
curloxideThe latest i386 version is 18.04 Bionic Beaver.00:00
Bashing-omkenperkins: 'grub-probe -t" reports where the boot code resides. As the location is different in each of the installs, suggest to me that grub reads them to boot.00:00
curloxideThey're all amd64 for 20.0400:00
Bashing-omcurloxide: 32 bit support has been dropped.00:01
Guest_25but 18.4 only has amd64 option00:01
curloxideBashing-om: I've got a i386 copy of Bionic Beaver running right next to me...00:02
Guest_25do you have a link?00:02
Guest_25because i cant find it00:02
curloxideOne sec...00:02
Guest_25by the way, did linux drop support  for 32 bit or just ubuntu?00:03
curloxideUbuntu dropped i38600:03
curloxideMy bad, I'm running a copy of *Lubuntu* i38600:04
curloxideThere's one for 16.04 though00:04
Guest_25i have an old computer that i wanna set up00:05
ecbrowni386 is weak lol00:05
nightBulbGuest_25, what's the CPU?00:05
Guest_25can u recommend me a distro?00:05
Guest_25i dont know its very old00:05
* ecbrown is loving zfs00:05
nightBulbGuest_25, what's the CPU?00:05
Guest_25im setting it up for my dad00:05
Guest_25how can i see that00:05
curloxideI'd recommend Lubuntu for the much older PCs00:05
Guest_25is linux mint lighter than ubuntu??00:06
nightBulbWhat OS on it currently ?00:06
Guest_25it was in windows 7 but i wiped it00:06
Guest_25wasnt that fast anyway00:06
nightBulbIs there anything bootable on it ?00:06
curloxideAh OK00:06
Guest_25so any recommendations?00:06
nightBulbGuest_25, ?00:06
nightBulbIs there any OS on it ?00:06
Guest_25umm no i said i wiped win700:07
curloxideLubuntu Bionic Beaver I think would be a good choice00:07
ecbrownubuntu 20.04 lts on zfs is the only choice00:07
ecbrownfor anything00:07
* ecbrown is only half joking00:07
tomreynLubuntu 18.04 has less than 12 months of support left: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL#Ubuntu_18.04_Bionic_Beaver00:08
Guest_25what can i do then00:09
Guest_25for something more permanent00:09
tomreyninstall 20.04 instead, if your cpu supports it00:09
tomreynwhich cpu is it then?00:10
nightBulbGuest_25, How old is the PC?00:10
Guest_25i cant quite remember but it had win700:10
Guest_25i was a little kid back when it was made00:10
ecbrowndebian works well for this00:10
tomreyn"lscpu" will tell, or "cat /proc/cpuinfo"00:10
Guest_25how do i run those commands00:10
Guest_25in bios?00:10
nightBulbCore 2 duo style of cpu name ?00:10
tomreynin a terminal00:10
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:10
Guest_25i dont have linux00:10
curloxidetomreyn: He's not running a distro atm00:11
tomreynoh sorry00:11
nightBulbGuest_25, Core 2 duo style of cpu name ?00:11
Guest_25where can i see the cpu name00:11
nightBulbBIOS ?00:11
tomreynit should show on the bios00:11
curloxideIt should be visible in most BIOS setup windows00:11
Guest_25ok one sec00:11
tomreynalso on the other OS you have installed now, but that's !ot here then00:11
Guest_25bios settings or loading screen?00:12
Guest_25ok 1sec00:12
tomreynusually you have an informational screen won the bios setup menu00:12
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callipyg0usIf, in gparted, a partition is resized or moved from the beginning...does it take longer/is more 'risky' than resizing it at the end?00:12
curloxideI don't think so00:13
callipyg0ushmm, how long would it take to resize a partition? generally?00:14
Guest_25my bios is phoenix awardbios cmos setup utility, where do i find the cpu name00:14
curloxidecallipyg0us: It depends on the performance of the hard drive/CPU00:14
curloxideIt can range from a little bit to a really long time00:15
Guest_25does anyone have an answer?00:16
nightBulbGuest_25, What options are you looking at ?00:16
tomreynGuest_25: this isn't really an ubuntu question, but from what i can see searching for screenshots, the cpu model actually does show on the (black) POST screen, the first screen after power on.00:17
tomreynthere is also the ##hardware channel00:17
Guest_25oh alright00:17
curloxideThe original topic was actually what the latest version of Ubuntu i386 was00:18
curloxideso yeah, It technically is an Ubuntu question00:18
Guest_25intel pentium 4 cpu 2.80ghz00:19
Guest_25any recommendations?00:20
curloxideYeah, should be able to run Lubuntu00:20
tomreynuse a heater instead00:20
Guest_25its not for me though00:20
Guest_25so if anyone can recommend me something up to date, that is gonna be supported, please do so00:21
Guest_25any distro00:22
tomreyntry ##linux00:22
kenperkinsBashing-om: so good news, I deleted the uefi partition on my second device and appeared to have no impact00:22
tomreynubuntu won't be a good option on this.00:22
Guest_25hmm okay do i ./join there?00:23
Guest_25nvm i just did00:24
sammyg1321Hey guys, does anyone know how to create desktop shortcuts for scripts? I found a few articles but they seem old for the Gnome-panel thread00:30
sammyg1321Also can someone tell me If elementary OS is the same thing as Ubuntu?00:34
sammyg1321sorry im still new to linux00:34
curloxideInternally, yes00:34
sammyg1321@curloxide so any packages i install should operate the same? steam, vmware, chrome,etc00:38
curloxideThey should.00:39
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.00:39
tomreyn(i.e. not here)00:39
sammyg1321Thank you all and sorry about that00:46
zautomatahello, is there a reason to suspect that eqn and pic for not working in ubuntu?01:03
tomreyn"eqn and pic"?01:04
tomreynoh the troff tools01:05
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tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/groff/+bugs would list bugs which are known.01:11
superbootIs this a repo? If so, how do I add it to my system? https://cran.mtu.edu/bin/linux/ubuntu/bionic-cran40/01:20
superbootDoes anyone know if there is a Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) R 4.0 apt repository? I see there is (or was): https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu bionic-cran35/01:20
bit00_kzcpuHello... How secure are systemd-nspawn containers (I dont know much about networking)01:28
bit00_kzcpuAnybody here has played around with them01:29
Theteis sound like a complete clusterF on linux atm?  can't get any of my audio stuff working on z570, bluez is also borked01:40
felcoi getting a pretty bad time using bluetooth on linux01:43
felcothe worse thing is that i tested on windows and it works01:44
Thetemy gsx 1000 also doesn't work right01:44
TheteI fix it in pulse, update breaks it01:44
felcoi can even pair the device01:44
Thetethere's been patches submitted but none of it has been pulled in01:44
felcotested two bt dongles01:44
Theteyou tryin to use bt headphones?01:44
felcosometimes it pairs but loose the connection out of nowhere01:44
felcoThete yes01:45
Thetemy bose qc 35's, I have to turn voice prompts on for it to work, my sony's work sometimes, sometimes they dont01:45
Theteit's bluez, it's completely borked atm01:45
TheteI was gonna try installing release version off their site next01:45
felcoi thought it was the the dongle, bought a new one but it is unstable as the other01:45
TheteI'm about to go back to 19.1001:47
TheteI could at least get some stuff working in it01:48
=== wymillerlinux_ is now known as wymillerlinux
gbs-hi, i'm new to ubuntu 20.04 server, how i can edit my ip? the file /etc/network/interfaces doesn't exist.03:00
tdsgbs-: you should find it in /etc/netplan, probably /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml03:08
gbs-tds, while installing ubuntu20-server i registered 3 dns for ipv4 and 2 for ipv6. on the file inside /etc/netplan i can only see the ipv6 dns03:11
gbs-this file inside netplan is the best place to put all of them?03:12
gbs-and after updating netplan file how i can restart networking configuration without rebooting?03:15
tdsgbs-: as in you already set up 3 dns servers and now some of them are missing from the config?03:19
tdsand you can run `netplan apply` to apply your changes03:19
gbs-tds: thanks! anyway i can set fallback dns using netplan?03:20
tdsgbs-: that's a bit complicated and depends on what you consider fallback03:22
tdsthe tldr is that you can specify multiple servers, but shouldn't make assumptions about which one queries will end up at03:22
gbs-tds: fallback dns as in systemd-resolve03:22
tdsi don't think you can set fallback through netplan, you'd need to put it directly in the resolved config afaik03:23
gbs-ok, thank you03:24
tdsgbs-: fwiw, I don't think resolved will ever use the fallback nameservers if you have ones specified in your netplan config03:26
viktorHi, i'm running Kubuntu 18.04. Since i connected an ext moni to my laptop my wallpapers & Panel are disappearing al the time on boot. Wallpapers also sometimes when switching activities. Anyone got any advice?03:29
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aaron_mI just did burned a fresh image of 20,04 using the Rasberry Pi Flashing tool. Everything boots fine, except the guide says the initial login is ubuntu:ubuntu ... however those credentials aren't working. Am I missing something?03:43
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
fonosI upgraded from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS. Upon upgrading I was unable to connect to my Ubuntu server. enp3s0 was not loading automatically upon reboot. When I forced it with ifconfig enp3s0 up, I was able to connect, however the connection died shortly after (about 20s). Can still reconnect but ssh won't stay connected. I also only have ipv6, server is not retrieving an ipv4 address over DHCP.04:31
fonosI had some changes I made to the network configuration to trap an application through a VPN. Did something significant change in networking configuration from 18.04 to 20.04?04:33
viktor_did someone send me a msg? i got a notification. but my irc is in an activity i can't open...04:43
lotuspsychjefonos: is this a production server or a test server you upgraded?04:59
fonoshome server04:59
lotuspsychjefonos: we strongly advice to LTS upgrade when first point release comes out05:01
fonoslotuspsychje: worst case scenario I just image over05:01
lotuspsychjefonos: join #ubuntu-server if you like, and checkout the 20.04 releasenotes to see what changed since 18.0405:02
=== oneGun is now known as btp
FirstFoundationEvening everyone, hope you are all well05:47
FirstFoundationWould anyone be able to help demystify secureboot for me?05:48
FirstFoundationI dont understand how grub.cfg can be made secure05:49
tarelerulzBCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd ,  that firmware does not work Plugable USB Bluetooth Adapter. It turns it on but nothing pairs and works , not the phone nor ps4 controller.06:09
=== anon is now known as Guest6920
famubuI've got a 4GB machine which I recently upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04. While on 16.04, it was exceptionally fast. I can't remember it hanging. But with 18.04, it hangs all the time. Isn't 4GB not enough for a default installation of Ubuntu 18.04?06:42
diamondbondfamubu, use a lightweight desktop environment like xfce or a window manager like openbox06:45
famubudiamondbond: So gnome needs a bit more?06:46
FirstFoundationwhats your typical workload?06:47
diamondbondpretty much yeah, although gnome 3.36 (present in ubuntu 20.04) is supposedly more responsive and lightweight on older hardware06:47
famubuFirstFoundation: Mainly for browsing. On 16.04, I could open 20 tabs on firefox and still run without even a lag. On 18.04, I open 4 tabs (Google usually) and try extracting a zip file with the default archive manager and it's stuck till the extraction is done.06:49
FirstFoundationHave you tried using the `free` command to see if you're dipping into swap?06:49
famubudiamondbond: What about an (older?) DE like metacity or flashback? Not sure if tha06:50
famubut's their proper names.06:50
bt40Can i install ubuntu 16 packages in ubuntu18?06:51
ThinkT510bt40: no06:51
bt40The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file.06:51
bt40can you please suggest fix06:51
bt40ThinkT510, thanks06:51
diamondbondfamubu, that sounds like disk bottleneck issues, and ofcourse you can use a wm like metacity06:51
famubuFirstFoundation: I could see htop output. Sometimes, yeah, swap filled up. But most of the time swap usage would be low but RAM would be almost full.06:51
famubudiamondbond: Would more swap space help?06:52
