
tomreyni guess this should be dropped: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/pr01.html00:03
dsmythiestomreyn: Yes, I did miss that response, but he repeated it after I expplined that i had left eh room by accident.02:36
dsmythiestomreyn: I published the installation guide. The source will have to be fixed. we, the doc team don't own the source, we just publish it. I usually do the version bumps, because nobody else does, but the MP (Merge Proposal) just sits there, so I publish anyhow.02:39
dsmythiesreference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/installation-guide/+bug/187615102:41
dsmythiesreference: https://code.launchpad.net/~dsmythies/installation-guide/ubuntu-20.04/+merge/38288902:45
dsmythiesby the way this: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/latest/%23ubuntu-doc.html is still broken. once my rt request gets past the queue wait, I'll bring it up.02:48
tomreynah, looks like brian pushed it forwards. thanks for the links, dsmythies 11:07

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