
SomethingGenericBashing-om, do you perhaps have an article on shrinking partitions, too?00:03
Bashing-omSomethingGeneric: See: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual .00:08
Bashing-omSomethingGeneric: Also there is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GParted00:09
nmatrix9Hi all has anyone ever managed to get a usb to hdmi adapter to work in Ubuntu?00:51
nmatrix9From manufacturer Fresco Logic00:51
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nmatrix9Or in general01:11
bargWhy does echo `find .`  show new lines, even without echo -e ?  Whereas echo "abc\ndef" without -e, won't show new lines?01:23
SomethingGenericbarg how are you formatting that?01:27
barg$ echo `find .`01:28
bargcontrast with $ echo "abc\ndef"01:28
bencc1I'm trying to output a service log with: "journalctl -u myservice > myservice.log"01:29
bencc1but I'm only getting part of the output01:29
bencc1how can I get all of it?01:29
SomethingGenericbarg: try "echo $(find .)" ?01:30
SomethingGenericsorry for being late01:30
hl521Hey, coming from the #debian IRC, but seems to be a bit quiet atm. I'm facing a small issue on an install I have where there isn't a kernel nor initramfs in /boot, thus whenever I boot from my hard drive on my server I get stuck with the grub menu. Anyone know the fix for this? I'm ssh'd into the livecd which is already chrooted into the problem server01:30
hl521and here is the paste from /boot: https://bpa.st/DTZQ01:31
bargSomethingGeneric: that also shows new lines.01:31
bargeven though the echo is without -e01:31
SomethingGenericThat's really strange. Hang on one sec01:31
SomethingGenericbarg, i take back my advice. "echo $(find .)" is probably just making your whole script worse01:32
SomethingGenericwhat's the bigger context of what you're using it for?01:32
bargjust that01:33
bargtrying to understand what's going on01:33
SomethingGenericunfortunatley i can't reproduce bc when i try "echo `find .`" i just get one giant block01:34
SomethingGenericwhy wrap "find" in an "echo" ?01:34
linextdoes mark shuttleworth still pay for ubuntu development?01:35
bargSomethingGeneric: you could do it on a small directory with just a few files. What if you do echo `find .` (no double quotes)01:41
SomethingGenericbarg i was just using the double quotes to let u see what i was doing. wasn't actually inputting them01:41
SomethingGenericbut no, it's all one block of text for me01:41
SomethingGenericagain, why wrap "find ." in echo at all?01:42
bargto test echo01:43
SomethingGenericI think the way I'd do that would be "for f in $(find .); do echo $f; done", but I know that's an un-necesary loop01:44
bargi'm wondering why it'd be different for you01:45
bargcan you share a gisthub link?01:45
SomethingGenericyep. one sec01:45
bargincluding the ubuntu version, thanks01:45
barglike i did that lsb_release -a command.. also on a small directory01:46
LACampbellif you have no sound except for the occasional loud pops, and the sound sometimes work and sometimes doesn't, what should you do? it's hard to google for. all the obvious stuff is sorted, pulse audio looks fine, new kernel, etc etc01:46
bargoh damn i see..01:46
bargi had IFS=','01:46
bargwhen i unset IFS, then I get it in a block01:46
SomethingGeneric^ barg01:46
bargnow unset IFS so should be like yours. Interestingly echo -e `find .`  still shows it in a block.01:48
juanonymoushi, im trying to install the latest ubuntu in my desktop. i made a bootable pendrive using rufus. but i get this error while running: 'SYSLINUX 6.04 EDD 6.04-pre1 Copyright (C) 1994-2015 H. Peter Aniv et al Failed to load ldlinux.c32 Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue' - im running it on an intel core 13 cpu with 8 gig ram and asrock motherboard.01:56
nf9cIs Ubuntu-Mate considered an Offical Ubuntu Flavor?02:09
Bashing-om!flavors | nf9c : yup :)02:11
ubottunf9c : yup :): Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours02:11
nf9cok thanks @bashing-om for the reply02:14
Bashing-omnf9c: :D Help is what we do.02:14
nf9cHad a bit of a struggle getting on here, not being used to HexChat but found the password field making getting my registered nickname recognized02:17
nf9cDoes any monitor the ubuntu unregistered side of this chat room to help in situations like mine had02:19
nf9ci not been able to figure out how to log in?02:19
Bashing-om!register | nf9c02:21
ubottunf9c: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.02:21
nf9clike I said my nick is registered I am here otherwise apparently I wouldn't be. What I was struggling with at the beginning getting into this chatroom was getting the chatroom to recognize my registered nickname. I kept getting switched to my secondary user id choice because the first choice was already registerd...by me02:24
nf9cLuckily in hexchat I found the password field to put in my password had I not found that field I probably never would have gotten into this chat room lol02:26
nf9cIt's been years since I have joined or been apart of any kind of online chat room board. Glad to know that they still exist that people still use them.02:28
kZonf9c: oh yeah.  Long live IRC.02:35
kZoLots of joins/parts in this channel.  Just had to turn them off.02:37
nf9cif you want to mention specifically someone here what is the best way to do so, so that, that person notices the comment?02:38
Bashing-om!tab | nf9c02:42
ubottunf9c: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:42
nf9cBashing-om and ubottu thanks for your reply's/help02:43
Bashing-omnf9c: None of us were born knowing - I *DO* recall my confusions with my first irc encounter :P02:45
nf9cI am new in general to the whole Linux thing. Only been working with Linux OS's for about 2 weeks now02:46
Bashing-omnf9c: Once you get over the Windows mind-set you will be surprised how easy linux is :D02:47
zap0does new ubuntu distro come with gcc 10?02:48
Bashing-om!info gcc focal | zap002:49
ubottuzap0: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.185.1ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2 (focal), package size 5 kB, installed size 50 kB (Only available for mips; mipsel; mipsn32; mipsn32el; mips64; mips64el; mipsr6; mipsr6el; mipsn32r6; mipsn32r6el; mips64r6; mips64r6el; amd64; i386; x32)02:49
nf9cBashing-om I suppose so. I actually have done things the hard way with getting multiple Linxus OS's setup I physically partitioned a 1TB hd to install the os's so far I have like 6 or 7 of them. 4 of them being different flavors of Ubuntu02:52
Bashing-omnf9c: And you are learning a lot about grub - (GR)and (U)nified (B)ootloader :)02:54
zap0ok, so is installing gcc 10 trivial?02:55
nf9c@Bashing-om yep that's for sure I have installed a graphical bootloader manager because grub itself only supports like 5 linux + Windows for booting and I have surpassed that LOL02:57
RoeyI'm copying from one USB hard drive to  another, and the rate is so pitifully slow... why???   I'm measuring it with atop, and it's just.. like.. under 3 MB/s03:41
Roeyhow can I see which USB level the devices ar econnected at? maybe I connected one of them to a usb2 port??03:42
tripelbI want a notes program, simple more than just text processer that will make clickable links.  What is a good basic one  (like the Mac has had for over a decade...)04:04
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zap0Roey i've always wondered that too;  each time i ask about it, most people say: each usb level will gravitate near it's limits, it should be obvious which it is because it's close to what it always is for that level.05:04