FirstFoundationnah, basically once you hit swap its game over06:52
diamondbondfamubu, not really06:52
FirstFoundationSo slow compared to RAM that you're gonna hang06:52
diamondbondexactly ^06:52
diamondbondconsider modifying your sysctl.conf06:53
FirstFoundationdiamondbond: What would he modify in there?06:53
lll7hello! could you please help me to realize how to install dep package with dpkg without snap? thank you06:54
pgfellerHi all, I've a Cherrytail device with an chtrt5645 audio adapter. If I try to play sound I only get a crackling noise. Any Idea if this is a bug, or just a wrong configuration? What should I try to solve this?06:54
diamondbondFirstFoundation, https://i.imgur.com/MBAlGRS.png i personally use this06:54
diamondbondpgfeller, have you tried restarting pulseaudio ? (pulseaudio -k)06:55
pgfellerFirstFoundation: No (it is  my first linux machine) - will try it tight now.06:55
famubuFirstFoundation: So is this a hardware issue?06:56
FirstFoundationdiamondbond, This is new to me... quick rundown on what that does?06:56
famubudiamondbond: FirstFoundation: Yeah, for me too.06:56
diamondbondfamubu, mostly yes, however; with the right selection of software and using linux in a way that isnt overly resource heavy you can get away with your daily routines on suboptimal hardware06:56
diamondbondvm.swappiness tells the kernel to only swap when absolutely necessary06:57
famubudiamondbond: That's a relief.06:57
diamondbondthe other 3 commands im honestly not fully sure of, but they control the kernel's memory management to some extent06:57
diamondbondit helps when youre aggressively writing to disk06:57
diamondbondit makes sure other applications don't get locked up whilst doing that06:57
diamondbondi've been using these values with 8gb ram for over 4 years now and i havn't had any issues, makes my computing even stabler tbh06:58
pgfellerFirstFoundation: Restarting pulseaudio helped - now it works; do I need to add this re-start command to a startup skript? If so - where do I find such a script?06:58
diamondbondpgfeller, not necessarily, only run this when the audio is crackly06:58
diamondbondi bind it to ctrl + alt + p so whenever my audio is fucked up i just hit that and pulse restarts within a second and its all good06:59
pgfellerdiamondbond, FirstFoundation: Thank you both for the answers :-), that helped a lot.07:01
diamondbondglad to help pgfeller :)07:01
FirstFoundationI did nothing :)07:01
linuxrHi all, so I successfully installed ubuntu 20.04 on my raspberry pi 4 (64 bit), but I can't get either bluetooth nor 3.5mm audio out to work...help, anyone?07:16
linuxroh well, that's actually not true..I just see that bluetooth is working fine..must have been the last reboot07:19
danieleDhi all07:21
danieleDI'm tryng to update ubuntu to 20.04. Now it's stuck with message "docker.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.07:21
danieleDWhat can I do?07:22
oceanbt40: that's a very old ppa (last update 220 weeks ago). I don't use touch devices with Ubuntu though, and I don't know your use case, but there's an #ubports channel07:25
danieleDok thanks07:25
danieleDmisunderstanding :D07:26
diamondbonddoes anyone here know why ttf-mscorefonts-installer is so horribly broken? none of the mirrors work in the installer, it connects to these sourcefourge addresses and just hangs ;-;07:26
bt40ocean, ubports is irresponsive. Seems dead project. 3 days wandered over there for multiple hours each day. No response.07:27
bt40thanks anyways07:27
ThinkT510bt40: some channels can take a long time to respond. I can tell you that ubports is alive and kicking, they'll be releasing OTA-12 very soon. Can't say how active the irc channel is though.07:30
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=== _ikke_ is now known as ikke
diamondbondexcellmedia's sourceforge is down ;-;07:49
diamondbondare there any mirrors to mscorefonts?07:49
matsamandiamondbond: http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/07:51
donalsdHi, so my hard drive just crashed which housed the bootloader and the 128MB EFI partition, whereas my actual Ubuntu installation resides on the SSD. Now when I boot I get the message that there's no bootable disk available. Could someone guide me through how I can install the bootloader on the SSD without affecting the previous Ubuntu installation?07:52
donalsdI am currently booted on my Ubuntu LiveCD.07:52
diamondbondthanks matsaman07:52
sameeehello, anyone good with gphoto2 virtual webcam wizardry about?07:52
matsamandonalsd: which is the previous?07:53
matsamansameee: to accomplish what?07:53
donalsdmatsaman: SSD houses an Ubuntu 18.04 and an Arch Linux installation. I need to install the bootloader on the SSD without affecting them.07:53
donalsdI am on a Ubuntu 18.04 live boot right now.07:54
sameeematsaman to use a DSLR as a webcamera07:54
matsamandonalsd: you want to load an OS on disk 'foo' from a boot loader on disk 'bar' without affecting the OSes on disk 'bar'?07:55
matsamansameee: think I'd start with v4l2 & mplayer07:55
sameeeYeah so what i've done so far is followed this07:56
sameeebut it doesn't work quite as it says on the tin07:56
matsamansameee: the way this uses ffmpeg makes me think gphoto2 is 100% not required07:57
donalsdmatsaman: I want to load an OS on disk 'foo' from a bootloader on disk 'foo' without affecting the OSes on disk 'foo'. The disk 'bar' has failed which previously housed the bootloader.07:57
matsamandonalsd: oh okay07:58
donalsdmatsaman: 'foo' currently doesn't have a bootloader, so I figured I just need to install it there and turn it into a bootable disk.07:58
matsamandonalsd: well if you can boot in non-UEFI mode, you might be able to install GRUB otherwise normally and it'll all just work07:58
matsamandonalsd: if you need to add an EFI system partition, you'll have to move partitions and possibly resize some07:58
donalsdRight, I am currently booted into UEFI mode in my LiveCD and I'd prefer staying on UEFI mode throughout.08:00
matsamansameee: if you just want to capture video from your camera, you should only need ffmpeg and plain v4l2; if you need the OS to see your camera as a regular webcam (so it can be used as such via your web browser, etc.), you probably need the v4l2loopback stuff08:00
matsamansameee: don't think you need gphoto2 at all08:00
toxmiHow can I install ubuntu 20.04 within already log in old ubuntu version let say 14.0408:00
donalsdmatsaman: Could you guide me through exactly what I need to do? I know that I need to create an EFI partition of 128 megs on the disk, what's next?08:00
matsamanwhy, UEFI is more work08:01
donalsdmatsaman, erm I am not sure if I am clear about this, but I installed the OSes in UEFI mode. I don't know if that affects the process in any way.08:02
matsamandonalsd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Creating_an_EFI_System_Partition https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Converting_Ubuntu_into_UEFI_or_Legacy_mode08:03
donalsdSo I will create the EFI partition first and let you know.08:04
matsamandonalsd: the other disk, it doesn't power/spin up anymore?08:05
donalsdmatsaman: Doesn't seem like it's doing much although I can see a /dev/sda still there. But I guess it's corrupted at this point.08:06
matsamandonalsd: you can't, for example, mount the ESP and read it?08:07
donalsdmatsaman, nope, the laptop would have booted otherwise. I don't see any partition information.08:08
matsamanyou were using it and something happened, or what?08:08
donalsdThe EFI partition at /dev/sda2 says it's 2.3M, so I guess it's pretty much screwed.08:08
donalsdmatsaman, it's a 7 year old laptop, I guess it was inevitable for the HDD to fail.08:09
matsamanthat does sound odd, but it's not impossible it was always that size08:10
matsamanunless you clearly remember it not being that size08:10
donalsdWait hang on, if I boot into a live CD, is /dev/sda the partition of the live cd or the actual /dev/sda on the laptop?08:11
matsamanusually the actual internal drive08:12
matsaman'mount' should make it plain08:12
matsamanand obviously if you look at the devices they will be expected sizes08:12
donalsdmatsaman Because I see just 3.8 GB, and that's the size of the flash drive. I don't see the HDD at all.08:12
matsamanokay, so maybe it's not spinning up at all08:13
donalsdDump: https://controlc.com/4cf6776f08:13
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matsamanwell sdb says it has an efi partition, no?08:14
matsamanso you might only need to grub-install, or to switch the drive order from your bios or physically, so sdb becomes sda08:15
donalsdThat's weird, I never noticed that. I prolly created that and forgot about it. matsaman08:15
* matsaman shrugs08:15
matsamanI should split, other folk can help, and in #linux08:16
donalsdAlright, umm so here's the part that I need to work on. How do I install grub onto it? Need help there.08:16
donalsdAlright, thanks :)08:16
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tarelerulzIs there a guide for making Ubuntu run all in ram?08:22
diamondbondtarelerulz, zram08:26
tarelerulzdiamondbond , thanks08:27
Not_White_RabbitI want python2 pyqt4 on 20.04.  Can't find it with pip08:53
Not_White_RabbitI'm thinking of adding eoan and installing python-qt4. Does it make sense?08:53
=== V7 is now known as FF8R
=== FF8R is now known as V7
toxmiI want to setup a simple personal server, capable of ssh, syncing, etc. No web server or something. I might use a gitolite server at most.09:27
toxmiI'm basiclly newbie, is using just default ubuntu lts reliable?09:27
toxmisecurity wise? Ofcourse I'm not talking about high level security09:27
toxmiWhat if I chose for example linux-hardened kernel instead of lts. Does it have any easy benefit without limiting basic stuff?09:28
vlttoxmi: The default Ubuntu LTS should be absolutely fine.09:38
toxmivlt, isn't there anything that I should be wary of? like firewall or something bcz basically I leave that server for a long time and it's always on09:39
vlttoxmi: What are you afraid of that a firewall could prevent?09:40
toxmivlt, someone could access the information stored on the drive09:41
vlttoxmi: How?09:41
toxmiI'm no expert that is why I'm afraid of the dark :)09:41
vlttoxmi: If you’re afraid of someone brute-forcing a password guessing attack to your account I’d recommend to diable password login and use key-only as step one.09:42
vlttoxmi: That should be basically it.09:43
toxmi@vlt, that's intersting but what about ssh then? a keyserver?09:43
toxmiI actually don't what that level of security, it's a normal computer in a normal scenario09:43
vlttoxmi: I’m talking *only* about ssh.09:43
vlttoxmi: That level of security is my default :D09:44
toxmime too09:44
toxmieven worse than that. But since I leave it in a building 24/7...I thought this is another situation and need another acomodation09:45
vlttoxmi: As I saif before you have to describe the kind of attacks you’re afraid of. Why is the building relevant here?09:46
toxmiNothing, it's just I don't have access to and it's possible for others to access09:46
irreleph4ntHi. I am trying to boot 20.04 via iPXE. The setup I have in place works flawlessly for 19.10 but 20.04 fails with "Unable to find a live file system on the network"09:46
vlttoxmi: If it’s possible for others to physically access, you’re screwed anyways.09:46
toxmi@vlt, the only attack I'm aware of is bypassing ssh, cracking it, local attack and leaks...nothing more09:47
toxmiI'm no expert09:47
irreleph4ntMy setup for the two is 100% identical. I have the kernel/initrd extracted so tftp can serve it and the live iso is extracted to an NFS share09:47
toxmivlt, yes it's a public room, not completely public but at least 10s have access to09:47
irreleph4ntWhen trying to boot 20.04, the nfsmount command presented (and failing) actually works when used manually in ash shell. But even after mounting manually, the error message given above simply is repeated09:48
toxmiI can make it robust against those by encryption (offline) but at online case, I don't know what they can do09:48
vlttoxmi: Ok, then at least use FDE and a way to load the key remotely.09:48
irreleph4ntI found a bug report against 20.04 in IBM z systems that had the same issue 2 months ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/186677509:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866775 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "subuquity installation on s390x fails (zVM and LPAR)" [Critical,Fix released]09:48
