
OvenWerksIt has gone in horizontal.00:17
OvenWerksPaul likes the contrast to "other" strips00:17
OvenWerksI have tried to get it to use application colours/theme so it should match other stuff in MB00:19
krytarikEickmeyer: https://git.launchpad.net/studio-controls/tree/debian/control#n26 - just noticed it's spelled "-contols" there. >_>  But also, nice move to make the tool distro-agnostic!02:05
Eickmeyerkrytarik: Oof....02:06
Eickmeyerteward: We missed something. ^02:06
EickmeyerNot a huge issue yet.02:07
krytarikYeah, just as see it..02:07
tewardwe can REJECT the upload :p02:07
Eickmeyerteward: typo fix pushed, feel free to reupload as soon as we get that reject.02:09
Eickmeyerkrytarik: But yeah, it's something that OvenWerks and I had been contemplating for a while.02:10
tewardEickmeyer: that was rejected I just pulled from git again, this ready to go now?02:14
EickmeyerYes, typo is fixed.02:14
tewardokay pushed again02:15
OvenWerksEickmeyer: WRT bug 1872187, I have looked at the code and the docs on the same code... unless python has changed or the gi lib, I don't know what that would be.02:16
ubottubug 1872187 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu Groovy) "[SRU] ubuntustudio-controls crashed with IndexError in refresh_dropdowns(): list index out of range" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187218702:16
OvenWerkssorry not that one02:16
OvenWerksthe one in the email I just got:02:17
EickmeyerI feel as though that was a false positive, but I need to hear back yet. It won't let me look up the error for some strange reason.02:17
OvenWerksBug 186770502:17
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1867705 could not be found02:17
EickmeyerThat's a private bug.02:17
OvenWerksyou have now marked it as a duplicate02:17
OvenWerksAh right02:18
OvenWerks I remember, I can get to it02:18
OvenWerksI am wondering if this is one of those wayland things02:18
EickmeyerMight be, but it was a prerelease version anyhow. Also, "Argument 1 does not allow None as a value" screams as though the audio device had no descriptor.02:19
OvenWerksargument 1 of __init__02:20
EickmeyerOh, I see, so it's dying on launch, you think?02:21
OvenWerks    def __init__(self): is what is there... maybe self is not initialized before it gets to there02:22
EickmeyerSo is it a duplicate or no?02:23
OvenWerksExcept self is argument 0? I would think02:23
EickmeyerAlso StevenJayCohen hasn't reported this kind of bug, so I think it might have been an isolated incident.02:24
OvenWerksIs there a choice in vanilla to use wayland or x?02:25
EickmeyerYes, during login.02:25
EickmeyerI've used it both ways myself and had no issues.02:25
OvenWerksAre there actually applications written to use wayland natively?02:26
OvenWerks So maybe can't reproduce?02:26
EickmeyerYes, but ours uses Xwyaland, I think.02:26
EickmeyerCant reproduce.02:27
OvenWerkswayland has a x compatability layer... but it is not fully compatable... and the developers of wayland don't care "because x is wrong anyway"02:29
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Mar 16 22:39:34 hostname gnome-shell[1859]: Connection to xwayland lost02:32
EickmeyerLooks like they were having a plethora of video-related errors too.02:34
EickmeyerHere's the kicker though: hostname /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session02:34
EickmeyerThey weren't even running Wayland.02:35
EickmeyerThe other thing is the date: March 16. The final version of GNOME 3.36 hadn't even hit the archive yet.02:36
EickmeyerThere's too much wrong with this bug report to say what definitively went wrong.02:36
OvenWerksSo long as you have run it on vanilla both x and wl I am happy02:49
OvenWerksI would go with does it happen in 20.04 release... or something.02:50
OvenWerksYup like that02:53
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ooof... that same bug appeared in the version headed into the archive: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/BS8dNqknj4/15:42
EickmeyerDefinitely Wayland related.15:42
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Nope, might not be Wayland related. I'm going to give this a few tests in Ubuntu proper and see if I can duplicate the bug. I've assigned this "critical", so, unfortunately, we're going to have to get this resolved before we can work on studio-controls by itself.16:09
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I was able to duplicate the crash. Seems like a newer version of Python is to blame?16:34
Eickmeyerwonko: If you're around, we could use some Python help with ubuntustudio-controls16:35