Roeyin my case it was becauas I had accidentally connected the target usb drive to usb2.05:04
zap0i have badly labelled USB ports.  apparently somethign to do with colours of the plastic is supposed to tell you something.  i have yet to learn which colours mean what.05:06
zap0doesn't make much sense to me when the ports are on the desktop's case.. they all look the same.05:08
Starship809hi! i installed "pandoc" to my machine. how can i find out where it is located?05:11
zap0locate pandoc05:12
Starship809does not give me a result05:12
ecbrownStarship809: which pandoc05:52
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davido_I'm having trouble with snap refresh: invalid credentials: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CQjjZ6fyfr/06:21
davido_Any suggestions on how to get it working again?06:22
ThinkT510davido_: run it with sudo06:23
davido_(same message)06:25
Starship809ecbrown i got that one fixed06:26
Starship809now, i am tryint to convert from HTML to pdf with pandoc. when i execute this line from the shell as root, it works: /usr/bin/pandoc --from=html -s -S -o /tmp/pandoc5eb79dda21cac.pdf /tmp/pandoc5eb79dda21cac06:27
Starship809when i execute it from php, it does not work.06:27
Starship809whereas html to docx does work from php06:27
Starship809i suspect that my apache user does not have permission to all dependecies required for PDF conversion06:28
Starship809unfortunately, php's exec() does not really help me in terms of error message06:28
Starship809how can i simulate "being the webserver" inside the shell?06:28
Starship809i tried, sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/pandoc --from=html -s -S -o /tmp/pandoc5eb79dda21cac.pdf /tmp/pandoc5eb79dda21cac06:31
Starship809that does also work :|06:31
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ikoniaStarship809: try the guys in ##php - php's exec function is not something for this channel07:17
blb4393could somebody tell me what python3-cffi-backend is for? Package description doesn't provide enough information. There's no direct dependencies to this package but there could be some indirect hidden ones07:51
xerox_howdy, I am building a rust crate which fails because it can't find llvm-config, I installed llvm-10 but the installed binaries have -10 suffixes like llvm-config-10: I tried to figure out how to use update-alternatives to make links from bare names to -10 suffixed ones but it's just a hunch I don't know if this is the solution, do you happen to know?08:30
tarelerulzI have been trying for awhile to boot Ubuntu live install iso from grub and failing.  I don't know what I'm missing .  I get this invalid sector size 65535 , disk loop not found , you need to load kernel first .  I have copied Ubuntu's own directions.  are they not tested or not update ?08:47
frostschutztarelerulz, works for me, you might have to adapt partition/location/filename https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sbfJbMwPmy/09:14
tarelerulzwhat is this part insmod part_msdos09:16
Deknosis anyone aware, why ubuntu/focal64 on vagrant always times out with ssh access? ist ssh in the vagrant box not installed?09:17
tarelerulzI gpt ,  fat32 , efi partition ,09:17
frostschutztarelerulz, then you'd use (hd0,gpt1) if the iso file is on partition 1, otherwise use other number09:18
tarelerulzOk, what is the insmod part_msdos for for what I have ?09:19
tomreyninsmod is a command to load kernel modules, "part_msdos" sounds like ti would support msdos partitions09:20
tomreynAKA MBR09:20
tomreynpartition tables rather09:21
frostschutzinsmod tells grub to load one of its modules. however grub usually loads the most common modules automatically, so its optional to specify09:21
frostschutzI don't have a single insmod in my grub.cfg and it works *shrug*09:21
tomreynoh right insmod works for grub, too09:22
calamityhey, I'm trying to set up my Rasp Pi running Ubuntu Server, and I've used: iwconfig wlan0 essid "John & Smith" key "mypassword" but it says "mypassword" is an invalid argument09:23
calamityis there some way that I need to be formatting this since my essid has spaces and an ampersand in it?09:23
tomreyntry single quotes '' instead of double quotes ""09:24
calamityalright, I'll see how that goes09:25
tomreynyou can also make it two separate lines which may make it easier to identify the error09:26
tomreyniwconfig wlan0 essid 'John & Smith'09:26
tomreyniwconfig wlan0 key 'mypassword'09:26
tomreynin this format 'mypassword' would need to be a hex key, though09:27
calamityhmm yeah okay the first part works, but it says the password is wrong09:27
calamityoh really? haha. I've just been typing a string.09:27
tomreynquoting iwconfig(8): "You can also enter the key as an ASCII string by using the s: prefix. Passphrase is currently not supported."09:28
calamityI added the s: but had the same problem09:29
tomreynwhere "passphrase" would probably be an ascii string containing blank spaces.09:29
calamitysudo iwconfig wlan0 key 's:mypassword'09:29
tomreyntry without the quotes next09:29
calamityyeah I also tried that, no luck :(09:30
tomreynis it still the same error message, though?09:30
calamity"SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument." - previously it didn't have the "set failed" part09:31
tomreynwhich authenticatin schemes does your AP offer?09:32
calamityNot sure - how would I check that>09:33
tomreynif you'Re not sure then it's probably (hopefully) not WEP and you need to read up on how to do WPA2 or WPA3 personal authentication instead.09:34
tomreynor use one of the frontends for wireless configuration so you won't have to deal with the nitty gritty details09:36
calamityOh actually, it says WPA2-PSK09:36
tomreynnetwork-manager has a cli called nmcli09:36
calamityOh for real? I wonder why that didn't come up when I googled09:36
tomreynthere's also nmtui which provides some text menus09:37
calamitynmcli I'll try nmcli first and see how that goes haha09:38
Deknosnmcli is REALLY coo09:38
Deknosyou can even export or import network connections such as wifi or vpn09:38
calamityOkay got nmcli installed, when I run that it displays "wlan0: disconnected09:41
calamity        "Broadcom BCM43438 combo and Bluetooth Low Energy"09:41
calamity        wifi (brcmfmac), DC:A6:32:45:F7:5A, hw, mtu 1500"09:41
tomreyn!man | calamity09:47
ubottucalamity: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/09:47
tomreynnmcli also has a "help" command09:48
calamitythanks, ill keep fiddling09:53
tarelerulzwould this linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper toram  iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject , make me boot into the ram the whole os?09:58
EriC^^tarelerulz: yes10:02
doomlist3what is the syntax a=[1,2] to declare an array in bc calculator...10:05
doomlist3shows syntax error10:05
calamityI think perhaps one issue is that when I do "nmcli d wifi list", there are no results. it doesn't seem to know there are wifi networks10:06
gst568923Hi, I have this motherboard: https://pastebin.com/raw/ai20ks1B and I would like to know if it support hybrid graphic Radeon/Intel because I have read that northbridge chipset Intel Cantiga contains a video gpu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_graphics_processing_units#Gen410:07
lotuspsychje!hardware | gst568923 start here10:12
ubottugst568923 start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:12
lotuspsychjegst568923: we had some users in the past struggling with intel/amd hybrid graphics10:13
gst568923lotuspsychje ok sorry, my question was only to know if my motherboard supports this configuration, because if it weren't so I won't go into what I'm looking for10:17
