
=== Guest806 is now known as Woodpecker
=== Woodpecker is now known as Guest84182
rebeltazso... has anyone had any issue with the latest updated mesa (or any graphics) drivers?00:38
johnjayhow do I enable AltGr key in ubuntu?00:41
johnjaythe only question I found is in ubuntu 16.0400:41
Jordan_Urebeltaz: Such questions rarely get responses. Try describing what problems you're having and maybe we can help you figure it out.00:45
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
djenna_hello I have a display problem 20.04 ubuntu looks like software (the install software app) overlays other windows but the window is invisible and only the icons show. https://pasteboard.co/J7NElqC.png  The only way I can get to an app is to go down to the dock.00:45
djenna_could ook like gimp but I dont think I have ever opened it.00:46
djenna_yep. it was ubuntu software. I closed it from the dock.00:47
djenna_so I am reporting a problem.00:47
djenna_Yep, I opened it again and it was the same icons overlaid but the window invisible.00:48
Jordan_Udjenna_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1229721/software-center-becoming-fully-transperent00:48
rebeltaz I am running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Cura v3.2.0 (via AppImage) and FreeCAD v0.18.4. Up until today, everything has been running fine. Tonight, I went to edit a sketch in FreeCAD in a previously created model. Normally, when I click on the sketch, it opens immediately. Now, it is taking 20 to 30 seconds to open. During that timeframe, I can move the mouse, but nothing responds to it or any clicks - no other program nor any01:03
rebeltazsystem function. If I do click something while the system is lagging, it will react to the click(s) after that 20 to 30 second delay.01:03
=== leaftypeOverload is now known as leaftype
rebeltaz I though this might be a FreeCAD issue alone, but then I pulled up Cura and loaded a model into that. When I went to change the filament profile, the screen went white with relics of the Cura menu visible and again froze for 20 to 30 seconds just like FreeCAD. It also does that randomly regardless of the actions I'm trying to perform.01:03
rebeltaz I haven't installed or changed anything, but I am wondering if this might be related to a system update maybe? I mean, nothing else has changed to cause this. I am including a log of the update history. If there is anything that might be causing this, or if anyone has any ideas, I am all ears! I really need to get these programs working again...01:04
rebeltazI have run update/upgrade haldf a sozen times today and four times it has updated mesa drivers01:04
rebeltazis there an issue with these graphics drivers?01:05
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
=== oneGun is now known as btp
sammyg1321Hey Guys, is it normal that on Ubuntu my CSGO is slower then PC?01:56
=== revosftw6 is now known as revosftw
Jordan_Usammyg1321: What brand of graphics card do you have?02:05
sammyg1321Jordan_U: GeForce GT 710/PCIe/SSE202:06
Jordan_Usammyg1321: Are you using the proprietary drivers?02:09
sammyg1321@Jordan_U using the 440 driver right now02:11
Jordan_Usammyg1321: I'm not a gamer, but https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5wovn1/does_csgo_run_well_on_linux_os/ seems to say that it worked well 3 years ago.02:12
sammyg1321@Jordan_U i mean it should still work no>?02:16
SiecjeI am on Ubuntu 20.04. How do I run the docker daemon? https://dpaste.org/Sr1V02:58
genhaoqiSiecje: install docker-ce02:59
Siecjegenhaoqi: I opened "Software" and search for "docker-ce" and it is not found.03:00
Siecjegenhaoqi: How do I install docker-ce?03:00
genhaoqiopen terminal, and enter "sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker-ce"03:02
Siecje: Package 'docker-ce' has no installation candidate03:04
SiecjeI'm using Ubuntu 20.04.03:04
genhaoqiSiecje: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/03:06
makavelianyone know why after changing the monitor settings (resolution) I am now unable to use 2 displays and it always forces single display even though i have 2 and have been using 2 quite happily until i dared play with the resolution03:19
makaveliok. so both monitors under join display were the same monitor03:21
makavelino it is buggy03:22
makavelifuck this shit im downloading arch03:24
SiecjeI installed Ubuntu using ZFS. I have increased the drive size (in virtual box). I increased the Extended Partition https://i.imgur.com/1Gor3EM.png But how do I increase the file system ?03:38
=== friv is now known as frib
Jordan_USiecje: " zpool online -e tank sdb03:46
Jordan_USiecje: Sorry, "zpool online -e poolname device", according to https://www.kringles.org/linux/zfs/vmware/2015/02/10/linux-zfs-resize.html .03:47
Siecjethe device is /dev/sda ??03:51
SiecjeJordan_U: https://dpaste.org/59fV03:52
Jordan_USiecje: Your rpool isn't on sda1 (and sda is your whole drive). What partition is rpool on? If you don't know, please pastebin the output of "blkid".03:55
Jordan_USiecje: Then that's the device you need to specify.03:56
SiecjeJordan_U: It ran and return code is 0 without output.03:57
SiecjeBut disks still shows the same.03:57
Jordan_USiecje: You'll probably need to refresh.03:59
SiecjeI re-opened the application. zpool list shows the same size.04:00
Jordan_USiecje: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".04:00
Jordan_USiecje: It looks like you haven't actually resized sda7, it's still 28.6GB. Note that sda7 is a logical partition, which is contained in an extended partition. You didn't mention having extended any logical partitions.04:06
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
ubonehow to exclude postfix from journalctl04:37
=== oneGun is now known as btp
dubdubzaI'm running into a brick wall with SAMBA shares. Running 20.04 on a laptop. No problems creating a SAMBA share on the laptop and accessing it from a Win10 desktop on same network. However I cannot access Win10 from the 20.04 laptop. Can anyone point me in the right direction?05:52
dubdubza"Unable to access location" "Failed to mount Windows share: Network dropped connection on reset"05:54
dubdubza*Win10 SAMAB shares05:55
bigfluffDoes anyone know if 20.04 server uses significantly more resources than 18.04?  I run Ubuntu server on a number of "low-end-boxes" (ultra-low-end yearly boxes) w/ =<512mb memory.  It seemed that a virgin 18.04 install used ~87mb memory out-of-box, 20.04 is using something in the ballpark of ~155-156mb.06:08
bigfluffIs there something dramatically different in the standard Ubuntu server distro?  I'm aware of the possibility this might be a matter also with this provider's 20.04 image.06:09
bigfluffAnddd....accidental disconnect.  Funny enough because the 20.04 box I'm provisioning is for a bouncer for this very reason :p06:11
lotuspsychjebigfluff: ubuntu server, try #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers06:19