toxmivlt, wow good idea09:49
toxmiWhat if I encrypt in on the FDE09:49
toxmifile based09:49
vlttoxmi: Can you rephrase that question, please?09:49
toxmiI mean instead of remote key, I might be able to put the key inside the PDE itself and to access it manual passphrase should be given09:50
vlttoxmi: I was thinking about a remote reboot.09:51
Deano59can anyone recommend a budget keyboard and mouse that'll work with ubuntu? no logitech, please.09:51
toxmivlt, is it possible? that would be more awesome09:51
toxmiDeano59: what's bad about logitech? OK, then RAPOO09:51
vlttoxmi: Yes. The how depends on the amount of tinkering you expect to be propable.09:52
toxmitinkering on my side?09:52
toxmiI'm no expert and don't want to put lots of time learning something no my profession09:53
vlttoxmi: You either just leave a bare minimum kernel and initrd.img unencrypted on a boot partition and encrypt the whole rest. Then you have to pu a tiny ssh server like dropbear, for example, into the initrd.09:53
toxmivlt, aha, it gets intersting but a bit expert level09:53
diamondbondtoxmi, never thought id see someone recommend a rapoo lol, i have a rapoo keyboard and its excellent for its price.09:53
toxmiI kind of guess the whole picture09:54
vlttoxmi: Or you say it’s enough to encrypt a "data" file system and leave the whole root system basically unencrypted. Then you can simply reboot, ssh in and unencrypt the data needed for your services.09:54
toxmidiamondbond, yes and it might not be top...but it just work flawlessly09:54
diamondbondi've never had a single issue with mine, it is my first mechanical keyboard though so i can't really comment on how it is compared to other ones, but i love it a lot.09:55
toxmi@vlt that is good. would you please recommend something about file based encryption? The FDE is good against offline access but not when server is turned on. So for that scenario, a folder based key might be good. I type the key and that important folder will comes up.09:57
vlttoxmi: LUKS via cryptsetup09:57
toxmidiamondbond, I've also worked with logitech, I had some latency issue on linux with it but with much cheaper RAPOO? Never.09:57
toxmivlt, ha, so I'll go that way09:58
toxmivlt, thanks a lot you were a great help. It gets much clear for me09:58
diamondbondtoxmi, yup! i've never had issues with logitech either though, my g603 wireless mouse works flawlessly as well :)09:58
vlttoxmi: You’re welcome.09:58
diamondbondlinux hardware support is amazing these days.09:58
toxmiexcept the GPU09:59
sumagnai upgraded my ubuntu to 20.04 when it got out09:59
sumagnai read on a blog post that it will show OEM logo for laptops(and computers)10:00
sumagnai have a hp laptop but it doesnt show any logo when starting into ubuntu10:01
sumagnai have dual boot10:01
sumagnayesterday i was going to clean up a liveUSB containing ubuntu 20.04 but accidentally started it10:01
sumagnait showed the OEM logo for HP10:02
sumagnawhy doesnt it show the same when upgraded?10:02
sumagnahow do i make ubuntu show it on this laptop?10:02
sumagnaany help is appreciated and thanks in advance10:04
irreleph4ntI can confirm the netboot kernel and initrd work BTW. So my problem must be due to an issue with the current iso10:05
bt40swap is not detected. How to correct this? I have allocated partition for it.10:06
bt40Plz guide10:06
bt40Need it urgently for some memory intensive app10:07
ThinkT510!swap | bt4010:07
ubottubt40: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info10:07
bt40yes i want to fix this. I got cannot allocate memory error in some process. Maybe this hopefully fix this if process allows10:09
sumagnaanything about OEM logo not showing up on boot?(20.04)10:11
oerheksbt40, how do you tell swap is not detected? and what 'allocate memory error in some process' ??10:11
bt40Blank output for this commmand:          sudo swapon --show10:12
bt40also in disks, it shows swap not active10:12
bt40i was porting webOS. In that, i got error cannot allocate memory. I have limited ram 4gb. So i thought this could bethe problem. will give it try10:13
bt40I have the partition, but it is not actively used ass swap10:13
bt40yes. for smartphone. Halium10:14
bt40fatal: fork: Cannot allocate memory10:15
EriC^^bt40: what does "free -h" show10:17
shaikhbt40: what does "cat  /proc/swaps" show??10:17
bt40Mem:           3.8G        1.9G        588M        298M        1.3G        1.3G10:18
bt40Swap:            0B          0B          0B10:18
EriC^^588mb free, how much are you trying to allocate>10:18
bt40EriC^^, i am building/compiling OS. It shoulf failrly consume all. Right now is after aborting that process. So actual consumption at that time would be high10:19
bt40Enabling swap is the mail goal10:20
bt40i have 16gb partition10:20
EriC^^bt40: ok did you mkswap it?10:20
shaikhlooks like no swapfile10:20
bt40EriC^^, please guide. I created using prior installation of os. During live cd. File system as swap. Maybe ii forgot to mount it as swap10:21
EriC^^bt40: can you run 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here?10:22
oerhekshow is building webos related to ubuntu support?10:23
bt40oerheks, i have sought help related to swap. Not webos10:24
bt40read the question10:24
EriC^^bt40: it's actually ubuntu-only support here, but sometimes if there's not too much support going on we can help with other os10:26
EriC^^bt40: anyways, did you add the entry to fstab for the swap?10:26
EriC^^type "(sudo blkid /dev/sda5; cat /etc/fstab) | nc termbin.com 9999"10:27
EriC^^bt40: type 'sudo nano /etc/fstab'10:30
EriC^^change the last line uuid from 53fb26cf-c9f9-4073-a9aa-8b23ba61592d to 03965179-772f-4e5e-a18e-9b6d692e015110:30
EriC^^bt40: then save & exit and type "sudo swapon -a"10:31
bt40EriC^^, Thank you. That worked.     Really appreciated your help.10:33
EriC^^bt40: great, no problem10:34
sumagnahow to show the OEM logo in ubuntu 20.0410:39
sumagnait should be enabled by default, i know10:39
sumagnabut my laptop doesnt show the OEM logo after upgrade(it didnt show it before the upgrade)10:40
sumagnabtw i have ubuntu installed in bios10:42
guivercsumagna, I don't know, but I'm of the opinion that the OEM logo (smooth boot & plymouth) only works for UEFI boxes/setups10:53
sumagnaok then10:53
sumagnai have bios10:54
* guiverc based that on lubuntu testing & box branding appearing during boots a numbr of times during boot on uefi, but not on bios boxes.. it was resolved for other flavors but not Lubuntu (who didn't amend their plymouth to avoid issue)10:57
irreleph4ntIs anyone having any luck booting 20.04 into live mode via iPXE? My config, that for 19.10 works flawlessly, fails during boot with "Unable to find a live file system on the network"11:06
leeyaai am trying to upgrade my systems non interactively. ive tried "do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive" but it still asks for user input.11:06
leeyaaany idea what i might be missing>11:06
leeyaathis breaks automation11:07
guivercleeyaa, 20.04 defaults to squashfs check (integrity check) where as prior releases did not;; not sure if that's your issue but ..11:08
leeyaaguiverc i dont think thats it. i had same problem with upgrade from 16.04 to 18.0411:08
guivercsorry that was for irreleph4nt, apologies (I got confused)11:08
leeyaai ended up upgrading manually, but this time i have like 900 machines11:08
leeyaaah i see ;p11:08
guivercleeyaa, sorry, irreleph4nt please see my last11:09
irreleph4ntguiverc, is there a cmdline option I can use to either disable that check or is there documentation somweher helping people understand what's needed to make PXE booting work correctly?11:10
guivercirreleph4nt, sorry I'm not familiar with any, the issue was discussed on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/defaulting-to-verify-the-image-integrity-before-installing-on-desktop/13472/30 which you could search for PXE , or ask a question there maybe11:12
* guiverc clarifies, issues discussed meaning adding check media for defects automatically, not PXE booting11:12
tomreynleeyaa: have you considered bootstrapping systemd from scratch instead of automating release upgrades (i'm not sure this ever was meant to be possible, most likely not supported by anyone)?11:12
tomreyn*systemS, not systemd11:13
guivercirreleph4nt, also note I DO NOT know if that's your issue, it just occurs to me as a likely cause..11:13
leeyaatomreyn i have and in fact we could possible do that, because we are using docker for almost everything. however this will involve a lot of work. we are slowly migrating to k8s where this whole upgrade issue will go away.11:14
leeyaafor now i am just looking for a way to upgrade existing systems silently11:14
tomreyni don't have experience with this, would just expect it to break and not be easy to debug.11:15
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leeyaabasically my question is how to make apt not ask for any user input and just assume default11:17
BluesKajHi all11:27
marcoagpintoBluesKaj: Hello11:28
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto11:28
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tomreynleeyaa: for dpkg that's "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" - but i would assume "-f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive" (to do-release-upgrade) already does this.11:31
tomreynleeyaa: does it get stuck at an *apt* (rather than dpkg) prompt?11:32
irreleph4ntguiverc, thank you! I'll review what you have suggested and report back11:32
leeyaatomreyn usually it gets stuck on questions for config updates11:33
tomreynthat's dpkg then11:33
leeyaamaybe something is not respecting DEBIAN_FRONTEND11:33
leeyaai found a post on stackoverflow with some script that i modified for ubuntu and so far it works on two test vms. thats the unmodified script https://bpaste.net/LEPQ11:34
leeyaasee Tom Klino's post11:34
leeyaaif it works, ill just convert it to ansible and try that11:35
leeyaabtw why is lxd installed during upgrades? im confused. i dont need lxd :)11:36
tomreynnot sure what you're upgrading to what. maybe snapd gets introduced during that upgrade, and thinks it should bring you lxd11:38
leeyaa18.04 to 20.0411:38
tomreyn18.04 already had snapd, but maybe not for upgrades, or maybe with different default. i'm just guessing.11:40
leeyaayeah looks like a dependancy thing11:40
leeyaaanyway, script seems to work when testing. ill go adapt it to ansible see how it goes.11:41
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Gwalennhello, after update clean install of Ubunu 20, gnome ask me the password (normally not) and with the right password i can't open session12:36
erklegoogle change linux pw ubuntu12:38
erklealso number lock may be off after a reboot12:41
erkleuse numbers above letters to be certain12:42
erkleGwalenn, also this happened to me a couple time i ran out of space on my drive if your un sure boot live cd and df from terminal to check free space12:43
erklehow about this if you have checked your drives free space and it has plenty free12:49
LaaZaHi, I have Ubuntu server 18.04, but this issue has happened in prior versions too. Sometimes apt when updating a new kernel will add old kernel inird.imgs that are not even installed.12:49
Gwalennerkle: not sure is that. I run with perfectly with the earlier kernel and my home is occupied @ 11% and my / 24 vs 35 go13:09
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tomreynLaaZa: this doesn't usually happen, unless there are still kernel related packages for these kernel versions that are 'added' (i think you're referring to their initrd's being updated) installed, or if you placed kernels and / or initrd images in /boot by other means, such as manually.13:20
tomreyndpkg -S /path/to/somefile     tells you which package a given file belongs to.13:20
tomreynthis only works for packages which are currently installed. and it won't work for files which were generated during package installation (i.e. didn't come along with the package archive)13:21
LaaZadpkg does not recognise them as being installed, they are not manually placed either. Apt creates them when installing linux-firmware package.13:22
LaaZasome are even from the older 4.4 series.13:23
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tomreynLaaZa: can you provide some examples of such file paths?13:36
