Deano59 | doesn't 18.04 Lubuntu still use LXDE? lol | 00:00 |
Deano59 | I gotta go, need food. bye. | 00:01 |
genii | !info human-theme | 00:03 |
ubottu | human-theme (source: human-theme): Human theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39.2 (eoan), package size 57 kB, installed size 504 kB | 00:03 |
genii | !info human-theme focal | 00:04 |
ubottu | human-theme (source: human-theme): Human theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39.3 (focal), package size 44 kB, installed size 252 kB | 00:04 |
bradlee | is there anything I can do to help with providing debug information on kde plasma crashing with firefox? | 00:05 |
genii | Apparently there's also legacyhuman-theme | 00:05 |
blimpse | So, I've made a bootable usb stick of clonezilla with Tuxboot, but it won't boot. I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago, and it worked then. On one computer it says "Operating system missing", on the other I get a grub command prompt. | 00:07 |
bradlee | or maybe I should just reinstall kubuntu??? | 00:08 |
AlexPortable | ï installed human-theme, but it won't show up in the gnome-tweaks themes list | 00:08 |
AlexPortable | !info ambiance-theme | 00:12 |
ubottu | Package ambiance-theme does not exist in eoan | 00:12 |
AlexPortable | !info ambiance-theme focal | 00:12 |
ubottu | Package ambiance-theme does not exist in focal | 00:12 |
n-iCe | Gonna ask again, does zfs worth it for a normal daily use, browser, irc, youtube, telegram. | 00:13 |
n-iCe | will I notice any better performance | 00:13 |
AlexPortable | genii: any clue how i can install the old theme from 18.04 ? | 00:19 |
AlexPortable | n-iCe: it'll use more ram, and i don't know if the implementation in ubuntu is stable | 00:20 |
JoeLlama | does ubuntu run on 32032? I seem to remember it did at one time. | 00:50 |
JoeLlama | I miss 32032 :( | 00:51 |
JoeLlama | it just never caught on and I couldn't figure out why | 00:51 |
kenperkins | i just wish I could use 20.04 | 00:51 |
kenperkins | ok so should ctrl-alt-f1 take me back to the x login screen or a tty? | 00:57 |
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gon_ | nick tomato | 01:11 |
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tomato | n | 01:23 |
mindofmateo | I am trying to find a way to rebind Shift_Left + Shift_Right to toggle Caps Lock. I was able to do it successfully with setxkbmap, but then the shifts *only* work as Caps Lock when pressed at the same time, and do not work as regular Shifts when pressed alone. Is there a way to do map this? | 01:35 |
angrynapkin | Hi, I am trying to install "python-pyside" and "python-qt4" and get an error: E: Unable to locate package python-pyside and E: Unable to locate package python-qt4 | 01:41 |
angrynapkin | How can I resolve this? | 01:41 |
Bashing-om | !info python-qt4 | angrynapkin : Insure that you have the universe repo enabled. | 01:43 |
ubottu | angrynapkin : Insure that you have the universe repo enabled.: python-qt4 (source: python-qt4): Python bindings for Qt4. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.12.1+dfsg-2build2 (eoan), package size 2207 kB, installed size 13814 kB | 01:43 |
angrynapkin | best of my knowledge, I have Universe enabled..."deb focal universe" | 01:46 |
angrynapkin | I am pretty new to this so forgive me if I am looking in the wrong place. | 01:46 |
Bashing-om | angrynapkin: Looks sane - what release are you on - lsb_release -a ? | 01:48 |
angrynapkin | Its a brand new into of 20.04, recently apt-get update / upgrade / dist-update | 01:48 |
angrynapkin | release 20.04, focal | 01:49 |
Bashing-om | !info python-qt4 focal | 01:50 |
ubottu | Package python-qt4 does not exist in focal | 01:50 |
Bashing-om | angrynapkin: ^^ Lemme see if I can find a changelog. | 01:51 |
angrynapkin | Thanks. | 01:51 |
puff | Good evening. | 01:57 |
Bashing-om | !info python-qt5 focal | 01:58 |
ubottu | Package python-qt5 does not exist in focal | 01:58 |
puff | I ran xubuntu for several years and recently decided to give the stock ubuntu GUI a try, just so I don't have to sit down at a stock install and be mystified. | 01:58 |
puff | I'm not unhappy with it, but one thing I really hate is that it mucked up alt-tab and virtual desktops. I can live with using alt-tilde instead of alt-tab, but it's annoying that when I move windows to a different virtual desktop, they're still in the main alt-tilde rotation. Is there any fix for this? | 01:59 |
puff | I tend to use my virtual desktops to group activities, e.g. one desktop will have gmail and social media, another desktop will have all of the windows related to a development project, a third tab will have technical reading, fourth tab non-technical readnig, etc. | 02:00 |
Bashing-om | !info PyQt5 focal | 02:01 |
ubottu | Package PyQt5 does not exist in focal | 02:01 |
Bashing-om | !info pyqt5 focal | 02:05 |
ubottu | Package pyqt5 does not exist in focal | 02:05 |
xbskid | Is there a way to set a static IPv6 address where you only set the interface ID, and it grabs the prefix from DHCPv6? | 02:05 |
xbskid | The goal being to avoid having to readdress client machines if the prefix changes. | 02:05 |
thumbfinger | Are the IRC logs searchable? I believe I have a problem caused post-update due to a troubleshooting step I was recommended here, but I want to further research before formulating a question? If not directly on the site, I can just try Google. | 02:06 |
Bashing-om | angrynapkin: Do not know what else to say as indicates a change to pyqt5. Maybe see on your system ? I am not booting focal at this time to check. | 02:07 |
angrynapkin | Bashing-om: So your saying instead of installing python-qt4, try pyqt5 instead? | 02:08 |
Jordan_U | thumbfinger: in a google search is the best option I'm aware of. | 02:09 |
angrynapkin | Bashing-om: Well if so, I still get the same error: Unable to locate package pyqt5 | 02:09 |
thumbfinger | Unfortunately, the logs I need are not indexed on Google. I believe I enabled nomodeset to fix a boot issue, which was resolved, but now in dmesg is telling me I may not be able to suspend successfully due to that setting, and in fact, my system is becoming unresponsive to keyboard and mouse inputs after some time idle, I assume coinciding with trying to suspend. I did not have this issue on 19 LTS, bur began having it upon update. I | 02:12 |
thumbfinger | am on an AMD Chromebook using Xubuntu (Liara). Are there any known issues introduced recently around nomodeset or different behavior? | 02:12 |
Jordan_U | thumbfinger: nomodeset is rarely a "solution". Usually it's more a way to get you barely functional for long enough to properly solve the problem. Without kernel mode setting you (generally) just don't have any native graphics drivers, so you're getting no acceleration, even 2D drawing is inefficient, and you likely won't get your full resolution. | 02:15 |
thumbfinger | I do know that, but unfortunately I do not remember exactly why I enabled it -- I had actually thought I didn't enable it, but I'm seeing it in dmesg so obviously I did. I am on very much an unsupported setup, so I may have just accepted the tradeoff. I believe this was all in the past month or so, so I may just download logs and grep locally if they are reasonably sized. | 02:18 |
bindi | was it this nickname? | 02:21 |
thumbfinger | bindi: I think it may have been recommended on Reddit, searching for that now | 02:26 |
Bashing-om | angrynapkin: What are you doing that seems to require python-qt4 ? | 02:28 |
thumbfinger | bindi: not reddit, no idea where I got that idea now. I will try just disabling it now. It looks like I may have enabled it just to get through the installer. | 02:30 |
Sasara | didn't ubuntu use a vector depiction of an anime girl for a desktop background? | 02:36 |
rjwiii | How to get a single wallpaper to span 3 monitors? Ununtu 20.04. | 02:39 |
Sasara | hm | 02:41 |
Thete | is there anything better than pulse audio that anyone knows of? | 02:41 |
Jordan_U | Thete: For what purpose? Or, I guess, what problem are you having with audio right now? | 02:42 |
Thete | none of my audio devices inputs/outputs detect correctly and I have to do a bunch of hacky stuff to get it to work | 02:42 |
Thete | I had read about something that was replacing pulse here soon but I can't remember the name | 02:43 |
Jordan_U | Thete: That sounds more like an ALSA problem than a pulseaudio one. | 02:43 |
Thete | I'm having to change bunch of stuff in pulse/ which halfway sometimes works | 02:43 |
Thete | not sure if it's an alsa issue, there's been patches submitted for issues but they haven't been pulled in yet | 02:44 |
Thete | for pulse | 02:44 |
Jordan_U | Thete: Please describe in detail the problems you have with the out-of-the-box configuration, and then link to the guides you've followed to try to solve / work around the problems. | 02:45 |
thumbfinger | My solution to my audio not working was connecting a Bluetooth speaker. I might be lazy. | 02:46 |
Thete | I wasn't really asking for help, was curious if anyone knew what the name of the package was that is replacing pulse | 02:46 |
Thete | I've already submitted fixes to pulse | 02:46 |
Thete | ehh it's aight | 02:48 |
r2b2nz | Thete: Was it PipeWire? | 02:51 |
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thumbfinger | Alright, so I disabled nomodeset, and grub just gave me a blank screen. I typed in my HDD decrypt password at that screen, and was able to boot. Still no GPU acceleration per mpv. Can someone please peruse my dmesg and let me know what my best bet is? I'm on a Lenovo Chromebook, AMD CPU, Stoney Bridge chipset with codename Liara. Not sure if my unresponsive-on-suspend issue still persists, but | 03:16 |
thumbfinger | I will know soon enough. | 03:16 |
rjwiii | How to get a single wallpaper to span 3 monitors? Ununtu 20.04. (update: GOT IT ... install gmome-tweaks) | 03:17 |
thumbfinger | Stoney Ridge* | 03:24 |
rjwiii | Next question: Can I add applications icons to the "Show Applications"? | 03:25 |
Sasara | any interesting new computer releases the past few years? | 03:51 |
lotuspsychje | computer releases? | 03:52 |
Sasara | technological developments | 03:52 |
lotuspsychje | Sasara: that might be a question for #ubuntu-offtopic better | 03:52 |
Sasara | ty | 03:52 |
lotuspsychje | Sasara: or ##hardware | 03:53 |
rjwiii | Next question: Can I add applications icons to the "Show Applications"? (update: GOT IT! Create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/) | 03:58 |
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rjwiii | Should be a too for that ... | 03:58 |
rjwiii | Should be a too for that ... (update: there is ... it's called "Main Menu") | 04:00 |