ThinkT510bigfluff: you could read the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes06:24
hanandynHi, I have been trying to play movies with dolby truehd /atmos audio but I couldn't  make it work. can anyone assist?06:25
bigfluffThinkT510: oy, I had done some looking there already but had not seen anything of great value.  I should have mentioned that, but thank you for your help.06:28
nshireso I ran cat on a gzipped log file that isn't particularly large, but now I can't put in any input to kill it06:43
nshirectrl-c does nothing... stuck on blinking cursor06:43
ducassenshire: try ctrl+z06:53
nshirecouldn't get any results so I just rebooted06:55
klu3Does anybody know any good linux camera software where it has "motion detection recording" capability? i have a philips camera and 2 gigs of ram is kind of laggy on windows 7.07:20
tarzeauklu3: any, with the right software, for example "motion"07:24
tarzeauklu3: there's another which is not yet in the archive https://mentors.debian.net/package/constatus based on opencv07:25
klu3tarzeau: thank you!07:26
tarzeaufor motion it's a bit tricky with motion detections, it counts changed pixels, and gets triggered by day/night changes (but you can set the count number for trigers, per camera)07:27
TvL2386I installed ubuntu-20.04 a week ago and I'm running "Ubuntu on Wayland" on my laptop. Whenever I make a "Select area to grab" screenshot on my hdmi attached monitor, the app shots a section of the laptop screen instead of the monitor. Very weird07:41
TvL2386"Grab current window" does work07:41
TvL2386"Whole screen works as well"07:41
leeyaahi guys07:55
leeyaahow to disable services restart during packages upgrade? I am on focal.07:55
TvL2386leeyaa: doesn't apt always ask you if it can restart services while installing updates?07:59
leeyaawhops TvL2386 i need it for unattented upgrades without human intervention08:00
=== adam__ is now known as Guest35148
Bent0Seems like launchpad is using the wrong cert or is that just me08:10
DJonesBent0: I use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas that seems ok, no error messages08:12
=== cryocaustik6 is now known as cryocaustik
Bent0Yeah. Apt wat giving me errors so I checked that url08:12
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yawkat`hey. i have focal running inside of a qemu/kvm vm. since yesterday, persisting even through a host reboot, i am getting extremely slow make performance. from strace it seems to be waiting on a read just after a vfork. in dmesg, i see 'cgroup: fork rejected by pids controller in /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope'. what could cause this? id expect any limits or other issues i triggered yesterday not to persist through a reboot.08:24
=== yawkat` is now known as yawkat
=== xet7_ is now known as xet7
raddyIs it possible to monitor recent past network traffic activity in ubuntu ?08:48
raddyFew days ago, PostgreSQL was ddos with so much of connections.08:48
raddySo, I wanted to find the source of that08:49
yawkattheres no general network monitoring unless you set something up08:49
yawkatyou can check dmesg for ufw notifications for example08:49
yawkatbut honestly you should probably just keep postgres firewalled off anyway08:50
raddyIt is firewalled,08:50
yawkatthen how was it dosed? by a source that was permitted access?08:50
raddyBut ss and any third party app can go back few days ?08:51
yawkatwell no, theres nothing that saves all traffic or anything by default08:51
raddyyawkat: Something like that08:51
yawkatyou can configure your firewall, eg ufw or nftables to log access08:51
yawkatbut it's not on by default (except ufw deny logging i think)08:52
Bent0Can someone explain this business? Netplan has my internal DNS servers yet this 20.04 box cant resolve any internal hostnames. Internet domains work :-\09:16
yawkatBent0: thats the systemd-resolved address i think09:35
yawkat127.0.0.53 ist just an address on the loopback interface, local software can bind to it just like it can bind to
Bent0etc/resolv.conf symlinked to stub-resolv.conf   i have now just manually linked it to resolv.conf. Dunno why I needed to, another 20.04 box has the same setup and works fine09:36
Bent0But cba to spent hours fixing it right now :p09:36
yawkatyes systemd-resolved is a bit brittle, ive had issues with it too09:38
yawkatjust be aware that it may overwrite /etc/resolv.conf09:38
mesaboogieBent0: pretty good article here if you wish :: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1012641/dns-set-to-systemds-127-0-0-53-how-to-change-permanently09:39
eeoshi everybody! I am trying to fin a good microblogging client that allows to manage for example twitter and linkedin accounts from my laptop, anyone hasa good clue about this? I tried choqok, corebird and mikcutter, all unsatisfactory09:46
Bent0mesaboogie tnx09:46
=== stwalker1ter is now known as stwalkerster
drew071Hello everyone. I am new to trying Linux and I am already struggling. I have installed the windows 10 ubuntu app on my PC. I am trying to get it to recognise my android devices but it doesnt list them. can anybody please help me?10:05
Deano59anyone know if there's a bug with gnome-disks? it says my SSD is 99c?10:06
Deano59other two HDD's are at 30c....10:06
yawkatwhat does sensors say?10:07
yawkator smart10:07
Deano59sensors tells me my cpu/gpu, not hdd.10:08
yawkatsmart then10:08
Deano59what do you mean smart?10:09
Deano59doesn't state the temp...10:11
yawkatit should. does it not state it for the hdds too?10:12
Deano59no temp10:13
yawkatthe attribute is Temperature_Celsius for me10:13
Deano59nope, not here. I can output what it says...10:13
yawkatno you need to use -a10:14
Deano59sudo smartctl -a /dev/sde?10:14
Deano59I still don't see the temp lol10:15
donixQuestion about installing ubuntu through debootstrap. How to install systemd-boot for the bootloader?10:16
Deano59231 Temperature_Celsius     0x0013   100   100   000    Pre-fail  Always       -       9910:16
Deano59so that's 99 too...10:16
yawkatDeano59: well, now you know it's not a gnome-disks issue at least :)10:16
yawkati guess the drive is just misreporting10:16
yawkator it really is that hot10:17
Deano59if it was that hot wouldn't it shutdown?10:17
yawkatit depends on the controller. id expect it to just thermal throttle10:17
yawkatalso depends on what is that hot10:18
yawkatbut it's more likely to be a reporting issue.10:18
yawkatdonix: just like you would on a normal system?10:18
Deano59thanks. :)10:19
Deano59handy tool that smart is. never knew about it.10:19
donix@yawkat, yes. I'm trying to get minimal ubuntu10:20
eeosAnyone who knows of a good microblogging app for ubuntu (supporting twitter)?10:25
netmonkdudes !10:27
netmonkroot@citoyx:~# apt search jdk10:27
netmonkSorting... Done10:27
netmonkSegmentation fault (core dumped)10:27
sub526I'm having an Ubuntu PC. some of user tools needs certain shared object libraries. By default the tools picks the libraries from standard path /usr/lib/.. , instead of picking the standard libs, is it possible to link my own libs from /home/user/mylocal_libs/ path?10:27
netmonkDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"10:27
netmonkwhat's happening there ?10:27
nikolamWhat Distro/OS do you recommend to run on 32-bit machine with 2G RAM? It shouodl run server and storage on it. But with long term support...10:27
yawkatsub526: you can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:27
netmonkMay 11 12:26:50 citoyx kernel: [  899.402659] Code: 48 8b 45 18 48 8b 04 d0 48 83 c4 08 5b 5d c3 0f 1f 40 00 f3 0f 1e fa 55 48 89 fd 53 48 89 f3 48 83 ec 08 48 8b 06 48 8b 4e 08 <8b> 10 48 8d 04 d5 00 00 00 00 48 29 d0 48 8b 51 60 48 8d 04 c2 0f10:28
netmonkMay 11 12:26:50 citoyx kernel: [  899.402653] apt[9372]: segfault at 7f62cdf6cfc0 ip 00007f5eae974997 sp 00007ffca17dd1e0 error 4 in libapt-pkg.so.6.0.0[7f5eae845000+147000]10:28
sub526yawkat: I ran export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/usr/my_local_libs/... after that all the commands resulting the Segmentation fault.. what could be the issue?10:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1877987 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt search coredumping " [Undecided,New]10:40
yawkatsub526: well, i guess it's linking your libs and segfaulting10:40
sub526yawkat: even running 'ls' also segfaults10:41
yawkatyes, it will also use the library path you have set10:42
yawkatif theres a libc in there, ls will use it10:43
yawkatyou can check which libraries it loads using ldd /usr/bin/ls10:43
sub526yawkat: Yes it has the libc.. Basically I'm trying to use one user-defined tool which is present in Ubuntu 16.04 machine.. I noted the which libraries it loads using ldd <tool_name> and then I copied all these libs to another machine which has Ubuntu 18.04, but it resulted segfault10:46
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:08
linuxrhello all, I would like to install the package "postfixadmin" which can work with both mariadb and postgresql (I'm using the latter). I see however, that this package wants to pull in maria-db (which I don't) want...how do I proceed? thanks11:10
yawkatlinuxr: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/postfixadmin - if you install the other possibilities you should be fine11:14
linuxryawkat, how can I prevent that maria-db gets installed when I install the "postfixadmin" package?11:16
yawkatinstalling the alternative dependencies should do it11:18
TomyLoboi think synergy got my Alt key stuck11:25
TomyLobopossibly also my compose or meta key or something11:25
TomyLobois there anything i can do to unstuck it?11:25
TomyLoboswitching to another terminal and back via sudo chvt 2/1 didn't help, neither did "udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change"11:31
TomyLobook some fiddling around with xdotool and i can at least use alt-tab again11:35
TomyLoboctrl-c in a terminal works, too11:37
TomyLobobut typing either gives me random garbage or nothing at all11:37
=== bring_mop is now known as beaver
befree22help i cant connect 2 computers with lan cable between them (no router). Destination has ip 169.254..189 , ubuntu has given by ip add dev enp0s2511:47
befree22enp0s25: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 150011:48
befree22ifconfig shows both machines have an enp ip11:49
befree22why didnt it work?11:49
yawkatdo you have proper routes on both sides? check ip r11:50
yawkatand then check what traffic actually appears using tcpdump or wireshark11:50
befree2210.0.0.0/24 dev enp0s25 proto kernel scope link src dev enp0s25 scope link metric 100011:50
befree22its 0.0.5 not .10, that was a mistake11:51
befree22but still cant ping 16911:51
yawkatwell, check with wireshark whether there are arp requests sent out and whether there is a response11:51
befree22i know destination IP becauses i can ssh over wlan to it and inspect its ifconfig11:52
befree22idk how11:52
befree22i cant ip ad add (for example) on the dest machine11:53
befree22but in gentoo it just works without having to manually set ip11:53
philipyou need a crossover cable11:54
befree22no i dont11:54
befree22i have done it earlier in gentoo no crossover cable11:54
befree22modern hardware doesnt need a crossover cable11:55
yawkatyea you dont need cx cables with modern endpoints11:55
befree22how do my routes look?11:55
befree22how can i get ubuntu to add as its ip?11:55
befree22in ipv4 settings 'share to other computers' is enabled11:57
befree22i need to change the ip address in ubuntu how do i do that?11:59
befree22the netmask is blocking it11:59
befree22still cant ping FML12:03
lmeringueHello, can someone please help me? Ubuntu is not detecting my Wacom tablet pad, even though it's detecting the stylus and eraser.12:04
befree22source cant ping dest or vice versa12:05
sharpertoolI'm still having trouble getting a workable VNC session setup.12:26
Deano59is there a task manager that can monitor disk access? to see what's causing read/writes? my hdd is making a lot of noise and I don't know why. gnome-disks says it's OK.12:28
sharpertoolI can login to the console session, which is limited to the geometry of the attached screen. I am trying to add additional server on 5901. I've tried using gnome, and xfce4. I have the xfce4 desktop starting and am able to launch apps, but it looses mouse control eventually, and some windows cannot be dragged at all.12:28
Ben64Deano59: iotop12:28
sharpertoolI have to kill and re-start the vncserver to get that back.12:29
Ben64sharpertool: all you should need is some simple wm12:30
Ben64icewm comes to my mind, but there's many options12:30
sharpertoolI'd like one with enough documentation ;-) -- I'm a tad confused on the relationship between say xfce4 and the window manager, versus display manager, etc.12:33
Deano59Ben64: can I monitor a certain drive with iotop?12:34
sharpertoollike there is gdm3, lightdm, and I'm sure others, then you are mentioning a window manager, icewm... are these equivalent or, different functions.12:34
sharpertoolokay, googling some information here12:35
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox
nael_nI have an issue with gnome-control-center misbehaving and giving out D-Bus related messages on stderr when I run it on a remote host over ssh -X. Sadly AskUbuntu wasn't able to help - it's a fairly involved issue, to be fair (askubuntu.com/questions/1234570). Any expert in D-Bus here, by any chance? Specifically the GNOME implementation, GDBus?12:46
pefiHow can I find libarpack2 on ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04? I tried  "apt-get update" and then "apt-get install libarpack2" but both systems tell me it's not there.13:02
pefiI test a script on live cd - maybe ht elive cd is my problem?13:03
eeoshi everybody, anyone who knows of a good microblogging client for Kubuntu that supports twitter? I tried choqok, mikutter and even corebird, but they are all quite buggy.13:04