LaaZado you mean /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-45-generic   for example?13:39
LaaZaupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-131-generic       apt is saying and then complains about related files missing, at this time corresponding initrd file is created in /boot13:41
tomreynLaaZa: right. so you're saying this /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-45-generic initrd image should not be present, and dpkg -l '*4.4.0-45*' lists nothing?13:41
LaaZaultimately the upgrade fails because my small boot partition runs out of space when it's adding those old imgs13:43
tomreynLaaZa: 4.4.0 would be a leftover from an earlier ubuntu release. how did you do the release upgrade to 18.04, and did it succeed without errors?13:43
tomreynfatal errors, that is13:44
LaaZahonestly can't remeber how it went, but yes I did upgrade, I have upgraded since 12.04 I think.13:45
irreleph4ntHey all. I am having trouble booting 2004 via iPXE. When using the kernel and initrd from the iso, I can't boot with "Unable to find a live file system on the network".13:45
irreleph4ntI have confirmed now that using the kernel and initrd for 1910 instead boots the machine just fine (with the 2004 iso squashfs)13:46
irreleph4ntSo there must be something wrong with the initrd 2004 ships with right now13:46
tomreynLaaZa: it should be safe to just manually delete those old initrds.13:48
tomreynand they wont come back once that's done.13:48
kenperkinsman I can't stand snap and all the volumes13:48
LaaZayes, and I have done that but they will just be created again.13:48
tomreynLaaZa: hmm, this must be due to a manual configuration you once made on this system, but i can't say which exactly. do you still haver those kernel version directories in /usr/src/ ?13:50
oerhekskenperkins, time to hop distro then13:50
kenperkins@oerheks  I know; I'm looking at pop, but maybe I can deal with it13:51
kenperkins20.04 is even heavier into snaps right?13:51
ecbrownzfs is sweet reason to use 20.0413:51
giacodo you know a software capable of showing me a grid of rtsp streams? Trying to build a homemade security camera system13:51
LaaZanot for those versions but there seems to be 2 of even older 4.3 kernels, but those don't seem to cause that issue.13:51
nsspop is a great distro, i'm trying in a vm, maybe wil be my new os13:52
tomreynLaaZa: what about /lib/modules/ ?13:52
lotuspsychjegiaco: zoneminder is a nice cam app13:52
LaaZasame thing, apt infact specifically complains about them missing.13:53
tomreynLaaZa: if you'Re still interested in imrpoving upon the situation, please post the full command and the full output it generated, which contains these 'complaints'.13:54
giacolotuspsychje: thanks13:55
LaaZatomreyn: https://pastebin.com/mNvnbM4r13:56
oerheksmissing modules: linux-modules-4.4.0-131-generic13:58
makara_how do I get snaps to update after 5pm?13:58
oerheksmakara_, see https://snapcraft.io/docs/keeping-snaps-up-to-date13:59
cyberbobI need to record some videos (Screen recording) using ubuntu, those videos will be used for our youtube channel or may be website. Is there any good tool to get this done i.e recording video in a high resolution (screen recording with audio) ?13:59
lotuspsychjecyberbob: recordmydesktop and kazam13:59
sveinseHeh, I just installed Ubuntu on a laptop in a recording studio and for some reason it creates a large pop when gnome shell is started. In the studio the speakers were fairly loud, with large subs. I almost jumped out of my own skin! man!14:00
tomreynLaaZa: i think    gzip: stdout: No space left on device    indicates the root cause.14:00
lotuspsychjewelcome ferz14:00
ferzwhich is the package to install deb command?  I need to install something from apt.postgresql.org14:01
LaaZatomreyn: this issue causes it, because the boot is filled with those really old kernels14:01
tomreynLaaZa: can you also post    dpkg -l linux* 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999914:02
lotuspsychjeferz: before proceeding, explain to the channel wat you want to do?14:02
cyberboblotuspsychje  I think Kazam seems to be more promising will give this a try :)  Thanks14:02
lotuspsychjecyberbob: enjoy14:02
ferzhttps://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt  I need to install postgresql-plperl-1214:03
tomreynLaaZa: try this instead: dpkg -l "linux*" 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999914:03
ferzwith apt update ; apt search plperl ; grep 12 is void.14:03
sveinseIs there any point to "report the problem now" functionality in ubuntu? Is is actually used?14:04
oerhekssveinse, sure.14:04
StatelessCatluna_: ron ron ro n14:04
tomreynLaaZa: in case you need more space, you could most likely delete those linux*_3.11*.deb files out of your working directory.14:04
luna_StatelessCat: huh?14:04
StatelessCatluna_: ron ron ron === *purrrrr*14:05
lotuspsychje!info postgresql-plperl-12 | ferz14:05
ubottuferz: Package postgresql-plperl-12 does not exist in eoan14:05
luna_StatelessCat: ah never heard that before14:05
tomreynLaaZa: and i think it's really about time to cinsider a fresh install.14:05
oerheksit does in Focal https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-1214:06
LaaZatomreyn: only problem I have with space is the small /boot partition that I have hard time resizing because it is near the start of the drive.14:06
lotuspsychjeyeah tnx oerheks ubottu doesnt point to fossa yet so it seems14:06
luna_StatelessCat: also maybe i should not be all cat in the Ubuntu Support channel14:06
LaaZait should be able to hold the latest 3 kernels though, so really only those 4.4 kernels are causing the issue14:07
tomreynLaaZa: ok, i understood so much.14:07
tomreynit's a common problem with very old installations which got release upgraded many times14:08
ferzlotuspsychje: thank you14:08
ferzubottu: it seems to exist on apt.postgresql.org14:08
ubottuferz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:08
lotuspsychjeferz: we advice to install packages from the official ubuntu repos14:08
oerheksferz, for what ubuntu version?14:08
LaaZaI'm just really curious where those are coming from, they seem to be quite specific versions as well.14:08
oerheksferz, then upgrade to focal, it gives postgres-12 standard14:09
tomreynferz: what you last posted to termbin clearly shows14:09
LaaZathere must be some list they are on14:09
tomreynLaaZa: : what you last posted to termbin clearly shows14:09
tomreynsorry ferz, not you14:09
ferzoerheks: I'll do later this month, now I've not time to upgrade now. I've to complete a task on eoan.14:10
tomreynLaaZa: packages in "rc" state still have leftovers (configuration files and more) installed14:10
ferztomreyn: np.14:10
LaaZabut I'm not seeing 4.4 anywhere on that14:10
lotuspsychjeferz: time is ticking towards eol, remember to upgrade before is eol ok14:10
ferzlotuspsychje: ok, thank you.14:10
ferzSo focal is the new LTS?14:11
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tomreynLaaZa: me neither. but i think you'd be well advised to start by cleaning up this mess first, and then maybe the other one will solve itself.14:11
tomreynLaaZa: i suspect that update-initramfs has repeatedly failed all the time, and is continuing to try to do what it used to be told to do long time ago just because it never finished properly, due to /boot running out of space.14:12
tomreynLaaZa: pruging those packages in "rc" state may help fixing this.14:12
LaaZawhere is that state stored then?14:12
tomreynuse dpkg -P14:12
makara_oerheks: thx14:12
LaaZatomreyn: can I somehow reset update-initramfs' state?14:14
tomreynLaaZa: i'm not sure, you could check its directories, such as /var/lib/initramfs-tools/ - but i think the "dpkg -P" suggestion is the better one for now.14:16
sveinseIs the nvidia driver better than the nouveau in 20.04 ?14:17
LaaZaproblem with that is that those 4.4 packages are not installed anyway14:17
lotuspsychjesveinse: ask that in #ubuntu-discuss please14:17
oerhekssveinse, some do not see the difference.14:17
sveinselotuspsychje: What is that channel? Compared to this?14:18
lotuspsychjesveinse: a channel to discuss ubuntu14:18
tomreynLaaZa: i previously responded to this.14:19
LaaZawell, I'll try cleaning stuff up. Thanks.14:21
no_gravityGood Afternoon14:21
no_gravityAnybody here running Ubuntu on a tablet?14:21
tomreynLaaZa: curl -s https://termbin.com/65lxq | awk '/^rc  / {print $2}' | xargs echo > /tmp/packages_to_purge && sudo apt purge $(cat /tmp/packages_to_purge)14:21
tomreynLaaZa: actually this:   curl -s https://termbin.com/65lxq | awk '/^rc  / {print $2}' | xargs echo > /tmp/packages_to_purge && sudo dpkg -P $(cat /tmp/packages_to_purge)14:21
tomreynno_gravity: i'm running ubuntu on a table. what's your actual question there?14:22
no_gravitytomreyn: I am looking around the net and did not find any info if it works and with which tablets.14:24
oerhekstons of tablets, which one?14:24
no_gravitytomreyn: Which tablet do you use?14:24
ubiqueIm using Ubuntu MATE 18.04.4 LTS.  The software updater is telling me that i need to update yet its telling me the internet connection isnt working.  The internet seems to work well though.14:25
tomreynno_gravity: i'm not using a tablet, just a table.14:25
lotuspsychjeubique: can you pastebin what apt is saying please?14:28
sveinselotuspsychje: I suppose this is support: I am unable to get my external screen on my Lenovo P51 laptop if I run nvidia drivers on 20.04. It works fine on 18.04 and it works fine on nouveau, but extreeemely slow. Not extra screen apart from the built-in display is detected with nvidia. How can I proceed with debugging this?14:28
lotuspsychjesveinse: wich graphics card chipset and driver version please?14:28
sveinselotuspsychje: NVIDIA Corporation GM206GLM [Quadro M2200 Mobile] (rev a1), Intel Corporation HD Graphics 630 (rev 04), running nvidia 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu614:29
plutesdont know if gone made, but Im sure I could before.. cd /var/log/ cat syslog > file.html ??? even sudo I can't copy syslog, is that normal, because in my mind Ive done it before14:31
lotuspsychjesveinse: .82 is pulled from the graphics ppa?14:31
pavlosplutes: you cannot write in /var/log/ as a user14:33
plutesthats how done it saved it on desktop thanks14:34
LaaZatomreyn: I found corresponding 4.4 files in the initramfs-tools and deleted them, I think the problem is now fixed! Is there a way to limit how many kernels are kept though? I think I would like to keep only current + 1.14:34
pavlosplutes: cp /var/log/syslog ~/file.html in your home dir14:34
plutespavlos, thanks figured it when you reminded me, had a moment14:35
pavlosplutes: np14:36
sveinselotuspsychje: I think I am running stock 20.04, but I came from a dev version. sources.list.d is empty at least14:39
tomreynLaaZa: by default only the currently running, the previous and the highest version kernel as well as any manually installed ones are kept14:39
tomreynLaaZa: see /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels14:40
sveinselotuspsychje: it is the suggested version that "drivers" shows you. 440 (properitary, tested)14:40
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LaaZatomreyn: is there a way to have only ever 2 at a time, currently it seems that it keeps 3 as i have 99 running, then 96 and 91 are kept.14:43
lotuspsychjesveinse: did you doublecheck if your 440 was succesfully loaded? and set to performance mode instead of powersaving mode?14:44
sveinseI've tried a lot of permutations on setting nvidia settings (in xorg) to "permformance", "on demand" and "battery (intel)". None work. I've tested setting BIOS from "hybrid" to "descrete", no result.14:45
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lotuspsychjesveinse: can you pastebin your dmesg, booted with the 440 driver please?14:46
sveinseBefore I reboot again: I'm running "descrete" now, but it doesn't seem like its using the nvidia driver. The nvidia settings turn up blank. How can I check what xorg is using?14:46
lotuspsychjesveinse: nvidia-smi and sudo lshw -C video can give you more info14:47
sveinselotuspsychje: interesting: nvidia-smi reports that it can't comm with the nvidia driver. lshw, sais "*-display UNCLAIMED" and goes on listing the NVIDIA product name and number14:48
lotuspsychjesveinse: unclaimed means driver not loaded, hence your problems probably14:49
