
lotuspsychjegood morning02:56
lordievaderGood morning06:09
ducassegood morning06:29
=== chrisleggett2 is now known as chrisleggett
eddvrsHey- anyone using a cloud VPS to host ubuntu server- I'm using one at the moment, but it doesn't support additional storage in my location so I'm looking for suggestions for other providers11:18
daftykinsi manage a few digitalocean VPSs, never had any problems11:22
daftykinslowest tier, $5 USD/month11:22
eddvrsYes, that came up in my searches and looks good. and do you get full root access with that?11:23
eddvrsI'll look into that further then. thanks11:24
=== arch1mede7 is now known as arch1mede
=== akem_ is now known as akem

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