Captain_Protonpefi, libarpack++2-dev - Object-oriented version of the ARPACK package (development)13:04
Captain_Protonlibarpack++2c2a - Object-oriented version of the ARPACK package (runtime)13:04
Captain_Protonlibarpack2 - Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems13:04
Captain_Protonlibarpack2-dev - Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems (development)13:04
nael_npefi: packages.ubuntu.com/libarpack says it's there, and the live cd shouldn't be a problem13:04
Captain_Protonpefi, I believe live only looks at itself, you could add the others repos13:06
pefiOK, thanks! I'll try that13:07
oceanpefi: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libarpack2 says it's in universe repo: sudo add-apt-repository universe13:08
Captain_Protoneeos, twitdesk is a good electron app. the problem you have is they change there api's alot and limit apps from talking to it13:08
Captain_Protoneeos, sorry that tweetdesk13:10
eeosCaptain_Proton: thank you! I just looked at it .... it has been bought by twitter, and does not have the desktop app anymore .... :-(13:12
pefiCapitain_Proton: 10/10 - adding "universe" solved the problem. thanks!13:12
Captain_Protoneeos, that sucks! I use the web version I like the interface.13:15
fightthewalrusHow can I find out / set my GTK3 and Icon themes from the command-line? Is it possible? I'm currently using Awesome and can't find a way to do it graphically...13:18
eeosCaptain_Proton: yes, I tried it it doe snot look that bad .... can you also do followers management?13:21
Captain_Protoneeos, yes Accounts > click on your name13:24
Captain_Protoneeos, problem is it opens twitter13:24
dbsqwerty123hi guys, need some help. ive been trying to run docker on 20.04 but keep getting  no such file or directory even though the file exists13:34
wedrHello, asking about Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Gnome3 issue with windows. Whenever you have multiple instances of the same application, say Window A and Window B, and you focus on A, then focus on B, Gnome3 would have this behavior where it would swap the top-most window in the Ubuntu Dock with whatever window you're focused on, and moves the top-most window to the second window. How can I disable this feature?13:36
wedrI really really hate the Gnome3 UI for switching app windows.13:36
wedrAnd no, shortcuts exists, but the main issue is not fixed. It's a fundamental flaw in the UI design in my opinion.13:37
lotuspsychjewedr: use workspaces?13:37
wedrThat's a workaround.13:37
wedrI want to disable the Gnome3 behavior13:37
lotuspsychjewedr: file a wishlist !bug to share your new idea13:38
lotuspsychjewedr: there are also tweaks you can do with dconf-editor, maybe look around there first13:40
Captain_Protonwedr, check gnome extensions someone may have all ready made and ext13:40
sammyg1321Hey Guys, i changed my graphics from the Nvidia 440 driver to the xserver org nouveau driver and now i cannot change it back to the 440 driver, on Additional drivers the options are blanked out13:45
sammyg1321this is what i mean https://paste.pics/8XVFK13:47
bitblitthermald auto generated a config for me with <Temperature>*</Temperature>. I can't find out math the asterisk means.13:49
bitblitalso, there is nothing in the man about what an active vs passive TripPoint is. they only doc the "max" value.13:49
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, They are not installed and you you removed them. sudo apt install nvidia-driver-43513:52
sammyg1321il try that13:52
RoseBushello, i'm trying to build a project from source using qmake, make, sudo make install.13:53
RoseBuson the "make" step I'm getting error: https://bpa.st/WV2A13:53
RoseBusi thought for sure I have <stdlib.> on my system13:53
eeosCaptain_Proton: yes, indeed, it does not make a huge difference from using twitter as such!13:54
RoseBusin fact using gcc i have compiled .c programs which include <stdlib.h>13:54
sammyg1321Captain_Proton: should i install any of the other ones though? im not sure why my gaming on linux lets say with CSGO is so slow13:54
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, personal I always download from nvidia website13:56
sammyg1321@Captain_Proton and how can i install it? is there a .run file or13:56
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, repo are great but with drivers you want latest and they may not be.. Yes, Linux run file13:57
sammyg1321@Captain_Proton il test out running that file13:57
sammyg1321thank you13:57
wedrlotuspsychje, Captain_Proton sure.14:05
sammyg1321Captain_Proton: im getting errors saying theres NVIDIA-Drm still running on my kernel but i already did purge and autoremove14:10
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, reboot14:10
wedrlotuspsychje, Captain_Proton it's fixed in the Gnome3 master branch for Ubuntu 18.04  https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/63914:11
wedrbut I have zero idea how to obtain this update.14:11
sammyg1321Captain_Proton: its recommending me to just use the package manager14:13
Captain_Protonwedr, one way to do it is disable the in Ubuntu and install dash to dock from gnome extensions14:13
sammyg1321yeah, im just wondering if theres an easier  way as right now within the additional driver i can get the 435, 440 and 390 driver and if that would be equivical to the website alternativ e14:14
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, try them if they do not work you know you have the website to fall back on14:15
sammyg1321alright il give it a spin14:15
sammyg1321Captain_Proton pc wont boot anymore14:24
Captain_Protonboot in fail safe disable all nvidia drivers then try one atime14:26
sammyg1321mind explaining how? I’m a bit lost m14:26
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, Recovery Mode https://www.howtogeek.com/196740/how-to-fix-an-ubuntu-system-when-it-wont-boot/14:27
sammyg1321okay so I’m in recovery mode14:28
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, can you go back to Nouveau driver14:29
sammyg1321not sure how, just gives me a few options like clean, dpkg,etc14:29
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, remove the nvidia drivers using apt14:30
sammyg1321lemme check14:30
ld50hi, i'm trying to use the new autoinstall method introduced with 20.04. i added "autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=http://bla.example.com:9999/" to the grub.cfg on the 20.04 server iso and re-packaged it.14:30
ld50the iso boots but drops me straight into the manual installer. /var/log/cloud-init.log notes "no kernel command line url found"14:30
sammyg1321so purge and then auto remove?14:30
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, yup14:31
sammyg1321Lemme chjeck14:32
ld50the http server behind bla.example.com shows no attemts to access any files14:32
sammyg1321Captain_Proton alright so im back in my OS14:33
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, try one driver at a time.14:34