kwhat4 | When using dpkg --add-architecture i386, is there a /usr/i686-linux-gun folder for 32-bit libs? | 04:12 |
Sasara | just seems like everything died down all of a sudden either way | 04:21 |
eden | just upgraded from 19.10 to 20.04, went well, my terminal text seems to be in chinese though, any ideas? | 04:22 |
eden | actually no not chinese | 04:22 |
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eden | its like characters 0061 0064 in boxes, checking fonts | 04:22 |
eden | yep, nevermind just a font must have obsoleted or something, easy fix in tweaks | 04:24 |
Orbdamu | I recently installed galliumos on my chromebook 11, and I've noticed when loading websites in browser they sometimes seem to load very slowly. But when I click the wifi icon in my panel, it seems everything catches up and loads. | 04:35 |
Orbdamu | any ideas on why this happens? (sorry if this is basic) | 04:35 |
Sasara | is there anything that can actually cause a mass die-off ? | 05:02 |
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tripelb | 20.04 froze again. This time the mouse isn't coming back | 05:20 |
tripelb | Control LT and control f6 f7 control all s f6 f7 Alt f6 f7 nothing works | 05:21 |
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Naptra | hello! how to enable 32 bit binary launch in the newest ubuntu? | 06:26 |
doug16k | Naptra, good question, I don't see multiarch-support either | 07:35 |
lotuspsychje | 18.04 still has 32bit support | 07:36 |
lotuspsychje | use it till eol/esm if you want | 07:36 |
Naptra | So I should downgrade? I guess | 07:37 |
doug16k | does that mean tf2 doesn't work in latest? | 07:37 |
doug16k | source engine | 07:37 |
lotuspsychje | Naptra: downgrade doesnt work for ubuntu, clean install instead | 07:37 |
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mcphail | Source engine works fine on 20.04. There's a subset of 32 bit libraries still supported. If games don't work it is a bug and should be reported. | 08:05 |
chraso | hello every1, i'm unable to setup x11vnc | 08:05 |
aradesh | been trying to read some linux source code lately. so big and overwhelming. found some weird stuff too like this "let's just set a pointer to the value 3" xD | 08:14 |
sublim20 | anyone wanna recommend me a music player for ubuntu. would be running it on a low end machine, so 'lightweightness' is important. there's a lot of information out there. curious what this channels thoughts are | 09:01 |
sublim20 | well, not only for ubuntu, but for "debian"s in general | 09:01 |
G226 | Hello, I'm a bit stuck. Grub isn't showing up, I dual boot Ubuntu 17.10 and Windows 10. Windows updated. I tried using Boot Repair off a live Ubuntu usb, but it says "GPT detected. Please create a Bios-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again" I'm afraid of | 09:06 |
G226 | messing something up and unsure the best way to go forward and wanted to check with more experienced people first. my Boot Repair pastebin is here: Thanks | 09:06 |
Xaeyl | Hi, I'm new to Linux in general, setup a small Ubuntu server for home use, would anyone be able to assist me in fixing it. Had a power failure during the night and I slept through the beeps so It powered off. Now I'm getting a bunch of fail to start errors and no idea how to fix. | 09:16 |
rapha | wow okay i would have removed the power plug from the little sucker | 09:34 |
G226 | ok going to try some things, Ill try for further help later, goodnight for now | 09:34 |
rapha | that sounds like it might be a QNAP-like device and in that case neither the beeps nor the start errors would have anything to do with linux/ubuntu | 09:35 |
rapha | you might want to read the user manual for that specific device | 09:35 |
Xaeyl | rapha HP microserver, no beep errors. Grub loads the startup fine, but services fail. | 09:36 |
archuserau | Hey all. Has anyone ever installed ubuntu on a MSI laptop that has dual GPU? | 09:45 |
rapha | Xaeyl: didn't you say "i slept through the beeps"? | 09:48 |
rapha | oh | 09:48 |
rapha | you meant that you didn't hear them | 09:48 |
rapha | that does indeed sound like the root partition developed a problem | 09:49 |
rapha | perhaps it only ran full | 09:49 |
rapha | tried booting from a USB driver and checking? | 09:49 |
rapha | drive* | 09:49 |
rich__ | Hey all, running 20.04 on Surface Pro. Still figuring my way around Linux. Just curious re the Suspend option, it seems to boot from scratch after suspending, just wondering if that is expected behaviour? | 09:51 |
akem | rich__, It looks like it is booting from scratch, but then it starts to resume. | 09:52 |
akem | rich__, You need as much swap as the RAM on your machine for it to work, and it is not supported on all machines. | 09:53 |
akem | I created 9GB swap space for 8GB RAM and it works fine here on HP Pavilion. | 09:54 |
rich__ | Thanks, so swapon -s reports 2097148, device has got 8gb RAM, suppose I'm about 6gb short.. | 09:58 |
akem | rich__, Yeah. | 09:59 |
rich__ | Okay just bumped swap up to 8388604, I'll see how this goes. | 10:06 |
akem | rich__, "sudo pm-hibernate", note that when comming back from hibernation, system may be unresponssive for like 1 minute sometimes, like you see the mouse and windows but you can't actually click etc. | 10:10 |
akem | Just need to wait a bit for things to get back there. | 10:10 |
akem | I got it stucked even more than a min, but then it came back. You know when you have like music playing, and browser etc, cause i have a script that auto hibernate when i'm low on battery. | 10:13 |
rich__ | no problem, thanks. Will see how I gop. | 10:16 |
Guest6920 | | 10:28 |
BluesKaj | Hiuas all | 10:51 |
rapha | guys | 11:02 |
rapha | i just realised | 11:02 |
rapha | i put a brand new RTX 2060 into my workstation at work yesterday and went home to configure VMs and stuff from there | 11:02 |
rapha | but i forgot the PCIe power cable | 11:02 |
rapha | can the GPU & mainboard idle for a while without that and not take damage? | 11:02 |
Deano59 | it's dead, buy another rapha ;) | 11:03 |
B0g4r7 | Whenever I forgot to connect that cable, the system would not boot. | 11:04 |
oerheks | the only one to answer that, is you, on monday | 11:04 |
rapha | Deano59: okay, i'll take that to mean i shouldn't worry. Thanks :) | 11:04 |
rapha | Well, the VM which it is on passthrough to does complain to power down and connect that cable. I take that as a sign of health. | 11:05 |
B0g4r7 | My computer is broken. :( | 11:14 |
B0g4r7 | I installed Ubuntu 20.04 onto a new SSD, and it appeared to install OK, but now does not boot the new installation. | 11:15 |
B0g4r7 | and this UEFI system is all different from the legacy boot stuff I'm used to. | 11:15 |
B0g4r7 | It's one of those NVMe SSDs, and I'm thinking that UEFI is the only way to boot from it. It does not appear as a boot option in legacy mode. | 11:16 |
Deano59 | check your bios, you should change to legacy AND uefi. | 11:16 |
B0g4r7 | I only seem to be able to choose one or the other. | 11:17 |
Deano59 | what mobo? | 11:17 |
B0g4r7 | It's a Dell Precision T5600. | 11:18 |
Deano59 | yeah that's not your mobo name... | 11:18 |
B0g4r7 | There's a board identifier somewhere, eh? | 11:18 |
Deano59 | windows or ubuntu? | 11:19 |
Deano59 | you're running windows or ubuntu? | 11:19 |
oerheks | !uefi | 11:19 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 11:19 |
Deano59 | it should tell you your mobo is your bios afaik | 11:19 |
B0g4r7 | I want Ubuntu only. | 11:20 |
Deano59 | why does ubuntu server make me use gpt? so annoying........ | 11:20 |
Deano59 | sec | 11:21 |
kreyren | Installing chromium on ubuntu focal outputs: which breaks the docker build which does not expect interactive output -> How do i make it to not ask assuming DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive already used? | 11:21 |
Deano59 | try this; sudo dmidecode | grep Product | 11:21 |
Deano59 | that should list your mobo. I can't highlight you for whatever reason.... | 11:22 |
Deano59 | B0g4r7, | 11:22 |
Deano59 | copy pasta | 11:22 |
Deano59 | :P | 11:22 |
B0g4r7 | Ya, the BIOS doesn't seem to tell me much. Booting back from the USB Live installer thing... | 11:22 |
Deano59 | should be an "advanced" mode in your bios too. | 11:23 |
B0g4r7 | Product Name: Dell Precision T5600, Product Name: 0GN6JF | 11:27 |
B0g4r7 | oerheks, thx, ya I read that page and also tried the boot-repair utility it recommended, but did not have success. | 11:30 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: what do you get to see when booting off the ubuntu installation? | 11:35 |
B0g4r7 | Just booting without touching anything I get a message about "no bootable devices found, press f1, f2, or f5". | 11:36 |
tomreyn | hmm this suggests that you booted in a different mode than the one you installed in | 11:37 |
B0g4r7 | If I press F12 to select a boot device, and choose the device named "UEFI: ubuntu", I just get a black screen and no further progress. | 11:37 |
tomreyn | okay, *that*s the correct one, though | 11:37 |
tomreyn | you can select that again and then repeatedly press escape until a menu shows up | 11:38 |
B0g4r7 | I could if I hadn't removed that boot option somehow. :( | 11:38 |
tomreyn | if it's gone now that's probably because you reconfigured the bios to boot in legacy mode only | 11:39 |
B0g4r7 | I deleted it from within the bios, and it applied my change immediately even though I did not then select "apply". | 11:39 |
tomreyn | ah right, okay, then you'll want to reinstall now | 11:39 |
B0g4r7 | I guess that's where I'm headed. | 11:40 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: when you boot the installer now, choose the live mode (not installer), then run a terminal and get us some more system info | 11:41 |
tomreyn | such as journalctl -b | grep DMI: | 11:42 |
tomreyn | free -g | 11:42 |
tomreyn | lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc 9999 | 11:42 |
tomreyn | sudo fdisk -l | nc 9999 | 11:43 |
tomreyn | cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F: '/model name/ {print $2}' | uniq | 11:44 |
tomreyn | kreyren: quoting your paste: "debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog", "debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline" - it doesn't seem that DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive was effective there | 11:45 |
kreyren | tomreyn, i've confirmed ` DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive` being present though | 11:46 |
kreyren | so the solution is to install debconf ? | 11:46 |
tomreyn | debconf is already installed | 11:47 |
tomreyn | how have you confirmed DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive being present? | 11:47 |
