[00:28] Hey y'all. I am using 20.04 and I am trying to add a vpn through network manager and when I install the network-manager-openvpn (or whatever it is called), it does provide the option to add it, or to import a config - but, it doesn't provide the options it should, like confirming the cert and that kind of data. This is even the case when I try to add it manually. I am comparing this to what I have been able to do in the past. [00:28] Any ideas? === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [03:31] still looking for how I lost the software package manager on the newly installed partition . Any Ideas ? [06:31] Xubuntu 20.04 Out of the Box Intel Screen tearing [06:34] TonyThuitai: if you have a look at man intel there is a couuple of options svz and xga iirc [06:35] the Xorg log should tell what you are using, try the other one and see if it helps [06:36] where is the Xorg log located [06:37] ~/.local/share [06:37] ~/.local/share/xorg [06:38] Noted. Xubuntu has xserver-xorg-video-intel driver installed but it uses the modesetting driver. [06:41] that might explain the tearing then [06:42] When the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver is installed it is used but in Xubuntu the modesetting driver is used. Which config file in Xubuntu sets the modesetting driver to be used? [06:43] in man intel The part I was taling abouut was Option "AccelMethod" which has choices UXA or SNA [06:44] TonyThuitai: The Xorg log shouuld say why it is using modesetting [08:02] How is the rtl8723de driver included in Xubuntu 20.04 because it works out of the box [10:21] hi, what does xubuntu use for setting default apps? [10:24] Deano59: https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/tree/usr/share/xubuntu/applications/defaults.list [10:24] the path to the file on your system is /usr/share/xubuntu/applications/defaults.list [10:24] nono, I want to set a default app but not running xubuntu. I want to know the name of the package xubuntu uses. [10:25] I found this https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/exo/preferred-applications [10:25] but don't know the name -,- [10:25] exo [10:25] E: Unable to locate package exo [10:27] package name is exo-utils [10:27] exo-utils set to manually installed. [10:27] how do I launch it? [10:27] exo-utils is already the newest version (0.12.11-1ubuntu1) [10:28] /usr/bin/exo-preferred-applications [10:28] I'm still not sure what you are trying to achieve [10:31] I'm trying to set "brave" as my default browser but it keeps opening chromium -.- [10:34] check your .config/mimeapps.list [10:35] that done it! thank you. :) [10:38] great [10:48] bom dia a todos! [10:59] o/ [11:02] Perfec7: Are you from Portugal?(Brazil more likely, i guess) [11:04] r4ulrm, check the invitation i sent you [11:05] #Argentina [11:06] r4ulrm, i dont care about that lol [11:06] r4ulrm, i like futebol but not the team [11:07] r4ulrm, to be honest... barcelona is a team that i use to watch more === Perfec7 is now known as Perfec7-Ausente [13:58] xubuntu rules the world [13:59] hi, I have a french keyboard , I want to set caps lock as locked shift I used gnome-tweaks but it doesn't work [14:01] how do I tweak my keyboard in Xubuntu ? [14:03] I am pretty new to Ubuntu [14:04] I got used to caps lock being locked shift when I was a windows user [14:25] how do I change caps lock behavior in Xcfe [16:48] I don't know anything about Linux, but I want my 11 year old to learn it. I am ready to erase Vista from on an old 2.2 ghz 3gb ram machine I have, but I don't know how to install xubuntu from usb. Is there a page to give me basic instructions? [17:18] how do you remove xubuntu from your laptop [17:19] ????? [18:16] hi [18:30] ok this is strange all of the sudden the Icons started working on the upgrade that I did from 18.04 iI think it functions. best out of the two installs i have on this lap top [18:34] I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the package manager on the usb install . === Perfec7 is now known as Perfec7-Ocupado [19:06] boa tarde a todos! === Perfec7-Ocupado is now known as Perfec7-Ausente === netnomad is now known as netn0mad === netn0mad is now known as netnomad [21:13] Anyone Know How to Change the defalts on the bootloader [21:13] Default [21:20] i downloaded gparted but I have two versions of 20.04 running side by side and i want to make sure I keep the right one . [21:35] !grub [21:35] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [22:07] Anyone here try installing kubuntu on a toughbook cf-31? [23:56] Hey y'all. I am using 20.04 and I am trying to add a vpn through network manager and when I install the network-manager-openvpn (or whatever it is called), it does provide the option to add it, or to import a config - but, it doesn't provide the options it should, like confirming the cert and that kind of data. This is even the case when I try to add it manually. I am comparing this to what I have been able to do in the past. Any ideas?