CQ2hello, any askubuntu moderators here?10:55
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jeremy31cq why?11:07
Deano59jeremy31: he's probably banned...11:09
ubusrhi, found another bug in 16.04 LTS :(  "file" app cuts the interpreter path11:14
Deano59ubusr: why are you using 16.04 LTS?11:16
ubusrthis bug hapepns in 18.04 LTS as well, but not in 20.04 LTS11:17
ubusrDeano59: you must have missed the LTS sign, saying it's supported till 2021/202411:17
ubusrsome people like stable software that doesn't change too much11:17
* Deano59 shrugs11:17
ubusrenterprise software and such11:18
* Deano59 shrugs11:18
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ubusrit's seems to be related that /lib64 is a link in ubuntu 20.04 (where it works) but on 16.04 and 18.04 it'snot (atleast in latest docker image)11:24
* Deano59 shrugs11:24
ubusrahh let's remember how to /ignore morons11:24
Deano59you shouldn't use such an old os.11:24
rudeguyhi, is there any way to set mouse speed on the login screen?11:25
diamondbondrude i've actually wondered this too, would love to disable mouse accel on login screen as well11:25
diamondbond* rudeguy11:25
rudeguyknowing what exactly are you editing when you go through the settings program would probably be a first step...11:28
BluesKaj'Morning all11:31
greghow do I set my clang version?  update alteratives not working11:31
gregI try https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hC3qhW8WT2/11:32
gregbut clang --version still says 711:32
Deano59morning BluesKaj :)11:34
Deano59you in #ubuntu-offtopic BluesKaj ?11:34
Deano59nope, you're not... :( had a question about PIA too.11:35
BluesKajhi Deano59, no, but I'm in #kubuntu-offtopic \11:35
gregwhy is ubuntu such pain11:40
Deano59greg: it's not.11:41
gregI just want it to uses latest clang instead of one from 199211:41
gregother distros you install new pkg it uses new one11:42
gregbut not ubuntu11:42
diamondbondgreg, use FreeBSD, clang is the only compiler now lol11:44
gregi dont have choice of os or id use anything else11:45
diamondbondafaik ubuntu 20.04's clang is at version 1011:45
gregso can can anyone tell me why update alternatives doesnt do anything?11:45
gregI can only use 18.0411:46
diamondbondgreg, https://imgur.com/XR9APZA.png11:46
diamondbondgreg, oh you're on 18.04 huh11:46
gregI have 10 installed but it still defaults to 711:47
gregI try this nonsense https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hC3qhW8WT2/11:47
diamondbondhmm have you tried removing 7?11:47
gregbut it dont do anything11:47
diamondbondid suggest just removing clang-7 if you don't need it11:47
diamondbondalso; https://apt.llvm.org/11:47
gregyes thats where i got 1011:47
gregbut why is update alternatives doing anything?11:48
diamondbondahh, im honestly not sure11:48
diamondbondmaybe the syntax / file placement is wrong11:48
gregi have samecrap for gcc n its fine11:48
diamondbondgreg, sudo update-alternatives --config cc11:50
diamondbondor sudo update-alternatives --config clang11:50
diamondbondthen select clang-10 from the ncurses menu11:50
gregI cant run commands that require additional input11:50
diamondbondumm ;-;11:50
diamondbondis this a work machine?11:51
gregits travis-ci11:51
gregPackage 'clang-7' is not installed, so not removed11:59
greglang version 7.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)11:59
gregjfc ubuntu11:59
Deano59what is clang?11:59
grega c/c++ compiler12:01
multifractalWindows update has done it again!!!! GRUB is gone, and Boot-Repair is not bringing it back! http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KZM227y8nB/12:10
BluesKajsudo os-prober, then run, sudo update-grub12:11
multifractalBluesKaj: So you're saying boot up into the live environment from my 20.04 USB stick and run those two commands? I'll let you know what happens...12:13
BluesKajmultifractal, that or boot into the vt/tty , ctl+alt+F2-F612:14
multifractalos prober said "/dev/sda2@/efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi:Windows Boot Manager:Windows:efi"12:15
multifractalupdate-grub said '/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of '/cow'.'12:16
jeremy31multifractal: try changing boot order in BIOS12:16
jeremy31multifractal: look at the boot repair info, line 156-16312:18
multifractaljeremy31: OK I changed the order for ubuntu to come first and powered off and on. Now I'm confronted with a screen "GNU GRUB version 2.04, Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported..." and a prompt "grub>"12:20
multifractalNot the usual list of bootloaders to choose from that I'm used to12:20
xnat834[m]Have there been any changes regarding this?12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592229 in grub-installer (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1341944 Install grub-efi-ia32 on i386/efi platforms" [High,Fix released]12:21
xnat834[m]There are probably still many of these 32-bit UEFI / 64-bit CPU devices around.12:22
xnat834[m]And the user has to manually edit their installation images to make them work on those systems.12:22
xnat834[m]I think Fedora has added support for this in version 27 (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/32BitUefiSupport). Does Debian have it, too? I think at least. Some other distributions also support this.12:24
jeremy31multifractal: Where there any other ubuntu options?  I think you had EFI partitions on 2 drives12:25
multifractaljeremy31: no other options12:25
multifractalWindows Boor MNfwe, and ubuntu12:25
multifractal*Windows Boot Manager (pardon my typing)12:26
CQjeremy31, I answered a question and showed how I debugged my way there, and the answer was deleted by a mod12:29
jeremy31multifractal: Might want to wait for eric to show up12:29
CQjeremy31, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1229085/ubuntu-with-rodecaster-pro-usb-soundcard/1236257#123625712:29
tomreynxnat834[m]: i686 support has been dropped from current ubuntu releases, so working on supporting i386/efi is most likely not a top priority12:30
tomreyn(i386/efi systems are usually iX86 systems)12:30
tomreynxnat834[m]: Debian is #debian (preferrably on oftc, i think)12:31
CQjeremy31, (or anyone else) I would like to understand why. I can't see any guidelines I've violated and been as helpful as possible12:33
CQafk, sorry, need to run12:33
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multifractalIs it normal that every time I boot from the 20.04 USB I made it first goes through "checking disks"  every time?12:41
ograyes, this is by design12:41
ograyou can skip it with crtl-C12:42
multifractaloh OK i thought this might be related to my boot problem12:42
CQogra, really? I thought only if improperly unmounted, or afte ra long time (180 days) without a check ...12:42
ograit is for avoiding boot problems actually :)12:42
multifractalErrors found in 1 files. You might have problems - it says12:42
BluesKajthen you might12:43
multifractalIs it referring to my computer hard drives, or the USB stick itself?12:43
ograthe majority of installer bugs is caused by bad media ... this new default helps cutting down that amout massively12:43
ograit checks only the USB stick12:43
BluesKajdepends on you boot sequence12:43
multifractaloh ok i should make a new stick i guess12:43
ograif you see a problem during the check, try to re-flash the USB stick12:44
armasmHey. I have a problem with NGINX on Ubuntu Server 20.04. I want to use TLS1.0 up to TLS1.3 on my server, but regardless of the NGINX version (offical package or form nginx.org) server always responds with TLS1.2 only. Running NGINX with the same config on the same machine but inside docker does respond with all required protocols. I'm using `nmap12:44
