
OvenWerksEickmeyer: yeah even them.00:36
OvenWerksCarla would be the exception00:36
EickmeyerOk. That actually might cut-down on some stuff.00:36
EickmeyerYeah, Carla isn't really a plugin, even though it *has* plugins that allow it to be used as a plugin.00:37
OvenWerksMy feeling is that no one uses 10 jack clients and serialises them unless they already use a rack00:37
EickmeyerRight, and that's an excellent point.00:37
EickmeyerNo clue why a developer would create a standalone client for each plugin.00:38
OvenWerksThe toolkit does it automatically00:38
OvenWerksSo it is no work to add it, just a compile flag00:38
OvenWerksI would say lv2 only except I think there are some applications that only use vst00:39
OvenWerks (LMMS?)00:39
EickmeyerLMMS because they obviously hate LV2.00:40
OvenWerksbecause the devs are afraid of it... though I do hear it is coming. Also so comercial products00:41
EickmeyerThat's cool.00:41
EickmeyerThough, being afraid of something that has been around for... how many years now?00:41
EickmeyerLooks like at least 8.00:43
EickmeyerOvenWerks: "LV2 support is coming" since 2014: https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/projects/10#card-1978239200:46
EickmeyerThey only got some traction on it a year ago.00:46
EickmeyerAnd nothing since.00:47
OvenWerksYeah, aside from jack clients not building LV1 would not hurt either00:47
OvenWerksin cases where there is already lv2)00:48
EickmeyerBut then the LMMS people will get upset if there's no VST version.00:48
OvenWerksso far as I am concerned, any plugin that has lv2, lxvst variants should not have lv100:49
OvenWerksTell them to put in bug reports upstream00:49
EickmeyerOk, agreed.00:49
OvenWerks(to LMMS)00:49
EickmeyerI'll start picking-apart the seed tonight and figure out what needs to go/stay wrt plugins.00:52
OvenWerksThe main thing that is lv1 only are some of the specialized ambisonics ones I think00:54
OvenWerksThere is the small set of dssi plugins, some are already lv2 (fluidsynth) or they are suffering from bitrot.00:55
OvenWerksI guess so long as they still build they are fine.00:55
Eickmeyerdssi.... ew.01:01
OvenWerksin fact the only real use for dssi seems to be hexter?01:02
EickmeyerHexter is one of those that is ideally used as a standalone at this point.01:02
EickmeyerStill requires dssi stuff.01:02
OvenWerksbut xsynth and ysynth are problematic enough that they are only included because some other package we need includes them.01:03
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we need a desktop file for envy24control which decides to show up in video? to make it not show up at all (Dontshow=true)01:19
EickmeyerOr move it to the right place in -menu.01:20
OvenWerksI think you have hit the graphics/video stuff pretty good.01:20
EickmeyerIn terms of the email I sent?01:21
EickmeyerI admit the audio stuff needs further discussion/exploration.01:21
OvenWerksmidisnoop does not show up in the menu. and should01:23
OvenWerksI guess a bug report up stream... or is it proper to add one as a patch to the package?01:24
OvenWerkswe could add one to our menu package01:24
EickmeyerLet me investigate a minute.01:24
EickmeyerIt *should* have one, per the source.01:25
EickmeyerYet I see nothing in /usr/share/applications01:26
OvenWerksthat was I found too01:26
EickmeyerThere's even a ptach to fix the build.01:27
EickmeyerIt exists, it's just not getting built.01:28
EickmeyerPerhaps it's getting built, just not installed.01:28
EickmeyerAha! They botched the rules file. The .desktop file exists, it's just not being put in the right directory.01:30
EickmeyerI'm *technically* part of the Debian Multimedia Team, so I get to edit stuff. :)01:33
EickmeyerThis should do the trick: https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/midisnoop/-/blob/master/debian/rules01:33
EickmeyerNow hopefully somebody rebuilds that.01:35
EickmeyerAny builds at this point should auto-sync.01:35
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'm moving envy24control to mixers, removing from video.01:40
EickmeyerOvenWerks: drumkv1: Right now, we provide the standalone app. Should we switch it to the lv2 plugin or include both?01:48
EickmeyerMeh, switching it to the lv2.01:57
OvenWerksEickmeyer: envy24controls should not show anywhere because mudita24 should be used instead. Mudita24 is a fixed version.02:03
OvenWerkslv2 is fine02:03
OvenWerksfor all the V1 plugins02:04
EickmeyerLooks like envy24controls comes in with alsa-tools?02:06
OvenWerksotherwise we would not include it02:06
EickmeyerOk, yep, let's at least kill it from the menu.02:06
EickmeyerI'm not a huge fan of killing .desktop files with another desktop file, I think nuking it from applications-merged is the way to go. Overriding a .desktop file with another is a hack at best.02:08
EickmeyerI'll note we don't have anything that does that anymore.02:08
EickmeyerActually, I take that back. It's in -default-settings.02:09
Eickmeyer(odd place for it)02:09
OvenWerkshistorical reasons02:09
EickmeyerEasy enough to move.02:09