kreyren | this is in docker build environment so it's using `ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive` | 11:48 |
=== beaver is now known as beaver_0 | ||
B0g4r7 | May 09 11:25:12 ubuntu kernel: DMI: Dell Inc. Precision T5600/0GN6JF, BIOS A17 02/08/2018 | 11:48 |
B0g4r7 | | 11:48 |
kreyren | tomreyn, | 11:48 |
B0g4r7 | Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz | 11:48 |
tomreyn | kreyren: i see. i'm not sure what an "ARG" is exactly / how it's used. if you can run a command there (not just set en environment variable) then use export ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive instead | 11:50 |
tomreyn | s/en/an/ | 11:50 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: thanks. if you still have windows installed, be sure to do a firmware upgrade first | 11:50 |
kreyren | this is in dockerfile so that expands in `export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive` that is invoked during each task in docker | 11:51 |
kreyren | so that the variable is available to commands used in each task | 11:51 |
tomreyn | hmm, maybe not inside snapd, not sure | 11:51 |
kreyren | it seems to be using snap which is a posibility | 11:52 |
kreyren | also found | 11:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1832656 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Eoan) "chromium-browser deb->snap transition breaks ubuntukylin image builds" [High,Triaged] | 11:52 |
tomreyn | actually snap isnt the problem there, the prompt is by the keyboard-configuration debconf, which is clearly a dpkg installation | 11:52 |
tomreyn | so i | 11:53 |
B0g4r7 | tomreyn, It looks like BIOS version A17 is the latest available, or did you mean something else by firmware upgrade? | 11:53 |
* kreyren confused | 11:53 | |
tomreyn | so i'm unsure what causes it to be ignored. | 11:53 |
tomreyn | you can configure packages (debconf) before you actually install them as a workaround | 11:54 |
tomreyn | so debconf choices can be preset, more precisely | 11:54 |
kreyren | how assuming that i don't have interactive shell? | 11:54 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: ah i didn'T check for the latest version, yet | 11:54 |
hotmedal | I'm on a lenovo laptop and some years ago my DVDrom stopped working and I kept getting endless ata errors on dmesg. The SATA link is physically bad. I've tried to plug an ssd on it and some tech diagnosed it with windows and stuff no luck. Anyway a few years ago someone told me how to get Linux to stop resetting the link and filling up kernel.log. Now that I've upgraded to 18.04, it's a problem again. | 11:54 |
hotmedal | Anyone know what I should do? | 11:54 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: there could be other firmware updates, though | 11:54 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: such as storage media firmware | 11:55 |
B0g4r7 | Hmm, actually there is a newer BIOS now. Ya I'll look for all those things. | 11:56 |
oerheks | hotmedal, try ##hardware? | 11:56 |
B0g4r7 | I think Windows is still on the old mechanical drive. | 11:56 |
hotmedal | oerheks: it was some initramfs or systemd thing that worked last time. Just want to stop the scanning. | 11:58 |
hotmedal | Anyway this is my other question: | 11:58 |
oerheks | remove faulty hardware? | 11:59 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: samsung 970 EVO (you have one according to ) firmware | 11:59 |
kreyren | tomreyn, Sorry i've confused two issues the keyboard issue seems to be solved by using root account and by configuring /etc/default/keyboard in theory, but then it gets stuck on retrying to contact snap store alike mensioned in the bug | 12:00 |
kreyren | *by using root account or by configuring.. | 12:00 |
* kreyren is awake too long and should be sleeping | 12:00 | |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: often you'll find you already have this firmware version, though. check sudo hdparm -I /dev/nvme0n1 | 12:00 |
tomreyn | kreyren: i wholeheartedly don't support in debugging snap issues. | 12:01 |
tomreyn | - in | 12:01 |
kreyren | tomreyn, i woudn't either lol, currently provided debian alternative will resolve further in case end-users request me to make it work on ubuntu | 12:02 |
tomreyn | i imagine there will be some chromium alternative build PPA already or soon | 12:03 |
tomreyn | on the other hand, security support there won't be fun either | 12:04 |
kreyren | tomreyn, apparently ubuntu was not using snap before so in theory updating the old build instructions for apt might be an efficient solution | 12:04 |
sentiment | hello. I just ran into a weird issue with both firefox and chrome-based apps like chromium. It happened after I tinkered with the bios settings to increase the clock speed of my ram module (not overclocking, just changed from the auto mode to the specified speed of the module) .Now firefox and chrome-baed apps don't display correctly, firefox is transparent and chromium is just black. I tried disabling | 12:08 |
sentiment | hw acceleration in both of them to no avail. | 12:08 |
sentiment | this is the error I get after running firefox from the terminal: ailed GL context creation for WebRender: 0 | 12:08 |
sentiment | I did search the web for that but couldn't find a solution | 12:09 |
tomreyn | kreyren: there's an apt-to-snap package migration mechanism which will come into effect. | 12:09 |
sentiment | also of note, I am using integrated gpu, meaning it uses the ram for its memory | 12:09 |
hotmedal | Any idea about this? I've tried a bunch of solutions, no luck so far: | 12:09 |
kreyren | tomreyn, when? | 12:09 |
sentiment | I also booted into windows and it was fine | 12:10 |
rudeguy | hi. is it ok to install openbox from ubuntu's repositories? openbox's wiki says the ubuntu package is out of date. is this still true? | 12:10 |
sentiment | any clues as to where to start? | 12:10 |
sentiment | ..troubleshooting? | 12:10 |
oerheks | sentiment, likely the auto selection is right for use with your internal GPU | 12:11 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: this lists additional firmwares (which may or may not apply to your specific model): | 12:11 |
oerheks | set it back and be happy? | 12:11 |
sentiment | well, I wanted to use the max clock speed available | 12:11 |
tomreyn | kreyren: during upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04, and during upgrade from 19.04 to 19.10, IIRC. | 12:11 |
kreyren | tomreyn, noted | 12:12 |
sentiment | of course oerheks, that is a /workaround/ | 12:12 |
sentiment | I believe it's a bug in the graphics portion of the kernel or opengl e.g | 12:12 |
sentiment | do you think I should file a bug? | 12:13 |
Belph | I've been trying for days now but I still can't get a WiFi Hotspot to start on Xubuntu 20.04. even though I set no password for testing the GUI has filled in WPA3 Personal at Wi-Fi security and has everything greyed out. it says the device wouldn't be compatible with my profile but my WiFi Adapter (Belking N300) is listed as | 12:14 |
Belph | "works out of the box" on help.ubuntu and I used it for months to make WiFi hotspots on Windows 10. | 12:14 |
tomreyn | sentiment: setting memory refresh rates to non default values can cause system instability. that's what you're probably experiencing there. | 12:15 |
tomreyn | i mean memory module frequency | 12:16 |
oerheks | indeed, let the bios handle refresh rates. | 12:16 |
sentiment | look, my memory modules are rated as ddr2 800mhz, all of them tomreyn , but for some timing mismatch the default was set to 667mhz. I just bumped it to the rated value. | 12:17 |
sentiment | maybe I just need to set the correct timing values for it to work? | 12:17 |
tomreyn | kreyren: note "transitional" here | 12:18 |
tomreyn | sentiment: there's a hardware related channel at ##hardware | 12:19 |
tomreyn | we only support ubuntu here on stable hardware platforms | 12:19 |
tomreyn | !latest | rudeguy | 12:20 |
ubottu | rudeguy: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 12:20 |
tomreyn | rudeguy: so it's expected that packages aren't usually the latest. but that's not an issue as long as you don't strictly depend on those latest features | 12:21 |
rudeguy | i was just hoping i'd get something stable after installation | 12:22 |
tomreyn | hotmedal: looks for a firmware upgrade, and also try the ubuntu 20.04 live iso | 12:23 |
tomreyn | *look | 12:23 |
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox | ||
tomreyn | rudeguy: it should be stable normally, however openbox is in !universe so support is limited | 12:24 |
speiros | So...have most of you found Ubuntu 18.04 better than 16.04, and if so, what reasons? | 12:24 |
hotmedal | tomreyn: thanks | 12:24 |
rudeguy | i see... thanks for your replies | 12:24 |
ThinkT510 | speiros: are you having any technical issues with 18.04 that prevent you from upgrading? 16.04 only has 1 more year of support left | 12:25 |
tomreyn | hotmedal: oh this one is very old apparently, latest firmware update from 2013: | 12:25 |
speiros | ThinkT510 I didn't like it to be frank. I was expecting it to be great, but I didn't like it working like a phone. | 12:26 |
tomreyn | speiros: latest LTS release is 20.04 LTS. | 12:26 |
tomreyn | unity-desktop is still available | 12:26 |
hotmedal | tomreyn: yeah, I'm sure I have the latest firmware | 12:26 |
tomreyn | you just need to install it, and be aware it only receives community support. | 12:27 |
speiros | Yeah, I think I'll download that one to have a look at, and see if it is an improvement on 18.04. But one thing I noticed is there was an issue on 16.04 that never got fixed. I don't know exactly what it was, but it was on startup. I couldn't even report it as the reporting daemon would crash. | 12:27 |
tomreyn | hotmedal: give 20.04 a try then. intel graphics drivers are sadly decomposing lately, but trying back and forth (also different kernel versions on what you already have now) can help. | 12:28 |
tomreyn | hotmedal: see also whether ti gets any better on wayland | 12:29 |
hotmedal | tomreyn: no, wayland is worse somehow. With the boot parameter, it works kinda ok on xorg | 12:29 |
=== MibixFox5 is now known as MibixFox | ||
tomreyn | i see | 12:30 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: any progress there, yet? | 12:31 |
ioria | hotmedal, can you test it with nomodeset ? | 12:31 |
B0g4r7 | I'm trying to do the firmwares. Back in Windows there's a "Dell Precision Performance Optimizer" utility that looks like it's supposed to automatically get me all the correct updates, but it's being difficult. | 12:32 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: i see - good luck there, i couldn't help with this part. | 12:33 |