armasm--script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 MY_DOMAIN` to verify that.12:44
multifractali am getting as far as "Updates and other software" on the install wizard, but it hangs when i click continue12:44
tomreynarmasm: i would expect TLSv1.0 and v1.1 to be disabled on 20.04 system-wide12:45
tomreynarmasm: those are considered weak nowadays12:45
BluesKajmultifractal, don't think a new stick will solve this, it could be a problem with the internal drive boot file12:45
armasm@tomreyn but it should respond with TLS1.3 also, right? I have to support Android 4.2, there is TLS1.0 only.12:45
multifractalBluesKaj: So was the 'error found' referring to my computer or the stick??12:46
BluesKajyour pc12:46
multifractalsomeone above told me it was checking the stick12:46
tomreynarmasm: TLSv1.3 should probably be supported. i have not tested this myself.12:46
multifractali'm in startup disk creator right now reflashing it just in case12:47
BluesKajtry booting without the stick12:47
multifractalBluesKaj: see above - i'm already in boot hell12:47
DocMorsarmasm, TLS1.0 is going to die very soon Apple for example remove support for it in March already12:47
tomreynarmasm: you could put a TLS temrination point in front of the ubuntu 20.04 system, possibly one running an older (but still supported) release.12:48
multifractalWould be even better if it could tell me what the "error" that it found was12:48
multifractali just reflashed the installer usb with startup-disk-creator and ran the test option after it was finished. it launched a window labelled QEMU containing a nasty looking error about kernel panic or somethign12:53
tomreynwhat is "it" that launched "a window labelled QEMU"?12:56
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multifractaltomreyn: selecting the option to test the USB that startup disk creator just made12:56
tomreynso it's an option in startup disk creator? i'm not familiar with this option then, must have been added recently.12:57
multifractalonce it's finished it throws up a dialog with options like "test" and "exit"12:57
tomreynon which ubuntu release are you running startup-disk-creator?12:57
ubusrdid ubuntu 20.04 change /lib64 to by a symlink unlike ubuntu 18.04 or ubuntu 16.04 ?12:57
multifractaltomreyn: 18.0412:58
ubusrI want to trace when a bug was inserted to the "file" package, how can I go back and see where it happened ?12:58
tomreynoh actually i've only used usb-creator-gtk12:58
ubusris there an apt bisect or so ?12:59
armasmtomreyn, I know, but I'm trying to put this NGINX as a reverse proxy for the docker containers. Host (Ubuntu) runs docker, sshd, nginx, certbot and fail2ban only. Everything is on the same VPS. However, if TLS1.0 depracated and removed, there should be TLS1.3 available, but i can't get it working...13:00
ubusrarmasm: maybe use trafeik ?13:00
admin0ubuntu 20, lxd is not working in my case ..  dhclient does not work,  manually setting up ip does not work ..13:00
admin0what i see is apparmor denined for network and dhclient13:00
admin0checking here if someone else also has experienced the same issue13:01
tomreynmultifractal: if the usb-creator-gtk test fails like this it's probably due to some other problem, i'd ignore it for now. just boot off the newly created usb and see whether it still reports errors during boot.13:01
tomreynarmasm: i believe that "i can't get [TLSv1.3] working" and "Everything is on the same VPS (aqnd thus I can't support TLSv1.0 and TLV1.1 and the whole thing is getting complicated to maintain)" are separate issues.13:03
lotuspsychjeubusr: to help the developers and debug yourself, maybe #ubuntu-devel might be interesting for you?13:03
ubusrlotuspsychje: yeah nobody is talking / answering there13:03
lotuspsychjeubusr: its weekend, things might be slower indeed13:04
ubusranybody here is running ubuntu 18.04 LTS not in docker ?13:04
ubusrohh, forgot it's weekend in most of the world :)13:04
ubusrI wonder how much % of the world sunday isn't weekend13:04
lotuspsychjeubusr: lets not discuss that here shall we13:04
ubusrguess I'll move my image to ubuntu 20.04 for now until the issue is fixed :/13:05
armasmtomreyn, that was just a digression, I just want to be sure that everything with TLS on Ubuntu 20.04 is right, because I have those issues with NGINX. Thank you for your help.13:06
lotuspsychjeubusr: do you have a bug ID on your issue?13:06
ubusrA. I want someone to verify it B. if it involves in registereding in another site, then I guess no13:07
ubusrbut I think it's kinda of a big issue, feel free to open one13:07
tomreynarmasm: you're welcome. for texting TLSv1.3, i'd recommend using openssl or gnutls directly. if the system is reachable on the internet you could also use some online tests such as startssl.com's server test.13:08
lotuspsychjeubusr: maybe you could explain it first into the channel, perhaps volunteers recognize an existing bug ID?13:08
tomreynoops i mean ssllabs.com13:08
ubusrlotuspsychje: when I run file /bin/bash (or any other ELF binary), the interpreter which runs the ELF path get's truncated: "/bin/bash: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/l, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=6f072e70e3e49380ff4d43cdde8178c24cf73daa, stripped"13:08
ubusryou see the /lib/64/l ? it's the start of the path, but not all of it, on 16.04 and 18.04 it's truncated, but on 20.04 it correctly shows: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.213:09
ubusrand it worked once (since I have scripts on 16.04 that depend on it working, and they stoped working)13:09
ubusrI'm wondering when did the file pacake update bork it13:12
multifractalOK so it hangs again on "Updates and other software" when running the ubuntu installer wizard. The next step ought to be the option to "install alongside windows 10" or "something else" page. But seeing as how there's some kind of catastrophe with how my computer is booting I guess it can't figure out what to do next?13:12
tomreynubusr: have you tried using readelf instead?13:12
multifractalThis is a new USB stick I'm trying and it's hanging on exactly the same spot13:13
multifractalwhat the hell does windows update do to screw me over ho hard?13:13
tomreynubusr: GNU file is a many purposes tool, it may not be the best tool to reliably identify ELF file format specific details.13:13
ubusrtomreyn: nop, I have a script which already worked pretty good (and depends on file output)..13:13
lotuspsychjeplz keep the language family friendly here multifractal13:13
ubusrtomreyn: worked perfectly fine for me\13:13
tomreynubusr: maybe you were lucky for a while. ;) but YYMV, good luck.13:15
ubusryeah 2nd time i'm bitten by LTS :)13:15
ubusrthe first bug is still open 3 month and pending....13:15
tomreyn!discuss | ubusr13:16
ubottuubusr: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:16
ubusrtomreyn: it is support discussion, or rather lack of13:18
lotuspsychjeubusr: we try to divide discussions from ubuntu support, hence why the channel pointer13:19
rustyrocketWhen starting a new Amazon Lightsail instance with Ubuntu installed, a certain number of conf files are changed from ubuntu defaults (/etc/ssh/sshd_config, for instance, has added an additional certificate for ssh access from their control panel).  I'd like to find a list of all conf files on the system that have been modified from their default values.  apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::--force-confnew install --reinstall -y13:19