sammyg1321Captain_Proton grand il go with that, worst comes to worst same thing and onto the next driver14:35
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, yup14:35
sammyg1321Thank you kind sir14:35
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, no problem :)14:35
sammyg1321Captain_Proton i think i broke something within ubuntu, any driver i install now just breaks14:50
ChristWI tried adding a custom URL scheme handler for an application, but failed. Can anyone help me debug this?14:50
sammyg1321Might just rebuild Ubuntu from scratch and try again Captain_Proton14:50
Captain_Protonsammyg1321, backup your home dir and reinstall14:51
sammyg1321Captain_Proton exactly, alrighty, so weird I’m getting so much trouble getting this graphics card to work correctly on Linux :(  think I’m just in bad luck14:52
m15kHey. Is there any ETA when 20.04 is popping up on: https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts ?14:52
m15k"Users of 18.04 LTS will be offered the14:57
sammyg1321Captain_Proton now i cant even boot into Ubuntu so i have a spare windows recovery drive, will reinstall Windows and rebuild a Ubuntu USB to reinstall14:57
bjarne333help: https://bpa.st/H4ZA14:59
DJonesm15k: 18.04 won't get upgraded to 20.04 until 20.04.1 release is issued15:00
bjarne333help followup: https://bpa.st/DIWA15:01
cow0wHi, wanted to know if it's something that familiar, I've updated to Ubuntu 20.04, it seems my "pip" within a virtualenv is now broken :O15:01
DJonesm15k: Looks like its the middle of July by default https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/10/ubuntu-20-04-release-features Mentioned right near the bottom15:02
m15kDJones: I see. Thanks.15:02
DJones!ltsupgrade | m15k15:03
ubottum15k: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d15:03
kenperkinsI don't know when it happened, but my ubuntu known_hosts know shows some sort of hash instead of IP, it makes diagnosing entries painful, is that configurable?15:07
ld50kenperkins: yes, set "HashKnownHosts no"15:08
kenperkinsI'm sure there's a good reason that's set to yes by default, reading now on how to decrypt the hash15:09
kenperkinsit's probably one way tho15:09
bjarne333pls help: https://bpa.st/DIWA  im getting libssl1.1 : Breaks: python-imaplib2 (< 2.57-5) but 2.57-1ubuntu0.1 is to be installed15:12
oerheksbjarne333, and on what ubuntu version?15:14
oerheksdid you propelry update before installing?15:14
bjarne333i dont remember15:15
bjarne333actually, offlineimap was already installed. i think i did apt upgrade15:15
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oerheksbjarne333, weird, as openssl is currently at openssl 1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.515:16
oerhekssudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # and myou might need to reboot15:16
bjarne333already did that. no effect.15:17
bjarne333but I was indeed told to reboot after I did that15:17
oerheksbjarne333, and what was your original command, what did you try to install?15:19
oerhekssome part of your story is missing, and parts do not match up. i like to know mor details15:22
bjarne333oerheks: possibly sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev15:23
bjarne333I also have unattended upgrades turned on.15:23
ld50i'm still stuck with the autoinstaller15:28
bjarne333oerheks: here is an interesting apt.log where apt decided to remove offlineimap in order to solve a problem: https://bpa.st/V3QA15:31
oerheksbjarne333, what gives apt-cache policy openssl ??15:35
bjarne333oerheks: https://bpa.st/T5BQ15:36
bjarne333I see ondrej which is the repo of some php packages15:37
oerheksthat is the issue, ondrej ppa overrules the original openssl..15:39
oerheksi never seen that before15:39
DarkTrickFYI: after upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 I could neither login, nor shutdown the computer. The computer needed to be hard-shutdowned thought the shutdown key.15:43
Deano59DarkTrick: you can't upgrade to 20.04 yet.. that'll come with 20.04.1 - did you force the upgrade? why not a fresh install?15:44
oerheksprobably autologin with nvidia drivers bug, see the !releasenotes15:46
netmonkhello is there a way to find the debug symbol package of libapt-pkg ?15:46
ld50ah, the problem with the cloud-init stuff only happens when booting via EFI. bios-style boot uses isolinux, EFI uses grub. grub seems to have a problem with the ; in the kernel command line...15:46
netmonk20.04 lts ?15:46
netmonkapt search is coredumping15:46
DarkTrickDeano59, the message came15:46
DarkTrickit's also on all 3 of my xubuntu machines15:46
DarkTrick"Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is now available ..."15:46
bjarne333oerheks: I removed the ondrej/php repo and im geting a different message now: https://bpa.st/DMGQ15:47
DarkTrick*3 xubuntus and 1 ubuntu in total15:47
DarkTrickoerheks, thank you for letting me know. It would be nice, if the update would detect the drivers and delay the message (even though I guess, it's actually nVidias fault)15:50
oerheksDarkTrick, disable autologin and you should be fine15:51
oerheksbjarne333, how did you remove ondrej ppa? just deleted the entry or ppa-purge to reverse to the original packages?15:52
oerheksthe last one should do the trick15:52
DarkTrickoerheks, thank you.15:52
DarkTrickThough, why would nvidia drivers prevent the computer from shutting down?15:53
bjarne333oerheks: I removed the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and did apt update15:53
DarkTrickshouldn't the kernel(?) be able to kill the machine?15:53
oerheksbjarne333, add it again, and use ppa-purge or add-apt-repository -r <ppa> .. else you keep this wrong config15:55
bjarne333oerheks: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ondrej/php -- didnt help :(15:55
iconoclastherohow do i go about changing icons in an icon theme?  i.e., the icon theme i want to use has icons that are not assigned for e.g., the education folder (in flashback).16:01
bjarne333oerheks: thanks! problem fully solved by using ppa-purge tool.16:04
bjarne333it downgraded a bunch of packages etc.16:04
d1g1ta1How do you change iptables INPUT ACCEPT (from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing) to BLOCK unsolicited inbound traffic?16:04
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ubiqueDoes anybody know the the commands to upgrade Ubuntu Mate 18.04 to 20.04 in terminal?16:32
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ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:35
oerheksi would wait ..16:35
ubiqueOk  I'll stick with 18.04, thank you16:36
oerheksbut if you cannot wait, prepare a fresh iso on usb first.16:36
oerheks* and read the releasenotes16:36
ubiqueI've got name@name-desktop:~s on my terminal, how do I go back to normal?16:46
leftyfbubique: back to normal?16:47
ubiqueNormally it's just name@name without the desktop bit16:48
ubiqueI'm new to this stuff sorry16:48
