
Enduxit works now thanks00:02
guiverc:)  Yippee00:03
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lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> I am trying to access the apt-cache server set up on host from a lxc container. Any idea how to do so?07:50
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> wxl: @teward001 any inputs?07:50
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> ^ nvm. Got it08:11
onyxI need help trying to install python3-dev but it says package has no installation candidate but referred by another package. I'm trying to update openshot to it's latest version15:45
lleachiiHello, has anyone exprience an issue with Chromium, where after some time and newly opened tab displays blank?17:00
lleachiion 20.0417:00
onyx_lleachii; have you tried the brave browser as a chrome alternative?17:03
lleachiiummm...no, it doesnt appear to be on snapcraft or the repisitory...does that mean there's a known problem with Chromium?17:06
onyx_chromium is kind of outdated17:08
onyx_brave browser is the google chrome alt that people use these days17:08
onyx_you have to go to brave's official site to learn how to install it17:09
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lubot<tbs61> i would suggest vivaldi if u want chrome based browser18:59
lleachiiok, thanks, can I load the pepper flash so file?19:26
lleachiithe website instructions do not work19:42
lleachiiworkaround does not work...anyone know why Chromium loads blank pages (only backround) after some time? I also checked, it's a recent verson in Snap.19:44
lleachiiOK, I may have to revert to 18.04 with all its issues I'm used to...(16.04 is the last version that functions -out-of-the-box)...difficult not having a wokring browser, this is new...20:04
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Deano59I <3 you, Lubuntu. ;P21:06
onyxcan someone help me out? I'm trying to upgrade openshot but I get errors of packages missing python3-dev isn't available to download for example21:13
onyxE: Package 'python3-dev' has no installation candidate21:14
Deano59"sudo apt search python2" do you see it listed?21:17
Deano59"sudo apt search python3" do you see it listed?21:17
Deano59sorry, typo.21:17
Deano59and what version of Lubuntu?21:18
onyxpython3 is installed but python3-dev is what I need21:18
Deano59see above.21:18
onyxhold on21:18
kc2bez!info python3-dev21:18
Deano59"sudo apt search python3" do you see it listed? ... you should see ALL python3 packages...21:18
ubottupython3-dev (source: python3-defaults): header files and a static library for Python (default). In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB21:18
Deano59kc2bez, nice one.21:19
Deano59forgot about the bot...21:19
onyxLinux lubuntu 5.0.0-38-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 3 00:27:35 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:19
lleachiidoes anyone know where the module folder in Vivaldi to load the flash *.so file???21:19
Deano59onyx: that's your kernel, not lubuntu version.21:20
Deano5918.04? 16.04? 20.04? etc.21:20
onyxhold on Idk yet21:21
onyxI don't remember21:21
Deano59isn't the EOL?21:22
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:22
onyxI probably need to upgrade if 20.04 exists lol21:23
Deano59yeah 20.04 is out now, an LTS release. it's nice. :(21:23
onyxok let me do that first and I'll come back21:24
kc2bezYeah 19.04 is EOL https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-19-04-end-of-life-and-current-support-statuses/21:24
onyxI'll let you know if that solves the issue I'm trying to upgrade openshot and there's a bunch of packages missing and not installable21:24
Deano59you'll love 20.04 onyx :P21:24
onyxcool. ok brb21:25
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lubot<tbs61> ~ But he could not leave his desktop after seing new Lubuntu and noone saw him after that  ~22:43
lleachiiI found more infomration on the Chromium issue. If I close the Chromium instance taking most memory, all pages reappear.23:32

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