[01:10] Hello i installed ubuntustudio 20.04 in a virtualbox. i do have troubles now to install the Virtualbox additions. [01:13] apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms brings me the error that i have to explicitly select one to install. shows a list with kernel versions .. [01:15] my kernel ist 5.4.0-29-lowlatency #33 [01:15] ciaobello: You're overcomplicating it. Open "Software and Updates" from the menu, and click on "Additional Drivers". It should show you what to install from there. [01:16] ok i have a look thks so far [01:17] We also don't technically support Ubuntu Studio run from a virtual machine as it has known to cause issues in the past. [01:17] *has been known [01:18] ok the drivers tab is empty anyway. [02:16] hello, i've got some issues to configure an alesis multimix 4 usb interface to the system, someone can help me please? [02:16] please explain your problem [02:19] i don't kno which is the right configuration for this device in the ubuntu studio controls [02:19] because if i connect the headset to the computer i get a sound delay between the guitar and the system , [02:20] !ubuntustudio-controls | menik667766 this might help [02:20] menik667766 this might help: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls [02:20] Follow that link, it should explain how to minimize that delay (called latency). [02:20] and if i connect the headset to the alessis i hear the guitar directly (clean sound ) and at the same time the sound from guitarrix [02:20] it can be used any value (latency) on the configuration for this device? [02:22] A buffer size of 64 or 128 should help [02:22] guitarix allows changing the buffer size on the fly [02:23] good i will try it [02:23] in guitariz under engine->latency [02:24] also i've got some doubt concerning if the device should be configured as alsa or jack? [02:24] I think gutarix requires jack [02:25] ok because i want to use the guitarix efects to record on ardour 5 , do you think is a good idea or better i connect the line out from my amp and avoid using software effects? [02:27] jack allows using more than one audio device and allows one to still hear desktop apps like firefox while using applications like ardour [02:27] it depends on which sound you personally like [02:28] or if you want to be able to try different amp effects on the same take [02:29] that is really an artistic choice [02:30] well im using a triple rectifirer amp, so the sound in real it's really nice, but i'm new in terms of recording myself and with ubuntu studio , so i'm quiete lost. [02:31] There are some amps (old tube amps) where I would want to mic them only. Maybe with more than one mic [02:31] The Fishman I have here I would use direct though. [02:32] Add the effects with software. [02:32] but in your case if it is easier to play with the right sound in your ears then record it that way too. [02:35] my mixer does not have a high impedance "instrument" input. so using an amp to act as a buffer sounds better. [02:47] ok i will try this tips tomorrow, thank you very much for your help :-) [02:50] your welcome [19:11] Pulled in ubuntu-studio-installer to kubuntu, installed logged in and out... But on reboot the thing is dead... What I can check for? [19:12] I get to grub that is now us branded. I can run it with generic kernel, but lowlatency is dead.. [19:13] Feels like something might be off with my grub somehow [19:16] Hmm... I might have pulled in gnome thingies too... Don't remember seeing them, but the wiki page about it quite explicit about not doing that in non gnome flavours he [19:20] Tried via the "advanced ubuntu settings" in grub. It chokes at "loading initial ramdisk" sounds scary... Lol [19:21] sakrecoer[m]: Something indeed does seem off. [19:21] Did you try booting with generic? [19:22] sakrecoer[m]: I am running kubuntu 20.04 with Studio on top. I added all of the packages in ubuntustudio-installer. [19:22] ^ Same [19:22] Yes, that works [19:22] lowlatency will be default so if you want to try generic feel free [19:22] huh. [19:23] Generic works, but lowlatency doesn't [19:23] uname -a [19:23] Linux music 5.4.0-28-lowlatency #32-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 22 18:35:27 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [19:23] I did this too [19:23] Uname -a when I boot with generic shows generic [19:23] Linux erich-Kubuntu 5.4.0-29-lowlatency #33-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 29 15:32:40 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [19:24] sakrecoer[m]: which type of boot are you using? [19:24] UEFI [19:24] (plain bios here) [19:24] UEFI here [19:25] so that seems not to be the problem [19:25] Linux basspistol 5.4.0-29-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP [19:25] I have added much software since then... build stack for everything I work on plus all the tools. [19:26] sakrecoer[m]: have you tried safe boot with LL? [19:26] (no graphic drivers) [19:26] I looked for TJ- (works on the kernel and uses lowlatency all the time) but it seems he's not online. [19:26] Is there anything I can look for? [19:27] * Eickmeyer is using nvidia drivers with lowlatency [19:27] are you able to boot into recovery with LL? [19:27] I have Nvidia drivers as well [19:27] I'll try [19:27] sakrecoer[m]: Did you install the Nvidia drivers before or after you installed the kernel? [19:27] sakrecoer[m]: nvidia drivers as in they were enabled after booting into generic? [19:28] yeah that :) [19:28] No they were automagically enabled after fresh install of kubuntu [19:29] I'm at the recovery menu for lowlatency [19:29] So before. Open Driver Manager from the settings, switch to the