oerheksit looks like your computername, as you have chosen during install?16:49
mgedminit's the hostname, you can change this in System Preferences (if you like GUI) or with hostnamectl (in a terminal)16:50
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.16:50
oerheks2 places..16:50
mgedminhostnamectl should take care of everything (except maybe /etc/hosts?), I wonder why ubbotu doesn't recommend that16:51
oerhekshostnamectrl works, for this session, not permanently16:51
ubiqueOk thank you16:52
mgedminI think you're thinking about hostname(1), not hostnamectl(1)16:52
netmonkwhere can i find libapt-pkg6.0-dbgsym16:53
netmonkfor ubuntu focal ?16:53
zutatwhat are you trying to fix?16:54
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+package/libapt-pkg6.0-dbgsym   .. take a read first; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Non-built-in_debug_symbol_packages_.28.2A-dbgsym.2916:57
DocMorsin tasksel there is an option for lamp server, is there also a package to install nginx instead of apache?16:58
DocMorswith all the rest still in place16:58
themagiciananybody knows how can I change SNAP confinement from Strcit to Classic?17:29
oerheksthemagician, 1st place to check: softwarecenter > installed > <snapname> > settings ;; else reinstall with the --classic option17:30
DocMorshas anyone had issues installing mariadb on 20.04 server? my apparmor seems to be against running it17:31
DocMorsand I run only the out of the box repos17:31
themagicianoerheks it only has these two options?17:32
oerheksthemagician, yes?17:33
themagicianoerheks can I change the permissions by commands?17:33
oerheksthemagician, no, not that i know off..17:34
themagicianoerheks the software has created several direcriories. If I remove it I lose all and the back up is 300Gb. Can I reinstall the snap with --classic without losing that?17:36
InteloHow can I run 2 skypes on ubuntu?17:40
akemIntelo, Run a second one in a virtual machine in virtualbox for ex.17:44
akemIntelo, Maybe the web version of skype too.17:44
Inteloakem, any other solution?17:44
Inteloakem, oh ya. web based is fine17:44
elliot_andersonhey guys, im just having some trouble with colors on my desktop background18:07
elliot_andersonplease refer to the image: https://imgur.com/a/NHXac7V18:07
nelginHi all, any clues on getting  ipv6 to work under 18.04 without netplan? It looks like the interface is configured but I cannot ping the gateway. My vps provider gave me the ipv6/64 and the gateway. I configured /etc/network/interfaces but no dice. Does anyone have a working  ipv6 with gateway config they can please share?18:17
mgedminI have a VPS host with IPv6 (that I never use, since it's my only machine with IPv6 *sob* *sob*), here's how it looks: https://gist.github.com/mgedmin/a1073057a1d39edd4578ba7f3190088e18:23
mgedminthey gave me a /128, can you imagine that?18:23
mgedminone measly address18:23
nelginI only need one. :) Thanks for sharing.18:23
nelginYou could always use a HE tunnel. I use it on my home system and it works well.18:24
mgedminsounds complicated (and I'll try not to mention that my home router runs some openwrt build from 2010)18:24
nelginAh, I have HE tunnel running in openwrt18:28
nelginJust rebooted my vm so we'll see what shakes when(if) it comes up18:28
fuzeMy computer won’t boot with hibernate enabled since I hibernated when I had a lot of programs running. I assume I maxed out the swap and now if I don’t set grub to noresume it just loads up that corrupted hibernate. How do I fix that?18:30
nelginStill no dice.18:32
nelginI'm getting somewhere, I can ping my gateway now, but nothing beyond.18:34
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nelginOk, it's working, lovely.18:46
SupaYoshianyone here using an HP Microserver Gen10 with Hypervisor ESXI or something? I'm having issues enabling hardware passhtrough for the HDD's.19:06
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leftyfbSupaYoshi: you want VMware support19:11
SupaYoshileftyfb: yea19:12
leftyfbSupaYoshi: contact VMware for support19:12
d1g1ta1How would you modify the following to have firewall closed to externally-initiated inbound traffic?19:16
linuxrhi all. In apache's configuration layout, what is the difference between "conf" and "sites", e.g. conf-enabled and sites-enabled?19:24
leftyfblinuxr: https://serverfault.com/questions/934786/apache2-sites-enabled-vs-conf-enabled19:25
linuxrleftyfb, oh well...there's a stack site for everything it seems, thanks19:30
leftyfblinuxr: there's also apache documentation and tutorials from other sites that came up on google but I though that post was closer to your exact question. They would all answer your question just the same19:31
linuxrleftyfb, yeah thanks. It appears this is an ubuntu/debian addition and not designed by the apache people19:34
ph88ubuntu 19.10 offers me a dist upgrade but says it can only do a partial one, how can i fix this ?19:35
rjwiiiIn Ubuntu 20.04, How do I tell if a package is a SNAP?19:37
rjwiiiIncomplete question ... allow me to rephrase ...19:38
rjwiiiIn the Ubuntu 20.04 app store, how do I tell if a package is a SNAP or a regular package?19:39
Jordan_Uph88: Please pastebin the exact messages you're seeing.19:42
ph88Jordan_U, i see it in the GUI i can't copy paste from there19:44
Jordan_U!screenshot | ph8819:44
ubottuph88: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.19:44
Jordan_Uph88: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt upgrade" and do *not* say yes when asked if you want to continue.19:48
ph88Jordan_U, ^19:53
monocitocan someone help me add an repository to "apt update"?19:54
Jordan_Uph88: OK. Now please do the same with "sudo apt full-upgrade".19:54
Jordan_Umonocito: What are you trying to install?19:54
monocitoanbox, but it seems like apt cannot install from ppa:morphis/anbox-supprt/ubuntu19:56
RozhaJordan_U:  hallo i have problem whioth mail i cand send and get localmail , get from other mail service like gmail, but i cant send mail other service ?19:56
Jordan_Uph88: Are you developing software using OpenMP? If you're not, and not trying to use some odd not-in-the-default-repository program, then you should be fine saying "yes" and letting the full upgrade remove those packages.19:57
Jordan_URozha: Please ask the channel as a whole rather than pinging a specific user (me in this case). Once someone responds it's of course fine and expected for you to use their nicks in your replies to them.19:58
ph88Jordan_U, ok but where are all the new packages ? almost no chances between 19.10 and 20.0419:58
ph88Need to get 5.667 kB of archives.   ???19:58
RozhaJordan_U:  thanks19:58
Jordan_Uph88: This has nothing to do with upgrading from 19.10 to 20.04. You may have seen the two messages at the same time, but they're not related.19:58
Rozhahallo i have problem whioth mail i cand send and get localmail , get from other mail service like gmail, but i cant send mail other service ?19:59