EickmeyerALL HANDS ON DECK: This is a CRITICAL bug.16:35
EickmeyerLaunches fine from the terminal.16:36
EickmeyerAnd then it's fine.16:37
wonkoYeah, what's up?16:38
Eickmeyerwonko: So, we have an interesting bug in Ubuntu Studio Controls that's happening when it's first launched on Ubuntu (proper, GNOME desktop). 16:38
EickmeyerypeError in __init__(): Argument 1 does not allow None as a value Edit16:39
Eickmeyer*TypeError in __init__(): Argument 1 does not allow None as a value Edit16:39
Eickmeyerminus the "Edit"16:39
EickmeyerTraceback is here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/469360059/Traceback.txt16:39
wonkoWithout seeing the code or having a system to test on I'm going go guess that screen.get_active_window() is returning None and that's not valid?16:42
EickmeyerThat would make sense, but I'm no python expert.16:42
wonkodo you have a link to the code?16:42
Eickmeyerwonko: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls/tree/usr/bin/ubuntustudio-controls16:43
EickmeyerLooks like it's the unused Wacom tablet settings.16:47
wonkoso what you should do is get the results from screen.get_active_screen() and if it's None skip that next bit. That's just a WAG not having followed the entire progam flow, however.16:50
Eickmeyerwonko: Well, that makes logical sense.16:50
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Thoughts? ^16:50
tewardcould also try/accept in that section of the code to skip on error.17:15
tewardwhich makes more sense than attempting to store the value first before handling17:15
teward(saves memory long-run)17:16
teward(albeit a tiny bit of memory but still)17:16
tewardEickmeyer: OvenWerks: ^17:17
Eickmeyerteward: I don't have any idea how to do that, I'm not a python coder.17:18
tewardi do ;)17:18
tewardOvenWerks probably does too17:18
tewardbut i don't want to futz with controls unless I can avoid it :)17:18
tewardminor packaging issues, sure, but not the source :)17:18
EickmeyerI totally get that.17:18
EickmeyerI'd rather OvenWerks or wonko took this on, personally.17:19
EickmeyerBug 1867705 is now public.17:19
ubottubug 1867705 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-controls crashed with TypeError in __init__(): Argument 1 does not allow None as a value" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186770517:19
wonkoyeah, try/except is probably a better way. good call teward.17:22
tewardpython 101 :)17:22
wonkoI'm trying to write less python these days. :)17:22
tewardEickmeyer: isn't https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-controls/+bug/1877612 a dupe of 1867705?17:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1877612 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/ubuntustudio-controls:TypeError:/usr/bin/ubuntustudio-controls@1081:__init__" [Critical,New]17:24
tewardif these're dupes then I can dupe em17:26
Eickmeyerteward: Yeah, it's a dupe. I marked it as such.17:37
OvenWerksIf it is the tablet stuff... it will most likely be removed. I have found out that the tablet's "area" has nothing to do with the screen anyway.19:07
OvenWerksI have some school to do with my son for an hour or so. then I will look at it.19:07
OvenWerksEickmeyer: do you want me to just remove the tablet code? For what direction we are planning for that it looks like I will have to start over anyway :(19:08
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, might as well. It's causing issues. :/19:09
EickmeyerRikMills: Are you around? I'm trying to figure out how to configure the default GTK theme.19:26
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Let me know when you have this fixed.19:29
OvenWerksEickmeyer: it needs testing on a problematic system21:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I had another idea... but it is not de agnostic.21:01
OvenWerksI was thinking a button on the tablet page that goes to the setup applet for plasma's tablets.21:02
OvenWerksI don't know if we could have a list of known setup applets and run the first one we find...21:02
OvenWerksanyway, that is for later. The fix is in us-c but not s-c21:03
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, I can spin-up a default Ubuntu system and do the diagnostic.21:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I got the fix, looks like it worked. I'll go ahead and SRU this.23:45
OvenWerks:) thanks23:47
OvenWerksThat was a bit of a long drop out... Cable is not as good as the old copper ADSL...23:48
EickmeyerYeah, that's the downside. The upside is, at least theoretically, it's faster.23:48
OvenWerksMuch faster even upload23:50

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