
lubotZurd0s was added by: RikMills11:36
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 Zurdo has a question about Qt 5.14 :)11:37
lubot<Zurd0s> so, I thought, hey, history, I'll try searching. Curse telegram search being unable to find partial words :)11:37
lubot<Zurd0s> Hi all!11:37
lubot<Zurd0s> I'm having difficulties both understanding and fixing issues with a change in Qt 5.14, namely "Qt is now relocatable"11:38
lubot<Zurd0s> @Zurd0s [I'm having difficulties both understanding and fixing issues with a change in Qt …], It could still be a red herring, but it's the only relevant change in 5.14 I've seen that makes sense to be causing issues like quasselcore not finding lib/qt-qtversion/plugins/sqldrivers, for example11:40
lubot<Zurd0s> @Zurd0s [It could still be a red herring, but it's the only relevant change in 5.14 I've …], (therefore not being able to start at all)11:40
lubot<Zurd0s> what I'm able to grok of the change is that now, by default, a Qt app will find libQt5Core.so.5, and the rest of the Qt libraries will be looked for relative to libQt5Core.so.5.11:43
lubot<Zurd0s> AFAICT, most of y'all packaging for a civilised, normal human being distro, shouldn't even notice this? Thing is, nutters like us on NixOS... well11:44
lubot<Zurd0s> havoc, I tell you11:44
lubot<Zurd0s> so, I'm lost at several steps11:45
lubot<Zurd0s> I think I've disabled the relocation thing (`-no-feature-relocation`...?) but behavior doesn't seem to change. I'd love to know both if I'm disabling it right, or if I can "ask" the final libraries to tell me what features they've been built11:48

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