sveinseSo that's the BIOS discrete mode. Which I don't really want to be in, due to dualboot with windows. So I think I don't need to dwell too long with it14:50
sveinseIn the other mode, the nvidia driver finds the HW (but not the ports)14:50
sveinseLet me reboot, stand by14:50
sysadmin_move away from windows sveinse it will make your time on earth much happier secure and productive14:50
sveinsesysadmin_: right now, I'm not so sure. It's a matter of time until my boss thinks setting up Ubuntu takes too long time :P14:51
KnightsOfniHello. I'm logged in as root on a webserver, but when doing $ su someuser it doesn't change the user. It always sticks to root. Any ideas?14:52
sysadmin_just keep booting from the live cd till you have converted him to some flavour of linux14:54
pavlosKnightsOfni: if you're root your prompt is # the command should be su - someuser14:54
KnightsOfnithat doesn't work either14:54
KnightsOfniWhen typing 'who' then, it still shows root14:55
sysadmin_screenshot(printscreen) + upload screenshot to imageur.com-share link in here14:55
KnightsOfniThis is what it says in passwd: xxxxxx:x:10002:1003::/var/www/vhosts/xxxxx.com:/bin/false14:56
pavlosKnightsOfni: id14:56
sysadmin_my system is telling me im a systemadmin (think my computer is drunk)14:56
tomreynLaaZa: you could edit the script. but really the problem you're facing is that your /boot is too small, which is a result of having installed ubuntu a loooong time ago and never reinstalling since.14:56
pavlosKnightsOfni: there is no shell for that user14:56
KnightsOfniWhy not?14:57
pavlosKnightsOfni: see the /bin/false14:57
sysadmin_backup files and migrate14:57
sysadmin_delete old backups14:57
KnightsOfniSo I set it to true?14:57
KnightsOfniThis user was made via Plesk, why doesn't it have a shell?14:58
sveinselotuspsychje: nvidia-smi turns up empty when running the 440 driver. My dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TSsK7zvyjM/14:58
tomreynLaaZa: and there are other results that are undesirable, coming form the same root cause. such as using legacy file systems, having untracked configuration (and possibly other) files spread over the place.14:58
pavlosKnightsOfni: no, dont mess with the password file unless you know what you're doing14:58
tomreynLaaZa: ubuntu is certainly better tha other OS in tracking which files need to be removed during upgrades and on package removals, but it, too, is not perfect.14:59
KnightsOfniI'm just migrating a site, do I need a shell for this user or can I just do everything as root?14:59
KnightsOfni@pavlos can you help me via a zoom meeting ?15:00
lotuspsychjesveinse: Kernel is locked down from EFI Secure Boot mode; see man kernel_lockdown.715:00
lotuspsychjesveinse: that might influence your hardware15:01
lotuspsychjesveinse: try booting legacy, see if your driver gets loaded15:01
sveinselotuspsychje: I'm in 18.04 now. it's smi is working fine. Do you want dmesg from it too?15:02
pavlosKnightsOfni: no, you are logged on as root, what 'id' says?15:02
LaaZatomreyn: I know it's a mess, but I might be even a bit sentimental about the current install. So I'll try to deal with it. Thanks tomreyn, helped me solve my original issue and then some.15:03
tomreynLaaZa: i very much recommend you install and run apt-foktracer on such an old installation as well. and later deborphan, too. and  ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported15:04
tomreyn* apt-forktracer15:04
sveinselotuspsychje: here is dmesg from my 18.04 install https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kgc7QwVCrb/15:05
LaaZatomreyn: will look into it, thanks.15:05
KnightsOfni@pavlos, uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)15:06
tomreynLaaZa: more background on the underlying problem you may be able to identify (if your system is affected) and solve this way: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages15:06
lotuspsychjesveinse: its also kernel lockdown there15:06
sveinselotuspsychje: but graphics is working fine on 18.0415:07
lotuspsychjesveinse: why are we talking about 2 systems at the same time?15:08
sveinselotuspsychje: I'm dual booting between a working and a non-working install. The focus is the 20.04, which isn't working. It's a proof that it isn't the HW. Other than that, just ignore the 18.0415:09
lotuspsychjesveinse: ah right...now we getting there, 20.04 has some nvidia recent known bugs, try a version lower please like 43515:10
sveinselotuspsychje: will do15:10
lotuspsychjesveinse: to see wich known bugs to compare, check the 20.04 releasenotes15:10
ubottuUbuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and is the current !LTS release. Download at Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes15:10
sveinselotuspsychje: btw, but this bug has been present since 19.10 and onwards. I've never been able to get the graphics running after that. Again, just an FYI15:11
lotuspsychjesveinse: lets try a 435 first + reboot, see what it does15:12
lotuspsychjesveinse: after that we can always file a !bug if needed15:12
ajshell1I have a rather exotic issue.  Ubuntu (and Debian) have an "apt" user that is a member of group 65534 (aka "nogroup"). However, I have an LXC container where I have to do user and group id remapping, which involves "nobody" and "nogroup" (as described here: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Unprivileged_LXC_containers). This causes apt to no longer15:14
ajshell1work. Can I change the group the apt user is a member of, or should I just use CentOS or Fedora instead?15:14
ajshell1(just to clarify, apt stops working in the LXC container, not the host system)15:15
chrasohow do I enable remote desktop on lubuntu15:16
ajshell1That depends on what type you want.15:16
ajshell1Do you want VNC? RDP? NX? X11 Forwarding? X2Go?15:16
chrasoI know vnc15:17
ajshell1Do you want a VNC server or client on Lubuntu?15:17
sveinselotuspsychje: running 435. same result, no nvidia-smi15:17
chrasoI know CNC for windows only15:18
lotuspsychjesveinse: ok paste dmesg from your 20.04 with 435 plz15:18
KnightsOfniDoes anyone know some good guide on how to setup users/permissions/ownership of dirs on an Ubuntu webserver? This stuff is so confusing15:18
ajshell1chraso: Let me rephrase that: Do you want to connect to your Lubuntu machine from another device, or do you want to use your Lubuntu machine to connect to another device?15:18
sveinseIsn't there a pastetool for ubuntu that can you can paste to? What is it named?15:19
chrasoi want to connect to my lubuntu via vnc15:19
ajshell1chraso: Okay. Then you'll need x11vnc. Install it with "sudo apt install x11vnc"15:20
chrasothanks aj15:20
ajshell1More info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers15:20
ajshell1Do you intend to use VNC over the local network or do you want to be able to access it form anywhere?15:21
sveinselotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PrGqrffp7Z/15:22
lotuspsychjesveinse: can you try booting legacy please15:22
jeremy31sveinse: Can you disable Secure Boot in BIOS settings?15:23
sveinselotuspsychje: with what change?15:24
lotuspsychjesveinse: see what jeremy31 says15:24
sveinsestand by15:24
jeremy31sveinse: See if there is a Secure Boot setting in BIOS as it will prevent modules from loading that aren't part of the kernel15:25
jeremy31sveinse: nvidia graphics drivers would be blocked by Secure Boot15:27
ubiqueIm having trouble downloading repository information. the internet connection is ok.  the details are as follows. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pRfzJvFqsK/      any advice15:28
sveinsejeremy31, lotuspsychje: that woke it up. Now multiple screen works15:28
sveinseInterestingly it does work in 18.04 with secure boot enabled15:29
jeremy31sveinse: It is possible to get it working with Secure Boot but you may have used open source driver on 18.0415:30
sveinseShould I take it back to 440, or is 434 more suited? ref the bugs15:30
sveinsejeremy31: no, I believe I'm using nvidia. Does nvidia-smi work with open source driver?15:30
sveinseLeaving secure boot disabled, will I run into trouble with my win10 dual boot? Does windows become (more) cranky than usual with secureboot disabled?15:32
jeremy31sveinse: I doubt it but I don't know much about graphics drivers but since I work with wireless I know what headaches Secure Boot can cause.  It is possible to use mokutil in terminal to sign these modules or to disable validation but I normally just disable Secure Boot15:32
ZeZuregex for apt install isn't working in focal,  is this by design?  and how can I enable it ?15:32
jeremy31sveinse: I didn't use dual boot very long with Win 1015:32
ZeZuworks for search and remove15:33
sveinsejeremy31: well, I have for years with 18.04, and it has worked flawlessly15:33
sveinseHow can I verify what drivers I'm using in xorg?15:34
jeremy31sveinse: There has been Secure Boot enforcement enabled in Ubuntu kernels since early in the 4.4 kernels15:34
ZeZulsmod will show you which modules are loaded15:34
jeremy31sveinse: or something like> lshw -c video15:36
sveinsejeremy31: got it.15:36
oerheksis nvidia-dkms installed?15:36
ubiqueIm having trouble downloading repository information. the internet connection is ok.  the details are as follows. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pRfzJvFqsK/      any advice15:38
oerheksubique, try to remove lists and update again;  sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists  && sudo apt update & sudo apt dist-upgrade15:39
ubique#oerheks thank you15:40
sveinsejeremy31: I just rebooted into 18.04 with secure boot enabled and I'm surely running nvidia 431.21 driver. Kernel 4.15.0-9115:41
sveinseSo there is /some/ difference between 18.04 and 20.04 that affects signing and tainted graphics drivers15:41
ubique#oerheks that first line of text didnt work?15:44
oerheksthis one?   sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists15:45
ubiqueyes, it doesnt do anything at all on my terminal15:46
oerheksit should not give an output without errors, that is oke15:46
oerhekssudo apt update loads the lists again15:47
ubiqueok hold on15:47
sveinsejeremy31, lotuspsychje: Thank you both. Getting graphics up and running has been a large showstopper for taking use of 20.04. Very grateful.15:47
ubiquesudo apt update?15:47
ioriasveinse, yes, 5.4  release enhances the kernel lockdown mode from previous releases15:48
sysadmin_is ubuntu non server vunerable to spectre/meltdown15:49
sveinseioria: aha15:49
ioriasveinse, let me find you the doc15:50
sysadmin_o thats ur nombre15:50
oerhekssysadmin_, all supported versions of ubuntu are not vunerable to spectre/meltdown15:50
sveinseioria: jeremy31 mentioned a mokutil. Can I use that to sign the nvidia drivers in case win10 doesn't dig me running without secure boot?15:50
oerheksand the rest of the hardwarebugs15:50
ioriasveinse, https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-kernel-5-4-whats-new-with-ubuntu-20-04-lts15:51
sysadmin_is linux at all15:51
ioriasveinse, yes, i think you can15:52
sveinseioria: heh, googling it now, it is actually a full certificate signing process :D15:53
sveinseAnd nvidia can't do that, because it is distributed and compiled during install, right?15:54
jeremy31sveinse: mokutil, the mok is actually short for Machine Owner Key and you can use it to sign compiled modules15:55
ioriasveinse, https://gist.github.com/dop3j0e/2a9e2dddca982c4f679552fc1ebb18df15:56
sveinsejeremy31: yeah, it kinda seems much the same as signtool.exe on windows15:56
tomreynsysadmin_: those are *hardware* (not OS) vulnerabilities. there are some mitigations in software, some in firmware. i suggest reading up more on them.15:56
sveinseis there a concept about signed binaries in elf? or is thins something special for the kernel modules?15:57
sveinseioria: thanks!15:57
sysadmin_tomreyn, yeah thats where what im reading is leading me also-anyone aware of the general state of things at present-seems to be alot out there15:58
tomreynsveinse: there's a .signature section in ELF15:58
sveinsetomreyn: cool15:59
tomreynhttps://lwn.net/Articles/532778/ https://lwn.net/Articles/733431/15:59
tarelerulzI want to make a ramdisk with Ubuntu and install virtualbox to it.  Can you install an app to a location , I know you can do with windows but can Ubuntu do such a thing? that way I would have the full speed16:04
