
bt40consistently asking for help from 3 days. No answer. Is this channel active?   My questions/problems are quite basic which most others might already faced.05:20
bt40Want to port ubuntu touch to my phone. If i use 18.04, ppa sudo apt-get install phablet-tools is not available for that. Only previous versions are supported.05:21
bt40If i use ubuntu 16.04, ppa is supported but getting error could not connect to servers, even though nnetwork is ok. Also it says python 2 is unsupported which is only available in ubuntu 18.05:22
bt40I am struck05:23
bt40Which versions u guys use for porting?05:24
hallynsadly the telegram channel frequently gets disconnected, and is probably more active16:41
hallyni fyou're running ubuntu telegram-desktop works pretty nicely, you don't need a phone app for it.16:43
hallynbest i can say is https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/p/aosp/platform/manifest.git/  isn't resolvable from here either, so clearly that url needs ot change :)16:48
kirvesAxehallyn, Isn't creating a Telegram account impossible without a phone app?20:59
hallynyou do need a phone number, but it'l ljust send you an SMS - I'm pretty sure21:34
hallynelse i wouldn't have it :)21:34
hallynthey might have changed it21:35
hallynOf course he's not here any more21:35
Fuseteambt40 i did tell you, this is general group most, if not all porters are sadly on telegram23:44
FuseteamThat said we do need to get that bridge back up and running23:45

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