rustyrocket doesn't work (--force-confnew only applies when a version number has changed)13:19
ubusrk, I understand, I'll shutup about having an LTS issue with patch to fix it that's open for 3 month and I guess will be never fixed (cause nobody cares about 16.04 anymore013:19
lotuspsychjelets discuss that in #ubuntu-discuss ubusr13:20
rustyrocketSorry, find a list and then change (probably all) of them back to their default values.13:20
multifractalIn some of the answers relating to this "hanging on Updates and other software tab", they say to mount/unmount the windwos partition in disks. how do i do this, i'm not seeing any option to do so?13:27
multifractalOK so after deleting the Ubuntu partition and rebooting, the install wizard was able to proceed and I'm back in the game. 20.04 and Windows 10 running in perfect harmony. For now........13:35
zap0well done.13:36
multifractalA bit disturbing that I had to nuke ubuntu, but it was a fresh install so nothing to lose. Would have been annoyed if there was un-backed up stuff (but I suppose I could have backed up from the live environment had I wished)13:36
multifractalthanks to everybody for trying to help13:37
ubusrmultifractal: I've never managed to upgrade an ubuntu version without it borking my system anyhow13:42
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B0g4r7I have a PC running Windows 7 with a USB printer connected to it, and I have it set to share the printer.  My MacOS X computer has no problem detecting and using the shared printer, but I can't get my Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 computer to see or use it.14:26
B0g4r7The "add printer" UI doesn't appear to have a provision to browse SMB shared printers.14:29
lotuspsychjeB0g4r7: wich printer is this?14:30
B0g4r7Samsung ML-1630.14:31
pongalHello, is it possible to set display scaling in Ubuntu to 110%. I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and I see we can either set 100% or 125% and more.14:31
pongalMy resolution is 1920 on a 15" laptop and it hurts my eyes14:32
lotuspsychjeB0g4r7: did you have to install the samsung drivers for it?14:32
B0g4r7I don't think I had to do anything like that, or if I did it was automatic and unintrusive.14:33
lotuspsychjeB0g4r7: think you might need something like this: https://www.openprinting.org/printer/Samsung/Samsung-ML-163014:34
B0g4r7Hmm, thx.14:35
B0g4r7I really should have just bought the 1630W, which has ethernet and wifi.14:35
kenperkinsI've added two new printers lately, wifi has worked perfectly with my ubuntu clients14:35
takov751hello there15:10
takov751i have a problem15:10
takov751i changed my user shell to fish, and the user dissapeard form the userlist on the gdm login15:10
tomreyntakov751: undo the change, does it show up again then?15:11
tomreynif so, how did you change it?15:11
tomreynif not, what else had you changed?15:12
takov751tomreyn it does not15:13
tomreynsee above15:14
takov751`usermod -s /bin/fish $USER15:14
tomreynuse chsh next time15:15
tomreyncan you share the output of    getent passwd $USER15:15
tomreynmaybe you wanted to set it to     /usr/bin/fish    instead?15:16
takov751yeah i did changed it to that15:19
takov751however its still missing15:19
takov751from the gdm userlist15:19
zutattakov751: is fish listed in /etc/shells ?15:22
takov751both /usr/bin/fish and /bin/fish15:22
takov751I am clueless now15:32
takov751Is there any way to add user back?15:33
takov751I am really confused now15:42
rjwiiiHello. I want to move my /home drive to a new harddrive. I found these instructions: https://www.howtogeek.com/442101/how-to-move-your-linux-home-directory-to-another-hard-drive/15:47
rjwiiiMy question is: Should I reboot to a root shell before I copy the files over to the new drive?15:48
takov751zutat tomreyn my user missing from the gnome user settings as well15:49
takov751Any ideas?16:00
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thalladaI'm getting a purple screen after starting up 20.04 with no login button. Any idea how to debug this? Idk what log to look at16:13
thalladaI can still access Ctrl+alt+f6 tty16:13
thalladaThere's some stuff about gnome keyring failing because it cannot open a display in /var/log/syslog16:20
flatsGood morning, I am running ubuntu 20.04 server.  I dont want to load a complete freenas OS but want to be able to use my home server as a dropbox sort of server that I can upload and download files from without a client.  I'd like to be able to use the web and also be able to upload and download via Android or IOS.  What  type of software am I looking for?16:20
CQflats, look for nextcloud16:24
CQ...or owncloud16:25
ikoniahas owncloud had it's security tidied up now ?16:25
CQno clue16:26
lotuspsychjethallada: do you have nvidia graphics card and auto login enabled?16:28
flatsI thought Owncloud needed a client installed16:30
xnat834[m]<tomreyn "(i386/efi systems are usually iX"> A ton of them aren't. That's also mentioned in that issue.16:31
CQwithout a client you might look at some webdav solutions16:31
flatsOk Thank you16:34
thalladalotuspsychje: I do have a nvidia card, but I don't think I have auto login. I normally enter my password in after booting up but that screen is never showing up.16:35
lotuspsychjethallada: doublecheck if you dont have the known bug #184580116:35
ubottubug 1845801 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-435 (Ubuntu Eoan) "[nvidia] Automatic login fails and then all subsequent logins fail. Killing gnome-session-binary fixes it, or just not using automatic login." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184580116:35
lotuspsychjethallada: you can also try !nomodeset to see if you can bypass login16:36
thalladaI don't think that's the same issue since they can get the login screen. `pkill gnome-session-binary` didn't fix anything16:38
lotuspsychjethallada: ok, tnx for testing, wich nvidia chipset do you have?16:38
thalladaI have a RTX 2080 super16:39
thalladaWhat's weird is that it was working fine until I booted up this morning. I'm guessing something updated16:39
lotuspsychjethallada: RTX needs the most latest driver possible, might need !nomodeset to bypass login and install your nvidia driver16:41
AlbrightWhat's the best way to see the "original" configuration files of something I installed (namely PHP)? I thought I was smrt and made the config directory into a git repo before hacking the files, but I screwed it up somehow.16:41
shmoonCan someone tell me the reason behind this bizarre behaviour (find command) https://pastebin.com/raw/9rnkt4ty ?16:42
CQshmoon, try the search dir without the training slash?16:43
lotuspsychjethallada: we also had users reporting weird behaviour with driver 440, so another driver version test might also be an idea16:43
bitblitis there a simple way to set a max cpu temp for thermald? i've been having no luck building a thermal-conf.xml...16:44
shmoonCQ: You mean the first command ? yeah it doesn't find then. what am i doing wrong ?16:44
shmoonIsn't find supposed to recursively walk the directory hierarchy and match files to the pattern provided ?16:45
pmitrosI am considering getting a Radeon 5700XT. Does anyone know (1) How well Ubuntu 20.04 support it? (2) How well AMD does GPGPU on Ubuntu?16:49
pmitrosMost of what I'm looking for is very good stability and ease-of-use. Beyond that, GPGPU would be nice, mostly with pretty simple matrix operations.16:50
branonwhat would be the canonical way to enable composited display in ubuntu/gnome 3 on an optimus laptop running nvidia's driver16:50