tomreyn | B0g4r7: there'S ##windows also in case you have questions about it | 12:33 |
B0g4r7 | ya, thx. | 12:34 |
hotmedal | ioria: I will try that, thanks | 12:34 |
tomreyn | Belph: quoting : "the device does not support Access Point mode" (wehich is a differnet term for "WiFi Hotspot") | 12:36 |
tomreyn | Belph: in other words: the driver you have running does not support AP mode | 12:37 |
tomreyn | there may or may not (more likely) be another driver somewhere on the internet which does support AP mode on this device. first, you need to get the device id: lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc 9999 | 12:38 |
tomreyn | then search the web for the alphanumeric code in square brackets to the end of the line (such as [1234:abcd]) of the matching device. search for it in combination with it with "linux" and "access point" OR "AP mode" | 12:39 |
tomreyn | Belph: if oyu can share this code we *may* be able to help you look for such an alternative driver. | 12:40 |
Belph | tomreyn | 12:43 |
tomreyn | Belph: this did not list your wireless device. does lsusb list it? | 12:44 |
Belph | Yes, it does. `Bus 003 Device 004: ID 050d:845a Belkin Components F7D2101 802.11n Surf & Share Wireless Adapter v1000 [Realtek RTL8192SU]` | 12:44 |
tomreyn | 050d:845a is the device id, Realtek RTL8192SU is the chipset | 12:45 |
tomreyn | F7D2101 is the model number of the full belkin device (but that's less relevant) | 12:45 |
tomreyn | most USB adapters don'T support AP mode, though | 12:47 |
Belph | The USB Adapter itself should be able to since I've been using it on Windows for that but I can't seem to find if the driver `r8712u` does | 12:47 |
Subutsu | Does ubuntu have good dx12 support? | 12:48 |
tomreyn | Belph: i should have said: most drivers chipset vendors develop for usb wireless adapters on linux do not support AP mode, though | 12:48 |
Belph | @subutsu directx is not natively support on linux iirc and games that only run on Directx don't run natively. You'd need to used WINE to get those applications/games to work. | 12:50 |
Belph | @tomreyn How could I check if the drivers does support ap or not? | 12:52 |
Belph | I tried looking it the driver name on github but there is A LOT | 12:52 |
Descriptioned | Any Popcorn Time version that the dubbed movies function in other languages except English works? :P | 12:54 |
lotuspsychje | Subutsu: wich game are you trying to run on ubutnu? | 12:54 |
lotuspsychje | Descriptioned: popcorn is not officialy supported on the ubuntu repos | 12:55 |
lotuspsychje | Descriptioned: best to seek support at their website/community | 12:55 |
Descriptioned | lotuspsychje: Well was an answer maybe some user could answer me around here, i already seek support on their website/community. | 12:56 |
lotuspsychje | Descriptioned: we can only support ubuntu and their official packages, i hope you understand | 12:57 |
tarelerulz | This does not work menuentry "Eoan Desktop iso" { set isofile="/iso/eoan-desktop-amd64.iso" loopback loop (hd0,5)$isofile linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject initrd (loop)/casper/initrd} | 12:58 |
Descriptioned | lotuspsychje: i understand but i see question/answers also on Ubuntu forums about Popcorn-Time, i thought it's the same here also. | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | Descriptioned: other software, you could try apt-cache search foo or snap find foo | 12:59 |
tarelerulz | loopback loop (hd0,5)$isofile the rest of my other os use 'hd0,gpt18' ,but they are not iso file so does that mean something | 13:00 |
=== BromaxSux1 is now known as BromaxSux | ||
hotmedal | ioria: nomodeset kinda solves it but also 1 fps. Pressing super key to look at all the open windows still looked buggy there though. | 13:04 |
oerheks | Descriptioned, popcorn time is piracy, against the philosophy of this channel, why are you trying again and again? | 13:04 |
oerheks | please seek help elsewhere, thanks | 13:05 |
tomreyn | Belph: iw list | grep AP | 13:05 |
Belph | No result :( well that's unfortunate | 13:06 |
MarkB2 | Good morning. Yesterday I purchased a PCIe 2.0 to USB 3.0 interface, plugged it in, and ubuntu 18.04's kernel had ..problems.. with it. Is there a Linux USB hardware compatibility list? | 13:07 |
lotuspsychje | !hardware | MarkB2 start here | 13:08 |
ubottu | MarkB2 start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 13:08 |
lotuspsychje | MarkB2: wich kernel wasnt working for you? | 13:08 |
MarkB2 | I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 (but booted into Windows at the moment). | 13:09 |
lotuspsychje | MarkB2: if you want to debug togheter with the volunteers, its best to boot ubuntu | 13:10 |
Descriptioned | oerheks: it was a question are you Police or something man, keep calm. | 13:10 |
MarkB2 | lotuspsychje: I would do that.. but ubuntu will crash a minute or two into such a debugging session. That means a hardware reset and then ubuntu takes about five minutes to fsck the drive. | 13:11 |
Descriptioned | if someone knows please can he contact me in private since it's against the Rooms politic. Thanks in advance. | 13:11 |
MarkB2 | But. | 13:11 |
oerheks | !ops | Descriptioned does not apply to the channelrules | 13:11 |
ubottu | Descriptioned does not apply to the channelrules: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax | 13:11 |
MarkB2 | I will look at the compatibility list. | 13:12 |
Descriptioned | oerheks: i hope you get ebola | 13:12 |
oerheks | MarkB2, with what usb3 device did you test? | 13:12 |
leftyfb | !ops | Descriptioned | 13:12 |
ubottu | Descriptioned: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax | 13:12 |
leftyfb | Descriptioned: you can /part now | 13:13 |
Descriptioned | leftyfb: you can part for a long trip for ebola. | 13:13 |
MarkB2 | oerheks: None. This is a syba PCI-Express 2.0 to USB 3.0 interface card. Had plugged it in, booted up Ubuntu, and things went south pretty fast. | 13:13 |
Descriptioned | i don't know people gives commands here "you can part now" calm down lady. | 13:14 |
oerheks | MarkB2, ooke, after installing the card, did you enter the bios, and closed it again to make it recognized? | 13:14 |
Descriptioned | leftyfb: if i give you a right one you will wake up after the convid-19 dont exist anymore | 13:15 |
leftyfb | Descriptioned: this is a support channel. Please take it elsewhere. | 13:16 |
MarkB2 | ? This machine is a little older than that. There is no explicit BIOS registration of I/O interfaces that I've ever seen. | 13:16 |
leftyfb | MarkB2: can you be more descriptive than "things went south"? | 13:17 |
Descriptioned | leftyfb: you and your girlfriend can calm down ? you act like hysteric kids. damn | 13:17 |
MarkB2 | Apologies.. yes. After about one minute there were an increasing number of errors posted to /var/log/syslog along the lines of disk errors. Eventually "something" set the drive as read-only and the system went unresponsive. Kept complaining about being unable to write journal entries. I recall seeing a message that the syatems was "freezing" itself. | 13:19 |
MarkB2 | One moment. | 13:19 |
speiros | Take it easy mate. It is a help room man, so appreciate what is here, as it is mainly volunteers. Descriptioned. | 13:20 |
MarkB2 | I must apologize... I'm booted into Windows and can't be helpful like this. The board is out of the computer and I can reboot into Linux to gain access to the logs. Would you mind if I bowed out for a minute and rebooted into something more useful? | 13:20 |
oerheks | journalctrl -b -1 would give the log from prvious boot | 13:22 |
oerheks | no need to insert the card again, i guess | 13:22 |
MarkB2 | Hang on.. rebooting now. | 13:22 |
leftyfb | disk errors don't really sound like something affected by plugging in a pcie usb card. Possible, but unlikely | 13:22 |
oerheks | interupted irq or pcilane.. | 13:23 |
oerheks | does it corrupt windows too? | 13:24 |
DocMors | has anyone ever had issues with unison? | 13:31 |
leftyfb | DocMors: Please ask a support question, not a survey. | 13:33 |
MarkB2 | Booted into ubuntu 18.04. Have yesterday's syslog up on the other display and found where the system 'recognizes' the USB 3.0 interface. | 13:33 |
speiros | What issues do you have, DocMors? | 13:34 |
DocMors | none so far but since it sync data I thought I ask before using it on production systems. The installation and making it work with installations on other machines was hairy already. | 13:35 |
DocMors | I like the idea but don't trust it fully so I though check if anyone here has experience with it | 13:35 |
speiros | Ok. I don't have any personally. | 13:36 |
leftyfb | DocMors: This is a support channel. There might be other channels dedicated to system administration. There's always #ubuntu-offtopic for topics not related to support. | 13:37 |
DocMors | ok leftyfb I'll break it and ask then ... | 13:37 |
MarkB2 | This is weird. I plug in this syba PCIe to USB3 adapter.. and after the boot the system log file is filling with messages from libpng. | 13:41 |
leftyfb | MarkB2: That's more than likely unrelated | 13:41 |
leftyfb | MarkB2: pastebining errors/logs is more helpful though | 13:41 |
MarkB2 | I .. agree. But I've pulled the board out and the messages stop. | 13:42 |
leftyfb | MarkB2: if the card is plugged in now and you're booted to ubuntu, you might try running this to see any hardware/kernel issues: dmesg -Tw | 13:42 |
MarkB2 | It's not in at the moment. Would take ~5 minutes to stuff it in there. But when the system goes down, it takes fsck 5 minutes to repair filesystem damage. | 13:43 |
leftyfb | wait, you're (un)plugging a pcie card while the machine is booted and running? | 13:43 |
MarkB2 | NO. | 13:43 |
MarkB2 | <geeze> | 13:43 |
MarkB2 | I'd power down the machine, of course, THEN put it in, THEN reboot. | 13:43 |
* DocMors thinks MarkB2 should be callled danherseeker | 13:43 | |
DocMors | dangerseeker | 13:44 |
MarkB2 | <snort> | 13:44 |
* MarkB2 is an electrical engineer... | 13:44 | |
* DocMors so is me | 13:44 | |
B0g4r7 | Are you also known as ElectroBOOM? | 13:44 |
DocMors | :D | 13:44 |
tomreyn | there actually is pcie hotplug, just not all boards+ firmwares support it | 13:44 |
MarkB2 | tomreyn: I did see that Linus Tech Tips where he got a MB that did support it. He was bouncing off the walls after that. | 13:45 |
leftyfb | tomreyn: I'm pretty sure that requires some CLI setup to be useful. I don't think, even with compatible hardware, you can just hotplug out of the box | 13:45 |
tomreyn | you'd certainly need to disable the device on the OS first of all | 13:46 |
tomreyn | well, not certain, but i guess | 13:46 |