tomreynsysadmin_: there were many separate vulnerability reports and fixes at hardware manufacturers, mainboard manufacturers, OSes regarding this over the course of the past 3 (?) years, so it's indeed much.  generally, those go through the usual workflow of assessing the criticality, coming up with a strategy to fix or mitigate them, then releasing updates - like any other vulnerability just that moe parties are involved and need to cooperate.16:05
tomreynhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown and https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-updates-for-the-meltdown-spectre-vulnerabilities may provide a better understanding, and finally you can test your system using the spectre-meltdown-checker script packaged in ubuntu (or get it directly from git)16:05
ubiquecan anybody help me deal with this?  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dZHsv2R8pb/16:11
curloxideThe torrential amount of warnings, or the 1 error?16:12
ubiquewell I have no Idea. im not great with computers sorry16:13
tomreyn2 errors16:13
curloxideWell, the first thing I notice is that the download configuration has a duplicate URL16:13
curloxideoh my bad16:13
tomreynactually 416:14
* curloxide looks farther down...16:14
ioriaubique, sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-firmware-raspi2_1.20190819-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_armhf.deb16:15
ubiquei got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8ywQG4scYC/16:17
curloxideLooks to me like it installed correctly.16:17
ioriaubique, ok, paste your /etc7apt/sources.list16:18
ioria* /etc/apt/sources.list16:18
curloxidecat /etc/apt/sources.list16:18
ubiquehow do i get that list for you?16:18
curloxideBy typing in the command I just sent above16:18
ioriawhat curloxide said plus  | nc termbin.com 999916:19
ioriaubique,   cat /etc/apt/sources.list   | nc termbin.com 999916:19
tomreynhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-pi-flavour-makers/ppa/ubuntu provides the bad firmware package16:19
ubiquetry that16:20
curloxideHe's got the same line 4 times...16:21
ioriaubique,   as the warnings say, there are a lot of duplications16:21
oerheksoh, it was not in the lists but sources.lists ..16:22
oerhekshow did you do that?16:22
curloxideUsing a text editor (example, sudo nano <file>), remove the line:16:22
curloxidedeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main universe restricted multiverse16:22
ubique#curloxide> not sure how to do that. im very new to all this. sorry16:24
ubiquealso what text editor?16:24
curloxideNormally one would have nano installed in the clean installation16:26
ubiqueok, ill try and install it16:27
curloxideTry "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"16:27
curloxideThis should ask you for a password, but that's needed to access the file16:27
spython01I am looking to redo some of my backup scripts for my laptop running Ubuntu.  Previously, I used cron jobs to schedule them.16:30
spython01Are there any advantages to looking into systemd timers?16:30
ubiquedeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main universe restricted multiverse this line is present four times16:30
curloxideRemove the other 316:30
curloxideThis should remove the wall of text (except for the errors, that's past what I can do)16:31
ToxmiThis is my first time attempt to try Ubuntu 20.04 after a long time....16:33
ToxmiIs there FDE (full disk encryption) has been removed from installer?16:33
ToxmiI also tried 3rd party installation which required me to setup secure boot!16:33
ToxmiBut couldn't see the FDE option16:33
ubique#curloxide ive removed them16:34
curloxideNow all that's left is that one 404 error16:35
curloxideTry apt update again16:35
ecbrownTomxi: it is there in Advanced16:35
ecbrownit's a button16:36
ecbrowngo into that menu and you can see the encryption option16:36
ubiquehow do i get back out of the sources list16:37
Toxmiecbrown, ah that might be it. ecbrown Is it just hassle free like before? My previous experience was so smooth, just select it and done, FDE16:37
curloxideCtrl+X if using nano16:37
ecbrownTomxi: it is trivial.  you have to add a passphrase16:37
curloxidethen Y16:37
curloxideand enter16:37
curloxideThat should save the modified file, and drop you back to the bash prompt16:38
irreleph4ntHi. I am looking for a cmdline parameter I can set to boot the ubuntu live image directly into my native language. I found "locale=" but that changes only menu texts, not text on the terminal or keymaps16:38
ubiquei got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hvJqTNkVpB/16:40
curloxideDid you write an entire command into that list?16:40
ubiquei removed the three lines as requested16:41
curloxideWhich is good16:42
ubiquethe list now.16:42
curloxideRemove "sudo apt update" to resolve the errors in https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hvJqTNkVpB/16:43
ubiquei just spotted my mistake sorry16:44
curloxide:P Could happen to anyone16:45
ubiqueit could but im a newb so sorry about that haha16:46
ubiqueive just started sudo apt update again16:46
curloxideMy bad, forgot to mention checking the edited file before saving16:46
ubiqueresults from my most recent update. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JnV4bN2GYQ/16:48
curloxideOkay, now I'm stuck on this one16:50
curloxideAnyone else?16:50
curloxidehttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]16:50
ubiquedid i screw up?16:50
curloxideThat's strange...The entire repo for armhf is missing16:52
ubique#curloxide i appreciate the time your taking to help me.16:52
curloxideNp, I have a ton of free time so...16:53
ubique#curloxide i know the feeling ....16:53
=== pnwise is now known as pnwise__
* curloxide is searching for an armhf repo...16:55
ubique#curloxide, im running this on a pi 3 b+.  i had to remove the old Pi os before i put it on the disk if that helps.16:56
oerheksthe ports.ubuntu.com lines give armhf packages, not the gb lines16:57
curloxideApparently the gb server doesn't support armhf16:58
tomreynports are not available on most of the archive mirrors16:58
curloxideTry commenting out the gb lines16:59
curloxidelike #deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main universe restricted multiverse16:59
curloxidenote the #16:59
ubiquehow do i do that17:00
=== akem__ is now known as akem
curloxideInstead of "deb http://<stuff here>"17:00
curloxideIt'll be "#deb http://<stuff here>"17:00
curloxideer...nano that file17:01
ubiqueim confused. sorry17:01
oerheksodd question, as you just edited the sources.list before17:01
pavlushkaCan I set raid on a disk with pre-existing data, I think I can but what will happen to the data?17:02
curloxidesudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list17:02
olysonekHi folks. Is there a mirror around that still has 19.04 updates? I have a 19.04 system here that apparently hasn't been updated in a while and I need to upgrade to 19.04-latest in order to be able to upgrade to a new release. But 19.04 seems to have been deleted from the mirrors already...17:02
oerheks!eolupgrade  | olysonek check out the old release part17:02
ubottuolysonek check out the old release part: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:02
ubiqueodd question maybe but im autistic and dyslexic so i find things like this difficult17:03
curloxideAh OK17:03
ubiqueim on the list now17:03
olysonekoerheks, ubottu Ah, let me read through that. Thanks!17:04
curloxideadd a # before each line that has "gb.archive.ubuntu.com"17:04
curloxideIf done correctly, sudo apt update should behave normally again.17:06
ubiquehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ytNtgRZZs4/  my new list17:06
curloxideLooks good to me, try it out17:07
ubiquesomthing is happening......17:07
oerheksline 14 and 15 are double too..17:08
ubiquehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FGZKVj3q2X/ the result17:09
RoseBushello my .desktop file launches gedit when i double click, how can i open it with gnome or whatever launcher this file is intended for?17:09
curloxidewhat? I don't see any doubles17:09
oerheks or how is http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/  different from http://ports.ubuntu.com/17:09
curloxideHeyyyy it works!17:09
curloxideubique: You're all set17:09
ubique#oerheks>  #curloxide>  thank you both for your help. i only wish i could return the favour somehow.   :-)17:11
curloxideNo problem.17:11
oerheksubique, have fun!17:11
sublim20greybot should build a pizza delivery service.  so people who want to thank others, can send them pizzas17:14
curloxidethat's gonna be a hefty delivery fee to send it to me17:14
curloxideI'm out here in the boreal forest17:14
ubiquenow I have that sorted, as this is a new install over the last few days can you recommend anything I need to do ? upgrade anything etc...17:15
curloxideYou're all up to date, so I don't think you really have much, other than mess around with your new installation17:15
ubiqueok great, It beats windows any day of the week !!!!17:16
curloxideExcept for some games, but very true17:17
sublim20curloxide, we can build solar powered drones.  the pizzas might not be warm when they get to you.  but they'll get there. eventually.17:17
tomreynwindows games on pi 3 b+?17:17
curloxideholy crap that would be unplayable17:18
ubiqueI do need some games for my Pi 3 b17:18
sublim20tomreyn, not really an option.  first, the 3b+ is really slow.  second, its an arm cpu.  it wont run wine.17:18
ubiqueim building it into a basic laptop thing17:18
curloxidenot only is the pi 3 b+ not the best for today's games, you're also running it through a x86 interpreter then wine17:18
curloxideif that even exists17:19
ubiquecan you get any retro games to run on Ubuntu Mate?17:19
sublim20there was a shady russian company that was working on an arm -> x86 interpreter...but then they disappeared.17:19
curloxideubique: Definitely.17:19
tomreynsublim20: right, i was just meaning to point out (to curloxide) that's not very likely to work17:19
sublim20retropi, is the best 'gaming' option. i have one setup on my 3b+.  its good17:19
curloxideNES: nestopia, fceux17:19
curloxideSNES: zsnes, snes9x17:20
ubiqueSnes games would be good17:20
* curloxide encounters alzheimer's17:20
curloxidejk no i didnt17:20
ubiqueive not seen them available to run on ubuntu mate though17:20
* curloxide scans the repository...17:22
ubiquesudo apt-get install zsnes17:24
irreleph4ntHi. I am looking for a cmdline parameter I can set to boot the ubuntu live image directly into my native language. I found "locale=" but that changes only menu texts, not text on the terminal or keymaps17:24
curloxideubique: Doubt it17:25
MICROburstwhere do I find some instructions on how to set up an auto-install for qemu-kvm, ubuntu 20.04 and the new shiny installer?17:26
sublim20is there a difference between, apt, and apt-get?17:27
oerheksapt is superior over apt-get. both commands are still valid.17:29
tripelbWhat ia the superiority? oerheks17:30
oerheksapt is better in handling dependencie stuff, and more17:30
tripelbI came in to ask how to I kill chrome. Ot cant handle the tabs and froze. Haha cntl-alt-del doesnt work in ubuntu, sad.17:31
oerheksopen terminal: pkill chrome-browser17:31
tripelb Thanks oerheks17:31
tripelbTerminal ctnl-alt-t doesnt function. oerheks17:32
tripelbmousese moves17:32
sublim20oerheks, so in general, one should stay away from apt-get, and stick to just apt?17:33
tripelbmousese looks like a square eatennup on thw top (a graph?)17:33
oerheksnot stay away, get used to apt.17:33
tripelbBack yo arrow mouse17:33
tripelbNoow froze17:33
oerheksand with giving support, make sure what version, 16.04 is still apt-get17:33
tripelbNow not17:34
ubiqueIs firefox good on security  ?17:34
tripelbPanel menus dot react either. A YT was playing back when functions stopped.17:35
tomreyn!tty | tripelb17:36
ubottutripelb: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:36
tripelboerheks it looks i have to hard reboot... And the YT starts again. Hmmm17:36
tomreyntripelb: once on the tty, you can ctrl-alt-del17:36
tripelbThanks tomreyn I will write that down.17:37
tomreynif this also fails you can still do SUB17:37
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key17:37
tomreynboth of those are better than a hard reset17:38
RoseBushello how can i install 32-bit libraries for my nvidia driver package?17:43
