
OvenWerksEickmeyer: s-c is now updated with bug fix00:35
OvenWerksHope fully I can just move forward now...00:35
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Agreed. That regression was a PITA.01:31
EickmeyerTechnically not a regression, but whatever.01:32
EickmeyerOvenWerks: What do you make of bug 1877806?02:34
ubottubug 1877806 in calf (Ubuntu) "ardour crashes when saving lv2 plugin preset" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187780602:34
StevenJayCohenI'm planning an article about installing Studio into other flavors. Is it okay to mention the eventual goal of Studio Controls not being exclusive to Ubuntu? 11:59
StevenJayCohenBuilding the article around a reference to Janet from The Good Place: Girl/Not-a-girl becomes Flavor/Not-a-flavor12:12
StevenJayCohenSo, yes, I am implying that UbubtuStudio is a Janet12:14
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: I'd rather publicly announce that on our site first, but one idea I had for you was giving you access to the website to do some posts there.14:35
RikMillskde frameworks 5.70.0 landing in proposed14:40
StevenJayCohenThat's why I thought to ask. It felt like something requiring an official announcement. I've got enough to make a post without that part anyway. Reminding people that Studio can work inside any other flavor seems like enough for an article. We're both using wordpress, right? If I remember correctly there is a way to syndicate a post. Or I can keep my personal posts about my personal experience and figure14:40
StevenJayCohenout how to generalize the advice for posts to the official blog.14:40
EickmeyerRikMills: \o/14:56
RikMillsmaybe /o\ https://pointieststick.com/2020/05/10/why-the-animations-in-your-plasma-5-18-feel-slow-now-and-when-it-will-be-fixed/14:57
EickmeyerRikMills: uhoh...14:57
RikMillsI wish plasma devs would tell me these things before they release things!14:57
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: Yeah, keep your personal posts separate. I'm sure you can come up with stuff for the site though. And maybe Twitter, too.14:57
EickmeyerRikMills: So, slugfest for a month then, it seems.14:58
RikMillsunless I can safely revert the commits in question via a patch14:58
RikMillsI am not sure how long until we get 5.19, as it requires new qt and 2 new sources14:59
EickmeyerAre we waiting on Debian for new qt or....?14:59
RikMillsyes debian, and then a transition here15:00
RikMillswe might get our transition done 1st, but not all qt 5.14 is packaged yet15:01
OvenWerksEickmeyer: Calf plugins are not known for stability, dsp quality, care is coding etc.17:01
OvenWerksArdour does not "sandbox" plugins as some other sw does or allows because it does not scale and there are Ardour users who regularily use Ardour with well over 100 channels in live situations where their livelyhood depends on quality.17:03
OvenWerksArdour is profesional sw, Calf plugins are not.17:04
OvenWerksI wish people would not suggest the use of calf plugins except where there is no other sw that can do the same job (almost never)17:06
OvenWerksI would (if it was up to me) drop the package from US.17:06
OvenWerksThey are working on replacing the the gui tool kit with a unique built in kit.17:09
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Right, and lsp-plugins are more complete nowadays anyhow. Might be worth dropping calf from the default, but we can't drop it from the repo. That bug was originally filed against Ardour, should I remove Ardour from the bug report?17:12
StevenJayCohenI mostly use: AirWindows, GVST, and LSP plugins. Then again, I rarely use virtual instruments.17:15
StevenJayCohenThe LSP plugins have an odd glitch graphically, but I think its the plugins and not Ubuntu Studio at fault.17:17
EickmeyerGot a screenshot?17:18
* StevenJayCohen uploaded an image: image.png (48KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/bWTXPVTeSGkugnuqgBIYqNpJ >17:19
StevenJayCohenI've seen this on windows when VSTs don't properly request a window size, some hosts just collapse17:19
StevenJayCohenI can resize it and use it fine17:20
StevenJayCohenThat's not Reaper, Reaper works fine.17:20
EickmeyerOk, so yeah, that means the plugin isn't requesting a proper window size. Might be worth filing a bug report with the developer. https://github.com/sadko4u/lsp-plugins17:20
StevenJayCohenI had that on my todo list ;)17:21
EickmeyerAs a matter of fact, looks like you've got nothing to do then: https://github.com/sadko4u/lsp-plugins/issues/10117:21
EickmeyerKnown issue. :)17:21