MarkB2 | Alright... I'll spin this thing down, plug that board back in, and turn it back on. back in a few. | 13:46 |
leftyfb | MarkB2: dmesg -Tw | 13:46 |
MarkB2 | (Linus was doing the hotplugging power on and unexpected removal too. | 13:46 |
leftyfb | watch that screen | 13:46 |
MarkB2 | leftfb: Let me write that one down. | 13:46 |
MarkB2 | Here goes. | 13:48 |
sentiment | tomreyn: turns out that it idn't the ram config that is causing the trouble with gpu driven apps like chromium | 13:53 |
sentiment | i'm stuck and bewildered what the heck happened | 13:54 |
bratchley | is there a dpkg equivalent to "rpm --justdb" something was failing to uninstall and so I just removed all the files and the source repo, how do I get it to not show up in dpkg anymore? | 13:55 |
tomreyn | sentiment: maybe it'll get better if you disable webgl | 13:56 |
sentiment | I did, didn't work | 13:56 |
sentiment | I ran e.g vscode with --disable-gpu | 13:56 |
sentiment | no go | 13:56 |
sentiment | this is quite weird | 13:56 |
tomreyn | oh i thought you said you only disabled the 'graphics acceleration' option on chromium | 13:57 |
sentiment | I'm wondering if it did really happen because of the bios changes | 13:57 |
tomreyn | entirely possible. there's still the option of trying a different kernel, ubuntu release. | 13:57 |
tomreyn | + different xorg | 13:57 |
sentiment | hmm, how about dmesg logs? what should I search for in it? | 13:58 |
sentiment | tomreyn: but I don't understand it, I mean it happended for a reason and I didn't change anything software-wise. | 13:59 |
tomreyn | graphics driver and chipset related warnings and errors | 13:59 |
* MarkB2 tiptoes around his linux install, waiting for things to start going >bang< | 14:04 | |
MarkB2 | Has tail -f /var/log/syslog running in one window, dmesg -Tw in another. | 14:04 |
sentiment | pnp 00:01: disabling [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff window] because it overlaps 0000:02:0f.0 BAR 6 [mem 0x00000000-0x0001ffff pref] | 14:04 |
sentiment | MarkB2: OK | 14:05 |
MarkB2 | Hmm... should I have plugged a 4-pin molex power into the board... | 14:08 |
oerheks | ? | 14:09 |
MarkB2 | It's a PCIe 2.0 to 4-port USB 3.0 and there's a separate power connector at the end of the board. | 14:10 |
MarkB2 | Right now there's nothing plugged into a USB 3 socket and the system hasn't crashed (yet). | 14:10 |
Armageddon | I just upgraded to LTS, pip is installed but it's not found in my path anywhere | 14:13 |
Armageddon | it's pip3 now, got it | 14:13 |
lotuspsychje | Armageddon: when asking questions please provide a bit more details, so volunteers have a good overview to help you | 14:17 |
lotuspsychje | Armageddon: wich ubuntu release to wich LTS? | 14:17 |
sentiment | what happened? | 14:18 |
lotuspsychje | sentiment: ping timeout | 14:18 |
teisanti | hi all | 14:19 |
lotuspsychje | welcome teisanti | 14:20 |
teisanti | thank you | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | what can we do for you today teisanti | 14:20 |
MarkB2 | Looks like it wants that power molex plugged in. Nothing is being announced on plug-in. | 14:20 |
MarkB2 | be right back... | 14:20 |
teisanti | im trying to get my nvidea card working with onboard graphics | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti: your ubuntu version and graphics card chipset please? | 14:21 |
teisanti | ubuntu 20 , graphics nvidea 1080TI | 14:21 |
teisanti | mobo is Asus | 14:22 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti: its currently not working correctly? | 14:22 |
sentiment | WebGL creation failed: | 14:22 |
sentiment | * tryNativeGL | 14:22 |
sentiment | * Exhausted GL driver options. | 14:22 |
sentiment | that is from the firefox about:support page | 14:22 |
teisanti | so if i install without native all monitos detected | 14:22 |
lotuspsychje | !who | sentiment | 14:22 |
ubottu | sentiment: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:22 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti: can you check nvidia-smi to see wich driver is loaded please? | 14:23 |
sentiment | lotuspsychje: can you help please? it seems tomreyn is busy | 14:23 |
sentiment | just give me directions where to start please | 14:23 |
lotuspsychje | sentiment: i wasnt following your original question sorry | 14:23 |
sentiment | brb, i'm gonna try x11 instead of wayland and see how it goes | 14:24 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje IDIA-SMI 440.82 Driver Version: 440.82 CUDA Version: 10.2 | 14:25 |
sentiment | :( no go | 14:25 |
zteam | Hi! is it possible to use Wayland with Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 20.04 yet? | 14:26 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: ok so your driver is loaded, whats not working exactly, can you describe? | 14:26 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje i have 5 monitors . 3 conencted to nvidea and 2 to integreated grpahics | 14:26 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje the 3 monitors connneted to nvidea is currently on | 14:27 |
oerheks | zteam, nope. | 14:27 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje i want all 5 monitors used at same time | 14:27 |
zteam | oerheks, just as I assumed then, is there any work ongoing to enable it? :-) | 14:28 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: 2 monitors connected how? to integrated intel? | 14:28 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje yes | 14:28 |
sentiment | lotuspsychje: firefox and chromium and any other gpu drive app is refusing to display correctly. Firefox shows transparent and chromium and vscoe show black windows. I tried disabling gpu acceleration on vscode to no avail. It seems this happened after I had to tinker with the ram's config in bios so I did revert to the bios defaults and this is still happening. Note that I am using IGP and it seems to | 14:28 |
sentiment | be related to the ram config...also I did run memtest+ with no errors | 14:29 |
oerheks | zteam, sure there is work to do, not sure if there is testing going on | 14:29 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje my mobo is asus maximus xi hero | 14:29 |
oerheks | teisanti83, set intergrated graphics as primairy in the bios perhaps? | 14:29 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje if i use native nouveau drivers all work | 14:29 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje i have set integrated as primary | 14:30 |
sentiment | btw IGP = integrated gpu | 14:30 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje IGPU is enabled | 14:30 |
sentiment | lotuspsychje: the tinkering was about setting the ram's speed to the max and it seemed to work fine until I noticed this. Also Windows runs fine | 14:31 |
zteam | teisanti83, I'm not sure but I think bumblebee-nvidia is meant to help with that, not sure if it allows for both cards on at the same time though | 14:32 |
zteam | teisanti83, bumblebee-nvidia | 14:32 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje yea i read about that but i think switches output | 14:33 |
MarkB2 | I hope this fails soon... otherwise I'll have another article for the Journal of Irreproducible Results. | 14:33 |
sentiment | lotuspsychje: I just disabled gpu acceleration in firefox and now it is displaying correctly | 14:33 |
zteam | oerheks, Thanks, would be great to be able to move to Wayland :-) | 14:33 |
sentiment | but why this happened? and disabling gpu acceleration for vscode still doesn't work | 14:34 |
lotuspsychje | sentiment: please dont highlight me, re-ask your question into the channel all in one line, and await until volunteers pick up your issue | 14:34 |
MarkB2 | sentiment: I think gpu acceleration in Firefox isn't well-implemented. If I turn it on in my system, I get a jittery line across the screen when scrolling. | 14:35 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: journalctl -f and plugin your non-working monitors, then pastebin the result please | 14:36 |
sentiment | MarkB2: it happened all of a sudden! | 14:36 |
sentiment | and in chromium-based apps as well | 14:36 |
oerheks | sentiment, set your mem speed back to auto | 14:36 |
sentiment | oerheks: I did, read above :| | 14:37 |
oerheks | oh then you messed up the bios config badly, try to reset to defaults? | 14:38 |
sentiment | by auto I mean , the defaults | 14:39 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje monitors are already plugged in . I unplugged and plugged them back in nothing happens | 14:39 |
sentiment | how can I view the gpu info in /proc? what's the path? | 14:39 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: pastebin your dmesg please | 14:39 |
zteam | sentiment, try to load optimal Defaults in BIOS :-) | 14:39 |
sentiment | how can I view the gpu info in /proc? what's the path? | 14:40 |
oerheks | completely reset the bios | 14:41 |
sentiment | ok brb, though I'm pretty sure it'd be useless | 14:41 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje | 14:42 |
StupidLikeAFox | Side scrolling seems to be broken system wide, not sure what's cuasing that exactly | 14:42 |
StupidLikeAFox | Currently on 18.04lts | 14:42 |
lotuspsychje | !dmesg | teisanti83 | 14:42 |
ubottu | teisanti83: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console. | 14:42 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje | 14:44 |
MarkB2 | I dunno. I think #ubuntu wizards must be waving magic wands. Was in a panic last night after inserting that board caused merry mayhem. This morning? oerheks probably sacrificed a piece of lint and its working. | 14:45 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: did you try a driver version switch yet, lets say to 435 as a test? | 14:47 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje yes i trued the embeddedd including 440 . the current one is manually installed drivers from Nvidea. I think its something to do with the xorg.conf file | 14:49 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: did you install nvidia driver from the nvidia website? | 14:49 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje yes after i tried the proprietry once that come with ubuntu | 14:50 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje like i said if i install just with Nouveau drivers it all works | 14:50 |
StupidLikeAFox | Is there a way to see if the mouse driver is setup right? I don't see any options pertaining to sidescroll in it | 14:50 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: try 435 from the repos, see ubuntu-drivers list | 14:50 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje i have already done that | 14:51 |
