
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Since Debian is being slow, I'm sure you saw my email, but jackd2 1.9.14 is headed into backports.17:11
OvenWerksEickmeyer: just got home from grocery so not yet :)17:23
OvenWerksIs that the one that has "pretty names"?17:24
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It's the latest, so *shrug*17:24
OvenWerksIt should have then17:24
RikMillsEickmeyer: since the Breeze GTK theme became good enough to keep by default, I have lost track of what bit of plasma sets up the config when 1st time for a user17:24
EickmeyerRikMills: I got an answer from #kde-devel, and it basically use /etc/skel. :P17:26
EickmeyerVery ew.17:27
OvenWerksnothing in /etc/xdg?17:27
EickmeyerThey basically have no way of setting the default via override. There's no config API for it for the GTK settings.17:27
RikMillsyeah, I think plasma is hard coded to use breeze if no existing user config is there17:28
RikMillsnow I think of it17:28
EickmeyerIt's really non-vendor friendly.17:28
OvenWerkswhere does the user config go?17:29
OvenWerks(and why does my kubuntu + studio system have a /etc/xdg/xfce4/ directory?)17:29
EickmeyerSomething is pulling it in.17:30
EickmeyerRikMills: Yep, that's what I'm having to put in /etc/skel.17:30
EickmeyerOvenWerks: something about libexo bringing it in.17:31
OvenWerksok, odd I thought that was a gnome-ish thing.17:31
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Looks like libxfce4ui-common is being pulled-in by something.17:31
OvenWerksBut yeah that makes sense. we use that fr menu-add17:31
EickmeyerProbably leftovers on our end.17:31
EickmeyerOhhhhh... yeah, that would do it.17:32
OvenWerksI don't know if there is a qt/kde equiv17:33
OvenWerksOn the other hand... we could roll our own. The only real thing I use it for is searching for icons.17:34
EickmeyerOvenWerks: right-click on your "start" menu (kickoff or whatever) and click "Edit Applications". Using that is how I got lsp-plugins to cooperate and put that in ubuntustudio-menu.17:34
EickmeyerIt follows xdg standards and uses an override in the user directory.17:35
OvenWerksSo knowing which icon theme is in use and then following down through the tree unless there is a python lib that does that already17:36
EickmeyerYeah, I don't know. All I know is it uses whichever icon theme is in use, and, actually, doesn't care.17:36
EickmeyerIt doesn't seem to override any icons unless you explicitly tell it to do so.17:37
OvenWerksBasically, I create a desktop file template using the user selected name and some boilerplate info then run it through the exo edit to get icon, and executable. Then I add the line that tells it where in the menu structure to go. The only hard part to replace in the edit function is setting the icon17:38
OvenWerksOf course :)17:38
OvenWerksif you change a system desktop file, it takes it as is, lets you edit it and then writes it to the user's ~/.local/share/applications/ dir17:39
OvenWerksI think it even keeps translations intact17:40
EickmeyerYep. You could, theroretically, take that anywhere then.17:40
OvenWerksAs I say, the only real use I make of the editor that would not be (relatively) easy to do is an icon chooser.17:41
EickmeyerRikMills: So, after a brief conversation in #kde-devel with the kde-gtk-config developer, it is indeed hardcoded to Breeze, and there's no way to override the default except with user configs. I told him he needs implement a way to configure the default the same way the rest of Plasma does (with $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS).18:17
EickmeyerSeems like a gigantic oversight on his part.18:19
OvenWerkssounds like a bug report to me.18:30
OvenWerksThat would give reason for adding to skel18:30
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Which is exactly what I had to do.18:31
EickmeyerUnfortunately, that kind of bug report becomes "Feature Request, wishlist".18:31
OvenWerksThats ok so long as it gives a good enough reason to add to skel18:34
