
onyxI need help I can't update I keep getting an error N: Ignoring file 'jgeboski.list”' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension05:00
onyxI tried searching days for a solution online05:00
onyxtried everything suggested nothing works05:00
onyxI can't remove it or access it05:01
onyxit says the directory doesn't exist05:01
lubot<rudrabali> Try sudo05:01
lubot<rudrabali> It might be restricted05:01
guiverconyx, that is a file added after install (that directory is empty on new installs), so check allusers should have 'read' access to that directory & files inside directory05:02
lubot<rudrabali> yup, but his case seems special05:02
lubot<rudrabali> onyx: Did it work?05:03
lubot<rudrabali> joining over IRC05:03
onyxstill says file is invalid05:04
lubot<rudrabali> I meant something else05:04
lubot<rudrabali> Try using sudo with the commands you want to run on the file05:05
onyxI always use sudo05:05
onyxit doesn't help05:05
lubot<rudrabali> Or better, run 'sudo su' and then try run commands05:05
onyxI tried that too05:05
onyxN: Ignoring file 'jgeboski.list”' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension05:05
lubot<rudrabali> onyx: does the dir even exist?05:05
onyxthat's the error I get05:05
onyxevery time05:05
onyxsays it doesn't05:06
lubot<rudrabali> Did you add that file?05:06
onyxyeah it's an extension for pidgin05:06
onyxpurple plugin05:06
lubot<rudrabali> Then that is a 3rd party plugin isn't it05:06
lubot<rudrabali> It should be in such a format: … deb <repo> <version> main05:07
onyxI don't see it05:09
onyxand it says I have "held packages"05:09
onyxI tried all commands to fix that05:09
onyxdoesn't seem to work05:09
lubot<rudrabali> That's the sort of issue05:09
onyxI tried -f install, install -f all those commands don't fix the problem05:10
lubot<rudrabali> Try using the following: … sudo apt-mark unhold <package>05:10
onyxI tried it says directory not found05:10
onyxor doesn't exist05:10
lubot<rudrabali> You need to replace the package with its name05:10
lubot<rudrabali> if it is not installed, the issue is different05:10
onyxhow do I find out if it's installed?05:11
lubot<rudrabali> btw. what is the irc link for this group?05:11
lubot<rudrabali> did you install that package05:11
lubot<rudrabali> ah, it is #lubuntu05:12
onyxI think I got the plugin through another way05:12
onyxbecause the jgeboski didn't work05:12
onyxyeah this is lubuntu05:13
lubot<rudrabali> I'm now connected through IRC as rs200905:13
lubot<rudrabali> see me there05:13
onyxI messeged you05:16
onyxbut it's been a long time having this problem I thought I could ignore it but now it won't let me install or upgrade certain programs/packages05:18
=== yx is now known as Guest90511
akemI upgraded to 20.04, i hope the freezing will be gone :X10:18
akemI think it's an intel graphic driver bug. I see the kernel was upgraded of course.10:19
Guest31hi there :)12:20
Guest31Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/800c8cbb28e6ffbc71d1607740a9a0f8/pasted.txt12:20
guiverc19.04 is EOL, once a release goes EOL it's repo is moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com so errors are to be epxected Guest3112:22
Guest31guest31: Haha12:22
Guest31Thats a genius approach ^^12:23
Guest31Thanks a lot12:23
guivercsorry you saw that, my apology.. old-releases does not have country mirrors.. so de. needs to be removed12:23
Guest31I had another mirror before12:23
Guest31Why not simply put a file onto the EOL mirror that tells you, what is the issue and how to solve it?12:24
guivercchange //de.old-releases.. to //old-releases..12:24
Guest31This was before12:24
Guest31I changed it in an attempt to solve it12:24
Guest31It was the same error before12:24
guiverchttps://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-19-04-end-of-life-and-current-support-statuses/  was our notice on disco/19.0412:24
Guest31I think I will just reinstall12:25
Guest31And I mean, to put something in the console at least.12:25
Guest31Or some GUI box that says: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:25
guivercthe only error I see is the de. at the start of the URL, there are no country codes for old-releases12:25
Guest31I used the Software Sources GUI to change from "Main Server" to "Server for Deutschland"12:27
Guest31When I change now back, it stays the same, for some reason.12:27
Guest31Can you tell me, how to change back via command line? which file is this? :)12:27
guivercUpgrade before the release goes EOL, there is no set period for the move to old-releases; 17.04 moved the following day, but some releases stay there for ages (eg. 17.10)12:27
=== Guest31 is now known as ShalokShalom
ShalokShalomBut why not simply leaving a notice on the server?12:28
guivercI'd suggest making the changes via terminal editor (b/c the release is EOL; I'm not sure GUI can cope with that)12:28
ShalokShalomOK, thanks12:28
guivercthe move is only documented to occur AFTER reaching EOL (ie. next day as in 17.04 I mentioned, or months later like 17.10.. still can occur)12:29
ShalokShalomCan you rephrase this?12:29
ShalokShalomSo you mean, I am supposed to see a notice?12:30
ShalokShalomI will reinstall the system.12:30
guivercUbuntu 19.04 was the 2019-April release... even if you miss the notice, April+9 months life = Jan or 2020-Jan EOL... 3 years for LTS releases, 9 months for non-LTS12:30
ShalokShalomYeah, thats nice12:31
ShalokShalomI am not complaining about the short support cycle12:31
ShalokShalomI am complaining about a small text file, that is some kb huge, is ommited so we have to look in the internet for some solution, for a thing that can easily be automated.12:32
guiverc(3 years is b/c Lubuntu is a flavor, applies to all, Ubuntu server/desktop have 5 years, flavors have 3)12:32
ShalokShalomI think this is one of the things usually does happen to be handled by distros12:32
ShalokShalomYeah, I know that.12:33
ShalokShalomI just come from another distro, so i am not used to the commons here. :)12:33