tripelbtomreyn oerheks so odd. Chrome is still playing and I see the windows but it says chrome closed unexpectedly. My computer does not have enough free memory to analyze and send a report to developers -- ok I have enoigh.  This computer has 8G memory. How can it have low memory. -- Bad ubuntu memorty management?? This could be a Report_2_HQ as far as17:44
tripelbI can.17:44
raphai'm trying out cuda for the first time17:44
raphait installed fine, but nvcc won't compile anything, not even the nvidia sample program from https://devblogs.nvidia.com/easy-introduction-cuda-c-and-c/ ... am i still missing some libs or something?17:45
tripelbtomreyn what is going on. Chrome is atill playing yt but the system announces it has crashed???17:51
raphathis is on 20.04 btw17:52
tomreyntripelb: since i don't have remote access to your system, i don't know what is (not) going on there. i can guess that oone of the chrome processes crashed while others continue to operate. rebooting would probably help.17:52
raphaalso <iostream> is unknown17:52
raphabut i have build-essential17:52
raphahmm okay g++ works, it's just nvcc17:54
raphaaaah nevermind17:55
raphathe files must be named *.cu, *.c won't work17:55
raphathanks all17:55
pavlosrapha: nvcc --version17:56
pavlosrapha: did you set your PATH to include cuda binaries? export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH17:58
raphapavlos: i installed from ubuntu repositories; there is no /usr/local/cuda. but it seems it's working fine now, when naming the files as .cu.17:59
raphai think i still need to install the proprietary nvidia driver, though. or will this work with nouveau, too?17:59
MICRObursthow to auto-install 20.04 server? Any howtos on that?18:00
tomreynthe same i provided in #ubuntu-de, i guess18:01
pavlosrapha: I think you need the nvidia driver, not nouveau18:01
tomreynthere is also #ubuntu-server18:01
raphapavlos: okay, installing18:01
multifractalI'm not seeing the option to install "alongside win10" on this 18.04 installation wizard18:04
tomreynmultifractal: you booted in legacy bios mode while windows is installed in uefi mode18:04
oerheksor windows is installed with bitlocker..18:10
oerhekswindows installed in sata/raid mode, not AHCI18:11
multifractalwhat can i do to check whether windows is installed in uefi mode, from inside the ubuntu live usb environment?18:12
multifractalit's a fresh win install, so i can overwrite it if necessary18:12
raphapavlos: including the whole passthrough jazz: https://i.imgur.com/Yzb3xeA.png :-D18:12
oerheksboot your ubuntu usb in uefi mode too ..18:13
tomreynmultifractal: you can check how the ubuntu installer booted, that's probably more interesting18:13
oerheksand i would let make windows free space, not ubuntu18:13
pavlosrapha: not a good approximation for pi ...18:13
tomreynmultifractal: run tihs in a temrinal (press ctrl-alt-t to spawn one):  echo -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS18:14
raphapavlos: it was an example i found online ... didn't even read the code. so you're saying that that means CUDA isn't working yet?18:20
raphapavlos: hmm, okay, playing with the official C examples from Nvidia, there's still something wrong ... cudaErrorSystemDriverMismatch18:21
pavlosrapha: I thought you needed pi.cu code not python code18:21
raphalol, also the pi approximation given by that python example changes each time around18:22
pavlosrapha: I'll try this ... http://cacs.usc.edu/education/cs596/src/cuda/pi.cu18:22
raphapavlos: thank you! unfortunately, 0.00. it seems i still have some kind of problem. suspecting driver...18:27
pavlosrapha: the idea being that the .cu will use GPU instead of CPU to compute18:30
raphapavlos: yes, but it's not working. and the driver seems to be fine (version 440 for an RTX 2060). so maybe my PCI passthrough is not yet setup correctly.18:36
pavlosrapha: troubleshooting is an exercise :) ... here's a simple pi.py (https://termbin.com/wgjc)18:42
=== Xard_ is now known as Xard
olysonekoerheks, I've successfuly upgraded \o/. Thank you very much :)18:46
superbootDoes anyone know what the name of the program is that lets you run a second x11 session in a window? I want to run a second window manager for testing.18:50
diamondbondsuperboot, xephyr18:50
zetherooA little but annoying problem. When I open Chrome for the first time the Chrome icon appears in the top-right tray area. If the system goes on standby and I wake it back up, the Chrome icon is missing from the tray, but Chrome is still running.18:50
raphapavlos: seems to be a problem with the hypervisor's kernel module options as regards the PCI passthrough.18:51
pavlosrapha: ok, cannot help there ...18:52
raphathank you for the python example, though! :) i had to leave work now so it'll have to wait a few days.18:52
raphapavlos: btw, your python example misses parantheses for the print call when ran with python318:53
pavlosrapha: yes, basic difference p2 to p318:53
diamondbondrapha, https://pastebin.com/raw/cjh4quU4 <- arctg based pi calculation for py318:54
pavlosrapha: change print pi to print(pi) and python3 pi.py runs18:55
ioriazetheroo, are you using Unity ?18:57
zetherooioria: I guess so. Whatever the default is in 20.0418:57
ioriazetheroo, nope, then should be gnome-shell18:58
zetherooah ok18:58
zetherooioria: why? any suggestions?19:07
diamondbondzetheroo, have you tried killing chrome manually and then restarting it, does the icon come back?19:08
zetheroo diamondbond: yes, done that and the icon returns19:09
diamondbondzetheroo, nice!19:10
zetheroo diamondbond: but how to make it stay there after wake from suspend?19:10
tripelbUbu20.04 sruck, mouse moves c/a/f7 does not work. I have a dialog box that says chrome has quit and yhere is no memory to report it. BUT chrome continues to play youtube with the video in an unfocused tab.19:10
tripelbI think it's a problem with memory management in Ubuntu.19:11
raphapavlos: i know, i just thought maybe you're not using py3 yet :)19:12
raphadiamondbond: another one to add to the collection, thanks :)19:12
tripelbWell, I found the panel worked. I closed chrome from the dock and all is well. The problem was in chrome.19:13
raphainterestingly both of your implementations start differing 6 digits after the decimal point19:14
ioriazetheroo, i'am curious about the icons you have in the top-right tray.... can you post a screenshot ?19:16
zetherooioria: https://ibb.co/VgHsN5X19:20
zetheroowithout the Chrome icon19:20
hmmpI have two swapfiles. is it safe to swappoff one of them if there's less swap used than one file already has? or will this break something19:22
ioriazetheroo, i might be wrong but that is Unity (or a shell extension)19:23
kvndyHello my computer froze two nights ago and on reboot audio stopped working. I asked in here for help but the problem was not resolved... yet. Does anyone know how to re-enable audio?19:29
zetherooioria: how do I tell if I am using Unity or Gnome-Shell?19:30
ioriazetheroo, env | grep -i shell_ses19:30
kvndyI tried several things, pavucontrol, alsa-mixer, reinstalling pulse audio, deleting folders, and rebooting, but nothing works19:31
zetherooioria: GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu19:31
ioriazetheroo, ps -A | grep gnome-shell19:31
tomreynkvndy: computers don't usually just freeze. does it do thaqt more regularly?19:31
zetherooioria:    3391 ?        00:22:26 gnome-shell19:32
zetheroo   3423 ?        00:00:00 gnome-shell-cal19:32
kvndytomreyn: Mine does on occasion19:32
ioriazetheroo, ok, you're running g-shell19:32
ioriazetheroo, but gnome-shell (by default) has no icons in the top panel19:33
tomreynkvndy: hmm, that's usually caused by firmware (if you're lucky) or (more likely) hardware (and very rarely by OS) issues. sound vanishing could be a side effect of it deteriorating.19:34
geardHello everyone, I am working in an ESXi environment. We need to sunset some old servers and are taking the release of 20.04 to refresh our environments. I am looking at automating some of our base server deployments using Vmware templates, would using something like cloud-init be advised in this situation?19:34
tomreynkvndy: which hardware is it?   journalctl -b | grep DMI:    would tell19:34
kvndytomreyn: You might be right about a firmware issue, I received help in here but everything seemed like it should work19:34
sveinseIs there a decent command line paster in ubuntu (that doesn't paste to pastebin)?19:35
kvndytomreyn: `May 06 03:36:46 Inspirator kernel: DMI: Dell Inc. Inspiron 13-7378/0GHMCD, BIOS 1.21.1 08/25/2017`19:35
tomreynkvndy: did you look for a bios upgrade, yet?19:35
kvndytomreyn: I have not, I was not aware. That's through Dell?19:36
tomreynkvndy: i would say so. https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=ncj11&oscode=wt64a&productcode=inspiron-13-7378-2-in-1-laptop19:38
zetherooioria: In Tweaks > Extensions > there is Ubuntu appindicators. Is that why the icons are there?19:40
ioriazetheroo, don't remember, sy; but the only way is to install some extensions , like Unite or Taskbar19:41
kvndytomreyn: I will have to install windows on my machine but I think I can handle it. Thanks for the advice19:42
tomreynkvndy: be aware this is really just a needle in a haystack, though. there can be many other reasons.19:43
tomreyni mean it's maybe not the needle in the haystack you'Re looking for. it can be.19:44
kvndytomreyn: Every other possibility was exhausted, at least it seemed to me. I asked in here and everything I checked and everything I tried, the response I got was audio should be working19:45
kvndytomreyn: Unless there is something else to try, I'll give it a shot19:48
tomreynkvndy: you could also run a hardware test. there's memcheck86+ which you can download from memtest86.com (the free as in beer version is sufficient) or you can run the hardware diagnostic which is embedded on the mainboard's storage and available from 'bios' / system setup menus. it's called ePSA.19:49
tomreynPress F12 after the Dell logo is displayed on the screen to access the boot menu.19:50
tomreynpage 130 of https://topics-cdn.dell.com/pdf/inspiron-13-7378-2-in-1-laptop_service-manual_en-us.pdf19:50
kvndytomreyn: Fantastic19:51
tomreyna reset of the bios settings to manufactirer / optimized defaults can also help19:51
curloxidetomreyn: I thought memtest86+ came with ubuntu?19:53
tomreynkvndy: there's also this report about the realtek sound chip this system has: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/177242319:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1772423 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[Inspiron 5379, Realtek ALC3253, Black Headphone Out, Right] No sound at all" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:53
tomreyn(different inspiron model, but the same ALC3253 chipset)19:54
tomreyncurloxide: just the old bios-only one.19:54
=== retentiveboy_ is now known as retentiveboy
curloxidereally? I thought grub2 ran UEFI as well19:55
tomreynthere is a grub bootloader for uefi, and grub can boot linux off a system in uefi boot mode.19:56
tomreynbut this has nothing to do with whether or not memtest86+ boots inthis mode or not.19:57
curloxide.elf files have to be in a different data type to run in UEFI?19:57
* curloxide realizes this is starting to go off-topic19:58
jfcaronI installed Ubuntu Desktop (18.04.4) from the "minimal install", but when I boot, I am only shown a CLI login and interface.  How do I launch the desktop environment?20:01
curloxidestartx might do it20:01
tomreynthere is probably just none installed20:02
tomreynoh desktop, sorry, then there is20:02
tomreynnvidia graphics?20:03
jfcaronThanks, I will try startx.20:03
jfcaronCurrently compiling something, so I can't try it right now. ^_^20:03
tomreynyou can open another tty and login and type   dpkg -l xserver-xorg-core\*20:05
tomreynat least one line of output should start with 'ii' or you'll have no X(org) server installed.20:06
curloxidectrl+alt+f1 to f7 works20:06
jfcaronThis is on a virtual machine, Ctrl+Alt+F* switches on my host machine.20:08
jfcaronI'm sure there's a way to send it the input to switch...but eh.20:09
=== JimSpoonbaker is now known as NotJimSpoonbaker
p0indexterhas anyone tried ubuntuDDE ?20:32
vladabr Hey, I'm trying to build the uio_pci_generic module for my current ubuntu image. I've gotten the source via pat-get install linux-image-$(uname -r), when I try insmod on the .ko I get: uio_pci_generic: version magic '4.15.18 SMP mod_unload ' should be '4.15.0-99-generic SMP mod_unload '. I have also tried with the source from here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.15.0-99.100.20:32