branonto reduce screen tearing16:50
branonsome advanced options e.g. ForceCompositionPipeline do not appear in Nvidia X Server Settings applet for mobile GPUs16:51
branonso i am unclear on how to enable it16:51
branonif the answer is "use a (different|software) compositor" that is fine too16:51
branonenabling intel's TearFree option actually makes screen tearing worse16:52
thalladalotuspsychje: does seem to be nvidia-driver-440. I downgraded to nvidia-driver-435 and I get the login screen on startup now16:55
lotuspsychjethallada: ok, tnx for confirming that, like we noticed, more users were suffering 440 issues, not sure i pointed the right bug yet though16:56
lotuspsychjethallada: a new test would be re-switch to 440 now and see if you still can reproduce that16:56
lotuspsychjethallada: cause your RTX card will need to benefit latest driver possible16:57
lotuspsychjethallada: do you use scaling options?16:59
thalladaSwitching back to 440 works now, thanks for the help. I don't use scaling options17:02
lotuspsychjethallada: ok, tnx for the feedback and good luck17:02
thalladaMonitors aren't recognized now but I hope i can figure that out on my own17:02
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lotuspsychjethallada: maybe a replug or an xrandr --auto might do the trick17:04
nael_nBesides /var/log, what are the places where logs are usually kept? I'm trying to investigate an apparent system freeze, although it might just be a freeze of the input devices.17:08
lotuspsychjenael_n: try a realtime journalctl -f when you debug17:09
lotuspsychjenael_n: dmesg is also handy17:10
CarlKwhats the command lines to format a usb stick to play nice with all the OSs?  like this, only bash: https://itsfoss.com/format-usb-drive-sd-card-ubuntu/17:10
CarlKnael_n: dmesg -w  "Wait for new messages."  has become my first choice17:11
r15hi, i have 2 interfaces,  one interface with single ip and 2nd interface with 2 ips, both needs to be vlan tagged.17:15
r15however only one ip is working.17:15
nael_nlotuspsychje and carlk: thanks. It would be in a post-mortem kind of situation, after rebooting the computer, because the input devices are unresponsive and the screen is locked (it's a freeze on resume). I can only take note of the time, and then try to look for events at that time in the journals17:17
r15not able to ping any gateway, however able to get ing response https://paste.centos.org/view/31a4939517:20
r15Checked https://netplan.io/examples#attaching-vlans-to-network-interfaces,17:21
CarlKnael_n: sudo modprobe netconsole netconsole="@/,@<host>/"17:21
r15my gw & network settings for netplan are : https://paste.centos.org/view/31a4939517:22
CarlKnael_n: find docs on netconsole - it blurts out stuff on the lan, maybe before the hang17:22
nael_ncarlk: I use parted(8) and I suppose you'd have to use the fat32 filesystem. I've only ever used it in interactive mode17:22
CarlKnael_n: H have this hint from when I used it 5+ years ago: https://github.com/CarlFK/veyepar/blob/master/setup/nodes/pxe/shaz/var/www/lc/netcons.sh17:23
nael_ncarlk: interesting, didn't know about netconsole. This will prove useful17:30
CarlKnael_n: hope so.   and yeah, its super cool if it helps.17:30
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rjwiiiMy move of /home to a new hd was successful ... problematic, but successful ... :)17:39
memphistotrying to install diablo2 on kubuntu 18.04, but playonlinux complains that there is no wine 4.518:19
memphistoi've tried adding the wine reposityory, but the i get failed dependencies while trying to install wine 4.5 or any version18:19
sammyg1321Hey Guys! not sure why, when i watch videos i see like not lines but like some parts of the video not go smoothly, i think we would call that tearing18:19
LampionHello !18:22
memphistosammyg1321: what video? youtube or some avi,mp4? maybe it's video codec, or maybe you need video driver18:22
zutatsammyg1321: intel graphics?18:22
sammyg1321Yeah id be youtube, and Nope, Nvidia GT 71018:23
sammyg1321should i paste my X Server config to pastebin?18:23
memphistosammyg1321: you got nvidia propriatery drivers installed?18:24
sammyg1321right now its running the NVIDIA Metapckage 440 \18:24
_Sym_sammyg1321, try youtube with mpv18:26
_Sym_its a video player18:26
sammyg1321lemme do a quick search18:26
memphistoand that tearing happens only on youtube?18:27
memphistoif so, have you tried different browser ?18:27
sammyg1321have not tested other then youtube but CSGO i havent really seen that issue18:28
sammyg1321for MPV: dependency not satisfiable liblass 9>2:0.14.018:28
_Sym_did you enable all the extra repos?18:30
sammyg1321sorry which? theres a mega pile of them in my other software window18:31
m000gleWould anyone here be able to assist with configuration of Chinese (Simplified) and English multilingual input, using Ibus Pinyin, on a relatively fresh installation of 20.04 LTS?18:31
_Sym_i mean multiverse18:32
sammyg1321lemme check18:32
m000gleI have been using Ubuntu for 10+ years, and have been using English and Chinese input methods for just as long, but I am unable to get the Ibus icon to appear and to get input switching to work on 20.04LTS18:32
sammyg1321multiverse is enabled yes18:32
memphistosammyg1321: have you check your browser for hardware acceleration ? maybe it's disable18:33
ThinkT510!info liblass18:33
sammyg1321@memphisto lemme get back to you18:33
ubottuPackage liblass does not exist in eoan18:33
_Sym_restricted universe multiverse18:33
sammyg1321@memphisto it shoud be enabledc18:33
alexaGuys, I screwed up size of my usb drive. I can't remember how to bring it back to 8GB18:34
alexait's 4MB now.18:34
alexagparted sees only 4MB18:35
alexaparted rescue gave no results18:35
sammyg1321@memphisto yep should be enabled18:35
alexaI remember some years ago I could fix it18:35
alexaeven mkusb didn't fix it18:35
memphistosammyg1321: does it happen on local video files ?18:36
sammyg1321@memphisto lemem get back to you on that18:36
memphistoalexa: what does parted /dev/yourdisk  print   say18:37
sammyg1321@memphisto yep happens on local videos, just downlaoded one from youtbe and ran it and it still ahppens18:39
memphistosammyg1321: but it doesn't happen on games ?18:39
sammyg1321@memphisto gonna check one secd18:39
memphistowhile installation have you selected install 3rd party codecs and stuff18:40
alexamemphisto, it says: welcome to GNU Parted.18:40
alexaI am dumb18:40
alexayou want me to get "print", will do18:41
alexamemphisto, https://pastebin.com/RNSRuDK418:41
sammyg1321@memphisto still see a bit of tearing18:42
memphistoalexa: well, either is 4Mb or it's dead18:42
memphistosammyg1321: get the codecs https://itsfoss.com/install-media-codecs-ubuntu/18:43
alexamemphisto, can't be dead. I used to have this kind of problem after putting OS on the drive few years ago18:43
memphistotry different driver version18:43
alexaI sorted it out somehow with parted. I can't remember how.18:43
memphistoalexa: i had that but it was fixed with specialies tools18:45
memphistobut i've found something on stackexchange18:45
memphistotry that18:45
alexamemphisto, thank you.18:45
memphistotry, and let's see18:46
memphistoalexa: let me know what's happening. got to know, and i have to go18:48
alexamemphisto, still nothing. I will reboot now, to see if anything will change.18:49
alexamemphisto, after I fix it, I will let you know how I achieved it. ;)18:49
memphistoi'm sorry :( i won't be here18:50
memphistowhish the best18:50
sammyg1321hey im ack but i still dont see the codecs making a differenc e19:12