ph88ok let me do a normal software update and then restart and try dist upgrade again19:59
lordcirthRozha, what is your first language? You might get better help in a language-specific channel19:59
ph88zwrastwutje !20:00
HackerIIwe, "the world dont trust you anymore..... prove me wrong20:01
Rozhalordcirth: i can`t send mail to toher service mail mabe my imap or smtp pop3 not good how to check it >?20:01
lordcirth!ru | Rozha20:01
ubottuRozha: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:01
Jordan_Umonocito: Why not just install anbox from the default repositories?20:03
HackerIIyou satanist bastards..have another thing coming20:04
lordcirthHackerII, I think you are on the wrong channel20:04
HackerIIprove me wrong20:05
Jordan_Umonocito: sudo apt install anbox20:05
monocitoJordan_U: alright, that was quite helpful didnt know it was in there20:05
Jordan_UHackerII: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you'd like to discuss your ban.20:05
monocitotrying to start anbox i get the error "Failed to connect to DBus"20:06
shibbolethwas this backported onto the versions in use by bionic and fossa?20:09
iconoclastherohow do i go about changing icons in an icon theme?  i.e., the icon theme i want to use has icons that are not assigned for e.g., the education folder (in flashback).20:13
monocitoalright now i tried switching to shashlik, which i am not able to install trying to run "dpkg -i shashlik_0.9.3.deb" returns errorcode 220:20
ph88i get a dialog offering a 20.04 update .. however when i click "Upgrade..." nothing happens. How can i upgrade ?20:36
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Rozhahallo cant connect root su20:41
Rozhait ask pass but not answer20:41
Rozhasudo command good20:41
Jordan_URozha: We recommend against ever setting a root password. We recommend just using sudo as needed.20:48
NoiseEeeHi folks, I have a silly question... on one server when I SSH in, I get a nice message and updates about packages needing updating, or the server needing to be rebooted. On another server (same Ubuntu OS), when I SSH in, I just get the command prompt.  How can I make that second server show me information when logging in, like the first?20:52
ptx0if i apt install nginx while apache24 is installed and running will it stop that?21:11
ptx0i don't want it to21:11
ptx0okay it doesn't whew Not attempting to start NGINX, port 80 is already in use.21:13
C0nundrumThis point directly to a bad controller or driver ? https://gist.github.com/dragonpiper/17e10c5a3814814f3eda6cf08f73c497 Started happening when i testing out gridfs in mongo21:19
C0nundrumDoes this*21:19
ubiquehello all, im getting this message when trying to update, any ideas? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fQGGCVyDRc/21:49
kostkon!aptlock | ubique21:50
ubottuubique: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:50
aroonii updated a bunch of packages on ubuntu 18.04 recently and now i'm having trouble simply ssh'ing to my mac mini:  https://gist.github.com/arooni/2a47ef9cda079d3e9ba6865d5197572121:51
arooniseems to accept the key but then hang21:51
ubiqueubotto  the results  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zT8J5kH9cJ/21:53
ubiqueApologies, im new to this stuff21:55
tomreynubique: is it fixed, yet?22:11
tomreynubique: ubottu is jst a bot22:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone22:12
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DoXiDAny reason why the installer would crash if I create a custom partition table where /home is mounted from LVM encrypted disk? (ubuntu server, 20.04, updated installer when prompted on startup)22:19
tomreynDoXiD: please report a bug and provide logs.22:19
DoXiDtomreyn: I did, but in a pinch so thought i'd ask here. The logs are massive and on a separate machine that I'm having trouble SSH:ing to right now.22:20
DoXiDI did create / and /boot/efi on a built in SSD, and mounted /home pointing to the encrypted LVM, all of which i created through the guide tool. Just felt weird that it crashes.22:21
tomreynDoXiD: i'm sure th logs can be shrunk with tar + gzip pretty well.22:21
DoXiDtomreyn: More a matter of then hand-writing said gzip from the HDMI display on to this machine :)22:22
Rozhahow to check po3 smpt is working ?22:22
tomreyn:) DoXiD i notice you said something about ssh not working22:23
DoXiDAs I have no idea how to get that gzip to you from the isolated machine (which has internet access)22:23
DoXiDHehe, indeed ^^22:23
tomreynoh it has internet access?22:23
DoXiDI might be able to get it working, if it helps I'll spend a bit of time getting that up and running22:23
DoXiDSure do :)22:23
DoXiDJust limited inbound access22:23
tomreyncat /path/to/log | nc termbin.com 9999    is a way to exfiltrate logs.22:24
tomreynone by one though22:24
DoXiDNeat, give me 3min and I'll sort that out for you :)22:24
=== benfrancis0 is now known as benfrancis
tomreynRozha: swaks for smtp, for pop3 maybe notmuch or mutt22:26
Rozhatomreyn how to look it ?22:27
tomreynRozha: i don't understand, whjat do you mean?22:28
Rozhatomreyn can i pm u ?22:32
DoXiDtomreyn: You don't happen to know where the logs end up? The installer just auto-restarted into the first stage: https://hvornum.se/20200512_002750.jpg22:33
tomreynRozha: i prefer to do support on the channel.22:33
Rozhai need help whith smpt pop 3 imap22:33
DoXiDNvm, /var/log/installer22:33
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tomreynDoXiD: glad you found it, since i can never remember22:34
Rozhai can receve mail but cant send22:34
ubique#tomreyn I think so thank you22:35
pi0i install an application using ppa, using gnome ubuntu 18.04 but my desktop icons are not located in traditional .local/share/applications22:35
n-iCeis it recommended to use zfs?22:35
tomreynyou're welcome, ubique.22:36
pi0any other location were they can be placed?22:36
tomreynn-iCe: does it say "experimental"?22:37
SomethingGenericHi! I asked on #debian but I didn't get any help for this. I installed firmware-nonfree and the correct driver package for my wifi card, but the known (correct) password for my home wifi doesn't work. Can anyone suggest some troubleshooting beyond restarting wifi22:37
n-iCetomreyn: yes!22:37
ubique#tomreyn I'm new and still have alot to learn, it's much better the MS Windows though!22:37
n-iCetomreyn: have you used it? will I notice any thing in performance?22:37
tomreynn-iCe: and that doesn't answer your question?22:37
n-iCetomreyn: nop.22:37
n-iCemight be experimental and work really well.22:38
n-iCeor work pretty bad.22:38
tomreynright, but if it was recomended it would not say "experimental"22:38
n-iCeso is not22:38
tomreynalso, it certainly depends on your needs.22:38
tomreyn(whether it makes sense to use it, not whether it's recomended)22:39
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DoXiDtomreyn: For what it's worth, here's all the logs I could gather: https://hvornum.se/debug.log.tar.gz and here's the visual representation of the partitioning: https://hvornum.se/20200512_002718.jpg22:39
