now is crashing plasma with Fatal io error 11 (resource temporarily unavailable) on server x :019:41
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I guess I should check xsession errors19:42
diogenes_Bradlee Sargent, since when it started to crash?19:43
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IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> well, I got a message for updates in discoverer, so I applied them, then it told me to reboot, so I did...19:44
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> then it started.19:44
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I found errors in .xsessions...19:45
diogenes_Bradlee Sargent, run: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak && firefox19:46
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> no, that didn't help19:48
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I already had uninstalled and reinstalled the browser19:48
diogenes_Bradlee Sargent, then maybe a downgrade.19:49
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I would prefer to help the developers...does that make sense diognes_?19:53
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I tried to do ubuntu-bug firefox...but it crashed plasma again...20:10
=== DarthDilfridge is now known as qa
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> is this a job for ubuntu testers???20:20
tomreynsounds like a job for soemone who can fix apport.20:39
valorie@Bradlee Sargent possibly ask in #ubuntu?20:49
valoriemuch larger channel20:49
valoriewe do include FF in our ISO because pretty much all the other flavors do, and we don't think Falkon is quite ready yet20:50
valoriebut it's a gtk app and we don't work on it20:50
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> @valorie I joined ubuntu...thanks20:51
valoriebest of luck!20:51
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> do I have to wait for an approval?20:51
valorieapproval for what?20:51
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> it isn't letting me send20:51
valorieoh, I don't know if they have bridged that channel20:51
valoriepossibly not20:51
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> huh??? bridged???20:51
valorieI use IRC20:52
valorieyou're in Telegram20:52
valorieI'm in IRC20:52
valoriewe have a bridge20:52
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> is there an irc client for kubuntu?20:52
valorieit's the best20:52
valorieif you decide to use IRC, you might need to register:20:53
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.20:53
valorievery simple process20:53
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> I think I am already registered...do I use /join #ubuntu?21:03
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
oerheks<Bradlee Sargent> #ubuntu has no matrix entry.21:36
valorieoerheks: he's on Telegram21:38
valorieI think they don't bridge it at all21:38
valoriebut he was discussing setting up konversation21:38
valorieand /j #ubuntu will work just fine21:39
valorieor /join21:39
oerheksindeed, and save it in favorites / autojoin21:39
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> my plasma keeps crashing...22:20
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> any way to get plasma to relogin without credentials after a crash?22:21
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> my screen is all black...???22:21
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> maybe I should just reinstall kubuntu...unless you guys can help me to report this nonsense to ubuntu bug somehow, but I don't know how I can do that...22:22
IrcsomeBot1<Bradlee Sargent> [18:24] [Notice] -ChanServ- [#kubuntu] Welcome to #kubuntu. This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService … [18:24] [470] bradlee #ubuntu #ubuntu-unregged Forwarding to another channel … [18:24] [Notice] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-unregged] You have been redirected to a notice-only channel because the channel you tried to join 1) has a 22:25
IrcsomeBot1of join attempts right now, or 2) is limited to NickServ-identified users for anti-spam reasons. If trying to join again does not work, identify to NickServ. If you don't have a NickServ account, see /msg nickserv help register and /join #freenode with any questions.22:25
valorieyou said you had regstered @Bradlee Sargent ?23:04
valorieyou have to identify to nickserv before joining chans23:04
valoriekonvi will do that if you set it up to do it that way23:04
bradleeI am trying to join #ubuntu and having issues23:11
bradleeI gave myself a password and registered and verified it23:11
bradleebut I am not sure if the connect is working23:11
valorieI see you here.....23:12
bradleeso what about this connect???23:12
valoriethis connect?23:12
valorieunsure what you mean23:12
bradleeI try typing /connect chat.freenode.net 6667 YourNick:YourPassword23:12
valorieno no23:12
bradleebut it says "permission denied..."23:12
valorienot in IRC23:13
valoriethat is for a browser23:13
valorieusing a webchat23:13
bradleeI don't know how to use this password thingie...23:13
valorieif you are using konversation23:13
bradleeyea I am23:13
valorieand have identified to nickserv23:13
valoriethen type, on a new line: /j #ubuntu23:13
valorieor just click #ubuntu23:14
valorieand it will add the chan23:14
bradlee"you need to be identified with services..."23:14
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.23:14
bradlee"Cannot join channel(+r)...you need to be identified with services23:14
valorieyou did what the above link says?23:15
bradleeyea, it sent me an email and I clicked verify23:15
valoriebut you have to tell konversation to identify23:15
valorietells you how23:15
valorieit's very simple -- you add it into the konvi setup23:16
valoriefile > server list right at the top left of your konv screen23:16
valorieonce set, Konv will always do it automatically23:17
IrcsomeBot1omarelifaz was added by: omarelifaz23:17
krytarik"-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- bradlee has NOT COMPLETED registration verification" - first though..23:18
valoriedang it lost him again23:19
valoriewelcome back bradlee23:21
bradleeyea I restarted konversation...I typed my password into the default identity and added my nickname23:21
bradleeso, I guess I need to type the /msg NickServ VERIFY again???23:21
valorieit's been a long time since I first registered23:22
valorielike almost 20 years23:22
bradleenow it says I am verified23:23
krytarikThere you go.. \o/23:23
valorieonce registered as long as you use your account every six months or oftener, you'll regged for ever23:23
valorienow you should be able to /j #ubuntu23:23
valorieor just click #ubuntu23:24
bradleeyup thanks23:24
bradleeso I should tell them what's happening...23:24
bradleeI am on a different laptop now, because23:24
bradleethe kdeshell keeps crashing23:24
valoriethat's fine23:24
valorieoh dear23:24
valorieplasmashell I guess you mean23:25
valorieubuntu-bug firefox from the crashy computer can be done in the terminal if you need to23:26
valorienot a fun environment but it works23:26

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