coreyhuinker20.04: anybody else getting the notice that a snap needs updating (node.js/latest, edge, classic) but when you try to update it says that no snap can be found?19:13
sammyg1321i seems like it still tearing, dont know if that has to do something with gnome but yea its not clear, im not sure why this is happening19:15
sammyg1321anyone have any other ideas why my graphics keep tearing when playing games or playng videos19:23
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ledeni  sammyg1321: can you give us --> lspci | grep -i --color 'vga\|3d\|2d' | nc termbin 9999  share with us url19:34
sammyg1321one sec19:34
sammyg1321: getaddrinfo for host "termbin" port 9999: Temporary failure in name resolution19:34
ledeni sammyg1321: termbin.com sorry19:35
sammyg1321@ledeni https://termbin.com/lk1519:36
ledeni  sammyg1321: do you have Nvidia X Server Settings19:42
sammyg1321@ledeni yup :D19:42
ledenisammyg1321:set PowerMizer to max performance19:43
sammyg1321ledeni: anything else?19:44
ledenisammyg1321: no try now19:45
sammyg1321i think a bit better but still not fully there @ledeni19:46
Deknoshow do i kill (like sigterm or stuff like that) a snap program?19:53
sammyg1321@ledeni could GNOME be causing this issue or should i be using the nouveau driver?19:53
ledeni sammyg1321: can you again  open  Nvidia X Server Settings --‘OpenGL Settings’ and check the box next to “Sync To VBlank” to enable it19:58
ledenisammyg1321:  you need reboot to take effect20:00
sammyg1321it looks MUCH BETTER20:00
sammyg1321Even without a reboot20:00
sammyg1321oh yeah much much better20:00
ledenisammyg1321: great20:00
sammyg1321Thank you! @ledeni20:00
oerheks!cookie | ledeni20:01
ubottuledeni: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:01
ledeni oerheks: thanks20:02
sammyg1321@ledeni yeah its still happening lmao but not on videos anymore. more in gaming now20:10
sammyg1321Sorry about that :/20:10
ledenisammyg1321: terminal and open 'sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-modeset.conf' it will create file if not exist20:17
sammyg1321yep just created it20:17
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ledenisammyg1321: put this line in :options nvidia_drm modeset=120:18
sammyg1321then write out?20:19
ledenisammyg1321: yes20:19
sammyg1321time for reboot?20:19
ledenisammyg1321: no yet sudo update-initramfs -u20:20
sammyg1321awesome! done20:20
sammyg1321@ledeni yeah still see it on youtube videos even after reboot20:23
ledenisammyg1321: using firefox20:25
sammyg1321@ledeni can test wqith that but ive been testing with the Teewords game and really with that i can see lines and video tearingh20:25
ledenisammyg1321: you have same behavior with youtube too20:27
sammyg1321@ledeni yeh but less apparent, still there tho20:27
ledenisammyg1321: first that try to fix firefox20:28
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sammyg1321@ledeni lemme try installing firefox one moment20:28
ledenisammyg1321: it is default web browser20:29
sammyg1321@ledeni i had chrome running and it as default, had removed the firefox package, testing now though one sec20:30
sammyg1321yeah can reproduce in firefox @ledeni20:30
ledenisammyg1321:open preference20:31
sammyg1321in fox or system @lede20:31
ledeni) sammyg1321:  firefox scroll too Digital Rights Management (DRM) Content20:32
sammyg1321@ledeni checked it off20:33
ledeni) sammyg1321: no check it is on20:33
sammyg1321@ledeni now on :D20:34
ledeni) sammyg1321: try youtube20:34
sammyg1321still happening20:34
sammyg1321lemme play something and film it20:34
ledeni) sammyg1321: don't need i believe you20:35
sammyg1321@ledeni haha alright, im not sure if its called tearing but when lots of elements mve its not smooth20:35
ledeni) sammyg1321: how much ram you have20:36
sammyg1321@ledeni https://pasteboard.co/J7M517M.png20:38
ledeni sammyg1321: Nvidia X Server Settings --Advanced --X server Display configuration -- Tick the boxes for “Force Composition Pipeline” and “Force Full Composition Pipeline” and then hit "Apply".20:47
sammyg1321@ledeni seems to be behaving20:49
sammyg1321@ledeni same on teeworlds so we shall consider this as resolved20:49
sammyg1321@ledeni thank you!20:49
GLAT-agentI'm selling GNU/Linux licenses20:54
GLAT-agent$99 for single computer20:54
GLAT-agent$49 for each computer when purchasing for 25 or more machines20:54
sammyg1321lets hope its permanent @ledeni ;)20:56
ledenisammyg1321 ihope so21:02
nikolamhi. Does really archive.ubunt.com needs to go over http, instead of https ? Seems like my http speed it somehow capped to 3Mbit or so or is it repository limit or my routers limitin Http21:09
mguynikolam: use apt-transport-https21:13
nikolammguy, thanks. But to answer it, is http capped at Ubuntu archive or it's not, so it's some of mine local or provider issue21:17
mguyNo. Maybe try another mirror21:17
nikolamok mguy21:17
nikolamwhich jdk / jre to use? of just to install default-jdk ?21:29
nikolamis using newest openjdk better?21:29
oerheks!find openjdk21:32
ubottuFound: openjdk-11-dbg, openjdk-11-doc, openjdk-11-jdk, openjdk-11-jdk-headless, openjdk-11-jre, openjdk-11-jre-headless, openjdk-11-source, nvidia-openjdk-8-jre, openjdk-11-demo, openjdk-11-jre-dcevm (and 17175 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openjdk&searchon=names&suite=eoan&section=all21:32
oerheksdefault-jdk gives 1121:33
orogorhi , can anyone on focal run /usr/bin/apt | head -n1  ?21:37
Deano59orogor: apt 2.0.2 (amd64)21:38
orogori think there s a broken mirror :/21:38
tomreynorogor: if you'd like to share with us your APT package management system state (it doesn't change anything):    sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog21:40
orogortomreyn, apt segfault for me21:42
orogordpkg works21:43
Deano59you broke something then21:43
tomreynuh, what may have led to this situation?21:43
tomreyncat /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999921:44
orogortomreyn, https://termbin.com/oi6821:45
orogortomreyn, just upgraded from focal21:46
Deano59from? or to?21:46
tomreynlol, references to wily + yakkety in there21:46
oerhekswow, you are an old user :-D21:47
orogorthen i try to wget the package and dpkg -i  to reinstall it21:47
orogori think this install is from the 4th realease of ubuntu, it s > 10Yo21:47
Deano59hahaha wow21:47
oerheksthis is really neat, ubuntu is steady.21:47
tomreynmake sure your backups are current. and do a fresh install.21:47
oerheksbut.. now you have an issue :-(21:47
orogorwell .... it went throught a lot of great breakages21:48
orogornot going to reinstall21:48
tomreyncertainly you said this the previous 20 failed upgrades as well21:48
orogorlast one i had to copy every bin file from a live cd21:49
orogormy understanding is that prelink corrupted everything21:50
orogorand there were some incompatibility with amazon packages21:50
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orogorsomething i dont understand , i download a package in 2.02, i install it and when i run it , it s 1.9.421:56
gebbionefilezilla gives me error "filezilla: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by filezilla)" and i never managed to compile it from source without errors so I am wondering what is the best alternative22:03
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tomreyngebbione: so you're getting this error on your ubuntu installation, using the filezilla package it provides?22:06
sharpertoolGreetings all. I recently install Ubuntu 20, and have been trying to get a working VNC connection up that uses gnome.22:06
sharpertoolPS -- I posted this all over on #ubuntu-gnome also22:06