StupidLikeAFox | palemoon is the only thing that has any response; instead of scrolling, it's navigating forward/backard on the page's history | 14:51 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: pastebin your xrandr please? | 14:53 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: xrandr --auto does something? | 14:57 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje no | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: did you try what oerheks suggested from bios? | 14:59 |
B0g4r7 | Well, I think I'm closer to booting. | 14:59 |
B0g4r7 | My trouble seemed to revolve around this EFI partition. | 15:00 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje sorry i missed what he said | 15:00 |
B0g4r7 | The installer placed it on a partition on the NVMe device, which the firmware apparently can't access at boot-time. | 15:00 |
StupidLikeAFox | I should clarify it's an actual mouse with tilting scroll wheel, that isn't working properly. | 15:00 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: <oerheks> teisanti83, set intergrated graphics as primairy in the bios perhaps? | 15:01 |
B0g4r7 | I made a new EFI partition on a USB flash drive and copied the contents over there, and now I can boot as far as a GRUB prompt. | 15:01 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje already did that . My bios forces that as default | 15:01 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: other then switch to another driver, im out of ideas then | 15:03 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: you could consider a new !bug | 15:04 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje ok no worries will try other stuff and let u know | 15:04 |
tomreyn | quoting from teisanti83's dmesg at : [ 2.628843] [drm] failed to retrieve link info, disabling eDP | 15:04 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: your 5 screens worked on nvidia, with another ubuntu version before? | 15:04 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje yes on the initial install if i dont select install third party drivers | 15:05 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychje works in windows 10 too . Just trying a dual boot | 15:05 |
hotmedal | With regards to I tried live USB of 20.04 and did not observe any graphics problems. What can I do now? | 15:06 |
ThinkT510 | hotmedal: you can upgrade to 20.04 if you want | 15:08 |
S3xyL1nux | we need cpu cores temp extension on status bar | 15:09 |
S3xyL1nux | sensors | grep Core | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' | 15:09 |
hotmedal | ThinkT510: upgrade-manager isnt giving the option to do that | 15:09 |
ThinkT510 | hotmedal: it won't be available until they release 20.04.1 which is end of June i think | 15:10 |
hotmedal | yeah | 15:10 |
ThinkT510 | hotmedal: otherwise you'll need to issue a command to do it from the command line | 15:10 |
hotmedal | ThinkT510: so how can i upgrade from liveUSB without deleting my data and stuff | 15:10 |
lotuspsychje | teisanti83: i would purge the nvidia driver from and start using back the ones from the official repos, if it still doenst work, file a new !bug | 15:11 |
teisanti83 | lotuspsychjeyes thats what im going to do nw | 15:11 |
lotuspsychje | ok | 15:12 |
ThinkT510 | hotmedal: typically i like doing fresh installs so i'm not the right person to ask but in any case it would be prudent to make a backup of what you want to keep before trying to upgrade | 15:12 |
sentiment | can somebody please help me? I'm completely stuck. It's not a huge problem but it is really annoying. The gpu acceleration in firefox and chromium-based stopped working after I tinkered with the RAM speed settings in the bios. I'm using IGP Radeon X1200. And this problem happens in both Windows and Linux. | 15:21 |
oerheks | oh, but that ati x1200 (2007) is way to old | 15:24 |
oerheks | radeon supports ati 5xxx and up | 15:24 |
sentiment | oerheks: I'm completely bewildered at this point | 15:24 |
sentiment | I'm also asking about this in #hardware | 15:24 |
sentiment | oerheks: this WAS working prior to my tinkering | 15:24 |
sentiment | on this same system with same gpu | 15:25 |
oerheks | if i had read the specs before, i could have saved time | 15:25 |
oerheks | no, not 3d stuff on that card.. if you can run youtube, you are lucky, i think it will fail. | 15:25 |
sentiment | irrelevant with all due respect | 15:28 |
sentiment | I'm gonna try a #hardware suggestion and turn off the pc for 15 mins and see what happens :/ | 15:29 |
StatelessCat | Hi/MEOW | 15:36 |
tarelerulz | menuentry "MX-15 Live ISO" {set isofile="/home/kent/MX-15_x64.iso"loopback loop (hd1,gpt10)$isofilelinux (loop)/antiX/vmlinuz bdev=sda10 fromiso=$isofileinitrd (loop)/antiX/initrd.gz}does not work and it from Ubuntu own directions for booting an iso from grub | 15:38 |
tarelerulz | sorry wrong one ,but it pretty much looks like that | 15:39 |
eelstrebor | is there any significant reason to use snap instead of apt? sounds like there might be some security advantages | 15:55 |
oerheks | snap confinement, yes. | 15:57 |
oerheks | also, some projects moved to snap, no longer available as deb package | 15:57 |
blb4393 | really? even on debian? | 15:58 |
eelstrebor | i guess that the problem is that not all packages have been moved to snap, also | 15:58 |
kenperkins | can i retroactively configure an install to use a /boot mount from a different partition | 15:59 |
blb4393 | i'll move back to debian if that everything snap tendency will prevail | 16:01 |
teisanti | lotuspsychje works now . Did a fresh install with no proprietry . Then installed bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus linux-headers-generic. rebooted . enabled nvidea 435 | 16:03 |
kenperkins | I'm also trying to figure out how to deal with snaps | 16:03 |
sentiment | well, I had to tinker with the ram config in bios. I am using IGP radeon x1200. After tinkering, the hw acceleration in both Linux and Windows were broken. Firefox wouldn't display correctly, same with Chromium based apps and the whole Gnome-Shell titlebars etc. So I reset the bios settings to defaults BUT the problem persists! So someone | 16:03 |
sentiment | in #hardware told me to turn off the PC for 15 mins and so did I. BUT here I am again. I am not even sure if this is a software issue or a hardware one! I don't know what to do. | 16:03 |
sentiment | some stuff in gnome-shell are broken now, like titlebars and breadcrumb etc | 16:04 |
B0g4r7 | An iGPU shares memory with system RAM. Usually there is a parameter to adjust how much gets allocated. Maybe you're not allocating enough to graphics? | 16:05 |
sentiment | 128mb is allocated, as before | 16:06 |
sentiment | everything is as before now, yet the problem persists | 16:07 |
sentiment | could the driver be malfuctioning because of the change in the ram freq? | 16:07 |
kenperkins | I've run boot-repair multiple times, and no matter what I do, reboots put me straight back into grub cli | 16:08 |
B0g4r7 | I was just struggling with that issue today. I ended up reinstalling and putting /boot and the bootloader on a USB flash drive. | 16:12 |
B0g4r7 | So I'm booting in legacy mode now rather than UEFI. | 16:13 |
Bombo | hi is there a ubuntu version supporting the rtl8821c wifi chip? i tried the latest ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso but i get no wifi | 16:14 |
barg | where is the documentation for the 'for' bash command? | 16:19 |
barg | I guess it may be in man bash but it's not easy to search for that section because 'for' is a normal word | 16:20 |
Bombo | barg: help for | 16:23 |
barg | thanks | 16:26 |
Bombo | barg: man bash|less +/'Compound Commands' ;) | 16:31 |
barg | thanks | 16:32 |
grid- | hey | 16:40 |
grid- | whatsup | 16:40 |
javaJake | After upgrading to Ubuntu Server 20.04, it now goes to standby automatically. | 16:40 |
grid- | after a while? or instantly? | 16:40 |
javaJake | After a while. I haven't timed it yet but it's within an hour for sure. | 16:41 |
grid- | what powersettings have you? | 16:41 |
javaJake | It's a headless box so I only use SSH. No display server or anything like that. | 16:41 |
grid- | ah ok | 16:41 |
grid- | ubuntu server? | 16:42 |
javaJake | Yep | 16:42 |
grid- | i pointed to this page | 16:43 |
grid- | maybe it can help you too | 16:43 |
javaJake | I saw that. I do not like this option at all. It eliminates an entire class of hardware features to solve a simple problem. | 16:45 |
javaJake | OK, I've gotten another step... I have gdm3 installed. I'm going to get a list of packages that are marked as manual installs and make sure I didn't ask for it. | 16:47 |
javaJake | I suspect there was an interaction during the 20.04 upgrade that pulled it in. | 16:52 |
anonison | Good afternoon, i have a question | 16:55 |
anonison | When I let my computer for a while, what it happens is that display turns off | 16:55 |
anonison | But when i want acces to my computer my keybord doesn't work | 16:56 |
anonison | Am I the only?? | 16:56 |
akem | anonison, Does the mouse work? | 16:58 |
defk0n | Anyone have experience with Iodine DNS tunneling? I can connect to my server but nothing outside that, how do i setup routing? | 17:03 |
javaJake | It appears that gdm3 was not installed on my system prior to the 20.04 upgrade and the do-release-upgrade tool selected it. I'm going to file a bug. | 17:06 |
sentiment | I'm pretty sure this is a software mess | 17:14 |
sentiment | because software is always a mess | 17:14 |
sentiment | and we are fuckin relying our entire civilisation on it | 17:15 |
sentiment | sorry wrong channel | 17:16 |
sentiment | well, I had to tinker with the ram config in bios. I am using IGP radeon x1200. After tinkering, the hw acceleration in both Linux and Windows were broken. Firefox wouldn't display correctly, same with Chromium based apps and the whole Gnome-Shell titlebars etc. So I reset the bios settings to defaults BUT the problem persists! So someone | 17:17 |
sentiment | in #hardware told me to turn off the PC for 15 mins and so did I. BUT here I am again. I am not even sure if this is a software issue or a hardware one! I don't know what to do. | 17:17 |
sentiment | at this point, I"m inclined toward software driver issue | 17:18 |
sentiment | because the whole damn gpu is working fine, it's showing animations, the freakin wayland is working, the Windows Aero glass is working | 17:18 |
sentiment | it seems some webgl bullshit is messed up and I don't have a freakin clue how | 17:19 |
javaJake | How recent is the x1200? | 17:19 |
defk0n | How do i forward all traffic from/to one interface to another via "ip route" | 17:20 |
defk0n | not iptables | 17:20 |
sentiment | javaJake: it was working before I tinkered with the ram settings this morning | 17:21 |
