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oznthi guys, just a quick question: how does cloud init translate "set-passwords" in cloud_config_module to "cc_set_passwords" ? Can't figure this one out12:35
ozntWell, I found out myself : https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/7c88f96245535aacfac9b0b04d9c0d82ac2067f4/cloudinit/config/__init__.py12:47
lucasmourablackboxsw, thansk for the review :) I will start working on the proposed changes today13:12
Odd_Blokeoznt: Was that your entire question, or is there anything else we can help you out with?13:36
ozntOdd_Bloke, that was the question13:38
Odd_BlokeOK, great. :)14:18
Odd_Blokefalcojr: I've pushed the requested changes to both https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/354 and https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/349 :)17:06
falcojrcool, I'll re-review now17:31
falcojrI've technically already approved on the second one, you just need another approval from a committer17:32
usrdevhello all - hope you are safe and well! just a quick question. when utilizing cloud-init to create templates, i have noticed that the startup script for network configuration is severely delayed. i have cloud-init to pull a DHCP lease, and this works without issue for directly standing up VM from an ISO. i am utilizing proxmox as the HV.17:33
usrdevis there something i am missing to make this DHCP lease request, quicker...17:33
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: Can you add https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/349 to your list of PRs to double-check as core committer, please?17:42
Odd_BlokeWe also didn't assign reviews today, and I'm first so I've taken #358.17:44
blackboxswOdd_Bloke: yes I can/will17:59
AnhVoMSFT@Odd_Bloke, did you have a chance to take a look into the issue with the test_conftest having pylint error https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/QMkhNtShjW/18:40
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: I didn't, apologies!19:30
Odd_BlokeLet me take a quick look now.19:30
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: Hmm, could you give me a more recent log?  I'm seeing differences in package versions, and it's hard to tell if that's just because there have been releases in the past ~week.19:36
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: Hmm, actually, this is stranger than that.  I can reproduce the error if I give the exact path (i.e. `.tox/pylint/bin/python -m pylint cloudinit/tests/test_conftest.py`), but not if I only specify the directory (i.e. `.tox/pylint/bin/python -m pylint cloudinit/tests/`).  I'm also running Python 3.8 (instead of, I think, 3.5 in these logs).19:51
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: And I also can't reproduce on 3.5, using tox. :/19:59
AnhVoMSFT@Odd_Bloke yeah, I am having a hard time reproducing on my local machine - let me try with the .tox/pylint/bin/python. That should be the same version though20:08
AnhVoMSFTyes I can repro using that particular command20:10
AnhVoMSFTand I am on 3.5.2 on my xenial box (python3 --version)20:10
AnhVoMSFTthe build server gets a new container every time it runs the test, so whatever is in .tox isn't cached between runs20:10
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: OK, I think we're dealing with some sort of pylint bug here: I see different output for `.tox/pylint/bin/python -m pylint -j1 cloudinit.tests.test_conftest cloudinit.tests.test_util` and `.tox/pylint/bin/python -m pylint -j1 cloudinit.tests.test_util cloudinit.tests.test_conftest`.  Can you confirm you see different behaviour also?20:46
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: I'm filing a pylint issue now, will drop the link here once I have done so.20:56
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/361121:11
AnhVoMSFTyes @Odd_Bloke I can confirm I am seeing different behaviors between those two commands21:20
AnhVoMSFThow did the different ordering could come up in one build environment vs the others though?21:21
AnhVoMSFTOh, is this because the container we were running the test had only one core ?21:21
AnhVoMSFT@Odd_Bloke: I guess the question now is: which one of them was the right one? (I know we want a consistent behavior, but which one is the "right" consistent behavior?)21:24
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: So I think it's actually more likely that the container had many cores: I think the error is only reported if test_conftest is the _first_ module that a worker process tests (as I've just posted to the issue).21:39
Odd_Bloke(The number of CPUs in the host is almost certainly what pylint will discover.)21:40
Odd_BlokeAnhVoMSFT: So in this case, that test is specifically testing for behaviour when the wrong arguments are called (i.e. exactly what this pylint check is warning us about :p).  So it's a valid pylint error, which we should be ignoring in this specific case.21:41
Odd_BlokeHowever, I bet we also have a whole load of other instances of this error (or others which are similarly buggy).21:41
blackboxswlucasmoura: thanks one minor nit on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/35921:52
blackboxswthen we can land that21:52

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