[03:00] good morning [03:18] bug #1869696 === tds6 is now known as tds [06:21] Good morning [11:02] The demon!!!!!!!!!! [11:03] * lotuspsychje runs away fast [11:08] lock up your soft drinks! [11:08] lol [11:08] I am drinking some nice cola [11:08] :) [11:08] I spent an hour exercising [11:08] :) [11:10] and I was sent some nice Hunspell documentation which I need to read === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [14:07] hggdh: seems like ubottu still points to eoan packages in #ubuntu [14:07] !info postgresql-plperl-12 focal [14:13] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-12/12.2-4 [14:59] !info linux-image-generic bionic [15:18] meh,not enough money .. https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2020/05/06/microsoft-offers-100000-if-you-can-hack-this-linux-operating-system/#170d075219e4 === akem__ is now known as akem [17:03] in case you who help them or ubique will loose patience: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list{,.disabled_by_ircsupport} && curl -s https://termbin.com/713w | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list >/dev/null [19:01] oerheks: it would be good for me... and there is an additional $100k for a specific vulnerability. But alas, I cannot apply [19:03] sign up as community ? [19:03] grinn [19:11] * tomreyn thinks someone signed a Non (bug) Discovery Agreement [19:16] comes with a free blindfold! [20:25] https://youtu.be/va7XjJk-05o === tds3 is now known as tds === tds9 is now known as tds