vladabrThe steps that I have used to build the module are these https://askubuntu.com/questions/168279/how-do-i-build-a-single-in-tree-kernel-module20:33
vladabrI'm not sure why I end up with this 4.15.18 version and not 1.15.0-99-generic20:34
curloxideI switched off auto lock on Ubuntu, but it's still blanking out.20:35
diamondbondcurloxide, check power settings > blank screen20:35
AlexPortableI want an user to be able to update the system with another password than the actual sudo/root password. is this posssible?20:36
curloxideOhhh ok20:36
curloxideThanks diamondbond20:36
curloxideThat setting's a little recursive, but whatever20:36
tomreynAlexPortable: you could setup a separate user who can can nothing but update the system, and set a different password for this user.20:41
AlexPortablehow would i set this up?20:41
AlexPortable"can do nothing but update the system"20:41
DescriptionedHello, i've installed Popcorn time, but on dubbed languages it shows only English any suggestion ?20:43
colemickensSo uh, your download page points to mirrors that are 404'ing the desktop amd64 iso.20:43
tomreynAlexPortable: well, the easiest way would be to have them run just a single command on login (could be a scripted menu you write, which just provides a few choices)20:43
AlexPortablei'd prefer to use the normal update dialog20:44
tomreyncolemickens: those mirrors are run by volunteers, so that makes it more difficult to keep track of one going down. if you can identify the mirror, you could do what's suggested on the /topic of #ubuntu-mirrors to help having it fixed.20:45
colemickenstomreyn: excellent, the best answer I could hope for :)20:45
colemickensI will do that now.20:45
gimmelHi all, what would cause sudo apt list --upgradadble to not list anything even when there is a package ready to upgrade? -> https://pastebin.com/31UgUPsq20:49
diamondbondgimmel, no spaces after '--'20:50
diamondbondapt list --upgradable20:51
gimmeldiamondbond: Yup. I... I run that every day. Why didn't I see that? Sorry :/20:51
diamondbondgimmel, its alright :) we've all been there20:51
gimmeldiamondbond: Kind. Too kind.20:52
=== benfrancis1 is now known as benfrancis
Descriptioned Hello, i've installed Popcorn time, but on dubbed languages it shows only English any suggestion ?20:53
oerheksDescriptioned, i think you won't find support here for software that uses illegal services20:56
AlexPortablehow do i make an user that only has permission for the update manager GUI?20:59
diamondbondAlexPortable, https://askubuntu.com/questions/612256/how-do-i-allow-a-user-to-only-run-the-apt-get-update-command-with-sudo21:02
Bey0ndB1naryHi All21:02
AlexPortablewell that's a command, not the GUI21:02
Bey0ndB1naryI've updated to Ubuntu 20.04 and since then having sound problems.21:03
Bey0ndB1naryAudio is not working.21:03
Bey0ndB1naryCould someone help?21:03
diamondbondAlexPortable, write a small python gui script to run /usr/local/bin/updater and attach an icon & .desktop file for it21:06
diamondbondAlexPortable, there's also this; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1089727/allow-regular-user-to-update-software-via-gui-and-update-notifier21:07
AlexPortableso i'd have to give the user permission for polkit21:08
diamondbondAlexPortable, pretty much yeah21:13
AlexPortableany tutorial on this? all I can find is examples to write into a custom program21:18
oerheksbasicly you have a user already, to access updates.21:21
AlexPortablewhat do you mean?21:35
Descriptionedi installed an other version of popcorn time and i get an error,,  "your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of NW.js"21:53
oerhekspopcorntime is piracy21:54
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:55
Descriptionedoerheks: how i can fix "your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of NW.js"21:55
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct21:55
oerheksDescriptioned, no21:55
kenperkinshas anyone here experienced this bug with 20.04: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-440/+bug/1874567/21:57
oerheksAlexPortable, your 1st user has root priv, to construct a user with only access to the update gui is to much trouble21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1874567 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 (Ubuntu) "[nvidia] Secondary (rotated) monitor configuration is not applied correctly in gnome settings" [High,Confirmed]21:57
AlexPortablewell I want an user to be able to update the system when the dialog shows that there are updates21:57
Descriptioned how i can fix "your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of NW.js"22:10
oerheksDescriptioned, you have been warned several times now.22:13
psyminI'm having an issue installing nginx via apt on 18.04 of 20.04 on fresly installed servers.  (also on deb 9).  Same issue on all three.22:14
oerhekspopcorn time is piracy, against the philosophy of this channel22:14
psyminI'm curious if anyone is able to install nginx from the ubuntu repos with success :(22:16
kel_How do i get firefox to stolp using so much cpu? at 40% - 60% watching videos on youtube and such22:17
tomreynpsymin: what's the command you ran? is this a freshly installed system? installed how? which ubuntu release?22:18
psyminyes, fresh install.  Ubuntu 20.04.  Also Ubuntu 18.04.  Also deb 9.  sudo apt install nginx22:18
psymininstalls were updated first, maybe that was my issue?22:19
tomreynpsymin: do you have 3rd party repositories enabled?22:19
oerheksdid you update properly before installing 1.14.0-0ubuntu1  > 1.14.0-0ubuntu1.1 errors22:19
tomreynneither version seems to be in any current ubuntu release22:20
psymindidn't take steps to enable 3rd party repos22:20
psyminif they're enabled by default, then yes22:20
tomreyn!info nginx-core bionic22:20
ubottunginx-core (source: nginx): nginx web/proxy server (standard version). In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.0-0ubuntu1.7 (bionic), package size 402 kB, installed size 1176 kB22:20
psyminmethod was: install, apt update, apt upgrade, apt install nginx.  Should I try installing w/o doing update?22:21
tomreyncan you provide lsb_release -ds    for the system you created the output you posted on?22:22
psyminUbuntu 20.04 LTS22:22
tomreyn!info nginx-core focal22:22
ubottunginx-core (source: nginx): nginx web/proxy server (standard version). In component main, is optional. Version 1.17.10-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 415 kB, installed size 1221 kB22:22
tomreynthose versions dont match up at all22:23
oerheksthat 1.14.0-ubuntu1 was from 2018...22:23
tomreynhow did you install the system? what'S the output of    sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog22:25
psyminvia iso, qemu host22:25
tomreynwhich iso?22:25
psyminMD5(ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso)= f03d31c11136e24c10c705b7b3efc39f22:26
psymin!info nginx focal22:26
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.17.10-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB22:26
tomreynwhat you posted to termbin now is from a 20.04 system, and nginx-core has the proper version there22:27
psyminright, that is the currently booted machine, 20.0422:27
tomreynwhat you posted previously must have been output form a different system, running a different ubuntu (?) release22:27
tomreynwhat's the output of     sudo dpkg --configure -a    on the 20.04 system?22:28
psyminhere is the full output of that paste, starting after logging in and with the lsb output at the bottom https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BtTzpVw23j/22:30
tomreynalways run apt update before you install packages22:30
psymintomreyn, I did the apt update before rebooting22:31
tomreynnginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol)22:31
psymincripes, you're right, that other output was from the other terminal with the 18.04 server.22:31
psyminahh, that makes sense22:32
tomreynyou seem to have ipv6 disabled22:32
psyminYep, step #122:32
psyminI'll install first, then disable.22:32
tomreynthen step #.5 should probably be to disable its use in nginx.22:33
psymininstall, update, install nginx, disable ipv6.  Thanks :)22:33
tomreynor just use ipv6 because we all need to switch everything to it anyways.22:35
psyminThis network is IPv4, as is upstream.  I can enable it, but it won't provide any benefit, just potential detriment.22:36
tomreynthere's no ipv6 routing available?22:36
psymincorrect, not on this network.  Users would have to manually configure it.22:37
tomreynfind a better hosting location. :)22:37
tomreynbug 1743592 is related22:38
ubottubug 1743592 in nginx (Ubuntu) "NGINX fails to start/install/upgrade if IPv6 is completely disabled." [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174359222:38
psyminnice :)22:38
psyminfor reference, it also impacts deb 9 and ubuntu 18.04 :)22:39
tomreynsee the linked debian bug report22:40
tomreynalso note how the ubuntu bug state is WONTFIX22:40
AlexPortableusing a command now to update the system, but how do i make the terminal stay open from a .desktop file?22:48
AlexPortableit just closes before i can fill in the password22:48
rjwiiiHello ... Just got my new Thelio from System76. It came with Ubuntu 20.04. 2 issues:22:50
rjwiii1) Software updater is crashing22:50
psyminAlexPortable, Terminal=true ?22:51
rjwiii2) How do  I get a wallpaper to span 3 monitors/22:51
AlexPortablepsymin: will execute it aand then close the terminal without allowing any input22:56
psyminAlexPortable, this .desktop file keeps a term open for me after I double click it. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qVqJrFcjNd/22:57
AlexPortablethanks. i was apparently starting the terminal first22:59
psyminrjwiii, not sure about either issue.  I'm curious if an update would fit it :)  sudo apt update23:05
AlexPortableWould you recommend 18.04.2 as an LTS, or 20.04 ?23:12
tomreynthe current 18.04 is 18.04.4, and it's your choice.23:14
n-iCeGuys is zfs good for performance?23:17
n-iCeor just for security?23:17
sveinsen-iCe: It depends on how you define performance... or security :S23:20
psyminn-iCe, that is a long answer.  Similar to btrfs23:20
psyminAlexPortable, depends on your usage case.  Check out the differences regarding hardware support and maintenance updates here: https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle23:24
n-iCesveinse, psymin so for normal use, should I use it?23:26
n-iCeAll I care is performance, that the system go better, smoother, etc23:26
bradleeever since I updated discovery and rebooted...this morning my plasmashell keeps bombing especially with firefox23:26
bradleeI have to relogin...23:27
bradleeI am on another laptop now...23:27
bradleeI tried ubuntu-bug firefox...but it crashes after opening the browser23:27
vladabrHey, I'm trying to build the uio_pci_generic module for my current ubuntu image. I've gotten the source via pat-get install linux-image-$(uname -r), when I try insmod on the .ko I get: uio_pci_generic: version magic '4.15.18 SMP mod_unload ' should be '4.15.0-99-generic SMP mod_unload '. I have also tried with the source from here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.15.0-99.100.  The steps that I have used to build the23:29
vladabrmodule are these https://askubuntu.com/questions/168279/how-do-i-build-a-single-in-tree-kernel-module. Thanks in advance!23:29
psyminn-iCe, here is an ubuntu wiki about filesystems.  It is from last year and doesn't have zfs unfortunately: https://web.archive.org/web/20191002091806/https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemsExplained23:30
psyminbradlee, KDE crashes when you use firefox?23:31
bradleeuh yea it does23:31
bradleeerror 1123:31
bradleepsymin, it's not kde so much as plasmashell...23:34
n-iCepsymin: hehe23:46
n-iCewhat I wonder is, should I use it or not23:46
Deano59AlexPortable, 20.04 is much better than 18.04, just saying. :)23:50
AlexPortableHow do I get the humanity theme back on 20.04?23:55
AlexPortableDeano59: well, it's not 20.04.4 yet, which 18.04.4 is23:55
Deano59I never said it's 20.04.4...23:59
Deano5918.04 is old now. old kernel etc23:59
Deano59better off using 20.04 anyday.23:59

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