[05:53] is there a simple way to remap the buttons on my mouse in the current ubuntu? [06:01] linuxgecko: I think there are two choices [06:01] 1,3,2 and 2,3,1 [06:01] (right handed and left) [06:03] That is with GUI tools. There are probably more intrusive ways with cli tools but I am not familiar enough with mice to know. [06:06] OvenWerks ok, my mouse has 14 buttons, (Razer Naga Hex v2). and i need to map some of then that type like a keyboard, to press different keys :) [06:06] linuxgecko: maybe have a look here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/492744/how-do-i-automatically-remap-buttons-on-my-mouse-at-startup [06:11] that should help wonderfully! i was unsure if ubuntu had left X far enough that some of these might not work. :) [06:11] studio still uses X, I think vanilla allows x or wayland [06:12] I do not know if xset commands work with wayland through it's comaptibility layer or not [06:13] * OvenWerks finds the gnome3 interface a pain to use and so has no experience with that. Other people might know though [06:14] the only ubuntu i plan to use by choice is studio. :) [06:39] this is ... ... unexpected. it would seem that my mouse is also recognized as a keyboard. IMO, this means i can keymap it like i "boobytrap" my qwerty my mapping it logically as a dvorak. ... but how? [19:35] I downloaded the Ubuntu Studio installer on 20.04 and installed the audio packages as well as the low latency kernel. Now I have sooo many packages I don't even know or necessarily want, and the low latency kernel doesn't allow me to log in... any way to uninstall these things? [19:36] virtuosoj[m]: Which flavor of Ubuntu did you install? [19:37] vanilla 20.04 [19:37] virtuosoj[m]: Uninstalling packages is as easy as opening a terminal and typing "sudo apt remove {packagename}". [19:38] In the case of metapackages, you might want "sudo apt autoremove --purge {packagename} [19:38] " [19:38] Yes I know that, but I don't know all of the packages I installed [19:38] via Ubuntu Studio installer [19:38] I guess the program doesn't also un-install [19:38] virtuosoj[m]: This is one of those "use at your own risk" type things. [19:39] uninstall sounds like Alligators :) [19:39] If you don't know the names of the packages, you can always install Synaptic, search for the metapackages (ubuntustudio-*) and remove stuff that way. But, we're not going to walk you through it here. [19:39] Got it, that makes sense, I may try that or clean install [19:40] Can I ask one more question? I have the Scarlett 2i2 audio interface, I sometimes hear a pop when a sound source starts, especially if no other sound has been playing for a little while... how can I diagnose this? [19:40] generally remove stuff seen in the menu. apt autoremove after to clean up deps [19:43] virtuosoj[m]: I've noticed it too with my Behringer UMC404HD. It seems to be something the kernel is doing with external USB audio, some sort of power-saving function. No clue how to help you with that. [19:47] Pulse defaults to 44k1 but will change to 48k if the only source using the output is 48k (opus encoded for example) [19:50] Also, various applications ask for a level change on connect or other change. Add that to actually depowering the USB. [19:51] (which I am not sure about) A lot of USB ports remain on even if the computer is turned "off" [19:51] though one would hope a laptop on battery power would not. [20:03] Dang. I bet there is a way to keep that port on continuously or something of this nature? [20:03] virtuosoj[m]: That's above my knowledge. [20:04] OvenWerks: It's not the USB port shutting-down, it's the audio itself. [20:04] I'm very interested in what you're saying OvenWerks, I bet there is some type of way to fix this from happening, maybe at the cost of battery power for continuously listening to the USB / sound port. This is pure conjecture because I also don't have much knowledge [20:06] run jack as the back end for pulse :) [20:07] ^ That's the trick I use. [20:08] jack will keep the audio device on all the time, at the same SR with the same latency. Pulse thinks of jack as a really dumb (obstinate) device :) [20:13] OvenWerks: Yes, this seems like the answer I was looking for! How can I do this? [20:15] ubuntustudio-controls does this. [20:17] Set the USB master to your USB device, Apply, Start jack [20:17] normally pulse bridging is already on by default but you can check that. [20:17] (in the pulse bridging tab) [20:59] hi there, guys i want to volunteer to ubuntu studio! [22:09] How would i uninstall an older version of linux and wipe the partition it's one (it's dualbooted with Win10) so i can install ubuntu studio [22:10] Cause atm i'm running KDE Neon (based on ubuntu 18.04) And i want to uninstall it and wipe the partition, so i can install Kubuntu 20.04, and then run the ubuntu-studio installer [22:10] Crashtone[m]: Kubuntu comes with partitionmanager, which should let you wipe the old partition. Then the installer can use the unused space automatically. [22:10] By installer I mean the system installer, not to be confused with ubuntustudio-installer. [22:11] So if i created a 20.04 kubuntu installion media, i can use that to write over the partitions i currently have set up for neon? [22:11] Crashtone[m]: Yes, but you'll want to delete those partitions first using partitionmanager inside the live session. [22:12] Or see which options the system installer gives you first, as it might be able to automatically detect and do that for you, something like "Erase KDE Neon and install Kubuntu". [22:13] Once Kubuntu 20.04 is installed with ubuntu-studio-installer after, will i be able to migrate to Studio 20.10 without issues, or should i set up a seperate /home partition in 20.04 so i can migrate the Studio 20.10 when KDE becomes the native DE [22:14] Crashtone[m]: You'll migrate to Kubuntu 20.10 without issues, technically. Though, they're both Ubuntu, so there's really no difference. [22:15] So i wouldn't have to run the 20.10 ubuntu-studio installer in that case? is the metapackage handled so that the next release will update? (when 20.10 comes out, i go to kubuntu 20.10, will i need to rerun the studio installer to get it so show as Ubuntu Studio 20.10 (with the rebranding and other optimizatiosn and such) [22:15] Or will it be updated automatically when i update the metapackage? [22:16] Crashtone[m]: No, you shouldn't need to rerun ubuntustudio-installer. The metapackages it brings in will update to the newer versions. [22:16] Fantastic [22:17] Crashtone[m]: Rule of thumb here is don't overthink it, we've done everything we can to make it as easy for you as possible. [22:19] I appreciate the help! if i run into any issues or strange behavior, i'll let you guys know (It'll be a few days before i migrate, as i have to back up my data) [22:20] Backup. Good call. [22:21] Crashtone[m]: Really, your primary support is going to be with Kubuntu, not here. [22:21] We've got the Ubuntu Studio Installer part, but at the end of the day, it's still a Kubuntu install. [22:23] Ah, Thanks for letting me know, i've never dealt with installing metapackages over a different install before so i wasn't sure what support i should be going towards [22:23] (ie, installing something base distro, and then installing a different DE metapackage on top of it)