StevenJayCohenI'll just chime in there then.17:22
StevenJayCohenMy screenshot was in OcenAudio https://www.ocenaudio.com/17:23
EickmeyerLooks like it's fixed, just awaiting a hotfix.17:23
StevenJayCohenI don't get the error in Reaper at all17:23
EickmeyerStill might get fixed in the hotfix. I'd wait until after that is released. Will probably be 1.1.20 when released.17:24
EickmeyerI track this pretty closely and try to backport when able.17:24
* Eickmeyer notes that 1.1.19 still needs to be pushed to groovy, but ERR:PackageSetRightsDelayed17:24
* Eickmeyer *ahem*teward*ahem*17:25
EickmeyerAnd yes, I know Rafael was working on them, but this sure is taking a while.17:25
tewardi have a headache what17:26
EickmeyerPackageset. Go back to your hangover. :)17:26
teward1.1.19 of what?17:26
tewardnot a hangover17:26
Eickmeyer1.1.19 of lsp-plugins17:26
tewardallergies + sinuses17:26
tewardEickmeyer: is it ready to go?17:26
Eickmeyerteward: Yes. lp:lsp-plugins17:27
StevenJayCohenNow I can't remember, did Studio come with GVST installed or did I add that?17:27
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: I'm not 100% sure on that.17:28
tewardEickmeyer: on radar for BeforeBedtime today17:29
StevenJayCohenI think they haven't been updated in a few years (the linux and mac versions).17:29
Eickmeyerteward: Ok, go nurse your headache. :)17:29
tewardwork requires attention17:29
Eickmeyerteward: My condolances and regrets. :(17:29
StevenJayCohenThese: https://www.gvst.co.uk/portpage.htm17:29
StevenJayCohenteward: Sorry about the headache. I get them too.17:30
EickmeyerYeah, I don't think we carry that by default.17:30
StevenJayCohenGuess I added it and forgot17:31
StevenJayCohenTHey are solid and simple17:31
EickmeyerYeah, but where's the source code?17:31
tewardStevenJayCohen: meh it happens.  I also need my caffeine but E:NOCOFFEE17:31
StevenJayCohenRight, I wasn't sure on that17:31
EickmeyerYeah, doesn't look like they're open source.17:31
StevenJayCohenbeen there17:31
EickmeyerUnfortunatelly, means I have to Nack adding them.17:32
tewardif it's not open source we can't package it normally.  we'd need to touch base with Canonical, etc. to see if it needs to go into multiverse or such17:32
tewardyeah which means we can't include them per licensing policy17:32
tewardEickmeyer: we need to set up a trello board or something with tasks to assign :P17:32
tewardLubuntu has Phabricator17:32
tewardmaybe we just need something similar17:32
StevenJayCohenProbably added it when I grabbed this: https://loudmax.blogspot.com/17:33
EickmeyerYeah. I'll look into it, but first; housecleaning, because Mother's Day, and my wife deserves a day.17:33
StevenJayCohenUniverse would be a great place for OcenAudio - quick QT based sound editor - free, project from a Brazilian University, not open source packaged in a deb file.17:34
teward> not open source packaged17:36
Eickmeyer^ That17:36
tewardso the source isn't available.17:36
tewardif we can't get the source we can't ship it17:36
StevenJayCohenMuch slicker than AUdiacity, QT based, and respects theming17:36
EickmeyerWe cannot include anything that's not open source, StevenJayCohen .17:36
teward^ this17:36
StevenJayCohenright, but would that be Universe? or not?17:36
tewardit can't be universe17:36
EickmeyerThat would technically be Multiverse.17:36
tewardbecause we can't ship non-open-source packages17:36
tewardEickmeyer: and even then we STILL need source access17:36
StevenJayCohenMulti -- got it17:37
StevenJayCohenI wonder if they'd be open to that?17:37
EickmeyerWe would still need the source code, even if in multiverse.17:37
tewardi'd have to consult with Release Team and Archive Admins17:37
tewardas well as Canonical17:37
tewardbecause I need to cover our butts legally :P17:37
StevenJayCohenYep, understood.17:37
tewardMOST closed source things are not open to it17:37
tewardand Multiverse isn't default enabled last I checked.17:37
EickmeyerThat's correct.17:38
StevenJayCohenPerformance-wise, it wipes the floor with Audacity (if all you need is a single track editor)17:38
EickmeyerSo, even if it was in Multiverse, we can't include it by default.17:38
StevenJayCohenYeah, I get it -- too bad really.17:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we can point out places where people can get other sw that may be approriate to their workflow18:13
EickmeyerOvenWerks: We have to be careful with that. The open source zealots would have a field day if we endorsed anything that's closed-source. Something on the website might be good, though. 18:15