sentiment | oh god, I've said that like 20th times today in here and other channels | 17:22 |
javaJake | Recent hardware tends to need time to bake in the Linux world to get things working correctly. If it works in Windows but not in Linux, and it's brand new hardware, it's just going to be time for devs to catch up. | 17:23 |
sentiment | no, please read my original message | 17:24 |
sentiment | bbl, gonna put another gpu in | 17:25 |
javaJake | IMHO, if it doesn't work in Windows, then either (a) you have an unexpected/bad configuration or (b) there's a hardware issue. | 17:26 |
Assid | heya.. im having a booting issue.. , can someone help me get started? | 17:32 |
Mordoc | defk0n: This article as what appears to be a good answer: | 17:35 |
Mordoc | defk0n: See the first answer in the question... | 17:36 |
Taev | hey does 20.04 LTS Server come with apache | 17:55 |
Taev | i havent used ubuntu in a long while, i want to kibbitz about with my own webserver | 17:55 |
B0g4r7 | Assid, Is this on a Ryzen CPU/ | 17:55 |
B0g4r7 | ? | 17:55 |
oerheks | Taev, nope. you need to install it. | 17:56 |
oerheks | !lamp | 17:57 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process. | 17:57 |
Assid | B0g4r7: yeah.. into the vm | 18:02 |
Assid | <-- using this to copy thedata into it | 18:02 |
B0g4r7 | Assid, you may be encountering the "AMD RDRAND bug". | 18:10 |
B0g4r7 | | 18:12 |
Assid | B0g4r7: it was working fine.. until i rsync'd the host over | 18:13 |
B0g4r7 | Maybe not then. I just saw that some lines related to RNG were the last thing output. | 18:13 |
kwhat4 | Is it possible to install arm packages on a x86_64 host? | 18:42 |
oerheks | kwhat4, no, only -dev packages to crosscompile | 18:43 |
kwhat4 | oerheks, thats fine, how do I do that? I cant seem to get x11-dev | 18:43 |
kwhat4 | libx11-dev* | 18:43 |
oerheks | arm64, armhf? | 18:45 |
kwhat4 | armhf | 18:45 |
kwhat4 | I was trying `dpkg --add-architecture armhf && apt-get update -m && apt-get install libx11-dev:armhf` | 18:47 |
oerheks | i think you need the lines like | 18:50 |
oerheks | | 18:50 |
kwhat4 | oh this looks promising, thanks oerheks | 18:53 |
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hotmedal | Is there any configuration at all for wayland or mutter? I could really use the compiz "force entire screen redraw" thing | 19:16 |
=== wymillerlinux_ is now known as wymillerlinux | ||
hotmedal | I'm dropping my question here again: | 19:26 |
themagician | hello | 19:30 |
themagician | can someone help me with SNAP, please ? | 19:30 |
themagician | a program can't write in my home. How can I modify the permission? | 19:32 |
themagician | Hello | 19:32 |
oerheks | Since classic snaps have a relaxed security model, users will need to explicitly pass the --classic flag to the snap install command ( to access home folders) | 19:34 |
oerheks | | 19:35 |
oerheks | oh, this is also good for snaps | 19:37 |
oerheks | Goto Ubuntu software -> installed-> <snapname> -> permissions-> access files homefolder / connected joystick / camera on. permissions | 19:38 |
oerheks | nnice | 19:38 |
oerheks | found here | 19:38 |
oerheks | no more re-install of the snap, great! | 19:38 |
Simonious | going 18.xx to 20.xx at home today, then I've got to see if I can get this thing on the wifi | 19:46 |
tomreyn | !YY.MM | Simonious | 19:47 |
ubottu | Simonious: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also | 19:47 |
Simonious | I know! I was being super lazy, I actually am much enjoying being called out on it! | 19:47 |
eoli3n___ | Hi | 19:48 |
eoli3n___ | does anybody could tell me what font it is ? | 19:48 |
Simonious | I'm going 20.04 I was on 18.04.4 | 19:48 |
tomreyn | eoli3n___: a very large font. | 19:48 |
eoli3n___ | thx tomreyn | 19:49 |
eoli3n___ | :) | 19:49 |
tomreyn | sorry, i'm just as clueless there as you are. | 19:49 |
sentiment | can somebody please enlighten me how is it possible that I have set the main gpu to the integrated one and yet glxinfo shows my dedicated gpu card? | 19:52 |
themagician | oerheks the program is already running and I don't want to reinstall | 19:53 |
themagician | because you can overwrite something | 19:54 |
oerheks | sentiment, it would explain why the IGP x1200 claims could be true, your GPu kicked in .. | 19:55 |
oerheks | themagician, after my 1st answer, see Goto Ubuntu software -> installed-> <snapname> -> permissions-> access files homefolder / connected joystick / camera on. permissions | 19:56 |
oerheks | permissions can be set withut re-install | 19:56 |
ArkRoyal | eoli3n: I tried that image in a font matcher and got this: | 19:57 |
sentiment | oerheks: well yeah, I finally figured out the cause. But how come is it so? | 19:57 |
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themagician | oerheks I go to Ubuntu software -> installed but I can´t see SNAP by anywhere | 20:05 |
Simonious | Once this update resolves I gotta see if I can figure out how to get this machine on the wifi! | 20:06 |
Simonious | looks like the update might run a while yet | 20:06 |
oerheks | <snapname> | 20:19 |
keden | Hi folks! I just installed Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 on a Raspberry Pi 4B 4 GB and the boot process seems to stop after the "cloud-init finished" step. Any idea why that would be at all? | 20:21 |
themagician | oerheks it isn´t permission option, only "uninstall" | 20:24 |
oerheks | then the --classic option is your only solution, i guess. | 20:31 |
oerheks | talk to the snap maintainer | 20:32 |
Annigo | Hello. I am struggling with permissions. I want to set permissions and owner/group for directories and files created in the future. How do I do that? Along other solutions, I tried sudo setfacl -d -m u::7,g::7,o::0 /the/parent/dir - getfacl on it sees this as "default", but creating dirs and files still applies the normal permissions. Suppose I | 20:32 |
Annigo | need to run the command without "-d", but haven't figured how. | 20:32 |
tomreyn | Annigo: maybe what you really want is umask and sticky bit? | 20:36 |
puff | Anyone know how to change the alt-tilde and virtual desktop behavior? | 20:43 |
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK | ||
puff | On previous versions, alt-tab cycled through all windows, now alt-tab cycles through apps and alt-tilde (~) cycles through windows of the same app. | 20:44 |
Annigo | @tomreyn : How do they work? I've seen mention of umask working globally, rather than for specific directory and everything inside. I've tried with sticky bit, but maybe I did it wrong. | 20:44 |
Annigo | Here's what I tried with setfacl recently: | 20:44 |
puff | On previous versions, alt-tab only cycled through the windows in the current virtual desktop, but now alt-tilde cycles through all the windows on all the virtual desktops, which makes the virtual desktops less than useful. | 20:45 |
eelstrebor | after installing firefox and vlc with snap, firefox m3u files will no longer launch vlc - i guess i'll have to remove the snap installed packages and go back to installing them with apt? | 20:47 |
tomreyn | Annigo: let's do it this way: what are you hoping to achieve? | 20:48 |
Simonious | alright upgrade to 20.04 success | 20:50 |
Simonious | now to poke the wifi.. :/ | 20:50 |
Annigo | tomreyn: Make it that everything created in future in specific directory belongs to specific user (say: ubuntu) and specific group (say: www-data) and has specified permissions (say 770 for directories and 660 for files). | 20:51 |
eelstrebor | tomreyn, it's complicated if you don't know much about playing videos off of c-band satellite but here goues - i'm trying to watch satellite videos via webif which connects to the satellite receiver | 20:52 |
eelstrebor | oops, you're not talking to me | 20:52 |
oerheks | eelstrebor, see Ubuntu software -> installed-> firefox -> permissions ? | 20:54 |
tomreyn | Annigo: i realize i would not actually know how to do this with acls, i'd just have the users operate as the other user and set a umask, maybe on a chroot. | 20:55 |
tomreyn | but the use case is still blurry. i.e. why do you need this in the first place. | 20:55 |
jacobroly | Hello, I have a question - is there any way to unzip a file via the command line that destroys the archive as it unzips? | 20:57 |
jacobroly | I get halfway through my archive and I run out of disk space while extracting | 20:57 |
jacobroly | It's not a tarball btw, it is a regular zip archive sadly | 20:58 |
kenperkins | ok, so every time I reboot, I get dumped into grub cli | 20:59 |
Annigo | tomreyn: Dirs/files created by user belong to the user and webserver software (example: apache) needs access to them as well. I know there are plenty of solutions around the net, both better and worse. I figured what I wanted to do would be the best one. Also tried adding the user to the same group, but seem to didn't work. | 21:01 |
oerheks | jacobroly, something like; find . -depth -name '*.zip' -exec /usr/bin/unzip -n {} \; -delete ## | 21:02 |
tomreyn | Annigo: adding the user to a group gets them group access. to make FSO's they create owned by the group you'r need to change their *primary* group | 21:03 |
tomreyn | *you'd | 21:03 |
tomreyn | jacobroly: i'd expect the unzip command (if you used that) to break with a fatal error when it can't write to disk, thus cancelling any other queued commands such as deleting the archive after completion. | 21:05 |
jacobroly | yes, that command doesn't work for me | 21:06 |
tomreyn | but there are graphical frontends which would get this wrong | 21:06 |
jacobroly | if there is something that can simultaneously enter into a zip archive to delete individual files after extracting them | 21:06 |
jacobroly | that would work much better for me | 21:06 |
tomreyn | my logic fails when you combine the words simultaneously and after | 21:07 |
jacobroly | sorry, bad phrasing | 21:07 |
jacobroly | i mean - enter into a zip archive to extract files one-by-one and then delete them when they are extracted. as the extracted dir grows, the archive shrinks until it's gone | 21:08 |
jacobroly | alternatively (and this may be more sane) i could just spin up an additional volume and use that as a temporary working space | 21:08 |
tomreyn | it's probably a lot more effective to unpack everything, then just delete the zip file | 21:09 |
jacobroly | yeah | 21:10 |
jacobroly | i will just attach another volume so i dont run out of space | 21:10 |
tomreyn | reading the unzip man page, i don't see any command or option that would delete the original archive. | 21:13 |
Annigo | tomreyn: How would I go about sticky bit? Does it inherit permission or something? Also, I've seen this: "sudo find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 2750 {} \+" - What does "2" in "2750" stand for? | 21:13 |