gebbionetomreyn, yep22:06
nael_ngebbione: filezilla can't find the distribution's libc? also are you looking for an alternative to libc or filezilla?22:06
tomreyn!YY.MM | sharpertool22:06
ubottusharpertool: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle22:06
tomreyngebbione: can you run this and post the url it produces? it gathers some info on your apt package management system, but doesn't change anything:    sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog22:07
sharpertoolI have the vino VNC working fine, but my main computer has 4 monitors - so I'd lke to be able to launch 2+ VNC sessions, so I can have a couple of sessions across monitors.22:07
sharpertoolGot it Re: version.. need to get that real quick22:07
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tomreynsharpertool:   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)22:08
sharpertoolIt's just 20.0422:10
sharpertool@ubottu -- technically 20 is not imprecise, given there has only been one release this year, as far as I know.22:10
gebbionenael_n, sometimes back i tried to fix that GLIBC error but never managed to and never managed to compile it also22:11
sharpertoolBack to my VNC issue though.22:11
sharpertoolEverything works, except my ~/.vnc/xstartup which includes `gnome-session &`. This appears to start a display manager, but that is as far as it gets. I cannot launch any apps, or run anything, so no session, no login, etc. That is where I am hopelessly stuck..22:11
tomreyngebbione: that's a lot of third party repositories you have there, chances are (at least) one of them is causing problems.22:13
tomreyngebbione: generally you seem to be able to install (and remove) packages, though. so i suggest you review the PAs you have, use !ppa-purge to remove any you don't need (if any), do the apt --autoremove --purge full-upgrade22:14
sharpertoolperhaps I should have stuck with 18.04 at this time..22:14
gebbionei must say most of the PPAs i know what they are for22:15
tomreyngebbione: can you (install and) show output of apt-forktracer ?22:17
thirashello how can i start .desktop file from different path than Desktop?22:18
nael_ngebbione: IIRC "dpkg -S filename" tells you which package installed filename, so you can find out whether your libc.so.6 library was indeed installed by the distribution's libc6 package or by one of your additional repositories22:20
nael_ngebbione: just suggesting because it would be odd if the version of filezilla that is packaged for Ubuntu doesn't play nice with the version of libc6 that is packaged for Ubuntu22:22
tomreyngebbione: the packages returned by     curl -s https://termbin.com/xjjd | grep -v '\['      have no update candidates, those you seem to have installed manually at some point, or removed their apt repositories since. remove any of them you don't strictly need.22:23
gebbionenael_n, this is the output https://termbin.com/pu9o22:24
gebbionetomreyn, it is very likely they are manual installs as there is no repo indeed22:25
gebbioneor i think for one i use an older version on purpose22:25
gebbionei need to check net.downloadhelper.coapp and libicu5522:26
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gebbionei m sure i need them all libicu55 most likely is needed by php or mysql22:27
tomreynlibicu55 is probably a leftover from a previous ubuntu installation where the release upgrader didn't get to finish22:27
nael_ngebbione: so this file does come from a package called libc6:amd64, and now apt-cache policy libc6:amd64 should tell you which repo that package comes from? I think?22:27
tomreyntry removing it and you'll see what needs it.22:27
tomreynand for nael_n's angle:    apt policy libc-bin libc6 libc6-i386 libc6-amd64 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999922:30
tomreynunsurprisingly, nothing depended on it22:31
tomreynyou still haven't full-upgraded (and removed all the packages pending to be automatically deleted)22:32
gebbionei have run an autoremove while chatting here tbh22:33
gebbioneshould i still attempt a full upgrade?22:33
gebbioneyou mean `apt --autoremove --purge full-upgrade`22:33
tomreynif you think your apt sources are fine then i think you should22:33
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tomreynread before you press enter though22:34
krytarikHow about showing the output of "apt policy filezilla" for once?  Personally, I'd be much more curious about that..22:34
nael_nkrytarik good point22:35
nael_ngebbione: and you sure libc6:amd64 is also provided by the distribution?22:37
tomreynand this?  readlink -f $(which filezilla)22:37
gebbionewait. i m wondering if a manual install of filezilla is conflicting here -> /opt/FileZilla3/bin/filezilla22:38
gebbionelooks like a manual install to me, shouldnt a default install binary if you can call it as such under /usr/bin/filezilla ?22:39
gebbionebut to be honest i might have tried to manually install it sometime ago22:39
nael_n"which" and "type -a" will tell you which one you're actually starting22:39
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nael_nif you've got several filezillas22:40
gebbioneyep i do22:40
gebbione - /usr/local/bin/filezilla - /opt/FileZilla3/bin/filezilla but also https://termbin.com/38fj22:41
gebbioneyes the snap install is expected22:41
gebbionei think i need to try them explicitly and see which one works22:42
nael_nprintenv PATH to make sure which one you're running, then indeed try them out. Assumedly, dpkg -L filezilla will tell you that the distribution-provided filezilla is in /usr/bin not /usr/local/bin!22:44
gebbionei think i got it22:44
gebbionei need to remove a couple of them22:44
tomreynusually 5 installs is sufficient per application ;)22:44
gebbioneone just opened without problems the one at /usr/bin/filezilla22:44
gebbionemost of them are there because i had a problem with the original install22:45
gebbionelike the snap and the /opt one22:45
gebbionebut i need to also remove the one under /usr/local/bin22:45
tomreynthe standard plumbers approach: tube leaks, let's just install4 others and surely one will work!22:50
gebbionemaybe, i dont even remember if it was a leak22:51
gebbionenot i need to work out with it gives me An error occurred loading the transfer queue from "/home/user/.filezilla/queue.sqlite3".22:52
gebbioneother than this it works22:52
tomreynif you don'T strictly dpeend on the transfer queue to be resoted, just delete the file or move it out of the way.22:53
nael_nglad to hear that - and that it wasn't more involved. Filezilla probably has forums/IRC to troubleshoot Filezilla errors, I suppose22:53
gebbioneindeed what i m going to do22:53
tomreynthe currently working variant of filezilla is probably using a different sqlite table format that the one which wrote this.22:53
gebbioneglad it works, i had also tried bareFTP but it is not as good22:54
gebbioneok time to go and watch some Ray Donovan ... night folks22:56
orogortomreyn, haa i found the pb22:59
orogorit s dues to my last "fix"22:59
orogorwhen i copied over files from the live cd23:00
orogori have a misshap between /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/23:00
tomreynorogor: you're only sane fix is a fresh install23:00
orogorwell the system is a lot of a mess23:01
orogorthere s app in /opt/ dockers and whatnot23:02
tomreynis this an argument for or against reinstalling ?23:03
orogorfind /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  -newermt 2019-11-01 ! -newermt 2019-11-02 -type f -exec rm -f {} \;23:19
orogortrying a  reboot :p23:19
orogorhaa ops23:20
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