guivercusually the move from archive to old-releases occurs the next month (so forgetting what day released usually isn't an issue (it's always a Thursday anyway) but 17.04 was an early exception to usual behavior12:34
ShalokShalomYeah, thanks a lot dear12:34
ShalokShalomThis all is unrelated to what I type :)12:35
ShalokShalomThanks a lot12:35
guivercThursday being the date of release  (UST/UTC time anyway)12:35
Bombohi is there a lubuntu version supporting the rtl8821c wifi chip? i tried the latest lubuntu-19.10-desktop-amd64.iso but i get no wifi16:14
bzbusing lubuntu20.04 and screen brightness and blanking not working properly. I create the following report  but don't know if it is the right place. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/187578717:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1875787 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "brightness controls and screen blanking not working properly" [Undecided,New]17:49
bzbany direction appreciated17:50
nino46i need help19:44
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=== Guest77860 is now known as eaglestar
onyxhey I'm back can someone help me with my held packages and directory which is non-existant?20:23
onyxN: Ignoring file 'jgeboski.list”' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension20:24
onyxmy error message when I try to update20:24
wxlit's not an error, but a warning20:26
onyxis there a way to fix it?20:26
wxlit won't affect your ability to install packages all your other sources20:26
wxlalso, yes, you can correct the name20:27
wxlyour clue: you have an extra character20:27
onyxwhen I tried it says directory doesn't exist20:27
onyxis it a quotation mark?20:28
onyxah I just caught that lol20:30
onyxwoops ignore that20:39
onyxI'm running off like 3 hours of sleep lol20:39
wxlthat might be the other problem XD20:40
onyxyeah I haven't been sleeping well in months.. horrible living conditions20:41
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
bzbInstalled lubuntu20.04 on laptop. when screen blanking is on the display is still bright while the image is blank. Is this normal?21:24
Deano59not sure if this is a bug or not but.. I used the mini.iso (the legacy one) advanced options, expert command line install.... installed Lubuntu with "apt install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends" and network manager wasn't giving any info on my device. I had to edit netplan and configure it to use network manager. just thought I'd say1 :)21:41
bzbany comment on my issue? Anyone?21:47
bzbany comment on my issue? Anyone?22:20
=== chili is now known as Guest4015
kc2bezbzb: I haven't experienced that myself. When I adjust the power management settings to turn my display off it does that. You may want to start a post on the forum https://discourse.lubuntu.me rather than idle here in IRC waiting.22:57
kc2bezIt could be a specific hardware type issue. Your issue may get more visibility over there.22:58
bzbkc2bez: thanks23:01
Enduxanyone there23:18
Enduxi cant hear any audio can someone help me23:19
guivercEndux, what system?23:29
Enduxwhat do you mean23:29
guivercwhat OS/release are you using?23:29
Enduxlubuntu 20.0423:30
guivercIs your sound card recognized?  (`sudo lshw -C sound` will list hardware of class=sound devices, the driver= bit tells you kernel.module/driver in use)23:31
Enduxit says *-multimedia23:32
Endux       description: Audio device23:32
Endux       product: NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller23:32
Endux       vendor: Intel Corporation23:32
Endux       physical id: 1b23:32
Endux       bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.023:32
Endux       version: 0223:32
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit23:32
guivercps: you'll have to wait till flood.ban has been lifted23:33
Enduxwhat do you mean23:34
guivercposts should be single line, you flooded many lines so you were silenced & your detail dropped (not shown); use a pastebin  (`| pastebinit` for example23:34
Enduxyou mean pastebin website23:35
guivercif you add a `|pastebinit` to the end of a command, the output will be re-directed to paste.ubuntu.com23:36
guivercYep your card is recognized, the snd_hda_intel is similiar to my box, next I'd look in `pavucontrol` (pulse audio volume control)23:38
Enduxwhat should i do now23:39
guivercI'd check the last "Configuration" tab to see if a profile is selected, maybe switch it to off, then back to whatever it is (or play & return if no difference).   Next the "Output Devices" that Port looks valid etc.23:40
Enduxit says analog stereo duplex23:41
guivercmine is set to "Analogue Stereo Output"23:41
guivercbut I get sound on duplex as well23:41
guivercWith the Output.Devices tab, ensure you don't have it muted..23:42
Enduxi dont think its muted23:43
Enduxare you there23:46
guivercI usually 'play' with settings, if they make no difference i return them back to what it was... I'm looking up online for issues with hardware like yours, most appear old (some blacklists done but for older releases I'm not sure apply, what brand box?23:47
Enduxis there a sound test in volume control23:48
guivercyes I think (or there was).. I don't see it, I have music playing so can see the beat shown in "Playback", "Output Devices" etc.23:50
guivercif it's a laptop, they can have unique features that 'silence' sound  (like airplane mode & wifi).. Other users have noted that some brands 'mute' sound on certain key combinations (I've noted that myself, usually mis-key & fix in pauvucontrol)23:55
Enduxits a netbook23:56
Enduxalso its detecting sound but i cant hear it23:57
guivercIf you don't get any more advice here (I'm empty sorry) you can also use #ubuntu (Lubuntu is an official flavor so you'll be on-topic)23:57
guivercif it's showing sound in pavucontrol but you can't hear it, I'd look most in Ouptut Devices (try changing port etc)23:57
guivercalso Playback tab too (where you can mute certain applications & not others)23:59
guivercthough when I mute my music player, the beat/volume-level disappears..23:59

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