tomreyn | (Info-Zip unzip) | 21:13 |
Simonious | <- is this a good guide to get wifi going? I ask because step 1 fails with no such file or directory.. | 21:14 |
tomreyn | Annigo: chmod(1): "The first digit selects the set user ID (4) and set group ID (2) and restricted deletion or sticky (1) attributes." | 21:15 |
Annigo | So 2 equals g+s ? | 21:16 |
tomreyn | Annigo: yes, set-group-ID | 21:17 |
tomreyn | and actually "sticky bit" was probably a bad suggestion (may not be what you want) - - what you'd rather want is exactly set-user-ID and set-group-ID | 21:18 |
Annigo | I've seen people call +s sticky bit and then arguing it's not sticky bit but guid/suid | 21:19 |
nightBulb | greetings, can anyone else run lighttable editor on Ubuntu 20.04 ? | 21:19 |
tomreyn | Simonious: if you'Re running a server, netplan may be the way to go. if you want more flexibility ratehr than persistence then i guess i'd prefer nmcli or nmtui | 21:19 |
purplex88 | hi, i just installed ubuntu for first time after playing with VM for a while, but there are touchpad problems e.g. i tried configuring mouse speed but the cursor doesn't stick well on screen, i want precise control just like i have with windows mouse | 21:20 |
nightBulb | currently its giving following error | 21:20 |
nightBulb | (lighttable:54088): Pango-ERROR **: 02:49:57.004: Harfbuzz version too old (1.0.0) | 21:20 |
tomreyn | Annigo: that's just because due to the 's' it's easy to mix those up. quoting chmod(1) again: "set user or group ID on execution (s), restricted deletion flag or sticky bit (t)" | 21:21 |
purplex88 | the cursor shakes in between | 21:26 |
tomreyn | purplex88: do you have multiple touchpad-/mouse-like input devices attached? | 21:27 |
purplex88 | just laptop touchpad | 21:27 |
tomreyn | hmm, ok, i haven't seen this happen, can't help then. | 21:28 |
purplex88 | it works but jinda doesn't feel smooth and precise | 21:28 |
purplex88 | kind of* | 21:28 |
tomreyn | by 'cursor' you mean the mouse pointer, right? | 21:28 |
purplex88 | yes | 21:28 |
purplex88 | e.g. i can move it around, but sometimes when i release my finger it seems to jump a bit | 21:29 |
tomreyn | can't help there. | 21:29 |
Simonious | tomreyn: I think I'm green and oldschool.. I just want to set wifi up and have it work. I normally do just use ifconfig and wpasupplicant to get the job done, but.. things don't seem to work the way I expect them to. | 21:30 |
purplex88 | thanks i will keep trying | 21:30 |
kenperkins | ok, so i recently installed a second os next to my primary, and it somehow has hosed my boot config; it goes straight to grub cli | 21:34 |
kenperkins | how do I investigate why that is | 21:34 |
tomreyn | Simonious: okay. this doesn't really help decide between the two use cases, though either approach can work for you. | 21:34 |
Simonious | tomreyn: okay, I don't know these paths, what helps decide? | 21:35 |
tomreyn | Simonious: i tried to explain this initially: for a server with a mostly static network configuration, you may want to prefer configuring via netplan and then use either of the two renderers (though i'm not sure how well systemd-networkd works with wireless nowadays, so in the end you'll probably use network-manager there as a renderer); if you have more of a desktop or mobile use case where you want to occasionally switch between different APs | 21:38 |
tomreyn | and have profiles for those you may want to prefer working with network manager 'directly' (so without netplan) and use nmcli or nmtui for managing it. | 21:38 |
Simonious | okay.. the machine is a workstation in my home that won't be moving except possibly from place to place in the home | 21:38 |
Simonious | I prefer to do my configuration work via CLI | 21:39 |
tomreyn | so you'll probably not be switching between APs much, then netplan + network-manager renderer is probably the way to go. | 21:39 |
Annigo | tomreyn: Seems the suid thing did the work for me. I tried it before setfacl, but apparently I messed something else at the time. Thanks | 21:41 |
tomreyn | kenperkins: get support on this from the support channels of 'second OS' | 21:41 |
tomreyn | Annigo: you're welcome. | 21:41 |
Annigo | Regarding the message you quoted: "chmod(1)" - what does the number in () stand for? Always wondered | 21:41 |
tomreyn | !man | Those are sections of man pages | 21:42 |
ubottu | Those are sections of man pages: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see | Manpages online: | 21:42 |
tomreyn | Annigo: ^ | 21:42 |
Annigo | Oh, hah | 21:44 |
Annigo | Alright, ill be going, gn | 21:44 |
imi | hi. can I make ubuntu give a notification when the battery charge level goes below a theshold given by me (say, 20% or 25% or whatever)? | 21:53 |
Deano59 | imi, xfce4 power-manager can do that. | 21:54 |
imi | can it properly work with a default (non-xfce) ubuntu install? | 21:56 |
Deano59 | think so, it works with lubuntu. not xubuntu. | 21:56 |
Deano59 | vice versa, should work good. | 21:56 |
oerheks | imi, maybe TLP has such option? | 21:57 |
oerheks | !info tlp | 21:57 |
ubottu | tlp (source: tlp): Save battery power on laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-1 (eoan), package size 62 kB, installed size 319 kB | 21:57 |
Deano59 | forgot about that one. | 21:58 |
alazy | What's the difference between inetd-telnet and telnet packages? | 21:58 |
nightBulb | !info harfbuzz | 21:59 |
ubottu | Package harfbuzz does not exist in eoan | 21:59 |
nightBulb | !info harfbuzz focal | 21:59 |
ubottu | Package harfbuzz does not exist in focal | 21:59 |
imi | oerheks: what is TLP? | 21:59 |
oerheks | the laptop project, tools for energy control | 22:00 |
imi | Deano59: apt-file search '*power*manager*' gives no result. how do I find this xfce power manager? | 22:00 |
imi | oerheks: how do I find it. I suspect apt-get install TLP won't work | 22:00 |
oerheks | | 22:00 |
nightBulb | !info harfbuzz bionic | 22:01 |
ubottu | Package harfbuzz does not exist in bionic | 22:01 |
oerheks | wait, this one is recent | 22:01 |
nightBulb | !info pango1.0 focal | 22:03 |
ubottu | pango1.0-tests (source: pango1.0): Layout and rendering of internationalized text - installed tests. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.44.7-2ubuntu4 (focal), package size 123 kB, installed size 1387 kB | 22:03 |
nightBulb | !info pango focal | 22:03 |
ubottu | Package pango does not exist in focal | 22:03 |
nightBulb | !info pangox-compat focal | 22:03 |
ubottu | Package pangox-compat does not exist in focal | 22:03 |
nightBulb | !info pango1 focal | 22:03 |
ubottu | Package pango1 does not exist in focal | 22:03 |
nightBulb | !info pango1. focal | 22:04 |
ubottu | pango1.0-tests (source: pango1.0): Layout and rendering of internationalized text - installed tests. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.44.7-2ubuntu4 (focal), package size 123 kB, installed size 1387 kB | 22:04 |
nightBulb | !info pango1.0 bionic | 22:04 |
oerheks | nightBulb, use ubottu in /prv msg, works too | 22:04 |
ubottu | pango1.0-tests (source: pango1.0): Layout and rendering of internationalized text - installed tests. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.40.14-1ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 88 kB, installed size 815 kB | 22:04 |
nightBulb | thanks | 22:04 |
oerheks | try !find | 22:04 |
nightBulb | oerheks, | 22:04 |
_Sym_ | i just realized that thunderbird does not prompt to add a new certificate when a self signed cert expires and just fails to connect. The old expired cert must be manually removed first in thunderbird before it will ask to install a new one. | 22:15 |
tomreyn | _Sym_: have you tried restarting it? | 22:17 |
gabrielc | hi. xfce4-panel-profiles can't save configurations on ubuntu 20.04 lts. where could the problem be? | 22:26 |
_Sym_ | tomreyn, yeah that didnt work | 22:30 |
tomreyn | _Sym_: had you added a (server certificate) exception for it or imported it as a CA? | 22:44 |
tomreyn | also, which TB version on whihc ubuntu release? | 22:45 |
=== tomato is now known as comodoro | ||
_Sym_ | this is thunderbird 1:68.7.0+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 on ubuntu 18.04 and i added exception for my self signed cert. i just thought thunderb would prompt to add new exception after cert expired. | 22:48 |
tomreyn | hmm, i'd assumed it's display an error message at least. but i guess it's not a security issue. | 22:50 |
tomreyn | s/it's/it would/ | 22:50 |
_Sym_ | no, it just confused me | 22:50 |
peioe | hey, if someone could point me in the right direction to solve this, that'd be very very swell: | 23:10 |
peioe | i'm having trouble even searching what could be wrong since all I get is results about people having trouble running python itself | 23:10 |
tomreyn | the problem is not that opusenc is not being found, but that the script you're running is buggy. | 23:12 |
peioe | welp :( | 23:12 |
tomreyn | you can either try getting help with this from the developers of this script (or the support channels they provide) or, if oyu know or want to learn python, in #python | 23:13 |
peioe | if which('opusenc') is None: << this is the line that can't find opusenc, I'm not really sure why that would not work | 23:13 |
tomreyn | it's not an ubuntu support issue. | 23:13 |
peioe | yeah my bad sorry | 23:13 |
peioe | thanks | 23:13 |
Simonious | tomreyn: I'm trying to follow the steps here: this is my config.yaml and then I do netplan apply ./config.yaml and it then says: Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of netplan-wpa-wlp4s7.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units. | 23:31 |
Simonious | - so I do that and it accepts it without echo. Then I do: netplan try, which says Configuration accepted... wireless still has no IP and I'm not sure what to fiddle with next, got any more hints? :P | 23:31 |
filohuhum | hey guys | 23:36 |
tomreyn | Simonious: compare what you have to the documentation and reference which is at | 23:36 |
Simonious | tomreyn: I'll take a look, thanks for the direction | 23:37 |
Zilenc3 | Hey which channel is best to speak about data recovery? | 23:46 |
Betal | ubuntu is starting on blinking cursor, what I can do to reset gnome and gnome-session ? | 23:46 |
SomethingGeneric | Hey all! I have 20.04 installed as one partition on my SSD, which is already full. How would I go about moving, say, my documents/home to a different drive? | 23:56 |
Bashing-om | SomethingGeneric: See if this helps: . | 23:58 |
SomethingGeneric | Seems like exactly what I need, thanks! | 23:58 |
Bashing-om | SomethingGeneric: :D | 23:59 |
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