Noveau driver, then back to the recommended Nvidia driver. [19:30] sakrecoer[m]: that would seem to indicate graphic driver oddities. [19:30] Nvidia hell is real. [19:32] Hmm... Managed to switch to nouveau in recovery mode. Reboot but nothing happens [19:32] which is why I have intel... also because I do not need great graphics. [19:32] Recovery mode of lowlatency [19:33] nothing happens as in it won't boot or the boot is the same? [19:33] It won't boot [19:35] It does boot I'm generic with fugly resolution [19:35] But not in lowlatency [19:35] In* generic [19:36] I can't switch back to Nvidia.... Greyed out [19:36] That tells me that it's entirely possible you've had a hardware failure. [19:38] One thing you *might* try: complete shutdown and cold boot. [19:38] I did, and now I can pick again \o/ [19:38] Nice! So, there might be an imminent hardware failure, or it was just stuck in RAM. [19:39] But which one? -440? -340? -390 -435 haha oh boy burn Nvidia burn!!! [19:39] I'd say 440. [19:39] I'll go with 440 tested [19:39] Yep. [19:39] (but don't burn inside my machine Nvidia, don't hahaha) [19:39] Now, theoretically, since lowlatency is already installed, it *should* build against that. [19:40] as well as generic. [19:40] Holding my 8 thumbs [19:40] I'm crossing my 10 toes. [19:40] I love you people so much, even if it doesn't work I'm so happy you were arround... Haha [19:40] :D [19:41] Fail πŸ˜” [19:41] Oof. [19:41] Maybe another cold boot, this time into lowlatency? [19:42] Oh, wait...I need to do the nouveau/Nvidia switch in generic? [19:42] Wait... you were doing that in lowlatency? It shouldn't have mattered. [19:43] Maybe do-over but with a different Nvidia driver. [19:43] It seems to be giving you multiple options, and it could be that 440 is not the right one. [19:43] I'll try that! [19:46] I was doing it from the recovery mode of lowlatency [19:46] Oh, well at least you got lowlatency to boot. Just seems like we're not finding the right driver. [20:05] Things got even more broke, but it boots fine with kubuntu live USB.. I'll give another try but having nouveau Selected when I pull in UbuntuStudio oavkages [20:07] Might be worth an "ubuntu-bug linux-lowlatency". [20:07] Good call!!! I'm so rusty at this lol... Too late though [20:07] If it happens I definitely will do that [20:07] Ok, sounds good. [20:08] Is LVM something I should avoid? [20:08] Depends. It makes resizing partitions easier at the expense of a few other things. [20:08] Also allows for encryption. [20:10] I picked it because it sounds modern lol... Don't really need encryption on this machine. If it ends in others hands it's because I'm dead haha! And I might want fam to be able to rescue my art #vanity #yolo [20:10] Haha! There you go. :) [20:28] When untustudio-installer asks me if Jack should have real-time process priority... Should I give it? [20:29] I figure since it's not realtime kernel it should be no.. but I'm in doubt [20:31] Might as well. [20:32] Thanks! [20:32] It's strange how nouveau in live boot perfectly detects and manages my dual screen, but once installed, if I set it back to nouveau from the Nvidia that the installer activates, to I don't even get to chose the second screen in the settings... [20:36] That might be because the Nvidia drivers blacklist the noveau driver, so it goes back to vesa (ew!). [20:38] That would make sense... It's also awfully .... Unsnappy (lacking the word) [20:42] Sluggish? [20:42] Seems I'm very out of luck... [20:42] :( [20:43] This time after I pulled in ubuntustudio-installer I get no grub menu at startup... And it just hangs there in the dark πŸ˜” [20:44] But the Nvidia card works on generic, I tried to open blender and set it to use it all good [20:44] Doesn't seem to be any hardware issues... [20:45] This time I tried installing legacy bios though... My motherboard handles borh [20:46] You could just use generic. Most of the realtime configs are built-in. Granted, it's not optimized, but it might be a stopgap for now. Lowlatency kernels don't solve everything. [20:48] Well... This time arround I can't even boot into generic... But yeah, I'll give it another shot tomorrow and just forget about lowlatency for a while [20:49] The lowlatency kernel has been hit/miss the past few releases. This one is more hit than miss, but there's definitely some regression in the latest that I can't pinpoint. [20:50] It just got me that I haven't checksum med my ISO... [20:50] Well, they do auto-checksum anymore. [20:51] The scan at boot succeeds, but maybe just maybe I'm using a corrupt installer [20:51] But still not a bad thought. [20:53] It was fine... [21:15] Wowowow [21:15] wowow? [21:16] So this time, installing the from the live ISO, I didn't chose "install proprietary madness, wifi and drm media" option [21:16] That made it use nouveau. And then I pulled UbuntuStudio installer y and now I am on the lowlatency kernel. [21:16] \o/ [21:16] Let's see if I break everything by enabling Nvidia now [21:16] GL [21:20] It wooooooeeerked!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ [21:25] Yaaas!!! Thanks for all your assistance!!! [21:25] So, Nvidia needs to be put in at the very last [21:26] Not sure what else is of use in the proprietary madness + drm check box, but I'll see... [21:26] Cuda works in blender βœ”οΈ lowlatency kernel βœ”οΈ [21:27] NICE! [21:27] Tomorrow I begin soundcard adventures wihuu [21:27] \o/ [23:30] hello everyone! I'm trying to install Ubuntu Studio 20.04 in a Dell Inspiron 5759, but for some reason it won't boot from the USB. Does anyone know a workaround? I have another Dell Latitude and the USB boots just fine. I'm not sure what to do. Thank you!