OvenWerksit would be nice to add zyn/fussion now that fussion has been released open18:16
RikMillsEickmeyer: I'm told that kde animation commit should be fine to revert for now18:16
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I would n ot add a utility that points to them or even urls, but a web page that list some sites was all I meant.18:18
EickmeyerRikMills: Cool. That could be a decent stopgap until we know for certain if 5.19 is going to drop with the new qt.18:18
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, we're on the same page.18:19
OvenWerksEickmeyer, teward: Is this a valid licence: https://github.com/zynaddsubfx/zyn-fusion-build/blob/master/COPYING19:27
EickmeyerThe WTFPL? Yes. It is definitely valid.19:28
OvenWerksAs in valid for inclusion in debian?19:28
EickmeyerI don't see why not, it's probably not the first time a Debian package has been WTFPL.19:29
tsimonq2I've seen it. Don't ask. :P19:29
tsimonq2As long as it's documented in debian/copyright, it's a legit license.19:30
OvenWerksCool we should change the upstream for zynaddsubfx19:30
tsimonq2...was it relicensed or just forked?19:31
tsimonq2Sorry, I'm missing some context.19:31
OvenWerksthe fussion gui adds controls to function ality that the old gui doesn't19:31
OvenWerksthe first year out it was closed source (just the GUI)19:32
tsimonq2Might be slightly sketchy if there are still original files with an older license.19:32
tsimonq2Ohh, okay.19:32
tsimonq2And the vendor gave permission to relicense?19:32
OvenWerksThe vender did the relicence19:32
tsimonq2That works then.19:32
tsimonq2Just make sure you do a full copyright check - so check every file for anything which may say that it could still be closed.19:33
tsimonq2It's tedious and it's the worst part of packaging but it's vital.19:33
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Oh, look what that cat dragged in!19:36
OvenWerksIt was part of the business plan from the day it was released. Make the new gui paid for the first year and then release the code open source after that.19:36
OvenWerksThe actual dsp with the old gui remained open source the whole time.19:37
EickmeyerOvenWerks: So, I'm trying to understand this thing. This is a build script on TOP of zynadsubfx for the fusion GUI?19:38
OvenWerksIt loks so. I am looking at https://lists.linuxaudio.org/archives/linux-audio-user/2020-May/113013.html19:40
EickmeyerI'm getting a strong whiff of this requiring a repack to be a valid package.19:40
OvenWerkswhere it seems to that cloning that will auto pull in the other?19:41
OvenWerkscould be.19:41
EickmeyerYes. We can't simply do that in packaging.19:41
EickmeyerI mean, RPM packaging is capable, but this is running into the limitations of DEB packaging.19:42
EickmeyerThis seems to use two separate repos to build zyn-fusion.19:44
EickmeyerTheoretically, it could be done with a repack, but this is debian packaging gymnastics for sure.19:45
EickmeyerI'd just have to patch the build script to ignore a whole bunch since you can't be "git clone"-ing anything inside a Debian package build.19:46
OvenWerksI now understand why this has not happened yet19:49
EickmeyerI'm also leery anytime I see the name rosea grammostola. Technically, that's the name of a tarantula, but in this case it's the moniker of a very pushy, militant, "I know what's best for the Linux Audio community and I represent it" person.20:12
OvenWerksEickmeyer: but it is a pointer to the repo that I was interested in more than the poster who was posting in responce to another person.20:45
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Right, gotcha. So, the big thing is that the build script clones the main zynaddsubfx repo, not like a typical submodule thing.21:16
OvenWerksEickmeyer: re:pitivi, I had thought when we put that one in, it was because it was a live videa editor... sort of half way between other editors and obs. However, I just opened it up and it is nothing like I remember so maybe I was thinking of something else...23:52
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, it's pretty much a basic video editor now. It's done by Gnome, IIRC.23:53
OvenWerksAnyway, from my POV those changes are fine23:55
OvenWerksRE: most plugins... If we could not install the jack client variety I would be happy23:56
EickmeyerSo, even lsp-plugins since I made that submenu?23:56
EickmeyerI'm not against it, by any means.23:57
EickmeyerRather, not against that proposal.23:57

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