EickmeyerOk, that should nuke it from orbit.02:11
OvenWerkszynaddsubfx-oss.desktop is another that should go02:16
EickmeyerWe already have a .desktop file that nukes it, but again it's in -default-settings which you wouldn't have installed.02:16
* OvenWerks did remeber talking about that before02:17
EickmeyerI remember talking about it before, and we did that, but we haven't been consistent about where we placed menu-modifying items.02:17
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ok, in order to do that move I had to also backport a version of -default-settings I had branched. Also backported the fixes in -menu.02:58
EickmeyerUpdated seed, updated metas.02:58
tewardEickmeyer: FTBFS03:38
Eickmeyerteward: The metas?03:39
tewardlsp-plugins FTBFS in Groovy sbuild03:39
EickmeyerThat's incredibly odd.03:39
tewardmy build farm locally was eating resources because I had 12 NGINX builds ahead of it03:39
tewardlet me grab logs03:39
EickmeyerFor reference, the versions in ubuntustudio-ppa/backports were locally built.03:39
teward> for reference03:40
tewardyou're talking backports03:40
tewarddid you actually test Groovy lol03:40
tewardsee the build logs03:40
EickmeyerSorry, launchpad built, not from recipe.03:40
tewardit hard-failed03:40
tewardwell in this case it hardfailed03:40
tewardso IDK what you have in yours that failed a plain sbuild03:41
teward'cause i just created this groovy environment :P03:41
tewardi rebuild it every 5 builds03:41
tewardhence why it took my system a while03:41
tewardi can re-run it but if it fails again03:41
EickmeyerYep, backport has direct upload versions. Not built against groovy, so my bad.03:42
tewardi rest my case03:42
tewardyour updated version has to go against Groovy03:42
tewardsince we're focal-closed03:42
tewardso it fails in Grooby03:42
EickmeyerRight. Didn't think it would be that far removed.03:42
tewardwith the log i pastebinned03:42
tewardwell it looks like g++ errors03:42
tewardso perhaps toolchain differences?03:43
tewardor some dep along the way went wonky?03:43
teward(that's your investigation :P)03:43
tewarduntil it clean builds here, NACK on upload03:43
Eickmeyer^ You didn't have to tell me that. :P03:43
Eickmeyerteward: Reported upstream, they're quite responsive: https://github.com/sadko4u/lsp-plugins/issues/10403:58
EickmeyerWe'll see what happens next. I suspect a hotfix soon.03:58
tewardppa failure too heh03:59
tewardso NOT my env03:59
EickmeyerRight, I just tested in my own PPA as well.03:59
EickmeyerHad to in order to at least get a log that was better than a pastebin. :P03:59
Eickmeyerteward: I didn't think it was your environment, but would've laughed if it was.04:00
* StevenJayCohen sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PeuaCxGXxoVbFOFTnLOxWMUW >15:06
StevenJayCohenAgain, I told them their answer to #1 and gave them the link to 15.04 being way beyond EOL15:08
StevenJayCohenIf there is a guide for how they could update their own Multiverse entry, that might be all they need.15:12
OvenWerksWow. 5 years behind? you can do that with windows? and mac?15:22
OvenWerksI know something that old will not run on a new mac15:23
OvenWerks(Ardour and at least one other DAW have that problem)15:23
StevenJayCohenReaper will run on Win9815:25
OvenWerksArdour will run on win xp15:25
OvenWerksI don't know about 9815:25
StevenJayCohenSo, ignoring that bit, how do they update Multiverse so it stays in sync with the releases on their website?15:25
OvenWerksbut that is the wrong thinking, it is not so hard making it run on old stuff it is keeping up with macos digs every new release15:26
StevenJayCohentrue, is there a guide that I can send them about maintaining a Multiverse listing?15:27
OvenWerksI am not the right person to ask. probably the first thing is to have a launchpad account and keep a PPA up. That will have the system on launchpad build against the right lib and tools sets.15:28
OvenWerksthe same tools chain can be set up on their own machine (I notice from the conversation last night)15:29
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: the biggest problem we have with packages, is a change in lib/toolchain versions... often right at freeze time :P15:31
StevenJayCohenGot it, I found a good PPA explanation that I am going to send to them: https://itsfoss.com/ppa-guide/15:32
OvenWerkswe have lost some valuable applications in this way: GCDMaster, idjc, midimonitor, gnome2 (for that matter)15:32
StevenJayCohenA PPA seems to be what they really wanted. It just didn't occur to me.15:36
OvenWerksI don't see any reference to a git repo for it, so closed source but free bin. That may be difficult to do. I don't know if launchpad allows git repos that are private15:37
StevenJayCohenWe'll see. Maybe they'll eventually do flatpak15:38
OvenWerksor static build15:38
StevenJayCohenReaper does a static build15:38
OvenWerksA static build against X and alsa/jack I would guess15:39
OvenWerksOr like Ardour does things in /opt/package/own lib/bin tree15:40
StevenJayCohenin /opt15:40