EickmeyerWell, they shouldn't be adding to skel. We shouldn't be adding to skel. They need a variable that sets the default, not a hardcode.18:35
OvenWerksSo bug.18:36
EickmeyerOvenWerks: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42124018:54
ubottuKDE bug 421240 in kcm_style "Create a way to set a variable for downstreams to customize default GTK theme" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:54
EickmeyerRikMills: ^18:54
RikMillsEickmeyer: ack. if that gets a fix that is not in the Plasma version we end up with in 20.10, I'll try to cherry pick it from the plasma master branches19:10
EickmeyerRikMills: You are a gentleman and a scholar.19:10
RikMillsI probably score 0.5 out of 2 on that really!19:11
cjdghi there21:04
cjdgi would like to see how i can help ubuntu studio21:05
OvenWerkscjdg: sounds good stay tuned ( Eickmeyer ^^^) one of us will be around in a bit21:17
* OvenWerks has a birthday to get ready for...21:17
EickmeyerActually... I'm not going to be around much longer today.21:17
Eickmeyercjdg: Would you mind uh.... staying connected indefinitely? XD21:18
* Eickmeyer really shouldn't be doing Dev work on the weekends.21:18
cjdgwill try21:25
cjdgi have 1 kid and a newborn21:25
cjdgby the way i saw the news about implementing kde into the next release21:27
Eickmeyercjdg: What did you think of that?21:31
Eickmeyereylul[m]: @azbulutlu: If you try the latest daily ISO, the first thing I want you to do is lock the screen and tell me what you think.21:35
Eickmeyer(there is no password to get back in)21:35
cjdgwell really?21:38
cjdgi think is a good thing21:38
Eickmeyercjdg: There have been two sides of that. One is love, the other is hate. I just wanted to see which camp you were in. :)21:39
cjdgim not so much into kde, but there are some things with the current desktop that are quite odd, mostly about the file manager,  which lacks a lot of features, the only thing that concerns me is performance, i use a lot ubuntu studio for both devel and making art and music performances21:39
Eickmeyercjdg: Well, I addressed that in the news posts, we have noticed negligible performance degredation, if any.21:40
cjdgnow the big question is 21:42
cjdghow to make the next realease to move from old desktop21:43
cjdgto new kde without broke things21:43
Eickmeyercjdg: We can't support it, sadly.21:43
cjdgso will be necessary a fresh install?21:44
cjdgok, so the new iso has kde ?21:46
EickmeyerThe daily, yes.21:46
cjdgok then i will start to test it21:47
cjdgby the way21:47
cjdgalso i had working with a lot of developres21:47
cjdgdevelopers from apps like natron and praxis21:48
cjdgdo you know those programs?21:48
EickmeyerNot really.21:48
cjdgnatron is a video composition soft like adobe21:48
cjdgand praxis is a creative coding lang based on java21:48
cjdgim promoting ubuntu studio at art festivals21:50
cjdgand so on21:50
cjdgby example piksel in norway21:51
cjdgtranspiksel in america21:51
cjdgefusion in mexico21:52
cjdgi believe ubuntu studio is the best one!21:52
cjdgand about the packages21:53
cjdgyears ago there was the idea to use snaps for mostly all the packages right? so it can be updated automatically, there is still that plan ?21:54
cjdgor has changed?21:54
EickmeyerWe haven't followed that plan for Studio.21:55
Eickmeyercjdg: Nor can we really use Snaps for everything. They don't allow for plugins.22:07
Eickmeyercjdg: So, to get involved, I'd encourage you to participate here when able, and follow the conversations. Finding a spot to serve works best that way. Let us get to know you, and you'll figure out where you belong pretty quick.22:08
Eickmeyercjdg: Also, we like to see people helping other people out in #ubuntustudio (the support channel).22:13
cjdgim there also22:14
Eickmeyercjdg: Perfect. :)22:15
cjdgone question were can i download the daily isos?22:28
Eickmeyercjdg: cdimage.ubuntu.com22:51

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