tomreynubique: glad you like ubuntu linux so far.22:39
leftyfbSomethingGeneric: what version of Debian are you running?22:39
SomethingGenericleftyfb, debian 1022:39
tomreynSomethingGeneric: try ##linux or re-ask in #debian (main channel is on oftc). this channel is about ubuntu only.22:40
ubique#tomreyn I'm running 18.4 MATE through a Pi 3 b+ , seems good so far22:41
SomethingGenerictomreyn, thanks!22:41
tomreynDoXiD: did you also try the default (non upgraded) installer?22:42
tomreynDoXiD: any idea what this all numric storage media is? this looks unusual.22:43
DoXiDtomreyn: Not yet, but running it right now. It seams if I don't fiddle with the partitioning, it goes longer but crashes later on.22:43
DoXiDtomreyn: define numeric storage media? One is a built in SSD, the other an external storage device via a USB adapter :)22:44
tomreynthe 1TB is the external usb attached one, i guess?22:44
DoXiDYepp, hybrid SSD+spinny-disk via USB22:44
tomreyni was referring toyour screenshot https://hvornum.se/20200512_002718.jpg22:44
DoXiDAh yea, that's the external USB heh.22:45
tomreyni suspect that's be related22:45
DoXiDYea now that you pointed it out, it does give me the shills.22:47
DoXiDEven without touching it tho, it crashes. Going to try without updating the installer :)22:48
DoXiDNot sure if it's related, but I used `dd if=ub.iso of=/dev/sda bs=1M` to create the bootable USB (/dev/sda really is the USB stick)22:49
tomreynDoXiD: this should be ok. you may want to read back the data comparing it to the iso again, but i don't assume that's what's failing here.22:50
tomreynmy bet was actually on i/o errors or the like on dmesg, but there are none22:52
DoXiDtomreyn: seams like not updating the installer helps.22:53
DoXiD"copying logs to installed system" atm22:53
DoXiDaaand reboot. Ok, trying with the shady disk now. if that works, something with the new installer is wonky22:54
SomethingGenericHi, is there a reccomended way to remove GUI from an Ubuntu desktop install to convert it to a server install?22:54
tomreynDoXiD: that's completely unthinkable, new software versions are always better then the previous ones, don't you read relese notes? ;-)22:55
DoXiDhahaha, oh you!22:55
SomethingGenerictomreyn especially when they break everything about your one specific workflow :))))22:55
DoXiDSomethingGeneric: It was probably time to change workflow anyway ;D22:56
SomethingGenericDoXiD, oh, I'm not talking from experience. If anything, I tend to break my own workflow by updating too early22:56
bargI don't understand this for statement with no 'in' and it works  ~/aa$ find . -type f -exec bash -c 'for blah; do echo x; done' bash {} +22:57
SomethingGenericIs there some preferred way to remove all gui packages from ubuntu?22:57
DoXiDtomreyn: Wild guess, does Ubuntu support / to be btrfs? or does it need to be ext4 or something old school?22:57
tomreynDoXiD: btrfs should work, as long as you chart around the dragons (i assume there will be none in a default btrfs installation)22:58
DoXiDOk adding back the shady disk and it crashes again. Trying to isolate more info but it seams like that's the culprit23:00
tomreynDoXiD: make sure to overwrite any existing storage layer structures on it at the boundaries you're setting on the installer. sometimes the installer would try to handle old but half broken structures it detects on the storage and fail as a result.23:03
DoXiDYea i did "reformat"23:03
DoXiDevery time23:03
DoXiDStrange, I can use the shady disk - as long as I don't use LVM23:04
DoXiDLVM causes all the trouble right now23:04
tomreynjust overwriting the partition table with zeros could not be enough23:04
tomreyni.e. if you're having the partitionier create a PV on a partition (where, while the partition table is gone, the PV signature was still on disk), it might re-detect this existing PV after it created a new partition table if it's at the same partition boundaries.23:06
tomreyni'm not sure this is actually still a problem, but it used to be23:06
DoXiDAh, would converting between MBR and GPT solve this as a quick and dirty solution?23:07
DoXiDor would it detect it anyway23:08
tomreynDoXiD: this might shift partition boundaries just enough, but not sure.23:10
tomreynDoXiD: i finally found the erro message on your logs, though.     Volume group "vg0" has insufficient free space (238455 extents): 238463 required23:10
tomreynsyslog  -> May 11 22:27:47 ubuntu-server curtin_log.2310[2592]23:11
tomreynit's probably also in one of the other logs, but that's where i found it first23:11
DoXiDdidn't I use 100% of the disk!?23:14
DoXiDfml, let me reboot and reinstall again23:14
tomreynDoXiD: please also use a new encrpytion passphrase, turns out this is logged in plain text :-/23:15
DoXiDof course it is ^^ I'm glad that's from genpass random23:15
DoXiDso it wasn't my secret email password *gulp*23:15
tomreynDoXiD: i don't think you made an error about how much size you allocated. if you had assigned too little space to a critical storage the installer should not have allowed you to install that way. and this looks more like a miscalculation (maybe mebi vs mibibytes or something)23:19
DoXiDNope, something with LVM again, made sure to almost max out the paritions but save a little bit just in case. I'll go for vanilla ext4 all across the board and mount external USB disk to /home via ext4 and skip disk encryption for now. Poor customer has bee nwaiting for this server for a while now so kinda urgent to get it out.23:19
tomreynDoXiD:i suspect you'll be fine if you use power of two for PV / VG block sizes. you could still pvresize (to grow it to the size of the crypto layer) post installation23:22
DoXiDhumm, that might work23:22
tomreynDoXiD: this said, i'm out, and wish you good luck. actually this bug feels like i recently read about it on the bug tracker. maybe have a look there, too, either subiquity or curtin in ubuntu23:23
tomreynthere's also #ubuntu-server23:23
DoXiDThanks for all the help! Been a major help!23:23
DoXiDHave a good evening (or morning wherever you are heh)23:23
DoXiDI'll hang around and see if I can't help someone else, to spread the help around :)23:23
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=== indeed is now known as augz
OERIASHi, is there a budgie desktop channel?23:45
ubottuUbuntu Budgie is a community !flavour of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop. Its first official release is 17.04. As with all development versions, for questions involving Ubuntu Budgie 20.10 support, visit #ubuntu+1. Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 and 16.10 are not supported by the Ubuntu project. https://ubuntubudgie.org/23:48
Thetefor just the desktop environment?23:48
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ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"23:58

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