StevenJayCohenI was checking how they do their GUI15:40
StevenJayCohenlibSwell with gtk widgets15:41
StevenJayCohensame thing they use for macOS15:41
StevenJayCohen(the libSwell part)15:41
OvenWerksI think /opt was the original flatpack/snap15:43
OvenWerksI think the newer snap does not add anything useful, flatpack I don't know well enough15:44
OvenWerkssnap removes the app from the system which is ok for some things... not anything with plugins though.15:44
OvenWerksand lots of things have plugins of one sort or another15:45
OvenWerksnot just audio15:45
StevenJayCohenI was shocked to find out that flatpak had better audio support than snap. I haven't had a chance to test that yet15:46
OvenWerkssnap is too far removed from the real system15:47
OvenWerksone can not have an application in a snap that interacts with jack on the system15:48
OvenWerkscause the snap app can't even see jack15:48
StevenJayCohenseems like a good solution for a server app15:48
StevenJayCohennot an end user app15:48
OvenWerkssnap has its place, but it is being pushed for uses outside it's place15:48
OvenWerksthe main reason snap and flatpack have apeal, is the ease of use from a dev standpoint15:49
OvenWerksbut when you add interface with the system, the dev has to know that part anyway and then these tools are no easier than just using /opt15:50
EickmeyerJust read the backscroll. A EOL release 5+ years old? That's a security nightmare. If they don't upgrade, they could become part of a botnet for all we know.16:37
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: The other thing they seem to be worried about is packaging, when that isn't their job.16:41
EickmeyerTheir job would simply to provide the source code and any compilation instructions. We take it from there.16:41
StevenJayCohenAgreed, no idea why they were supporting it16:41
StevenJayCohenThat's why I think they'd be happier with a PPA. It would be more in their control, which is what it sounds like they want16:42
EickmeyerThat's true.16:42
StevenJayCohenI've interviewed them before. Students at the university do various jobs. So, if its a PPA, then some students on their end could maintain it (possibly for credit)16:44
EickmeyerBear in mind though, even they're part of Launchpad, we can't support PPAs. So, when things go wrong because someone installed from a PPA, they're pretty much out of luck and need to contact the PPA owner.16:44
StevenJayCohenNo expectation of us supporting enything, just making it easier than them sticking a deb file on the download page that needs gdebi to properly isntall16:45
EickmeyerThat's an excellent point.16:45
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I could not find the source for that project.17:41
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Neither could I, hence it's closed-source, so they'd have to use a PPA or open source it.18:10
Eickmeyerteward: The issue with lsp-plugins is fixed, but it's going to be a bit. I'd like to see them do a new release first.18:11
OvenWerksEickmeyer: so audacity or mhwaveedit...18:25
EickmeyerAudacity is the more well-known tool. I'd go with that.18:26
OvenWerksaudacity comes with it's own set of effects some of which are quite good. mhwaveedit deals better with jack.18:27
EickmeyerRight, but audacity is cross-platform and more well-known to people coming from Windows and Mac.18:28
OvenWerksthe truth of the matter is that because this is a audio file editor and not realtime stuff anyway and so even using audacity with pulse is normally "just fine"18:29
EickmeyerExactly. It's not like you're dealing with more than two channels typically in that case.18:29
OvenWerksmhwaveedit has not seen much if any development (at least that is visible). So no I would not include it.18:32
EickmeyerThe only place where Audacity loses out is that it doesn't register itself as a Jack client, but for the most part it works.18:36
* Eickmeyer is tempted to drop qjackctl from the seed18:38
EickmeyerOvenWerks: You might want to comment back on Ross's reply.18:39
EickmeyerGetting rid of the ladspa plugins for calf definitely stopped the loading problems, but Calf itself likes to crash Ardour, iirc.18:40
OvenWerksEickmeyer: is my reply good enough? :P19:03
tewardEickmeyer: so they hotfixed but you want to wait for their next release then21:39
tewardSorry i got busy :)21:39
Eickmeyerteward: Yeah, let's wait for next release, my guess is he doesn't want to wait long on this, he has a couple other fixes to get in.21:39
tewardMakes sense21:40
tewardPing me when thats ready and we can run the builds again to make sure it works21:40
EickmeyerWhat I did in my PPA most recently (eeickmeyer/ppa2) is the build with the bugfix, and it succeeded. Just FYI.21:41
EickmeyerBasically, the LV2 headers changed.21:41
EickmeyerNot a g++ issue.21:41
teward Cool21:49
tewardAt least they were fast to fix it21:50
EickmeyerFrom their perspective it would've sucked to release something that won't build.21:53
tewardTrue xD21:56

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